Semi-Lit Teen Romance

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10:31pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 8:47pm Dec 3 2010)

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Posts: 3,005

Alrighty. So, there isn't much of a plot, besides that the characters are teenagers that go to Anderson Preparatory Academy, a strict private school that prepares students for Ivy League Colleges.



Basic roleplaying rules. Mild swearing only. This is a romance roleplay, but please keep it PG-13. No pp or gm. If you don't know what pp or gm means, maybe that's a sign you shouldn't join. ;/ Please try to keep appropriate grammar and spelling, if you can. Posts should be a paragraph each. Use correct roleplaying tense. I am not going to be very uptight about the whole gary/mary sue thing as long as you don't go entirely off the charts.

Follow the below set bio format, and post "Nioj" at the top of your bio to join.



Basic Info:








Skin Tone:




Thoughts on Crime:

Thoughts on War:

Thoughts on Dating:





Love Life:







((Not all fields must be filled out.))



Lindsay (Iheartyou919)

Mackenzie (MooMooMoo)

Faythe (Stray)

Jace (Stray)

Hayley (caaaitlin)

Matthew (Iheartyou919)

Eli (fizzyizze)

Adra (Tribecka)

Brandon (Tribecka)

Ty (Tribecka)

Karrienne (SerenitySorrow)

Jethro (SerenitySorrow)

Annika (EasternBluebird)

Ryder (EasternBluebird)

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

10:41pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
OoC: "Nioj" May I join?


10:46pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 12:24am Nov 28 2010)

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Posts: 3,005


Basic Info:

Name: Lindsay Davis (Based on me ;.;)

Age: 14

Grade: Freshman/9


Hair: Lindsay has straight, light blonde hair that falls just below her chest. It frames her face well, and comes down in several choppy layers.

Face: Lindsay's eyes are gray-blue, and are dramatized by her long, black eyelashes. Her nose is slightly upturned, and her lips are full and rosy. Her complexion is clear, and she wears makeup that accentuates her eyes.

Build: Lindsay is 5'3'', and 96 pounds. She is skinny, but not especially curvy, though not extremely flat-chested. She is medium height.

Skin Tone: Lindsay is caucasian, but slightly tanned as it nears the summer months.

Clothing: Lindsay wears skinny jeans, fitted shirts, jackets, and boots during the winter, and similar clothing during the summer months, except she wears tennis shoes and converse during the summer.


Religion: Protestant Christian.

Thoughts on Crime: Crime is wrong, though she may occasionally pull harmless pranks.

Thoughts on War: War is needed for progress, but she doesn't indulge in it or like it.

Thoughts on Dating: Depends on the person.


Disposition: Lindsay has a sunny disposition, but likes things to be organized enough for sanity reasons. She can be laid back at moments, but tense seconds later, though she isn't bipolar. Lindsay is p*censored*ionate, but not especially adventurous. She is not an athletic type. She forms close bonds easily, and is very emotional. She hates being angry, and does best under pressure. She is a trauma survivor, and sometimes has mental lapses. She is smart, but dumbs herself down for enjoyment. She has a strict moral code, but often decides not to follow it. She feels wrongly for things she does wrong. 


Past: It's a secret. :x

Love Life:

Status: Single.

Orientation: Straight.

Crush: Open.


Additionally: N/A.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

10:46pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Yuss, Stray. :3))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

10:51pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 302
Ooc:// Njoi/Nioj/Njoi--Sounds interesting, may I join as well?


10:53pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Sure, Moo. :D))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

11:21pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Bonus points if the joinees stay up late. ono))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

11:25pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 911
Join? ^^ 


11:25pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005

((Yes. :D))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

11:30pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 302


Name: Mackenzie Tallon

Age: Sixteen

Grade: Sophomore/10th


Hair: Deep copper brown hair, the length falls five inches below her bosom. It has many layers. Her bangs are styled with a side swept motion. It tends to style straight but MacKenzie likes to curl her hair every now and then.

Face: MacKenzie has high cheek bones that compliment her oval shaped head. Her eyes are deep brown they almost shimmer black, she has a normal straight nose, and her top lip curves and is somewhat thin but it hugs her thicker bottom lip in a cute manner. Her complexion is usually clear but a blemish will show up every now and then. She wears the basic concealer and base with a mild pink blush, on her eyes she applies purple eye-liner and thickening mascara for her eyelashes are longer than they are in quantity.  

Build: MacKenzie has an athletic body and reaches the height of 5'8", she weighs around 135 because she is mostly muscle. Her chest is very flat and her stomach is tone with abs of a dancer, she has thicker thighs and a butt. People say MacKenzie is model-thin but she doesn't believe them.

Skin Tone: Her skin tone falls between a light pale during the Winter and a very dark tan in the Summer months.

Clothing: Mackenzie enjoys shopping, her wardrobe can be described as open-minded. She has numerous amounts of skirts and skinny jeans, she prefers fitted fashion tops but will have the average T-shirt here and there. MacKenzie wears mostly dresses during the warmer months and admires sweaters during the snowy weathered seasons. Footwear can range from Boots to flats.


Religion: Christian - Baptist

Thoughts on Crime: For every action there is a reaction, we should confront the consequences before diving into situations. MacKenzie has a strong sense of right and wrong and will debate to the death her morals and beliefs.

Thoughts on War: There is no such thing as "World-Peace", she believes that leaders should discuss their differences and reach a reasonable medium before thinking of battle, if such thing cannot come to matter, War is the only logical explanation. Though some situations call for immediate atonements for War. 

Thoughts on Dating: She used to believe that dating was silly for teenagers her age, that was before she fell harder than she could imagine for one boy.


Disposition: MacKenzie is a logical yet practical person, her emotional range is exponential. Knowledge is something she cherishes and loves politics as well as acquiring anything and everything she can from the everyday world. She is always smiling and doesn't like to press her bad days on people. You can say that MacKenzie is a p@ssive person though when it comes to debates she will do anything to win--which leads to Mac being a competitive persona. She likes old school gadgets and television shows but is also very tech-savvy. MacKenzie isn't afraid to admitting being a huge nerd. 



Love Life:

Status: Currently Single

Orientation: Straight as Straight can be.

Crush: -I'll make him later-


Additionally: MacKenzie distastes people who are gloat on their worldly possessions, it's not that she is poor. MacKenzie is quite wealthy, though she finds it a nuisance and doesn't understand why some people cannot be humble. 


OOC:// Daw, I have to go to sleep now. D: 


11:39pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Night. D:))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

11:40pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 11:47pm Nov 27 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

Basic Info:

Name: Faythe Keir

Age: 17

Grade: Junior / 11


Hair: Her hair is toothpick straight for the most part, shoulder length at it's longest and as it goes up it is chopped at different levels and flips out slightly. It's a dark brown, almost black with her left eye hidden by bangs. 

Face: Faythe has a extremely hard, closed off face; a small stubborn chin, thin bottom lips and slightly fuller upper, high pointed cheek bones, hollow cheeks, and a small slightly slopping forehead. Her eyes a a dark, forest green that seem to grow darker as she gets angry.

Build: She stands about 5'4 (and is quite hostile about it) with a more unfeminine build. Calling Faythe fragile is like calling a stone soft. More muscular then an average girl, it's easy to see muscles twitching in her biceps and calves (if their showing). Though not flat chested she's not nearly as large as some girls, but the only upside is that she has a skinny, curvy waist. 

Skin Tone: Since she's half Hispanic half Caucasian her skin is darker, though nowhere near as dark as African American.  

Clothing: She's not flashy or showy at all, preferring a pair of sweat pants and a lose t-shirt to anything. Though often she can be seen wearing jeans and a tank top along with black combat boots. 


Religion: She has no religion, nor does she believe in it

Thoughts on Crime: It all depends on the situation. If someone has not food, then they should be able to steal. If some threatens you you should be able to kill. If your randomly going around slaughtering people for the fun of it then go on ahead buddy! Thats your choice. She does (more then) indulge in a crime spree every now and then with some of her buddies. But you touch a child and she'll be after your head so fast you won;t know what hit you until you wake up in he*l. 

Thoughts on War: As long as no one's fighting around her she really does not care one way or another. But you won't see her going to defend random people.

Thoughts on Dating: Keep it in your pants...


Disposition: Faythe has a cold, hard, aggressive disposition. You anger her, your going to know it by a fist in your face. You prank her you will get pranked back and it will more then likely result in pain. You mess with one of her friends and she will mess with you right back, again, with pain. Don't get her wrong, not everything in the world revolves around her hurting someone, she just refuses to be hurt ever again. She quite cautious really, replying on what she knows of the world to keep herself out of harms way. She's not into any sort of sport, nor does she go to watch any games or support school spirit in general. She always seems to find trouble, and will leap into it head first without thinking, meaning Faythe's really really rash.

Even though she's got a hundred or more downfalls, one thing that she tries to keep on the low, and that Jace loves to exploit, is that she is loyal to her bone. She'll jump in front of a bullet to protect her friends (though she'll refuse to call them that), and curse at the same person for trying to thank her. Just don't let her mouth get you down. Faythe also loves kids, that being her one weak point and will not stand for someone mistreating any child. 


Past: To understand Faythe's personality and why she does what she does you have to understand her past. At one point in time she was a happy little girl, living with her mother and father and being number one in her parents hearts. At least thats what she thought until her mother ran off with another man when Faythe was eight. Her father became increasing violent and angry afterwards and became a drunk. Their money was quickly lost. Her father blamed Faythe for their misfortune and began beating the young child, leaving bruises and whelps that teachers at her elementary schools never really asked about. It was like everyone had betray her. When she turned fifteen her father began using her as a form of money, creating her hatred towards most men and her nearly black heart. She dropped out of school to hide her wounds.

At age sixteen Faythe ran away from home with nothing but the dirty cloths on her back, never wanting to look back. She came to the city, looking to make a better life for herself, but no one would help or look at the pathetic excuse for human life with her hollow eyes, bruises, and fiery hatred. In despair she tried to end her life, only to be saved by Jace, who for some unknown reason saw the person underneath her facade. He saw fear, sadness, a lost of a childhood that would scar her for the rest of her days. He brought her back to his mother who instantly took pity on the girl. Faythe found herself in a loving home, one she had not experienced for years, but the cruelty of her past still took it's toll and it was months before she allowed any of them to touch her. The Keir's adopted Faythe after the judge found her former living armament's inadequate. She took the last name Keir and looks to Jace as a brother, and though she will not admit it her savior and Guardian Angel. Due to her lack of schooling in the last years she was held back a grade.  

Love Life:

Status: Single.

Orientation: Bi; it's whoever treats her well.

Crush: No...


Additionally: N/A


 Basic Info:

Name: Jace Keir

Age: 18

Grade: Senior / 12


Hair: Jace's hair reaches just above his ears, slightly shorter in the back then in the front, and is a light blonde. His bangs have a tendency to cover his eyes. 

Face: Jace has a open, slightly more emotional face; strong chin, high cheek bones, prominent jaw, and lips that never seem to stop grinning in a mischievous manner. His eyes are what sticks out the most though, being a bright, electric blue. 

Build: Jace is built like you would think of a football jock. Standing about 6'2 with broad shoulders and a athletic build, he's not cocky about his size. He's quite lean though, not as muscular as his height would suggest, though he can still throw a punch. 

Skin Tone: He is Caucasian, though slightly tanned about year-round.

Clothing: Jace tends to wear more for comfort then for style, wearing tight-ish shirts that are airy and tend to move easily and lose jeans. He doe swear other things including button down shirts occasionally and cacki pants, though you'll never see him in shorts or long sleeved shirts (even in the winter). He also has a liking to a long black leather duster even though it's long sleeved. 


Religion: Christian, he guesses.

Thoughts on Crime: He's like Faythe, if they got a good reason then he really does not care. But unlike his adopted sister nothing justifies killing. He at times joins Faythe in a small crime spree. 

Thoughts on War: As long as he's not called to do anything and thats it's not on his home turf he really does not care. But he does not understand why anyone would want to risk their lives for people they do not even know. 

Thoughts on Dating: It nice at times, and only if your actually interested in the person. 


Disposition: OoC: I'll finish this momentarily


Past: Jace never really knew his father, him and his mother divorcing a little before he was born, and that was just fine with him. It meant he had his mother all to himself. The two have a extremely close bond. He was always a rich kid, though he never flaunted his money, yet hung out with the hoodlums of the streets. This was because his life had always been perfected and he wanted adventure, danger. And thats exactly what he got. H'ed learned to steal, and har*censored* and how to dodge police. His mother never found out, nor was he ever caught. It was out doing this that he first met Faythe, a pitiful scrap of humanity, who was going to jump off a fifty or so foot bridge onto the concrete below. He stopped her, talked her out of it, and somehow broke though her guard. Though he never really knew how. His mother adopted her after a battle and he looks to Faythe as a sister, a abusive, cold, sister.

Love Life:

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Crush: None as of the moment.


Additionally: N/A


11:45pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 11:49pm Nov 27 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 911

Basic Info:

Name: Hayley Hudson

Age: Sixteen-years-old.

Grade: Junior/11.


Hair: Hayley has golden blonde wavy hair that is cut to a little below her chest. Her hair is naturally straight but she spends hours in order to perfect it.

Face: Hayley's large blue eyes are all that everyone looks at when they are talking to her. She has large, thick eyelashes that almost every girl would kill for. Her lips are full and pouty. She puts a lot of time into her face, making sure it is clear most of the time. She wears little makeup- consisting of blush, lipgloss/lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara.

Build: Hayley is 5'10" tall and weighs 120 pounds. Her body is toned because of the many variations of workouts she does. She has the constant fear of being overweight. Many people say that she should eat more while others compliment her on her thin, toned body. 

Skin Tone: White, but lightly tanned from her many weekends at the beach.

Clothing: Hayley usually wears the nicest clothes. Her wardrobe consists of many designer's creations. She usually wears fitted feminine shirts, skirts, jeans, shorts, heels, flats, and occasionally vans or converse.


Religion: Atheist.

Thoughts on Crime: Hayley tries to stay away from that kind of stuff. She doesn't have anything against it, but just doesn't want to see it going on in front of her.

Thoughts on War: Hayley believes that we have to fight for our freedom, but not all of the time. She would be delighted if the troops were allowed to come home.

Thoughts on Dating: After many abusive relationships where boys only use her to get to her money, Hayley needs to be with someone that she can completely trust.


Disposition: Hayley has a bubbly personality and is nice to almost everyone around her. She's not quick to judge like many people have believed in the past. She's very keen on including everyone in her many activities. Her sense of humor is quite hilarious, at least according to her closest friends and family. She doesn't enjoy being angry and would rather be happy all of the time. 


Past: Hayley was abandoned by her real mother when she was three-years-old. Her mother had the constant fear of hurting her. She put little Hayley on her wealthy brother's doorstep and was never heard from again. Hayley will never forgive her mother for abandoning her.

At age five, she was shipped off to boarding school. Her uncle didn't want anything to do with her and gave her a credit card so she wouldn't come to him for money. 

Love Life:

Status: Single.

Orientation: Straight.

Crush: None, yet.


Additionally: Nope. 


11:45pm Nov 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((We need another dude. o.o I guess I will make him.))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

12:10am Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 12:26am Nov 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,005


Basic Info:

Name: Matthew Reeves

Age: 16

Grade: Junior


Hair: Matthew has sandy blonde, curly locks that frame his heart-shaped face. His silken hair seems glistens in the sunlight, and adds a whimsical air to his being.

Face: Matthew has a small, heart-shaped face that complements his curly hair. His face is dotted with barely visible umber freckles, that accentuate his cheekbones. His nose is slightly upturned, giving him a charming prensence, and his bow-line lips seem to strengthen his jaw's severity and his cheekbones.

Build: Matthew is muscular, and 5'9''. He is wide chested, but his waist is rather small. He looks athletic, similar to the ideal Californian beach body.

Skin Tone: His skin is a tone slightly darker than his hair, and he is caucasian.

Clothing: Matthew wears clothes popular to the time period, and is a trend setter. He generally wears Hollister hoodies, faded cargo jeans or skinny jeans, graphic tee shirts, and different shoes depending on the weather.


Religion: Baptist Christian.

Thoughts on Crime: What happens, happens. Just don't get caught.

Thoughts on War: Matthew doesn't really have an opinion about war.

Thoughts on Dating: Dating is a-okay with him. x3


Disposition: Matthew is flirty, popular, fun, and happy-go-lucky. People always seem to be following Matthew, and he always seems to hav a girlfriend. Matthew is the perfect person to have a good time with.


Past: He lives in a middle-high cl*censored* naighborhood with his mom and baby sister.

Love Life:

Status: Single, surprisingly...

Orientation: Straight.

Crush: Hmm. Plenty of people. o.e


Additionally: N/A.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

12:29am Nov 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Bump. >c))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

12:42am Nov 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
(Noij. Join?)

(Banner made by Kina)

12:43am Nov 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Yuss. :D And hurry.))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

12:44am Nov 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((By the way, Matthew is the non-wulf form of Alpha. xD))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

12:48am Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 12:49am Nov 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,864

((Nioj <3)) 

Basic Info:

Name: Eli Goldsworthy. (Yes. I need practice for teh fanfics. Suck it, fellow degr*censored*i fans ;D)

Age: Lets go 17 xD

Grade: Senior/12.


Hair: Black, a bit above shoulders. Curves in at the end slightly. Bangs swoop across forehead, so he sometimes has to push them out.

Face:  Look at this for reference, basically xD

Build: A bit skinny, but overall alright. Pretty average in strength. May be a little less.

Skin Tone: Pale.

Clothing: Usually darker colors, occasional jeans. Likes jackets, especially black ones. Not leather, though. He wears a guitar pick neclace around his neck.


Religion: Atheist.

Thoughts on Crime: Dislikes the bad guys, but wants to fight fire with fire.

Thoughts on War: War is stupid.

Thoughts on Dating: He loves making the girl happy, and will date to her needs ;D Something he can control is best for him, but he'll usually go with the flow.


Disposition: Mysterious, dark, and can come off as rude. He's very sarcastic, with plenty of smart *censored* comments up his sleeve. His mouth can get him into trouble, though. He's funny, mostly, but he's a little obsessed with death and has some secrets to hide. /drives a hearse


Past: ...he doesn't like to talk about it.

Love Life:

Status: Single (sorry Clare! D;)

Orientation: Heterosexual.

Crush: none, yet.


Additionally: Dad works at a radio station. He drives a hearse named Morty. He tends to get beat up for being "emo". No, he doesn't cut himself. I'll try and answer questions lD

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