7:28pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 7:29pm Jun 15 2011)
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Posts: 597
Claire turned towards Shay and rubbed Shay's hand with her nose as an indication to follow, after that, the blonde she-wolf took off into the woods after Zara, hoping that Kasey was okay and the Shay was close behind her.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:33pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Oh my gosh, your bunny is so similar to mine! o.O ) Shay austomatically knew what Claire meant. This was her solution.. That would probably fail and was decided for her.. But still! It was a solution! Taking the oppertunity, she got up and made a mad dash for the woods following closely behind Claire. Wait, how could she keep up with a wolf? This whole near-death-adrenaline thing must be true. Shay was like a powerhouse! WOOOOO-HOOOOO!~
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:43pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"Hehe." The evil boy chuckled lightly. "I like this one." He nodded in approval at the blue girl. "As for the wolf, eh." He shrugged "Never was much of a dog person." The boy seemed to consider something, pacing out from behind the protection of his wraiths. He watched in bewilderment as the wolf broke through his encirclement of Wraiths. "Oh well, only need one, anyway. Don't chase her, we'll be back to claim that one later." He saw the blue girl attempt to follow. "Don't let that one get away, though." The wraiths at the back of the enclosure nodded, one of them blasting the girl with a small orb of pure shadows. A full sized orb could have easily knocked her untrained, newly powered body clean unconscious, but a small one would probably just cause a bit of a daze. "That oughta do it. Now make sure she's restrained" He signaled, smiling with content. "Careful now, my friends, don't hurt her." He ordered, the Wraiths closing in on the remaining girl, two of the larger ones seizing her arms. "You'll love it at my lair. Its more of a palace, really. You'll be treated like a princess." He assured with a smile. "So long as you behave. Otherwise, I have the perfect dungeon suite available."
I\'m back.
7:43pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 7:46pm Jun 15 2011)
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Posts: 597
The sounds behind Claire didn't sound too good. As she whipped around to look if Shay was following, she saw that she had been captured. Turning around, she rammed the Shadow Wraithes, hoping to save some time for Shay. As she fell to the ground, she returned to a human - coughing and groaning with pain.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:49pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 3,950
( ... Shay's a goner. xD; ) Shay was in shock. She fell down and was completely drained. Her whole body felt like it just shut down and wouldn't work anymore for now. Come on... I just need a burst of power...! "I.. I.." she uttered weakly. Her eyes darted to and fro, trying to find somebody to help her. The evil boy was going to take her to a dungeon! How would she ever get out?! ...Well, at least it sounded nice and it seemed like she'd be his favorite. NOOOO! DON'T THINK THAT WAY! If she got captured now - which most likely would happen - somebody would save her.. right? (Gotta go for tonight. D; Byee!)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:58pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 597
(( Bye D: ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
8:01pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Aaron bit down on his lip as he watched the scne unfold. The two, Shay and Claire, as he remembered their names, seemed to be growing weaker under the Wraith's shadow-thingymajig. He almost panicked, afraid that there was nothing left for him to do. It looked like all they needed was some...energy. That was it! Electricity was energy, right? Surely his Science teacher couldn't be that stupid. So Aaron tried again to control his electricity powers. And guess what? They actually listened! His face scrunched up, Aaron put up his palms, face out, and aimed at the orb the girls were trapped in. To be careful, he took a few steps closer to it, just in case it wouldn't work from so far away. Lightning bolts, although somewhat scattered, shot out of his hands and crashed into the orb, weakining it a little. It was enough so that they could probably regain enough energy to get away...if they did it fast enough. "Run!" Aaron shouted, sprinting away himself as the Shadow Wraiths noticed him.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:07pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 597
Claire slowly started to crawl. She looked up and saw the orange boy running for it. Why couldn't I just run... She thought. Pushing herself through the dirt and gravel, she wasnt' going to make it very far. I need to shift. Was the only thing that ran through her head. She closed her eyes for a brief moment. I can't shift. Was this the time to start panicing? She groaned and she pushed herself up. Why do I suddenly feel slightly stronger? She questioned herself. Aaron must've helped her. She started from a slow limp to a somewhat fast walk. Making it to the forest, she landed softly on her hands. "God. I'm so weak. Help me." She murmered to herself.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
8:24pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((-waits until she can make Elias useful again-))
8:47pm Jun 15 2011
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Aaron turned around to check on the girls when he was safe from the Wraiths, and noticed Claire on the ground. He rushed toward her and grabbed her hands, pulling her up. "You okay?" He asked, worried for this girl that he had only met minutes ago. He hated seeing people like this. ((Lol, Rika, I feel bad for you. xD))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:52pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 2,721
The Wraiths seemed nearly unnaffected by the ramming of the wolf- girl. They simply ignored her, and the orange boy, who'd managed to only slightly weaken the Wraiths' offences. (They technically weren't trapped in an orb, Shay just had an orb shot at her XD I can make that work though, no prob ^_^) "Leave the others alone, unless they get too close." He could see his 'friends' were tempted. They kept a solid grip on the blue girl, however, not ready to let go even if the world were coming to an end. "Why can't you just understand?" He chuckled, taking a breif pause. "At this point, you are weaker than ever. Your powers are unstable, practically useless, and a danger to yourselves." He projected to all those opposing him. His voice strayed from its typical soothing and mysterious softness, now loud and rigid. "I suggest you cut your losses, for there is no possible way you'd win this fight. My friends and I have been through years of training, and our powers are at a mastered level." His eyes glowed with intimidation. "You can't win." He repeated, this time quieter. And with that final statement, he commanded his shadow troops to march toward his well- hidden lair. The defenses around him and the Wraiths who held the blue girl were air- tight, and there was no chance she could be freed at this point To the average eye, his oversized lair was invisible, blending with the darkness. They stepped into what looked to be a black void, the lot of them swallowed into the interior. Until the colors were well- trained, the lair wouldn't be visible to them, buying the boss well- needed time. The place was well- decorated, rich dark hues giving it an elegant appearance. "Take her to the highest room in the tallest tower, as is classic." The Wraiths followed the instructions, tossing the girl into the room and locking the door. The place was secure, and very well- guarded. The insides of this room were, ironically, decorated in tones of rich blue. The bed was king- sized, the floor luxuriously soft. There was a standing mirror against the back wall, and even a fully- stocked bookshelf. "Send the servant to check on the indigo one." Making that final order, the dark boy headed to his own room. It was roughly three in the morning, and it was about time he got a nap. His servant, a messy- haired brunette of no older than sixteen, entered the dungeon chamber. She nervously paced to Elias' cell, peeking in curiously. "Hello? Do you need anything? Food, water?" Her clothing was tattered, but the boss' emblem was clearly visible. The black spiral with the silver cresent moon. She wanted to comment on his strange coloration, but decided that'd be rude. Meanwhile, Zara siddled by a lone tree back in the forest. She assumed she was the only one left, and she pounded a fist against the tree in frustration. "Damnit. There's no way I can fulfil this prophecy by myself. Not to mention its cold out here, and a decent campfire would be nice right now. But nope, I got stuck with Violet."
I\'m back.
9:05pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Elias stirred when he heard a female voice speking to him, the indigo boy slowly sitting up. He chuckled dryly, glancing at the brunette girl as he flickered briefly out of view. He was still exhausted, so his powers were still acting up. He coughed softly. "Water would be nice...and if possible a steak or something," he muttered, the humor in his tone dry and barely there since he wanted to go back to sleep for a few days. If those others had just run when he'd told them to, none of them would be here! ((Poor Elias. xD He tried to help out and everyone but Zara ignored it so he got caught.))
9:20pm Jun 15 2011
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Aaron could've sworn he had heard a voice...a girl, somewhere in the forest, deeper than him and Claire were. Was that...the purple girl? Uh...Zara? Yeah, that was it. Zara. He hoped she was okay. "C'mon, Claire," Aaron urged, taking the girl by her left wrist and running off in the direction he had heard the voice. "Zara," He called when he spotted her, not that any of them were particularly difficult to spot in the pitch-dark of the environment. Aaron ran to get to where she was. "You okay? Are any of the others here?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:50pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Poor Shay and Elias. D; Hm... I wonder if they will get saved by the others. Heroic adventure and a nice plan. Meeh.. Reminds me of Scooby-Doo, lol. SPLIT UP DEWDS. LETS MEK A PLAN. :DDD "U MEDDLIN KIDS U UNCAPTURED MY COLORED PEEPS!!!11!!!1!"
...lol.) Shay was regaining her strength teensy-weensy bit by teensy-weensy bit. Everything was so... hard to do. In the end, she was left partially unconcious. Once tossed into the room, she was able to sit up against the bed and look around. It was wonderful, a big bed most likely king-size, a mirror, a bookshelf. Hey, where's the bathroom?! Neeh.. When the time came for tinkling or something, she'd ask. Also, the room was her favorite color - BLUE! Except wasn't there already a bit of an overload of blue... Hence the blue everything on Shay? Ah, well. After a long while, she was able to stand up and walk around. It truly was a pretty room. A feeling that everything was high up struck Shay. If she was at the top, that'd be reeeally ironic. And a bit cheesy.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:23pm Jun 16 2011 (last edited on 6:23pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
"Water and steak, right!" The servant dashed upstairs, nearly tripping on the steps several times. The kitchen was vast and well- stocked, as the boss would have it no other way. She prepared a fine T-bone steak on the indoor propane grill, frying up some veggies to go with it. Lastly, she chose an ice- cold bottle of spring water from one of the twin fridges. Slowly, careful not to drop the surprisingly heavy plate of food, she returned to the dungeon. The food was given to the boy through a doggie- door style flap on the right side of the cell. She hoped he like his meat medium- rare, because that was the only way she knew how to cook it. The boss, unable to sleep, decided to visit his guest of honor. He ascended the spiral staircase, up and up and up until he reached the top floor. The Wraiths guarding the room unlocked the door for him, and without so much as a knock he made his entrance. "You finding everything okay?" He smirked, his regal black cloak bearing his emblem hanging at his shoulders. "If you're hungry, you may come to dine with me at the master table. Perhaps then we can get to know eachother a bit better." Meanwhile, back in the forest, Zara couldn't have heard a better noise. "You're okay?!" She beamed with delight. "I haven't seen the others. Well, actually, I think I saw Kasey somewhere around here, but I think the others are goners." She sighed, looking hopeless. "He took the blue one, I presume." Her voice quieted. "Yeah, that boss of their's works in strange ways. He plays favorites, but he's quick to switch up. Knew him personally, I did. Before... It happened." She wore a hurt ex pression, the past rekindling in her eyes. ((They'll be saved, no worries ^_^ Lolz))
I\'m back.
1:19pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Shay looked up with surprise at the boss. "Um... Yeah, everything's fine. I like the room." she said softly. A snack would be nice. After all of this high-action movie-type stuff, you get tired out a bit. Except would the food be safe or poisoned or something? Was he trying to hurt her or kill her? It didn't seem like it right now. Perhaps Shay was his favorite. Perhaps. "How high up am I?" she asked instead of saying anything about the food. She'd think about it for a while more then answer that question of the boss's.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:24pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"Yeah, I saw them take Shay. I-I...I felt really bad about it, too, but I just couldn't beat them..." Aaron sighed. He always felt terrible whenever he tried helping people and failed. "And you knew him? Who is he?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:48pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"You're higher than the treeline, does that give any hints?" The boss made a royal gesture, motioning to the sole window in the room. "I can show you just how high up we are, in fact. Here-" He pulled a braided black rope, the cobalt blue curtains parting to reveal a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest. A shallow river could be faintly seen in the distance. "But don't get any ideas." His gaze stiffened, his tone suddenly serious. "You see, we are veiled by an obscuring shadow barrier. You can see out, but none can see in. Or hear you, for that matter. So your little friends can't find you no matter how loud you cry out. And I wouldn't attempt to break that glass. Reinforced shadow technoology." He tapped gently on the window for emphasis. "Don't fret, you did better than you should have. Your powers... They're going to develop well, I can almost sense it." Zara reassured, then displaying a somber ex pression. "As for their boss..." The girl sighed, looking as if she didn't want to continue. "He used to come into the library often. He seemed to enjoy books on fairytales and whatnot, which I suppose is why he acts so prince- like. One day, when he came in, he seemed troubled. I don't mean to be the nosy type, but when I did some digging I found that his sister, well, she'd been kidnapped. They were close, I hear, and it tore the poor boy apart." Zara glared about, making sure no Wraiths were eavesdropping. "The Wraiths found him and took him into their care. He was corrupted by them, appearance and personality. Can you believe he used to be a blonde? Anyway, he never found his sister, giving up completely. He has a kind heart, I know, but its shrouded by mystery and darkness." She seemed to ponder a thought. "What was his name...? Ah, we talked quite a few times, how do I not know this... Ah, yes, Storm! Storm... I know in his watch, Shay and Elias will not be harmed. Those Wraiths are a different story." The violet girl sneered. "Foul beasts."
I\'m back.
2:57pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 3,950
"Whoa," Shay said, gazing outside. This really was ironic. Princess at the top of the tower - ring a bell? Plus, why would she get any ideas? What, did he think that she would jump out or something? She wasn't that crazy. Only purely insane people would jump. Anyways, the glass was 'reinforced shadow technology', so it should be impossible. The boss was mean yet sort of nice for an evil person. Except... "Do you have a name?" Shay asked. "I mean.. you can't really be named 'Boss', right?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:05pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 597
((Hola ^^ I can't post right now lol. Buy tomorrow I will :D just letting everyone here know I'm still alive!))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.