((kk and im watching your siggy dance to this song and it works pretty well. want a link to it so you can see how funny it looks together))
Yukita thought to herself, "If I can hunt something on this land, Zodiac might actually apreciate my talents." She knew that disobeying orders was a dangerous thing to do, but she could take it out on the omega later. She stood as a slight breeze blew through her fur, her tail swaying with it. She walked over to the water source and took a drink before setting out on her self appointed hunting trip.
Yushara looked at all the pups. "Is (ill edit in name) with Finn?" She asked looking around, not finding the alpha. "Well, maybe they are on a walk. How would you guys like to go into the forest?" She saw everyones eyes brighten up at the thought. "Lets go, but you have to stick with me and no fighting." She smiled as she picked up the still sitting Snowstorm.