Run away... (Pokemon - Human Hybrid RP)

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5:53am Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 12:36pm Aug 5 2012)

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Posts: 2,052
Can you imagine what it's like to be completely alone? To have nobody to turn to in your times of need and to have nowhere to go? To be shunned by society just because you're a little bit different....can you imagine that?

That's what it's like for The Destined. These people have the DNA of a Pokemon deep inside them and when the time calls for it they can partially or fully transform into their inner Pokemon. The Destined are treated like freaks of nature for their unusual abilities; they are shunned from normal society. Some people, like Team Darkside, think that anyone with the DNA of a Pokemon should be killed. In fact, Team Darkside are actively searching for The Destined with the aim of killing them...or permanently turning them into Pokemon for their own evil plans.

Can The Destined stay out of Team Darkside's grasp?

Standard RP rules apply here (respect other pla[injection]yers, no PP or GM, etc). Romance is makes the RP more fun (^_^). Shiny Pokemon are allowed, and and this also applies to Inner Pokemon (by the way, your Inner Pokemon may also be part of your party if you wish, and this applies to legendaries as well). You can have any Pokemon as your Inner Pokemon, including Legendaries, except for the following: Ditto, Mew, Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie. Also, if you have multiple characters then only one of them can have a legendary Pokemon as their inner Pokemon.


Inner Pokemon:
Human-form Looks:
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:
History (optional):
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only):

Here are my characters:

Name: Juliette Luna
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Inner Pokemon: Liepard
Human-form Looks:
Black Hair And Purple Eyes, Flowers Moon Girl
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:
Personality: Quiet, nervous and painfully shy around humans. Juliette is very easily scared, and barely knows how to socialise with humans; in fact, she does her best to avoid humans wherever possible. In reality, though, Juliette is a sweet girl with a heart of gold. Earn her trust and you'll find the kindest and most loyal ally you could ever hope to meet. What she really needs is someone to open up her heart to, someone who would understand why Juliette is as shy as she is.
History (optional): Even before she discovered her Inner Pokemon, Juliette has had a very hard life; bullied by acquaintances and family alike because of her lack of physical strength. She had just one friend in all that time, and that friend was a wild Liepard that lived in the woods near Juliette's house. The bullying got even worse when Juliette befriended an Absol (shortly before an earthquake wrecked the town; the Disaster Pokemon got the blame, but so did the unfortunate Juliette), and worse still when she discovered her Inner Pokemon. Eventually the emotional trauma all became too much for Juliette and she ran away from home. The wild Absol and Liepard raised Juliette as their own, and Juliette came to an inner conclusion that she could only ever trust Pokemon, and not humans.
Juliette grew very attached to her forest Pokemon friends, but the ones she shared the closest bond with were her Absol and Liepard friends, a Meganium, a Hydreigon and a Musharna. The latter Pokemon typically never battles, but rather stays beside Juliette when she sleeps because of her tendency to have terrible nightmares as a result of her traumatic past; whenever she has a nightmare Musharna will eat Juliette's dream to help the girl sleep soundly.
Another, more recent, traumatic event in Juliette's life was an encounter with Team Darkside; she only just escaped their clutches.
Abilities:Once transformed, Reila has the ability Limber and can utilise the moves Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Hone Claws and Return (coincidentally the same moves as her Liepard friend). She also has greatly enhanced agility.
Pokemon: Nala (female Liepard), Ruby (shiny female Absol), Mama (female Meganium), Brutally (female Hydreigon), Daydream (female Musharna).
Crush: OPEN (looking, ask)
Other: None...

Name: Reila
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Inner Pokemon: Latias
Human-form Looks:
Anime red hair
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:
Personality: Generally quiet, Reila would much rather spend time alone than socialise much with others. Despite her secretive nature, though, she is a greatly loyal Pokemon of great intelligence and strength in battle. Her intelligence is usually reserved only for the most complicated of intellectual problems or for use helping her friends. Reila has a passion for music and will often sing when she thinks that there are no humans around to hear her. That's a shame, though, because Reila has a beautiful voice.
History (optional):  Reila was raised in a kind home; she had friends both human and Pokemon (her first Pokemon was a Cyndaquil) and she loved to sing to them. One day the legendary Latias was drawn to Reila's song and thus developed an unbreakable bond with her. However, when Reila discovered her Inner Pokemon she ran away from home out of fear and shame. Latias followed Reila, helping her every step of the way. Reila continued to sing, and in doing so befriended yet more Pokemon (an Onix, a Scizor and a Pikachu). She also befriended a Staraptor, but the brave flying-type ended up giving its life to save Reila from Team Darkside. Reila has not allowed herself to sing in the presence of humans since this day, but she still sings to her Pokemon.
Abilities: Once transformed, Reila has the Levitate ability and can fly. She can use the moves Mist Ball, Heal Pulse, Thunderbolt and Dragon Pulse. She also has the Latias' ability to become invisible at will.
Pokemon: Latias (female), Irawk (male Onix), Kali (female Scizor), Chu (female Pikachu), Quilla (female Quilava)
Crush: OPEN (looking, ask)
Other: None...

Thanks, everyone!

Taken Legendaries: Latias (BeckyL97), Raikou (ILUVCREATUS), Darkrai (Graveyardfox), Giratina (RikaTheFallen)

Adopt one today!

6:34am Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 12:44pm Aug 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,003

Name: Kiba
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Inner Pokemon: Raikou
Human-form Looks: 

Half-transformed Looks:

Fully-transformed Looks: 
Personality: rp out
History (optional):She an orphan
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only): What Raikou can do
Pokemon: Raikou [female]
Other: Relia looks after her  


6:47am Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 12:45pm Aug 9 2012)

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Posts: 1,003

Age: 16
Inner Pokemon: persian
Human-form Looks:
Half-transformed Looks: The ears, The red bead, the tail and the wiskers
Fully-transformed Looks:
Personality:Rp out
History (optional):NA
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only): All abilites Persian has
Pokemon: Persian [male]
Other:related to Kiba [Kibas big brother]


6:53am Aug 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
((ILUVCREATUS, only one of your characters can have a legendary Pokemon, and that character may only have one legendary in their party. Once you change that I'll accept your characters.))

Adopt one today!

6:54am Aug 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,003

[Done. Does Reli have a crush on Akio]


6:58am Aug 5 2012

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Posts: 2,052
((Other players are going to join...I hope. If more than one character has a crush on Reila then I'll see where her crush goes to. And by the have to choose which of your characters has a legendary Pokemon and which has a regular Pokemon. Because, as I said, only one character can have a Legendary Pokemon if you have more than one character in total.))

Adopt one today!

6:59am Aug 5 2012

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Posts: 1,003

[I have]


7:04am Aug 5 2012

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Posts: 2,052
((Ok. Accepted, and thanks for joining!))

Adopt one today!

7:07am Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 12:50pm Aug 9 2012)

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Posts: 1,003

Gender: female
Age: 11
Inner Pokemon:Nine tails
Human-form Looks:
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:
Personality:rp out
History (optional):NA
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only): all he abilites nine tails has.
Pokemon:Nine tails [female]
Other: NA


7:50am Aug 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Claim Absol, Zangoose and Darkrai? Going to bed so I'll post my bios later.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:03am Aug 5 2012

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Posts: 2,052
((Sure! And accepted again, ILUVCREATUS.))

Adopt one today!

12:27pm Aug 5 2012

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Posts: 11,785
((Join with Giratina, Luxray, and Arcanine? 83))


12:37pm Aug 5 2012

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Posts: 2,052
((Sure, Rika! Just go ahead and post your bios when you can.))

Adopt one today!

3:20pm Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 8:18pm Aug 6 2012)

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Posts: 11,785
Kevral Merke
Inner Pokemon:
Human-form Looks: 
Half-transformed Looks:

ALTERED instead of blue.
Fully-transformed Looks:


History (optional):
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only):

Albar Rukae
Inner Pokemon:
Luxray! ^o^
Human-form Looks: 
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:

History (optional):
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only):
Reila ;o

Vestal Ryke
Inner Pokemon:
Human-form Looks: 
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:

Vestal has a calm persona, and doesn't usually talk much. He is strong in his silence, though, so don't ever mistake him for being weak. He will stand up for what he feels he should do, and would never once let a bully harm another. He is a great protector to the weak, standing up for them and guiding them along the path he feels they should follow to better themselves. He protects others the best that he can, he never expects anything at all in return, except maybe a smile. He refuses to sit around and do nothing as others like him are hunted down by Team DArkside, and will do everything in his power to keep his fellow Destined from becoming extinct.
History (optional):
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only):
When half-transformed, he bursts into flames when angry. XD And he can use many of the moves an Arcanine can, but chooses to stick with Roar, Flamethrower,






Acts as a protector to Remus.



3:28pm Aug 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
((Thanks for joining, Rika! And it's ok, finish the bios when you have the time. ^_^))

Adopt one today!

5:01pm Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 7:10pm Aug 5 2012)

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Posts: 3,426
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Inner Pokemon: Absol
Human-form Looks:

Half-transformed Looks:

Fully-transformed Looks:


Name: Remus Endol
Gender: Male
Age: Thirteen
Inner Pokemon: Zangoose
Human-form Looks:

Half-transformed Looks:

Fully-transformed Looks:

Abilities: Remus is a bit special in that even in his human form, he has the ability Immunity. In his other forms, that ability changes to Toxic Boost. He knows the moves Detect, Crush Claw, Leer, and Pursuit.
Pokemon: Shiny Zangoose and Nidoran M.
Crush: Open, but not really looking.
Other: Has not yet discovered his Inner Pokemon.

Name: Sachiel Argent
Gender: Male
Age: Nineteen
Inner Pokemon: Darkrai
Human-form Looks:

Half-transformed Looks:

Fully-transformed Looks:

Personality: Sachiel has a calm, serious personality. Being a Pokemon trainer for half his life has given him a quick and tactical mind. He's not one to make mistakes or let others get the better of him, and he's become quite a smooth talker. He can seem rather mysterious to others, having vanished for almost three years after giving up his ti.tle. Despite it being hard to figure him out, he's polite and gentle, even a bit of a smooth-talker. It's not hard for him to convince others of his ways, and on the opposite, he's not above petty sadism. He cares for Pokemon, and the well being of his team is one of his highest priorities.
History: Sachiel's life was normal for probably a good deal longer than most of the Destined. Coming from an average home, he became a Pokemon Trainer and set out on a journey to conquer Sinnoh's League
at the age of ten like many other children. He made history when he overthrew the current Champion and took their place in less than a year. For quite a while, Sachiel was content with living a Champion's life.
Four years passed before Sachiel became discontent. For reasons unknown even by himself at the time, he stepped down from his position as Champion and left to search out Darkrai. Almost a year and a half of research and searching  paid off as he finally found Newmoon Island and approached Darkrai, not really knowing what else to do but attempt to capture it.
Darkrai, of course, sensed that Sachiel carried his DNA and forced Sachiel's Inner Pokemon out. After much confusion, anger, and many questions, Sachiel finally accepted his fate and Darkrai joined him. For a while they stayed on the island, knowing that leaving would mean going back to a society were Sachiel was now at risk.
However with their discovery of Team Darkside through a vision from Darkrai, Sachiel has abandoned his safe haven to put an end to them by any means necessary.
Abilities: As well as the ability to induce nightmares to (Darkrai's Ability Nightmare which he counters by wearing a lunar wing he got from Cresselia) and feed off the dreams of those sleeping nearby, Sachiel shares Darkrai's ability to merge with the shadows. He knows the moves Shadow Claw, Dark Void, Faint Attack, and Disable.
Pokemon: Empoleon
, Leafeon, Gliscor, Magmortar, Raichu, and Darkrai.
Crush: Open, but not really looking.
Other: None.

((WIPs. My computer crashed last night so I lost all my images and had to re-find them. D| This is more or less just a precaution.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:28pm Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 6:12pm Aug 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 736
((good luck!))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

7:46am Aug 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
((What the hay))

Name: Hina Geoff Marten

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Inner Pokemon: Flygon
Human-form Looks: 
Vynessacletraineromfg.png Kyress resize 
Half-transformed Looks:
Fully-transformed Looks:
Hina is a resourceful, capricious, hotheaded tom-boy with a liking for japanese spa's and yukata. She prefers to think thing through however has the tenancy to become rash and violent if provoked. Otherwise, she is your average teen who will talk to most people. Despite her nature, she can become emotionaly attached to individuals without realizing it, but will usually shun them off in a spit of confusion. The girl also has an irrational fear of horsea.
History (optional): Grew up with her father and older brother on their ranch.
Abilities (half and fully-transformed only): Levitate (something she uses more often than not.)
her moveset is: Faint attack, Fire punch, Dragon pulse, Earthquake.
Gardevoir (f),  Nidoqueen, Bayleef, Typhlosion, Feraligatr (f), Frossl@ss,
Crush: open.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

12:22pm Aug 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
((Welcome to the RP, everyone! Thanks for joining.))

Adopt one today!

5:35pm Aug 6 2012

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Posts: 5,310


This sounds like fun. o3o

Join with Rayquaza and Houndoom?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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