10:02am Jun 27 2012
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"I'm fine don't worry." He said to her.
11:25am Jun 27 2012
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Avven looked at Nira then at Solaris with a little chuckle "The Aroura pack.. Nice pack you have here." he said smirking.
Seven spoted Avven and Soloris about to fight. She jolted down and snarled at Avven.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
11:46am Jun 27 2012
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Solaris kept up her defensive position, though she was secretly worried. Not for herself, but for her pack. She glanced upwards and then back at her opponents.
"I'll give you one warning." Solaris growled, almost softly, but her voice was still threatening. "Leave now...or suffer the consequences." A breeze had picked up and played at Solaris' fur a little. The breeze was a little cold, but Solaris didn't mind it. She glanced at Sakura again.
"I might need your help if things get nasty." she whispered. Solaris looked back at her foes and blinked, calmly.
11:55am Jun 27 2012
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"Come pack were going." said Nira as she called the pack off. She walked to her territory the pack following her.
11:56am Jun 27 2012
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"Solaris. Will you be my mate?" asked Sakura
12:02pm Jun 27 2012
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Solaris growled a little at the Sagittas Pack. A few members were lingering behind, so Solaris kept alert. She heard Sakura's question and turned to them. She was a little surprised. She had feelings for them but was too shy to admit. Now here they were, telling HER that they liked her. Solaris was struck speechless. She took a few moments to speak.
"Sakura...would you mind if I thought about this?" she eventually said. "I mean...I don't want to rush into anything too fast, if you know what I mean. I need to think." Then Solaris smiled.
"But the odds are probably in your favour." she said.
12:07pm Jun 27 2012
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"Ok ... urm I'll just go then."
12:13pm Jun 27 2012
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Avven stood their as Nira called off the pack. He smirked "We'll be back" he smirked and walked back with Nira.
Seven was still snarling and lifted up her head as she stoped. She looked at Soloris, her ice coloed eyes gave a few cool glances and threw her head down with a grunt. She walked back to her den and howled.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:16pm Jun 27 2012
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"Avven I called them off because there to easy to kill. Theres no point"
12:34pm Jun 27 2012
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Solaris felt a little bad. She blushed a little and glanced away. She did like Sakura. They had to know it.
"Sakura, wait!" Solaris called. She ran after them and skidded to a halt. She looked a little nervous, kicked a rock at her feet and then looked up at them.
"Um...I just have to say..." she said, feeling a little embarassed. "I...I...I like you." She blinked and glanced nervously away.
12:38pm Jun 27 2012
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"So is that a yes." He said impatiently.
12:44pm Jun 27 2012
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Avven nodded "The Aroura pack is worthless"
Seven lazly stood up and walked back down, not saying a word. About to go hunting.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
2:05pm Jun 27 2012
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Solaris frowned a little. She thought momentarily, and then made a decision. She looked at Sakura, blinked her pretty eyes, and though she made no audible reply, she nodded in response to their question. She loked shyly away.
"Maybe we should ready the hunting party." she said. "And we should make preparations should the Sagittas Pack attack again."
9:35pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Mirikka growing bored walked out into the open
Dayden sat in the middle of the pack.
1:34am Jun 28 2012 (last edited on 1:34am Jun 28 2012)
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He walked off in to the woods. "Just think about the question and then I'll come back. ok."
4:32am Jun 28 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Mirikka walked right in front of Sakurra and sat down in front of him.
Dayden waited for something to do
10:59am Jun 28 2012
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"Move please." He said then just jumped over her.
11:41am Jun 28 2012
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Solaris felt a little frustrated. She kicked another rock at her feet. Couldn't she just SAY what she felt? Her own personality was holding her back.
She shook her head. She had bigger things to worry about. She had to ready her pack.
She saw one of her pack members injured, so she rushed over to them. She placed a paw on them, closed her eyes, and used her healing power to cure them completely. Solaris then looked about for anyone else who was injured.
11:56am Jun 28 2012
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He turned back. "Solaris wait. Do you have feelings for me enough to want to stay with me forever or not?"
12:03pm Jun 28 2012
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Solaris gulped. She blushed, glanced away, then looked back at Sakura. She looked right back into the other wolf's eyes and smiled.
"...yes." she said, simply, though her eyes said more.