12:01pm Jun 26 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Solaris blinked, a little sleepy because she had only woken up a few minutes before. Her white fur, with almost aztec-looking patterns, caught the light and reflected it, giving the false effect that Solaris' fur was shining. Solaris looked at Sakura, who had spoken to her.
"Oh, Sakura! Hello." she said, nodding in greeting. "How can I help you? Is something wrong?" A bird swooped overhead, screeching. It must have been a raven.
12:03pm Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 12:03pm Jun 26 2012)
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"Fine what ever. Avven You know I've had a gruge on you since I became part of the pack. "
12:04pm Jun 26 2012
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Posts: 4,873
Avve snorted and stood up "Fine! Lets move out then!"
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:06pm Jun 26 2012
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"I have a secret you need to know. It's... It's... I have a crush on you
Will you be my mate?"
12:07pm Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 12:08pm Jun 26 2012)
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Solaris looked about.
"Sakura...can we speak later? I sense that danger will be upon us very soon...I don't know what it is, but something bad is going to happen!" she whispered. "I can feel it..." She shuddered. Maybe it was time to call the pack together.
"But I'll let you in on a secret...I kinda like you, too." Solaris winked.
12:09pm Jun 26 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"Yes Yes get in there. Sorry Yes call the pack together."
12:11pm Jun 26 2012
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Solaris blushed a little, though her fur did not allow this to show. She never really had time for love, but she had feelings for some. Sakura was the first, and so far only, one who had said that they liked Solaris as well.
Solaris howled; a signal for the pack.
"Would you mind helping me prepare the others, Sakura?" she asked.
12:13pm Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 12:14pm Jun 26 2012)
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"ok I'll do anything If it means I can be with you." he said
12:16pm Jun 26 2012
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"Avven we don't need to kill anyone but we can hurt them yes."
12:17pm Jun 26 2012
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Avven looked at Nira "Accually, I have a plann" he smirked.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:18pm Jun 26 2012
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"Ok what is it?" She asked
12:27pm Jun 26 2012
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Solaris blushed a little again, but of course her fur hid it.
"Ok. We have to make sure everyone's prepared should we have to battle. Let's go." she said. Her urgent tone cut through the air like a knife through butter, but ended on a soft note, as was always Solaris' way. She nudged Sakura and started to run. She had to make sure her pack was alert and aware. She needed some fighters.
12:28pm Jun 26 2012
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"You'll see." he said with a smirk. Avven ran up into the Aroura pack territory and snuck up behind Solaris, hiding in the brish.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:29pm Jun 26 2012
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Dayden was standing at the edge of a giant cliff looking down at the water so far down below. She smiled then getting rather anxiousness she jumped off the cliff wosh she went strait into the water enjoying every bit of the action. She loved anything dangerous that got your heart pumping. She swam onto the shore and shook her wet pelt and sprinted back to the pack.
Mirikka sat on a ridge watching everything happen she then heard a noise and jumped (like her power not the movement) to a near by place watching as just a doe came by. She them jumped back to her sunning spot.
12:30pm Jun 26 2012
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Solaris glanced around her.
"That's funny..." she muttered. "Sakura? Did you just hear something or was it just me?" Solaris shook her pretty head. She was probably just nervous.
12:50pm Jun 26 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Mirikka saw to wolves one male one she wolf she watched intently setting her head on her paws as they walked.
Dayden reached the pack dry from her super speed acting like a blow dryer blowing all of the water out of her pelt.
12:52pm Jun 26 2012
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Avven walked out of the brush and into plain sight. He let out a loud cackle like a highena and gave Solaris a cold staire.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
1:39pm Jun 26 2012
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Solaris jumped. She accidentally bumped into Sakura when she did so.
"Sorry." she whispered, with a smile. She then turned serious and stepped forward, glaring right back at Avven with a stare so cold it could've frozen the ground. Although Solaris was generally one of the gentlest wolves around, she could be a very formidable fighter...and didn't her pack know it!
"So...the Sagittas pack has decided to show its sorry face around OUR territory, has it?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She laid a paw in front of her and crouched down slightly. Not an offensive position, but a defensive one; ready should attack come her way. Solaris glanced back at Sakura, then back at Avven.
1:44am Jun 27 2012
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"GET OFF OUR LAND." Shouted Sakura
Nira stepped forward next to make sure she was next to Avven. "Come on lets go Avven."
2:40am Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Mirikka jumped to a near by hiding spot by the wolves.
Dayden sat in the middle of the pack wondering what to do