7:59pm May 17 2011
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((I did. xD I read through all of them, then noticed at the end that you had two characters. And number 3 sounds like, me in guy-form. xD)) Name: Bentley Dodd Age: I turned 17 a few months ago. Gender: I'm a guy. Role: I play as role number 3, the prince's protector. Appearance: He has a sword though... xD Personality: Some may call me cruel, overprotective, selfish, or even a bit of a hard-ass. Which, the least to say, is true. I don't have room in my job for error, nor will I let any error occur while I am with the Prince. Little does he know, I live to serve him, or maybe his father told him? I make it my buisiness to know almost everything about Prince Sawyer, to protect him. I am very wary of the Prince's so-called 'girlfriend.' She seems to want to be around him constantly, which makes it truely hard for Shawn to do his job. He did not appriciate anything that she did for him. The case that I hold contains the emotion of 'love'. Which, I fully do not understand. Love is something that has never, ever come my way. Possibly because the idea that I am unlovable, or maybe because in my job, you can't trust anyone enough to have them love me at all. There is one thing that may break me from my shell, and that is children. My favorite activity, when I'm isn't with the Prince, is to train the little kids how to work with a sword. That's about the only time you'll ever see me smile, but as quick as it comes, it will be gone just as quickly. History: I actually used to be a servent boy in a different town. Then, a strange man came to my small town. Being a blacksmith's son, I was being to learn how to form horse-shoes and I was even learning how to make swords. This man came into our shop and asked to see our finest sword. I got it, then he asked me if I could weild it, like a knight did. I showed him that I could, well, the fair basics. He was impressed, then paid my father for me. Though I was slightly hurt by this, I have pushed all these feelings behind me, and only look forward from now on.
8:36pm May 17 2011
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((Awesome, accepeted~)) Sawyer's vacant eyes scanned his bedroom with an amber glow. Boredom wasn't really an emotion, so even he had to suffer its deadly effects. He peered out his window, having a complete view of nearly the entire kingdom, with the exception of the south- eastern most corner. He only hoped that Alyssa or Bentley were near so he could at least have company. Even if company had no effect on how he felt. What was happy? Sad? Angry? And most of all, what was love? He held a straight, expressionless face, not a smile nor a frown shown. And with more grace than that of a swan (Which perhaps would save him in the near future), he lifted the window enough so that a certain princely figure could just barely fit through, and he climbed onto the shingles of the shallow palace roof. He did this often, though a certain strict protector and a somewhat clingy 'girlfriend' had no knowledge of this. The kingdom in the shimmer of nightfall was far more peaceful than the bustle of the day. The only light in the area shone off the impressive windows of the glistening palace. Oh, and of course there were the lanterns that lit the village roads and footpaths, twinkling dimly. In the distance, the eerie figure of a wolf was just barely visible. It appeared nearly every night, as if a warning of something. Sawyer payed little mind to this, though. In a whistle, a swift breeze battered at the lone prince. It felt as though a storm was approaching. Perhaps, perhaps not. It didn't much matter to this boy anyway, who simply siddled closer to the wall of the structure. In an unexpected flutter, an owl perched approximately ten feet away from the prince, tilting its head and releasing a questionative 'Who?' In response, the prince lifted a welcoming hand, reaching out to his avian guest. He began to scoot dangerously close to the edge of the roof. One little slip, and he might go barreling towards the solid earth.
I\'m back.
8:49pm May 17 2011
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((Do you like him? xD))
Bently looked into the face of his so-called enemy. "Are you ready to die?" He growled at the person.
"Are you?" The voice responded back. It, too, was a growl.
"Of course." Bently snarled. Then his hard face broke out into a grin and he stood up. He patted the small 9-year-old he was speaking to on the back; again, he was grinning. "You got that mean face down real good, Shawn!" Bentley said, messing up the kid's hair.
"Thanks, Bentley!" The boy said, his face in a full out grin. He was just a slave boy, but he was surely glad that he was getting lessons from the best. Well, the best that he knew anyways. "Bentley?" the kid said, his voice curious. "Who's that man on the roof?" He pointed up, towards the Tower almost directly above them.
Bentely turned to look upon the roof. The sight shocked him. "Is that...?" He asked himself aloud. "No... It can't be! The Prince would never do anything that stupid!" As Bentely said this, he found himself in doubt. Yes, Sawyer would actually do that.
"Prince!" Bentley shouted, his voice full of rage... And concern. "Get off that damn ledge!" He shouted, not bothering to watch his language in front of the kid; he would being to curse sooner or later. "Don't make me come up there!" He yelled, hoping the sound of his voice would carry across the wind. ((Fail. D|))
8:49pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Feliciana was walking carefully around the kingdom. She didn't have many friends, so she was alone. Her long blue hair was in a long french braid, going past her butt. She then felt her pendant begin to glow, and she felt as if she was changing. Her blue hair began to get white highlights in it, and her long, green dress transformed into a knee-length white flowy dress that had feathers all in it. Not having any glass near her, Feliciana didn't notice the change. "That was odd," she murmered to herself, sighing. Then, she spotted the prince on the roof. Her heart nearly skipped a beat. She really liked the prince. And then came the second thing that she noticed: he was dangerously close to the edge of the castle's roof. She gasped. "Prince Sawyer," Fennec said, her voice desperate. "Please be careful." She normally wasn't allowed to speak to the prince, due to his fiercely protective bodyguard.
Love is all we need~
9:24pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 9:26pm May 17 2011)
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Sawyer, despite the words of those around him, shifted on his knees. If he could be nervous, he surely would have been. Not because he sure to hear of this from Bentley later in the evening, but because his new feathered aquaitance seemed troubled. He seemed to sense danger in those more defenseless than himself (That count is pretty low at times), and though he couldn't feel kindness, he had the strongest desire to protect them at any cost. The owl, with a cringe, squaked as a projectile from the sky crash landed in its head. Hail. Sawyer himself was nearly unaffected, but the bird tottered around as more and more shards of ice collided into the small creature. It stumbled off the edge, the prince leaping valiantly not long after. His arms wrapped around the obviously dazed creature mid air, and the pair plummetted down, closer and closer to a harsh landing. The owl seemed to embrace this gesture, snuggling in the royal boy's arms. He defintely had a way with animals, if anything. And if that prince could have felt happy, believe me, he would have. And if could have felt frightened, I'm sure he would have also. ((Oh, yes, and I certainly do, Shaste. Truely a unique charra ;D))
I\'m back.
7:03pm May 18 2011
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((Let me get this straight... He's plummitting to his death currently? o3o Just to clear things up... |D ))
7:11pm May 18 2011
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((Sorta. He never dies though. (He's just that good.) He's a little... Well... He doesn't feel fear, so he does a lot of stupid things. But I just figured it'd give Wolfie's charra a chance to step in. After all, she transformed, which only happens when neccessary ;) But it could pretty much go any way. That's the fun in it. Suspense. Cha-ZAM!))
I\'m back.
7:14pm May 18 2011
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((Ohh, well, I don't know what to post for Bentely until Wolfie's charra posts. :) Well, isn't Sawyer just that cool? xDDD))
8:00pm May 19 2011
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((Bump~ :3))
12:04pm May 20 2011
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Alyssa wasn't one to barge in where she wasn't needed (Actually, maybe she was...), but she just happened to be walking down to Sawyer's palace when the whole scene unfolded. She suddenly 'happened' to see her boyfriend-the Prince, that is-pretty much jumping to his own death. If he could die, that is. Either way, she didn't want him to get hurt. He'd look bad as a bruised, bumped-up prince, and she'd look bad because he did. No way Alyssa was going to let her image get ruined. She twirled the white lily she had for Sawyer in-between her hands, thinking. Then she noticed his really protective bodyguard, Bentley. Alyssa kind of hated him, because he wouldn't let her near Sawyer all the time, but she figured now would be the chance to warm up to him. "Bentley!" She called, running to him. "What the hell is he doing? Help him!"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:57pm May 20 2011
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Bentley snapped out of his thought bubble as Alyssa's voice popped his silence. His attention was brought back to the falling prince. Save him...? How would he be able to do that? Sure, the prince couldn't die, but what type of body guard would Bentley be if he couldn't even save the guy from falling. That would surely get him upset with the King. 'Off with his head', was all Bentley could hear. "Bentley! What the hell is he doing? Help him!"
"I don't know what I can do, Alyssa," Bentley said, his voice just a slight growl. What could he do? He could have Sawyer fall on him? At least then, Sawyer's damage would be minimal. Instinctively, Bentley found himself rushing to the spot the Prince would fall to. He didn't know what he was doing, or how it would help at all, but, as Sawyer's body guard, he had to do everything that he could.
9:41pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Can Feliciana have wings that she can use to fly? If not, does she have any powers that can save the prince or something?))
Love is all we need~
5:19pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 5:20pm May 21 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
((She can sprout wings, I suppose. Small ones, mind you ;D Or you can give some small power or something, ex.- Creating a soft la yer of clouds ground level. Whatever you wish, as long as it's not something amazingly powerful. Oh, also, any powers will only be usable in the transformed state.))
I\'m back.
10:42pm May 22 2011
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((Bump~ :3))
6:04pm May 30 2011
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Feliciana squealed as she saw the prince fall. Before she knew it, there was a huge pile of soft clouds in front of her, right where the prince would land. However, she couldn't see it, due to her hands being over her eyes. She didn't want to see her prince die. So if he was going to die, she wasn't going to let herself watch it happen.
Love is all we need~
8:52pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
9:03pm May 30 2011
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Sawyer flopped gracefully into the clouds, rising to his feet in a royal motion. He held his arms out, the owl cooing gratefully and flying away. He noticed the figure who'd created the cusion that saved him, eyeing her thoughtfully. He stepped to her with a princely stride. "Thank you." His tone was rather plain. And what he did next was rather unexpected. He gently grasped both of her hands, removing them from her eyes so he could see her face. The prince didn't recognize her from around the kingdom. But he didn't let go of her hands, still maintaining a soft grip. "Who are you?"
I\'m back.
9:41pm May 30 2011
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Bentley attempted to keep his voice silent. He could not protect the prince as this girl once had. And that, certainly, angered him. He watched as the Prince neared the girl. He did not like this. He was not allowed to let anyone near the Prince. And here the guy went.
Bentley almost growled as the Prince then touched Feliciana. It... Was not good. He most certainly was angry at this point. He walked over to the two and paused, clearing his throat loudly. "Sawyer..." Bentley said slowly, his voice rough and deep.
9:52pm May 30 2011
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"Bentley." Sawyer carefully lowered the girl's hands before releasing his grip. "She helped me." He stated blandly, hoping his guard would understand, and not get angry at her. After all, she seemed like a good person to be around. But what did he know about good personalities? Granted, he did understand the concept of friendship. He didn't grasp the emotions that went with it, however. "She's my friend." The prince declared. But he would have said that about anyone, because he was kind. In an emotionless way, of course. If that makes sense. He couldn't be mean, at least.
I\'m back.
9:58pm May 30 2011
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You know nothing of friendship, Sawyer. Bentley thought grumpily. Though, he wasn't in a position to argue. How could he, though? "Yes, sire, I know she helped you... But, if you weren't on the damn roof in the first place... Getting an owl??" Bentley's voice was harsh, accusising, cold. He wanted Sawyer to know, he would never, ever be doing that again.
((Fail. D:))