1:38am Aug 25 2024 (last edited on 5:14pm Aug 26 2024)
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Posts: 3,137
Some miles south of Myrtle Beach, in warm and quiet South Carolina, past where the sunbathers cease and the lights of the boardwalk are nothing but a faint glow in the sky lies a forgotten relic; a wrecked ship, dormant since the late 18th century. Designated a historic landmark by the county, it's been all but forgotten a second time -- by humans, anyway. Descended from ship cats who managed to survive so long ago, cats now dominate the nearby landscape. Three Clans, each set within their own territory, fight to survive in the sometimes-unforgiving landscape. WakeClan makes its home within the ship itself, having found the hollowed hull the perfect to settle within. They live closest to the sea and as such as powerful swimmers and clever hunters. With little cover aside from the boat, they also tend towards a nocturnal lifestyle to avoid sun damage and the heat of the day. Leader Hazestar - Lycan
Deputy Medicine Cat
Elders StormClan, to the southeast, take root in the saw-grass and dunes. Their fur is thick and tough, protecting them from the rough foliage. Their camp lies in between a group of palm trees, stunted by the ill-suited terrain but adamant on growing nonetheless. Because of the strong, salty winds from the sea, they rely on sight and touch more than any other sense. Leader Deputy Medicine Cat
Warriors Frostpool - Lycan Splashfur - NPC
Elders FinClan's territory, north of the dunes, is nestled in a low basin swamp populated with numerous cypress tress, low ferns, and abundant grasses. It is the most forested of the three clans and thus the cats that live here are adept at climbing and stalking. While good swimmers in their own right, they heavily prefer sticking to the dry wood floor and utilizing abandoned twoleg boardwalk paths. Leader DeputyBowie
Medicine Cat GeneralShy
Warriors Shadowbreeze - Lycan
 Every full moon, the three Clans form a truce and meet at the Flatrock. Leaders and their deputies sit on the rock itself while the rest of their clans gather in the soft grasses that grow in its protection. During times of heavy rainfall, water will pool onto the top of the rock and flow over, creating rivulets of fresh water that cats in all three territories take advantage of and thus creating a secondary Flatrock truce.  Medicine cats, their apprentices, and new leaders take the journey to the Moonspire, a hidden inland cave where the walls glow with a soft blue light. It gets its name from the stalagmites that formed in the main chamber -- tall, but not quite up to the roof. A small opening in the top of this room allows light to filter in and the stalagmites themselves disperse light to the rest of the cavern, giving it its glow. By touching one of the stalagmites, cats are able to communicate with StarClan. Every quarter-moon, the medicine cats and their apprentices make a pilgrimage here as well in order to exchange news, graduate apprentices, and seek guidance from their ancestors. Cats Known to Reside in StarClan Turtlenose Brightswirl
 There are ample types of prey available to the clans; seabirds, fish, and lizards are by far the most common. Other food types include muskrats, bats, armadillos, salamanders, turtles, opossums, and small otters. Animals that may predate on cats or otherwise pose a threat include foxes, bears, bobcats, sharks, snapping turtles, alligators, copperheads, and coral snakes. Many herbs grow here as well, including plantain leaves, impatiens, yellowroot, sassafras, basil, chamomile, feverfew, mullein, valerian, yarrow, and catmint.
 New Moon Late nearsky
Hurricane season is in full swing, but the Clans have been enjoying a peaceful year so far. Prey is plentiful and fights have been few.
Pregnancies and kits are aplenty with the good season and the Clans are growing rapidly. No prophecies have been given by StarClan.
The Moonless Tide A realm where evil cats go upon death. Dark skies and choppy seas that seem to reach out to you mark this as a similar, yet different, place than the canonical Dark Forest. These cats cannot be communed with by normal means and must approach the living on their own accord.
Farsky Winter
Nearsky Summer
Spring and Autumn are not defined seasons in this locale so words for them do not exist.
4:29am Aug 25 2024 (last edited on 5:08am Aug 25 2024)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Map only an approximation, not to scale- Rough working knowledge of the Warriors series is heavily preferred but, if you're not familiar with the franchise, you can browse the Warriors wiki to get a feel for everything.
- A single paragraph minimum per post. Occasionally this is not possible and that's super okay! Just try not to make it a habit.
- Don't be weird and ship outside of rank equivalents i.e. kit and apprentice or apprentice and warrior. Moonflower and Thistleclaw are not good examples to follow.
- Name format must be as follows; Prefixsuffix. Do not do PrefixSuffix, Prefix Suffix, or Prefix'Suffix. A dash may be used in cases where each word ends on the same letter, particularly with vowels (One-Eye, Mouse-Ear, Rock-kit).
- There is no need to censor subjects that do come up within the canon Warriors novels such as death, abuse, etc while it is within the confines of roleplay and follows Rescreatu's site rules.
- Please do not censor words with replacements such as "unalive," etc, or unnecessarily replace letters with symbols or numbers such as "h@te," "d1e," etc in such a way that renders screen readers unusable.
- When naming cats, keep in mind the locale and setting. Words such as badger, cactus, and orca are unlikely to be used.
- NO GOD-MODDING OR POWERPLAYING. You may not control a player character that is not yours.
- Do not heavily injure or kill another PC without discussing it first with each other then by letting myself know that both parties agreed to it. It is encouraged to choreograph or use dice rolls for fights in private between two parties before posting.
- Follow post order! If a post has not been made in 3 days, an Rmail reminder will be sent. No post within one week means your turn is skipped.
- Try not to claim all the high ranks in one swoop!
I will be limiting leaders, deputies, and medicine cats to 1 per person per Clan until applications slow, at which time I will open them up for anyone else to claim.
5:13am Aug 25 2024 (last edited on 7:36am Aug 25 2024)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Name Rank Clan Pronouns Gender
Try to keep history and personality brief -- a paragraph maximum for each.
NPCs can be created for relationships, as well as deceased/StarClan/Moonless Tide cats.
If you create more characters, please edit them into you initial post rather than create a new post!
5:27am Aug 25 2024 (last edited on 7:36am Aug 25 2024)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Frostpool Warrior StormClan She/Her Transfem 22 moons (1.8 years)
True to her name, Frostpool is a very calm, collected cat. Nothing seems to phase her -- except crabs. Many of her clanmates joke that she must be a reincarnated sandflea. Not a concept Frostpool buys into, but she isn't going to be the one to tell them to knock it off. Besides, it's funny!
Turtlenose | Father | StarClan Splashfur | Mother | StormClan
A devout follower of StarClan and their guidance, Frostpool has never strayed far from the warrior code. From her first hunt to her residency in the queen's den helping mothers when she wasn't on patrol, she's never once considered betraying her clan or the code; she even briefly considered being a medicine cat apprentice to become closer to StarClan before she was told that no, she didn't have to do that, it was possible to commune in dreams if she truly wished.
Hazestar Leader WakeClan She/Her Cisfemale 42 moons (3.5 years) - 9 lives remain
Hazestar is, in one word, reliable. Ask her to do something and she'll always follow through, even to her detriment. It can sometimes lead to anxiety, thought it hasn't hit a neurotic stage - yet. Those around her often tell her to relax and are thus met with a tail-lashing flattened-ear hiss; she's calm, she's fine, can't you see that? Never mind that it often feels like, to her, being leader is biting off more than she can chew. She's contemplated retiring more than once but feels like that would be turning her back on WakeClan.
Relationships TBA
Hazestar has always pushed herself to be the best, do the most, contribute and never take. While this made her the subject of jealousy and teasing from other cats her age, it did earn her a deputy position and subsequently her leadership very recently.
Shadowbreeze Warrior FinClan He/Him Cismale 37 moons (3.1 years)
Arrogant, prideful, and more than a bit of a bully, Shadowbreeze is a deeply lonely soul. He knows this doesn't excuse his behavior but being nice never won him any favors either so he'll just do what's expected of him at this point.
Relationships Brightswirl | Foster Mother | StarClan
His parentage is unknown as he was found as a kit after a flood. One of FinClan's queens took pity on him and raised him with her own litter, providing a safe, loving home. He had always been something of an outcast, particularly as an apprentice, and teased for being of non-Clan blood. Even his foster siblings turned on him, shunning him from the family entirely once Brightswirl passed.

1:43pm Aug 26 2024 (last edited on 8:26pm Aug 26 2024)
Normal User 
Posts: 678
Wrenspark Deputy FinClan she/her she-cat [afab]
46 moons (~4 years)
A doer down to her core, Wrenspark is constantly on the move. She thrives in a fast-paced environment and has a high level of extroversion that often helps her out as she makes her rounds amongst her Clanmates, ensuring that everyone is feeling okay with their workload and that everything is running as smoothly as possible. Wrenspark takes particular interest in the social workings of the clan, and often tries to help the others solve their interpersonal strife and considers herself to have a lot of friends. Where Wrenspark struggles, however, is taking criticism from others, and this can often be a sore spot for her and she often runs from these conversations.
Relationships TBA
Wrenspark would tell anyone that she grew up in a typical Clan family surrounded by loved ones. While her and her family aren't necessarily very close, Wrenspark enjoyed her kithood and apprenticeship as she worked her way up the ranks.
A black mackerel torbie with low white, and green eyes. [bigger image quality here: https://i.imgur.com/5DRbAM3.png]
Cricketheart Warrior WakeClan he/him male [amab]
17 moons (~1.5 years)
Appearance tbd
Optimistic and a go with the flow type, there isn't much that ruffles Cricketheart's fur. He loves everyone around him, and he trusts with his whole heart.
Relationships TBA
History tbd
Rainmuzzle Warrior StormClan he/him male [amab] 84 moons [~7 years]
Appearance tbd
Rainmuzzle tends to be a grumpy cat. He is opinionated and doesn't much like when the younger cats tell him what to do. Yet, he is deeply loyal to the code and to his clan, and even if he grumbles, he will do whatever he needs to to keep his clan safe; all of his clan.
Relationships TBA
History TBD
  Art by Zen
3:10pm Aug 26 2024 (last edited on 12:51pm Aug 28 2024)
Normal User 
Posts: 4
L i c h e n s o n g Medicine Cat of F I N C L A N
Tom/Male He/They 27 moons (2+ years)
[ Personality ] Kind | Scatterbrained | Curious Lichensong is always thinking of two things at once, at a minimum. Despite having his head in the clouds and picking up the habit of always humming or singing to himself, Lichensong is endeared to the Clan as a well-meaning if a little odd Medicine cat. He enjoys taking long meandering walks throughout the various trails around the swamps of their home, and can often be found in a few favored locations napping amidst the flowers or humming alongside a sluggish stream, leaving worry far behind.
[ History ] Growing up with siblings who were sure of themselves was daunting for a young Lichensong- an older sister made to be a warrior just like their mom, a younger sibling following their dads patient steps as a hunter, and then there was them, the plant nerd. Eager as he was to learn the ways of the warrior code and make his parents proud, Lichensong could never quite keep his focus, his mind drifting like a scent carried on the breeze, wondering perhaps where the nearest brush of Horsetail may be growing. His natural curiosity towards planets and their application did not go unnoticed by Reedwhisker, the former Medicine cat of Finclan. He was taken under his wing relatively young and taught to keep his attentions on learning poultices and the abundance of herbs that grew in the swampy basin of their home via verbal mnemonics. He was taught songs for the various herbs, and made a few himself to include various mixtures and poultices, as an easier way to remember. This has resulted in his quirk of always humming to himself while he works.
[ Relationships ] TBA
[ Appearance ] 

J u n i p e r f a n g Warrior of W A K E C L A N
She-Cat/Female She/Her 19 moons (1.5+ years)
[ Personality ] Headstrong | Insecure | Fierce Juniperfang is a fierce and dedicated warrior of Wakeclan, desiring only to be the best she can and do her part. As a result she has a quiet but strong competitive side, creating unspoken challenges between herself and her peers in order to incentivize herself to do more. She finds regular socializing to be difficult, unsure of how to politely engage in small-talk or frivolous chatter and preferring to spend time alone grooming or listening to the tide against the hull of the ship.
[ History ] Juniperfang grew up not knowing much about either of her parents; her mother perished shortly after her kitting and her father was an unknown dark-furred tom from Finclan. That was always something that stuck with her, that because her father is from another Clan that meant that she too didn’t truly belong in her Clan. Insecurity over the validity of her position in Wakeclan drives her to work extra hard to prove that she is worthy of being a Wakeclan warrior. Due to this, Juniperfang always gives her best effort and goes above and beyond for her clanmates- both to quell the quiet fear that they also feel like she doesn’t belong and to affirm to herself that she is a valuable member. Juniperfang struggles to form close relationships with her clanmates, fearing that they’ll reject her, and so preferrs to keep them at a distance. She projects a strong and self-assured attitude to mask her insecurity, choosing to try and focus on her duties rather than making friends.
[ Relationships ] TBA 
5:15pm Aug 26 2024
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
[[Added you both, feel free to edit your posts with your bio whenever ♡]]
1:20am Aug 27 2024 (last edited on 1:28am Aug 27 2024)
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Posts: 2,092
Silentflight Warrior Finclan He/Him Male/Tom
42 Moons
Appearance :: Two things stand out about Silentflight: his height and his ears. He's a very tall cat, more leg than body, but he's extremely lanky and thin. With a deep chest and large paws, all combined make for a fast, agile cat. The downside? He's not graceful nor physically strong. He's a great hunter, but a terrible fighter. Silentflight's fur is short and thin, but shiny and always well groomed. It's deep brown with no splashes of other colors. His eyes are a common hazel, but big in his angular face. Other than his legs, Silentflight's ears are his most prominent feature. The 'flight' in his name likely came from the familial joke that if he jumped from a cliff he could use his ears to as wings to fly. He is well aware. (Based off a oriental shorthaired cat, chestnut in color to be exact)
Personality :: He is the dark to his brother's light. Not necessarily in a bad way, but in that Silentflight is much more reserved, preferring to sit in his brother's shadow and observe rather than be front and center. Being center of attention makes him antsy, and if he doesn't get tongue tied, he'll likely end up speaking nonsense. One on one is much more his comfort level, and while not a social butterfly he does enjoy spending time with those he's on friendly terms with. Generally, he's quiet and soft-spoken; empathetic and reasonable as well which makes him a good, if not bony, shoulder to cry on. While not easy or quick to anger, he relies on sarcasm to get his point across. If his buttons are truly pushed, he can turn nasty, but he's not a physical fighter so he's learned to make his words sharp and cruel.
Relationships :: Howlingwind | Brother Falconwing | Mother | Starclan Silverfang | Father | Starclan
History :: Silentflight's history is relatively tame. He was born into a loving family; both his mother, Falconwing, and his father, Silverfang, were good, loyal warriors; but nothing exceptional. They served their clan well, caused no trouble, and found love with one another late in their lives. Falconwing was well past her prime when she became pregnant, but with the aid of the Medicine Cat both she and her two kits pulled through a rough pregnancy and birthing - though with a few minor hiccups. As Silverfang liked to tease his son, Silentflight made no noise after birth, nearly sending his parents into a terrified frenzy and giving them both more grey fur. It turns out he was simply a quiet kit, unlike his littermate who more or less wailed his way into the world. After their parents died from age related illnesses, Silentflight and Howlingwind remained close and plan to keep it that way until they themselves go to Starclan.
Howlingwind Warrior Finclan He/Him Male/Tom
42 Moons
Appearance :: Like his brother, Howlingwind is more leg than body; but he's denser, able to pack on more muscle mass thanks to his mothers genetics. This makes him a bit slower than Silentflight, but he's stronger and definitely the better brawler of the two. One thing he could not escape was his fathers large, triangular ears. Mixed with his angular face and big, expressive eyes, he has a perpetually kitten-ish look about him. Alongside this, with his big paws, broad chest, and loping gait Howlingwind can sometimes come off as a bit 'goofy' looking. But with his cheery attitude, this big tom is a-okay with being described as such. His fur is short and soft, easily able to dispel the water. It's frosty-grey in color with brown overtones, giving him more of a 'light brown' hue. His eyes are a light hazel. (Based of a lavender colored shorthaired oriental cat)
Personality :: Easygoing is the perfect summary of Howlingwind. Very little rankles him, and he finds that letting anger and misery roll off his shoulders means life is so much more worthwhile. He's the type of warrior who actually likes having fun when he's not busy with duties, and can often be found tussling with apprentices or regaling kits with wild stories. That's not to say he puts off his duties as a warrior; he actually takes them quite seriously and will happily offer himself up for extra work if it's needed. Will he try to make the most of it? Absolutely. But sometimes his optimism and quick-talking mouth can grate on nerves, which he understands. His favorite victim to shower his cheer on it, of course, his curmudgeon of a brother.
Relationships :: Silentflight | Brother Falconwing | Mother | Starclan Silverfang | Father | Starclan
History :: Howlingwind lived a happy life alongside his brother; cared for and doted on by their parents Falconwing and Silverfang. He was definitely the more rambunctious of the brothers, always looking for new adventures and keeping his parents on their toes with his antics. Luckily he never sought danger, and if he accidentally found it Silentflight was right beside of him to get him out. The status-quo lasted all through kit-hood, then apprenticeship, and even into their warrior lives. This bond was made even more apparent after their parents died, where the two were inseparable in the moon after as they shared their grief. Howlingwind always figured Starclan knew what they were doing, pairing the two up as blood-brothers. Because he was positive Silentflight would have turned into a grumpy elder seasons ago if he didn't have Howlingwind there to lighten him up.
Tinyshadow Medicine Cat Wakeclan He/Him Male/Tom
54 Moons
Appearance :: He is, like his name suggests, quite tiny. Not only in terms of height, but in weight and musculature. In fact, he's actually pretty skinny; his ribs are prominent and his backbone pokes out awkwardly. His head sometimes looks almost to big for his body, with sharp cheekbones and large, yellow eyes. His only saving grace in the look department is that his pitch black fur fur is soft and well-kept. But his right front leg is set at a crooked angle form a bad break as a kit.
Personality :: Though bitterness could have made him sharp-tongued and angry, Tinyshadow has never let it. Instead, he is a very calm, gentle tom. With a soft voice, warm demeanor, and loads of empathy, Tinyshadow makes for an excellent medicine cat; even if it was not the path he wished to take. Sometimes he does get a bit melancholic, which he attempts to hide from others, but his expressive face means he is very easy to read. In fact, if he is not working with a patient or herbs he can be found staring off into the distance, daydreaming about what might have been. Smart, and a bit of a smartelic, Tinyshadow has no problems going up against much larger cats if it means caring for the wellbeing of an injured cat. Purposefully causing harm to another or acting foolishly is one of the few ways to gain Tinyshadow's ire, and he will happily cut someone with words since he can't really with claws. Outside of that he is quite passive, even submissive, and is never sure how to stand up for himself. He'll roll over quickly in the face of aggression, as long as it is not concerning an injury, and is very much a pacifist.
Relationships :: Croweyes | Mentor | Starclan
History :: Tinyshadow was born with brittle bones, which has impacted his entire life. He did not want to become medicine cat, but even tripping accidently over a branch when playing with another kit meant breaking bones. Which is exactly what happened to his leg. So becoming a warrior was only ever going to be a pipe dream. Instead, he was stuck in the medicine cats den, learning from the elderly Croweyes. He wasn't a fan, but diligently learned what he needed to to become a useful member of the clan. Tinyshadow had no interest in being dead weight, only known as the crippled cat. Luckily the disease did not impact his mind, and Tinyshadow found that he was actually rather smart, able to pick up on things quickly and retain the information. So, while he was not necessarily happy, he was at least content. After Croweyes' passing, Tinypaw became Tinyshadow and he has been aiding his clanmates for the last twenty moons. Has has noticed, however, that as he gets older he is getting worse off. He is always stiff and sore, easily tripping and landing awkwardly. Food does not seem to add weight to him any longer, and he catches illnesses quickly. Though he does not say it aloud, Tinyshadow knowns he's living on borrowed time and wishes to live out what life he has left caring for his clanmates and friends.
Sorry about the lack of images! I'm working on getting references made.~

10:35am Oct 28 2024
Normal User 
Posts: 12
Hi just checking to see if this is still open? I'm super interested in making a couple of characters if that's okay! c: