Name: Slate
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Pack/Rank: Sandshade Pack/ Alpha male
Personality:(Optional) Slate is very straight forward, and has a striking attention to everything. His wits are high, as are his courage. He thinks before he does, and is bold and strong.
Theme Song:(Optional)
Looks:(Pic please)
Answer:(The answer to the question I asked you) Certain threat. Other: Nothing.
Name: Reoko
Gender: Female
Pack/Rank: Sloar Pack/Beta female
Crush/Mate: N/A
Personality:(Optional) Reoko is careful and smooth, but has her moments. She isn't one to fight and make a scene, but if threatened she will fight for the lives of her pack and self. She thinks for others and not only for herself, and tends to be over protective at times.
Theme Song:(Optional)
Looks:(Pic please)

Answer:(The answer to the question I asked you) Certain ThreatOther: Nothing.