1:43am May 30 2011 (last edited on 4:59pm May 30 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
Name: Kasey Groll
Age:17 Gender:male Color:none I'm human..well normal cuz the color's are human too right?
Appearance: Personality: Kasey isn't serious by any means. He is a jokester, prankster, hulagan, misfit, and so on and so forth. It's fun for him to play pranks on people. It makes him laugh and it makes others laugh and theres nothing he wants more than to make others laugh. He wants to be accepted by people and hates it when he feels like he doesn't belong. He is an attention hog and is often on the verg of being a drama queen. Pranking aside he can be serious but unless your in a dire situation don't count on him to take the situation seriously. History: Kasey didn't quite have a troubled past but he wasn't quite 'living the dream' either. He grew up like most people. He had parents and they pressured him about his grades and wanted him to good in life. They ocationally embarassed him but ussualy he did that to himself. He wasn't any diffrent from anyone else and thats way he liked it. If he wanted to be diffrent he surly could do that but he didn't want to be diffrent. He wanted to be accepted, wanted, normal.
Other: Nope
8:40am May 30 2011 (last edited on 2:32pm May 30 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
Name: Zara Age: 15 (Birthday December 23rd ) Gender: Female Color: Violet Appearance: *Excpet hair is shoulder length. Stands at 5'1* Credit goes to orginal artist.
Personality: Zara has a rather short fuse, to begin. The tiniest things anger her, and she's not afraid to issue a good tongue- lashing. And even though she's not the strongest looking (Or the tallest) person, she wont back from a fight. She's stubborn, and doesn't mind poking fun at others on occasion. She will, however, perform small acts of kindness from time to time. And if she cares about you, you're gonna have to read body language, 'cause she's not gonna come out and tell you. Well, maybe, if she really really likes you, maybe. She does have a strong sense of sympathy, though, and likes a good laugh. Unless she's the subject of the joke. Then you're gonna hear about it. But you must recognize that when she lashes out at a friend, it may be because they made a mistake that could have caused them danger. Even if she makes these same rash mistakes. This is because Zara is the protective sort, even if she isn't the best for the job. Yeah, she'll throw herself on the line for others, even if they're sworn enemies. History: I don't mean to give a huge drama sob story, but her mother ran out on her and her father when she was only four years old. Her father, already sick by this time, passed eight years later. This left Zara by herself. She, as a twelve year old, couldn't manage to keep her house. One day a kind man found her, sitting tattered, pale, and underweight on the streets. He gave her a place to stay, and she was very grateful. This series of events caused her to grow up a little faster than most, deeming herself an adult two years after that kind man took her in. She left with the little bit of money she'd scrounged, not wanting to burden him any longer. The next day, she took on a position at the library, organizing shelves. She uses this to her advantage, often reading and gathering info late into the night. She likes to know things, mainly because her father himself was a wise and much- knowing man. Still trying to save for her own home, she lives in the back room of the library.
Other: Nope ^_^
((Turns out I read the schedule wrong ^_^ No work today~ So I looked pretty dumb when I came in this morning D; But then we went out and browsed a few stores, which made up for that ;D))
I\'m back.
3:01pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 2,721
Zara's tired blue eyes hazily surveyed a recent news issue. 'Rainbow prophecy to occur tonight' The article was titled. The black haired girl seemed to chuckle at this. How could such a thing happen? Seven rainbow warriors were to fight the darkness and restore the hidden rainbow, that just about summarized the article. She gently dragged a second paper to her view, this one more fragile and yellowed. It was dated back about fifty years, and she was very lucky to have found it in the non- fiction section the day before. She skimmed through, delighted at the amount of information in this passage. It even spoke of a little- known- of white warrior (Wink, wink, Dart ;D), who was supposedly very important to the prophecy. After all, Zara had read that white was a combination of all the colors of light, so it did make sense. The white warrior was said to be the final piece when the rainbow was repaired, giving it it's luster and finishing touches. But the power of this color was unknown, if they even did have a power.
Clearly finished with all this, Zara slid the parchment aside, rising from the table she'd perched at and exiting the cluttered building through the front door. It had rained just recently, leaving puddles scattered about, the sky still dark and gloomy. Of course, this girl happened to like the rain. She approached the side of the road. Traffic was moving fast as usual. The unexpecting bright- eyed girl didn't have time to react when a blatantly speeding Minivan dahsed by, kicking a puddle up. A fountain of water towered over her for a split second before engulfing her entire body. Thank goodness it wasn't muddy, or she'd have thrown a huge fit. "What the hell is your problem?!" The angered girl raised a fist in a threatening gesture. They most likely didn't hear or see her, but to Zara it didn't matter. She attempted to squeeze the moisture out of her clothing, the cold weather attacking her damp skin. A shudder overcame the girl, the breeze so frigid her bones felt frozen.
I\'m back.
3:03pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 411
OOC: D: I can't read all of your post
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:05pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Screen stretch?))
I\'m back.
3:06pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Dart's link is stretching the page. :U))
3:11pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((If everyone knows what Kasey looks like I can just delete the link and that would solve the problem))
3:14pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((You can also use the link insert tool and attach a link to a single word. 'Tis in the tool bar next to the picture insert thing.))
I\'m back.
3:15pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Oh I never got how to do that XD))
3:17pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Type a word such as: Here, and highlight it. Click the link button and paste the url into the appropriate field ^_^))
I\'m back.
3:18pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Thanks I got it. Should I just post now or.....))
3:20pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Post away! ^_^))
I\'m back.
3:25pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Or copy/paste the link into the insert picture thingy and the actual picture will show up. If it's a page-sreching picture than you can resize it :D))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:30pm May 30 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,578
((Ok!)) Kasey walked down the street the collor of his jaket pushed up to keep some of the cold air from rushing down his neck an into his jaket. His hands were hiden in in his pockets to keep them as warm as possible. It was slightly sprikling from the dark gray clouds above but Kasey didn't mind much. He didn't like the rain but he wasn't opposed to it either just as long as he wasn't freezing. He saw from a distance a girl get completly soaked by a car that rushed by into a puddle. He couldn't help but laugh slightly. He felt bad for the girl but he didn't know he so he didn't care all that much. He was on his way to the movie store down the street. Him and his buddies allways watched movies at each others house on rainy days. Ussually they were scary moves but they also mixed in Comedy sometimes as well. He passed the girl who was soaked and noded in a greeting just to be nice like he did to every body. He rememberd he had done so to the principle of his school one aternoon after he had just imploded the girls bathroom. The look on the mans face was priceless. It was a mixture of anger, confision, and something else Kasey couldn't figure out but either way it made him look constipated. He trided to supress a smile but he couldn't as he opened the door to the movie store.
4:07pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 4:36pm May 30 2011)
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Posts: 10,925
"'Sup, man?" Aaron was greeted with yet another hand holding up, in the gesture of a high-five. Without even looking at the person who owned the hand, he slapped it with his own, hitting it spot-on. "Hey, uh..." Aaron looked at the dude who just high-fived him. "Chad." Chad worked at the coffee shop that Aaron loved to go to on Sundays. Chad meant well, but he talked...a lot. "Yo, dude, did you hear about this nonsense?" Chad asked Aaron, shoving a newspaper into his hands. "Rainbow Prophecy at Midnight," read the headline. Chad watched as Aaron read the article, asking him pointless questions that Aaron pretended he didn't hear. When he was done, he gave the newspaper back to Chad and Chad asked, "Do you believe that's really gonna happen?" Aaron scoffed. "Hell no, man. That stuff only happens in books."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:18pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 4:18pm May 30 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 411
Looking around nervously as if someone was tailing after her, the young brown (at the moment for now)-haired girl held the handle of her umbrella close; twirling it a bit in her hands. Today she was wearing a simple, white summer dress, a lawngreen rain coat, and white flats. She knew today was gonna be a rainy day, but she had no idea the aftermath would be so gloomy and wet. Continuing her walk home, she saw a black-haired girl get splashed, causing Rozalin to frown. "That poor girl... she must be soaked..." she murmured sadly with a sympathetic frown, watching the girl for a quickly moment before cotinuing to walk. Rozalin really did hope that the girl was going to get home safe. It was too cold to be out here for long. Soon the girl arrived home, finding herself curled up on the couch in a white fluffy robe and sipping some hot cocoa. Her parents were gonna be late from work it seemed... oh joy. She was glad she had escaped the frigid weather. Reaching for the remote she turned on the TV. The News was blabbing about silly stuff. 'Rainbow Prophecy'? In her opinion, it was just blasphemy. Pure and unadulterated blasphemy. At the same time, it did intriuge her. That was the thing about legends... you couldn't help but be interested in them because you never knew if they were true or not. This one seemed false to her.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:29pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
"Ouch," Claire murmured to herself, watching the black haired girl get soaked. "That's not good..." Running, but more in a skipping motion Claire haulted infront of the dark haired girl ( Zara ) "Would you like my jacket? I don't need it, I love the rain. I mean, I love the rain, but I also love this weather," she said with a smile ear to ear. She paused for a moment then held her hand out, her amber eyes watching this girl with confusion. "The name's Claire," she stated with a small giggle. (( Gahh D: curse yellow! Can everyone see/read this color?))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:34pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey picked up a few movie before going to the front desk to buy them, "Hey Sal" Kasey greeted the man at the cash register. "Hey have you heard about the rainbow people?" Sal asked scanning the movies and typing in things into the machien. "Uh yeah I think they were called the rainbow prophecy but close enough." Kasey had a smile on his face as he patted the guys shoulder. "It's true ya know" Sal said looking at Kasey and handing him a plastic bag with the movies and reciet in it. Kasey handed the guy some money, "Of course it is Sal, Of course it is" Kasey shook his head. "No it's true I know because" he looked around the room to see if anyone was listening. He leaned closer to Kasey over the desk, "Because I'm the white warrior." Sal straitended up and put the money in the register handing him back some change. "God told em, In my dreams" He was completly serious but Kasey didn't freak out Sal was like this all the time. He was a relios freak. He took the thing a little to far but how was Kasey to judge he took pranking a little to far sometimes. "But Ehite isn't a color?" Kasey said. Sal shruged, "see ya later" He waved to kasey as he lefted the store.
4:38pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
((Isn't white a shade? xD; ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:39pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((No thats black white is a tint))