7:23am Feb 25 2011
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[[I'll join :3]] Name: Thornfire Age: 18 moons Gender: Male Clan: SpiritClan Rank: Deputy? Appearance: Personality: Being a fairly young warrior, Thornfire has plenty of energy to spare. He's hotheaded, and prefers to settles things with his claw. He's got a smart-alecky personality, and always wants his opinion to be heard. He's also got a devious personality, and is somewhat condescending. Thornfire doesn't like being close to other cats, since his mother was lost during an attack on MoonClan. His father he does not know of, and Thornfire was an only kit. Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Dove Warrior Name: Fogpaw, Fogwhisper Gender: Female Age: 9, turning 10 moons Clan: Later, SpiritClan Rank: Loner, then Apprentice Appearance: Personality: She's very quiet, and sometimes moody for no reason. Dove is very gentle and kind, and sometimes no good in battle. She's very fast and agile, able to do quick turns and maneuvers. When forced into battle, Dove prefers clinging onto the opponent's back and never letting go. Dove is an independent she-cat, and rarely asks for help History: She was originally a kittypet with the name of 'Hope'. One day, Dove strayed away from her home, and couldn't get back. She's been stuck in the forest ever since. Attributes: Because of frequent wanderings, Dove knows the forest inside and out. She knows where to find prey, and also the best places to hide. Reason: Being loner gets... lonely. Other: Can she start off as a loner? She'll join the clan soon after the beginning. I just want to experiment with loners :3 --- Name: Larkflight Age: 20 moons Gender: Female Clan: SongClan Rank: Warrihurrr Appearance: Personality: Larkflight is a quiet and rather shy she-cat. She's usually only talkative around friends, and doesn't like going into battle. [RP out .n.] Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Coalpaw [Coalfire] Age: 10 moons Gender: Male Clan: SongClan Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Personality: Coalpaw has a logical and calm personality. He tries to control his anger and is quiet most of the time, but he can get short-tempered and snappy on certain days. Coalpaw is always confident in his decisions, and is more of a thinker than a fighter.

5:12pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 5:13pm Feb 25 2011)
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Name: Fallenbane Rank: Deputy Gender: Tom Clan: Song Crush/Mate: Deceased Personality: Fallenbane is a very stotic cat, aloof and highly reserved. He tends to think little of other cats, unless they are leader or medicine cats, and would rather hunt or patrol by himself rather then with a patrol. Although he is loyal to a point, he will outright admit he will turn his back on his clan if he thinks what they are doing is wrong. Fallenbane has little loyalty to any one particular cat except his sons. After having his heart broken when Shimmer died, Fallenbane swore to never love again and does not look at any she-cat more then just a clan mate. He hates younger cats, not wanting a apprentice and if forced to have one he lets them know quickly he's in charge and will not tolerate any mis-behavior. History: He was always a good apprentice and very strong, but only a few moons after gaining his warrior status and doing the best he possibly could he saved a young rouge called Shimmer from a fox. It was almost like love at first sight, even though he never believed in it, and went out as often as he could to see her. Together they had three kits, but during her birthing she died along with two of his kits. He left the three dead cats there as he rushed the remaining kits to Songclan where he knew they would be safe. Few know about what he'd done, and he likes it that way. Looks:
 --- Name: Silentpaw {Silentheart} Rank: Apprentice Gender: Tom Clan: Song Crush/Mate: None Personality: Silentpaw, like his name suggests is a very quiet cat, and is also anti-social. He prefers to be in the background of things and watch to calculate what would be a good plan for him to do to gain the attention of senior warriors. He is always trying to outshine the others apprentices because he feels everyone looks down on him for being the son of a rouge, even if they actually do not. He trains as much as he can and tries to stay out of the camp so he does no attract unwanted attention unless it's to impress someone. Silentpaw also hates his father, blaming him for everything, his life in a clan that he thinks will never accept him History: Was born a rouge kit, but was the only survivor of his family. Fallenabne brought him back to the camp where he now resides. Looks: --- Name: Falconwing Rank: Warrior Gender: She-cat Clan: Spirit Crush/Mate: -Open- Personality: Falconwing is generally a very easy going cat, very sweet and kind to just about any cat she meets. But only if their a clan cat. She tends to be overly shy when in groups or with new cats, even if she is nice to them. She hates to be put forward or in the spot light, not feeling like she deserves to be there. Falconwing is very protective of apprentices and kits, though she can be a little blunt and commanding to her apprentice if they disobey. But she never criticizes them if they make honest mistakes History: There's not a whole lot to tell; she was born in the clans and plans to die in the clans. Looks:

6:00pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((I am the biggest fail in the world, I lost this thread XP, I will see if I can get some bios up soon.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:14pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 375
((Okay. :D Everyone's accepted.))
6:59pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 8:49pm Feb 25 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
((Ugh, I am soo cheesed. I was typing my bios, just about to his post and my webpage just up and closed. I'll try and remake them and post them under here.)) Name: Midnightflower Rank: Warrior Gender: She-cat Clan: Song Crush/Mate:None Personality: Midnightflower is not really a anti-social cat, to say. She does tend to keep to herself, but she doesn't mind a good conversation, as long as its not stupid and she likes who's she's talking to. She tends not to dance around the subject and tells thing the way it is. She is loyal to her clan, brothers, and her friends (if any). Alhtough not the nicest cat, surprisingly enough, she loves kits, although she wouldn never take an apprentice afraid it would turn out like her. (And I'll stop because I lost my train of thought) History: Nothing interesting. Born and raised in the clan. The only interesting thing is that her mother adopted two kits after her and a few other and a queen where wiped out by green-cough. Looks:
 - - - - - - - Name: Brokentail Rank: Warrior Gender: Tom Clan: Song Crush/Mate:None Personality: Coming.... History: Coming.... Looks: Brokentail is not your average cat. Sure hes a gray tabby, although you wouldn't think so considering that his stripes are rather unoticable unless you got up close. He also has bright orange eyes which stands out, not to mention that he's pretty big. Much bigger than a normal cat, but then again not to big. And to say more his tail is permanately bent, about three inches below the tip from an acident whe her was younger (Bigger picture)
 - - - - - - Name: Thornclaw Rank: Warrior Gender: Tom Clan: Song Crush/Mate:None Personality: Coming.... History: Coming.... Looks:

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:37am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 4
Um I cant get a picture and im not a fast typer so ill give a quick deion Name:MidnightKit gender female crush: none shes only a kit. Personality: always hungry very playfull
6:12pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 375
((Accepted, but are you a loner kit that lost it's mother? Because if your in a clan or not and she does have an alive mother/father that you want to roleplay with, you should post the bios for them))
6:15pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 375
((Imma snag leader if it a couple more different people don't take it.))
4:15pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 375
6:32pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 375
Bump. D: C'mon, I hope this doesn't go dead.
6:50pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[So... Are we starting?]]
5:59pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 375
((I'm not going to keep waiting, so sure. I need to go to Starbucks to pick up something for my mom, she's under the weather nad is too lazy. :P So I'll be back in ten minutes?))