11:36pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"Of course I have a name." Storm managed a lighthearted chuckle, his amber gaze softening. "The Wraiths just refer to me as 'Boss' because it is a more formal way of adressing their leader. You, however, may call me Storm." He ran his fingers through his midnight black hair, which contrasted his pale skin in a way that made him look a near porcelain color. "Now." He offered his hand for the girl to take, holding a tall and proud stature. "How about the grand tour?" He showed a gentle smile, wanting to gain her trust. "No pressure, of course, you can settle in here, if you'd like." ((Thanks for telling us, Goldy ^_^))
I\'m back.
12:13am Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Elias blinked. He;d been kidding about the steak, but hey, he couldn't complain he supposed. It was a better meal than what he'd gotten in a while, actually...funny that he waslocked in a dungeon getting it, though. He shook his head at the strange irony before he stood up, exhaling softly as he closed hsi eyes. He slowly shimmered out of view, which caused him to start breathing unevenly again since he hadn't yet fully recovered. But hey, he had nothing better to do so he may as well practice his power, right? Then he shimmered back into view and made a duplicate of himself. He wavered a little, then leaned on the copy he had made. He was wearing himself out again, but he didn't have much choice if he wanted to build endurance and break out of here. His duplicate lead him back to the bed, where it phased back into him and he just kind of fell over onto the bed, panting rather heavily and looking exhausted yet again.
7:58am Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Shay looked up at Storm. Tentatively, she took his hand and got up. "O-ok, that works." she said. Storm was a nice name. The Wraiths probably do good to call him Boss, though, 'cause if they went around calling him by his name, it'd be sort of weird. (Oh Gosh. This was a truly fail post. Gahmg.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:28pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:33pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Aaron sighed. "I really hope they won't be harmed." He scratched at the beck of his neck, looking for answers. "Why did they take them in the first place, though, if they're not going to do anything with them?" He wondered aloud. Aaron wasn't used to this whole good-guy-fights-bad-guy thing, and he didn't like it. Maybe he wasn't cut out for carrying out the prophecy...
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:59pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 2:59pm Jun 21 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
"That's amazing..." The servant fluffed at her messy, thick curls, observing the indigo boy with content. "Look," She glanced in either direction, making sure the coast was clear. "I myself can't let you out of there, the boss would kill me. But the key is right there." She pointed to a black piece of metal hanging on a tarnished hook. "I think, with a bit of practice, you may be able to create one of those spiffy clones of yours outside the bars. Then, they could retrieve the key for you." She smirked, then displaying a look of concern. "But first, you're gonna need to rest up. Those abilities seem to be draining you. Eat up and relax for a while." Storm gently led the girl down the ongoing spiral stairs and through a large corridor. "May I know your name?" He politely requested, keeping a loose grip on her hand. The walls were adorned with portraits of himself, his Wraiths, and a few showed a scatter- brained looking brunette, giving the dark decor a homey touch. The pair wound around the structure, visiting the kitchen, recreation room, and guest bedrooms. They then stepped outside, greeted by the fresh Winter air. The vast center was enclosed by a tall and elegant metal fence. A medium- sized black mare seemed to notice their presence, trotting up to Storm loyally with a proud neigh. He released Shay's hand, petting the magestic creature. "Ever ridden a horse before?" He assumed not, the girl living in the city where animals were scarce. "Sylki here is real easy." He effortlessly mounted the horse, patting the space behind him for his guest to join. If it happened that she couldn't get on he was willing to help, as it wasn't always easy to lift your weight onto an animal quite larger than you. Back in the forest, Zara sifted her fingers through her plum- tinted hair with a yawn. "For one, the prophecy will be extremely difficult to complete with missing colors. I'm not even sure if it's possible. The remaining colors would have to compensate for what is missing. Plus, if they can pit who they've captured against us, it will strengthen their forces." She tilted her head, the moonlight shimmering down on the them. It had to be around four in the morning by now. "For now, maybe we should just get some much- needed rest." She shivered in the December breeze. "And we could use a fire. Where's Slade when you need him?"
I\'m back.
3:37pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 3,950
"My name is Shay," she said. If Storm had told her his own name, it was only fair to tell him her own name, too... right? Of course it was.. she shouldn't doubt herself now. A large horse came by, apparently named Sylki. She was beautiful. "Yes, actually, I have.. Only a few times, though," Shay answered Storm's question. She mounted the horse sort of easily, as her first try was a fail. But on the second she managed to hop up on the empty space behind Storm. "I really like horses," she said.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:53am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"I personally wanted a dog." Sylki started into a slow trot. "Never expected to get stuck with a horse. You see, several of the Wraiths found her and... Wanted to eat her." The boy shook his head in disappointment. "They really are strange creatures. Anyway, I stepped in and said I wanted to keep her. They can't say 'no' to me, after all." Storm shifted on the horse, scooching closer to her neck. "Hold on." He ordered with a grin, firmly grasping the reins and giving them the slightest tug. The black mare got the signal, moving in a faster gallop, dashing around on an ovular path.
I\'m back.
12:27pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Elias chuckled, a rather hollow sound. "It's not like I have anything else to do. I am kind of trapped in here, after all," he stated as he slowly forced himself to sit up. "I'm guessing you're not really allowed in here, either," he mumbled as he shoved himaelf to his feet. He moved to the door and leaned against it.
"By the time I get out of here they'll never be able to catch me," he stated, chuckling softly..
(Excuse the fail.
And does Elias get to be let out of his cell? ;c)
2:05pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(No. Shay is speshul. Jkjk, I bet Elias will have something fun to do soon. Make conversation with that servant/waitress girl/lady. :u ) Shay smiled as the horse went faster. She gripped what was nearest to her, which was part of Storm's shirt[Or whatever he's wearing, pff] and part of the saddle. "They wanted to eat this pretty horse? How dare they!" she said. After a moment, she added, "I also like dogs. All canines, really. They're at the top of my animal favorites list. Then equines and felines tie for second and for third all the other animals tie. Hehe.. I like animals a lot.."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:26pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((I'm waiting for the others D;))
I\'m back.
7:46pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:37pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Aaron shrugged. "I haven't seen Slade in a while, actually..." He sighed. "I wish my powers were strong enough to start a fire, like in the movies where electricity burns logs." He shook his head. "So, is it if we keep using our powers that they'll improve, or will they just do it over time?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
