4:40pm May 30 2011
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((-tapes mouth- c: dunn' listen to Goldeh!))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:42pm May 30 2011
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(( -ripes tape off mouth- But I want toooo!))
4:48pm May 30 2011
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((am i behind?))
4:49pm May 30 2011
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((Not really Rocca, just intros :D Okay, you may listen to the wise Goldeh! I'm full of useful information xD))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:50pm May 30 2011
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((YAY! XD))
4:54pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
((Where be Kate, Dart? 3: ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:56pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 4:57pm May 30 2011)
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(( -shrug- I don't know I'm not a...um....I don't know alright))
5:04pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 5:04pm May 30 2011)
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Slade closed his eyes,breathing in the soot and garbage smelling air,warm and damp.Making him cringe.Memories of when everything smelled like sweet fresh earth instead of the stench that eminated from the city.Walking down the street,wearing a pair of blue jeans and plain black shirt and leather jacket.His eyes shifted to the ground,trying to stay out of anyones noticing eye,suddenly the winds picked up lifting a dirty wet news paper to his feet. Slade bent over and picked it up,his eyes scanning the headline. Soemthing about a raindbow prophecy. What nonsense,he laughed silently to himself.Seems like the news can get people to believe anything anymore.Just another dumb story everyone will forget about soon enough.Hearing a splash he lifted his head to the noise seeing a girl get soaked with dirty gutter water.Slade's face softened in pity but there was nothing he could do.It was eaier just to walk on by like nothing happened.But someting in him so unlike his usual self compeled him to walk over and ask the girl if she was okay. "uh,are you okay miss?"Slade said walking over to her.She didnt seem very happy.

5:15pm May 30 2011
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Claire looked at Slade with a slanted look. "I'm pretty sure she's cold.." Claire said with a sigh, scratching the top of her head, her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders. She looked at Slade for awhile longer, trying to make out what his personality was like. She smiled again, this time facing him. "The name is Claire.."

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
5:15pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
((Dart-Vader! :D hehe.))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
5:25pm May 30 2011
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((Goldeh locks HA!)) Kasey left the store and walked back the way he came passing the wet girl now surrounded by a guy and another girl. Jeez she was only wet. Sure it was cold outside and she wet but so what. She could still walk he was sure but oh well he didn't think it was worth it go and complain to them that she was only wet it wasn't like she was dieing but again, not worth the trouble. His colloar was flipped up against his neck again as he walked down the street twords his house. It wasn't terribly big but it wasn't quite a shak either. A normal sized house he would say. He walked through the front door into the living room to see his friends all sitting on the couch infront of the T.V. witha each their bowl of popcorn and their fave movie snak. There was a spare bowl of popcorn and a pack of redvines on the coffee table for him. He put in the first movie a sacry movie for them the watch as he sat down on the couch and ate his food. His friends alked the whole while through the movie jumping up when a creature with hidious features jumped out of a closet twords a damsel now in destress. He was getting quite bored of the singular plot line for all scary movies now a days but he didn't ob ject.
5:39pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
((Creative Dart-Vader! :D >.> Claire is just gonna walk away now...)) Catching sight of a guy walking by, Claire smiled. Walking away from the boy and wet girl, she walked down the street alone. Sighing, a ball of puff pushed its way out her mouth. Walking towards a small garden, she took a seat and took in all the scents of different parts of the city. Watching time as it moved by her, she felt alone - a presence that was barely with her.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
5:47pm May 30 2011
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"Guys i'm gonna go walk around I've seen this movie before so yeah." He got up taking his redvines with him as he walked out the door with his jaket. He put on his jacket stuffing the redvines nto his pocket and eating little bits of it ata time as he walked around. For some rason he didn't feel like watching a movie today. The rainbow praphecy was still on his mind. He knew it was fake but it was still cool sounding. He ate a peice of a redvine as he turned into a smaller street. He was walking slowly just taking in the scenery. There wasn't much to see that he hadn't seen before though. He had lived in this place since he was in kindergarden and he knew this place like the back of his hand. All he could hear besides the distand sound of cars rushing over puddles and the slick wet ground was the sound of his shoes scuffing up against cement. The small of the wet ground came to his noes and he took in the delightful smell closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again.
5:52pm May 30 2011
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"Claustrophobic, much." Zara muttered, creating a 'Step back' Motion. "I think I'm okay, just water after all." The girl stiffened, attempting to hide her frantic shivers. She observed, a bit confused as that other girl wandered off to someplace new. "Eh, I get that reaction often." Shoulders shrugged, her glare focused on her now lone guest. "So, she's Claire, huh." This girl didn't like to forget a name. "I'm Zara, in case you wanted to know." The smile she displayed was proud and lopsided. Before asking for his name, she curiously yanked her pocket watch out of it's cozy slot in her pocket, clicking it open. "Nine- fifteen." She said aloud. "Just a little longer until that rainbow mumbo- jumbo." She chuckled softly, yawning. Tomorrow was also her birthday, but nearly nobody knew of that. "Ah, and your name is?" She barely managed to utter these words as her stomach interrupted, rumbling furiously. She hadn't eaten all day, too busy with her reading and whatnot.
I\'m back.
6:05pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
((When do all of them meet for this huge happening? :3 & do you want Claire and Kacey to meet up, Dart-Vader? :D))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
6:09pm May 30 2011
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((Sure)) Kasey saw a garden not to far off and dicided it wouldn't be a bad place to go. He walked into it automaticly seeing a fountain in the middle of it. It wasn't to tall but with the little vine details around it it look quite pretty. The next thing he saw was that girl that was with the wet girl not to long ago. He noded to her and walked up to her, "Hey I'm Kasey" He said a smile on his face. He liked to meet new people mostly because they don't get as angrey when he pranks them but also because it's fun. Some people are anti-social well he's just the opposite. His mother calls him a social butterfly but he didn't like that term because he didn't like bugs but he never objected for fear of hurting his mothers fragile heart.
6:17pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
"I'm Claire," she waved with a smile. "It's nice to meet you Kasey," still smiling she patted the bench - an offer for him to sit down with her. "Soo.. have you heard about this whole rainbow prophecy lately?" She asked, trying to get the butterflies out of her stomach. Kasey had been a new face to her, unlike the wet girl and the other boy, she had seen them around town.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
6:22pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 6:23pm May 30 2011)
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Kasey sat down next to Claire, "Yeah it sounds crazy." He said with a slight laugh remembering Sal. "Do you believe it?" He asked. He wouldn't judge her if she did it would be the same thing as with Sal...except she would actually be saine beside's that to him. "Although I guess it would be pretty cool to be one of the colors or the white warrior any of them sounds cool to me at least." He said trying to keep the conversation going. "Want one?" He asked ofering Claire a redvine. ((Grr my siggy isn't working could you help meh goldeh? pwitty pwease?))
6:25pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 597
"I'd love to believe it, but with people these days, you never know," she said with a smile, her amber eyes looking into him. A small gust of wind caught her blonde hair blowing it in his direction. "If I were to choose a color of the rainbow though, I'd choose yellow. Only because it's a vibrant and beautiful color," giggling, she readjusted her hair.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
6:34pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 6:34pm May 30 2011)
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"I would choose..." He thought a moment, "..I don't which I would choose they all seem pretty cool to me." He said watching as he hair fluttered away. From what Kasey knew about Claire she did seem like she would fit the color yellow but he also didn't know her that well. She seemed nice and fun but that could just be a cover. It didn't seem like it though. He highly doubted that Claire was a diffrent person than she was showing others. ((Epic Fail post XD))