10:01am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Okay, enought about my totally awsome sig.)
10:15am Aug 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((lol... you didnt post anything for zodiac though, so..... i shall also need finn to run into in the forest lol))
10:29am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(I really can`t do anything with Zodiac right now.)
10:32am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((huh oh well, I'll continue to hunt for Yukita, do we have any wolves who belong to the land the evil pack took?))
10:36am Aug 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(Please stop asking about what packs wolves are in. This is the second time you`ve asked about that, and it`s all in the first post.)
10:39am Aug 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((sorry im super lazy, but i just went and looked. Maybe I can have Yukita spot Native or something.))
10:50am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Native and Miasha left the territoy. Zodiac chased them out remember.)
10:51am Aug 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((They cant be on the outskirts?))
10:52am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Fine, whatever.)
11:01am Aug 3 2010
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((cool you da best 8D)) Yukita ran through the forest, stealthy like the shadows the trees gave off. She went for a while without finding anything, but finaly caught a scent. She followed it until she found a lone buck chewing on the leaves of the low branches. Yukita crouched as she slowy circled the beast. She took a few running steps before pouncing on the bucks back, but was quickly thrown off. She got up and chased the beast almost to the edge of the territory before finaly bringing down the large creature, though it didnt go down without a fight. She snapped it's neck, her own blood on the white fur on her chest. She was about to take the buck in her mouth to drag it to camp when she saw a tail flicker behind a tree. "Hello? Who's there?" She snarled ready to run if she had to.
11:12am Aug 3 2010
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(I know.) Native turned and growled at the she-wolf, stepping in between his alpha and the evil pack member, "What else do you want? You took are land, what else can you take." He snarled angerly.
11:18am Aug 3 2010
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"I take whatever i am told to take. Though Zodiac will be very upset that you are still on our land." Yukita snarled, stepping over her catch to prove it was hers. "I would run like the little pups you are and save yourselves alot of trouble." She said mocking the alpha who stood behind the beta(?). She stooped lower, hoping for a fight.
11:20am Aug 3 2010
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"You aren`t any dnager while you`re alone. You are in no position for a fight." He snarled, lowering himself into an attack/defesive position.
11:24am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"What afraid you will lose?" She smiled viciously. "Like I said. Pups." Yukita emphasized the word pup as she took a defiant step forward.
11:32am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Really Dirt, if you`re gonna talk to us, you gotta stop calling yourself a pup." He snarled, then asleo smirked.
11:37am Aug 3 2010
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Yukita couldnt wait anymore. She snarled loudly as she jumped at the beta, snapping her jaws an inch too short of her target. "You watch who, you're talking to. I will have you exterminated!" She yelled looking around to scowl at the Alpha.
11:39am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Native smirked and leaped out of the way, "Oh, it seems I've struck a nerve." He said with a laugh.
11:45am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"If you think I'm kidding, then you will surely have trouble." Yukita turned around and jumped back to where the buck still lay. She sat back and howled, hoping she wasnt to far from the others to be heard. "Now to keep you busy." Her smile dissapeared as she went like she was going to attack Native but instead jumped at the last minute in the direction of his alpha. "See how you like fighting me now!" She hated wolves who turned down fights because she looked weak or she was a girl.
11:50am Aug 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,584
((my charrie left the territory?? i didn't know that!))

11:50am Aug 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((lol mini))