Semi-Lit Teen Romance

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9:21pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 9:30pm Nov 28 2010)

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Posts: 3,991
((Aww bye Heart. I'll be on all night probably XP))

"Hey Matt." Jethro called as he jogged up to his football buddy. Who was no doubt with a new girl. Jethro frowned, if Karienne found out about it she would go about how some men were no good players and how they needed for one girl to completely crush their heart, or at least punch them in the face.

He looked from Matthew to the girl. "Hey Margaret right?" he asked his blue eyes going cold.

"That's an ugly name. It's Meagan." she said with her stupid voice. Jethro tried not to cringe how Matt could even talk to her was beyond him.

"Yeah whatever Martha. I heard the girl over there saying that your boobs are fake." He said trying to sound genuine as he pointed to a group of girls.

"Ugh, these are so not." she said sounding annoyed. "I worked hard at these, some girl are just gifted and others not, like your girlfriend."

Jethro put on an annoyed smile. "You know I'm sure they are but you should tell those girls over there." he said. "But before you go call Kari my
girlfriend again and I'll give you another nose job okay?"

Her mouth dropped and her eyes went wide. She made a face before she huffed and stomped her foot and spun around to go talk to the other girls. Jethro waved then turned back to Matthew. "Why were you even talking to her. What would Amy say?" Jethro asked curious. "Unless, you and Amy are over? Did I just scare away your new catch?"

- - - - - - -

"Pleasure." Karienne smiled as she shook the girls hand. She looked back at the school kids. She saw Jethro say something to a cheerleader who marched on angrily. She let out a little snorting sound which she quickly tried to cover by putting her hand over her mouth. She was still grinning like an idiot. She muttered something under her breath and turned back to the girl. "So, you enjoying the school? The sights?" she asked as she turned to smile and wave at one of the p*censored*ing guys.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:30pm Nov 28 2010

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Posts: 12,418

Adra smiled and walked outside. She looked at he motercycle. She walked over to it and smirked. "Lake."She smiled. She walked to where everyone was. She sat down and grabbed her keys. She twirled them around. "How I wish I could drive right now."She murmmered.


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11:22am Nov 29 2010

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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Sorry guys, I've been gone for a couple of days. Will someone please recap what has happened? :)


2:50pm Nov 29 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Nothing much Moo, the kids are now arriving at school and talking XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

4:59pm Nov 29 2010

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Posts: 1,864

Eli sauntered back out of the building. He had seen what he needed to see. Done what had to be done. All was right with the world.

Yeah, right.

I still need to get Morty's fender checked out. Eli thought to himself. He walked at his own pace, moving to his own rythm, over to the hearse and began to carefully look around the front and back, eventually finding the dent. It wasn't all that bad, and Eli was good with cars. Years of Morty will do that to ya.

((Looking for some sort of interaction. xD))


8:25pm Nov 29 2010

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Posts: 3,005

"Yep. Amy and I are over. And I'm not that upset about it, either." Matthew muttered. "And Megan isn't a catch. She just wants me to catch her..." Matthew continued grimly. Matthew's eyes wandered back to the girl with the sketchpad.
"Why do I put myself in these situations," Matthew asked himself, but it was more of a statement than a question. He looked now at the girl who sat next to the sketchpad girl. She was different too.

Matthew motioned over to the girls. "Hey Jeth... that girl. The one right there." He notioned to Karienne with his head. "You hang out with her, huh?" He inquired thoughtfully.


Lindsay shook her head. "This school... It's beautiful, but it's just wrong. All wrong." She peeked out of the corner of her eyes, and saw two boys, one obviously talking about them.

"Hey, um, Karrie?" Lindsay asked quietly. "Who are they?" She nudged her head towards the boys. "I think they are talking about us..." She had an uncomfortable look on her face.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

9:08pm Nov 29 2010

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Posts: 12,418

Adra got up. She walked over to her motorcycle. "Crap."She said. Another scratch. "Looks like Storm's going to need to get fixed."She sighed. she looked at Eli and his hearst. She smiled. She looked back at her motorcycle.


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9:15pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 5:54pm Nov 30 2010)

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Posts: 3,991

"Hey Jeth... that girl. The one right there." He looked towards where Mathew was motioning at. "You hang out with her, huh?" Matthew asked. Jethro looked over at Karienne. "The older one right?" he asked as he looked over at the girls. He waved slightly before turning back to Matthew. "Karienne? Yeah we grew up together she's like the sister I never wanted." he smiled jokingly. "The younger one I don't know. Probably a grade nine." he shrugged. He looked back at his friend quizzingly. "Why do you wanna know?"

 - - - - - - -

Karienne looked up t the boys Lindsay mention. It was Jethro and Matthew. Jethro smiled and waved slightly. Kari waved back before her turned to talk back to his friend. She looked back at the younger girl. "The one who waved is my friend Jethro. He's not as mean as he comes across." she grinned as he thought of how to boy mouthed off to teachers and swore at any of the girls who were nice to him. "And the other boy. Well thats Matthew. One of our resident players. I'd watch out for that one. Has a new squeeze every week."

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

12:17am Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 1,864
Eli got up from his car's fender and examined his work. Not too shabby. He had managed to restore the fender almost completely, but a little dent could add some character, right? As he turned slowly to leave Morty with an affectionate pat, he noticed the girl complaining about the scratch on her Motercycle. His lips stayed in a flat line, showing not much emotion. His eyes remained calm and dark. "Hey." he said flatly. "Need a little help?"


8:15am Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,418

Adra looked behind her. "Sure."She smiled. She looked at it. The paint's all mess up. She said to herself. She sighed.

(Fail. I'm half awake and half asleep.)

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4:41pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 1,864
A tiny bit inside of Eli flamed for a second. Or an hour. Or a lifetime. He couldn't be sure. Inside the greenish tiny flame, pain and suffering and grief was harbored. The flame spread inside his chest, but he tried to hold it back. He might've twitched once. Besides the pain behind his eyes, you couldn't tell what was wrong. Motorcycle-no, bike... messed up paint-a crash... His heart cringed. A tinge of wildness crept into his eyes. "I've got to go. Sorry." He hopped into his hearse, turned on the car, and began backing out. This school was crap, anyway.


7:51pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 3,005

Matthew shrugged. "Dunno. Just wondering..." He watched the girls for a second, and smiled goofily. "I'm gonna go talk to them. You're coming too." He chuckled, and then his smile took on a strange look of amusement as he eased forward.

He stood next to the bench, his head turned slightly at an angle.

"What are you girls all alone for?" He asked intently, with the innocence of a child.


Lindsay didn't have time to answer Karrienne's warning. She didn't know how, but a second later, Lindsay was face-to-face with the boy who, "had a new squeeze every week."

"Um, hi...' Lindsay babbled. "I'm new... I guess it was expected... I... sat here...?" Lindsay asked herself uncomfortably, and looked at the two older kids for approval.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

8:19pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 3,991
"Dunno. Just wondering..." Jethro watched the boy. He was planning something. "I'm gonna go talk to them. You're coming too."

Jethro eyes went wide at that. He didn't have time to answer because the boy had already started making his way towards the two girls. Jethro bit her lip, he hoped Kari was in a good mood, she wasn't all in to the whole player thing Matt had going on.

"What are you girls all alone for?" Jethro heard Mathew asked as he approached. Jeth stood a little ways behind him, in fear of what the reaction would be. The younger girl started babbling something of, while Kari had changed her posistion and was leaning against the back of he bench, her legs crossed looking directly at Matthew.

"Well I'd hardly saw we were alone. Two is company." Karienne said crossing her arms over her chest. "Now what brings you over here? Isn't there a cheerleader to hit on or something?"

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:43pm Dec 1 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Bump XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:36pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:37pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 3,005

"There are cheerleaders I could hit on," Matthew mused, "but I think I'm done with cheerleaders. For obvious reasons," he shuddered. "I prefer to just... talk sometimes. With them, you only listen. And listen. And listen..." He chuckled. "And why do you think so highly of me anyway?" He asked, undertones of sarcasm in his voice. "You haven't gotten to know me... yet." He tried not to smile, but his lips curled up futilely.

"And welcome to Anderson, by the way," He cooed to Lindsay. "You'll hate it here." He said it gently, though honestly.


Lindsay wondered if Matthew was being honest about 'preferring to just talk sometimes.' Even though he sounded sincere, she had her guard up.

You'll hate it here. 

"How encouraging," Lindsay tried to mutter. But it came out as something like, "Hewe encurgen." Lindsay's lips felt like jello. She was uncomfortable. But also happy the most popular guy in school came to talk to her. It was stupidity. He was obviously making fun of her.

But his eyes said sincerity.

((No, Lindsay won't go out with Matt. I promise. XD Just drama...))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

10:16pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Oh lol. I was wondering XD))

Karienne didn't listen to what Matthew was saying she pretended to pick at her nails.

"And why do you think so highly of me anyway?" she heard him ask sarcastically, which made her look up. "You haven't gotten to know me... yet."

She raised her eyebrow at that. Who in the he'll did he think he was. "I dont have to know you personally because I already know your type." she said, Jethro giving her a little shake off his head. She stuck out her tongue childishly.

"And welcome to Anderson, by the way," Matt said as he irked to the younger girl. "You'll hate it here."

Karienne mouth opened slightly when he told her that. "Dude. Our school is not that bad. The people, or well someof them-" she shot a look at Matt then Jethro "Are pretty great. And the school looks nice-" she was cut off from a male voice calling to her from a few meters away. "Hey what's up Nigel." she waved to the boy. "Finish your history?" he laughed before walking into the school. She looked back at Lindsey. "And anyways Our dances are pretty awesome. Or at least they will be with me being on student council this year." she said as she pushed some curls from her face.

((Oh and sorry Kari being so mean XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:56pm Dec 3 2010

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Posts: 2,842

Basic Info:

Name:Annika Vinsjc


Grade: 11


Hair: Long. Partly platinum blonce, partly ash blonde. Black underneath. Also, hasho pink/electric blue, hot pink/blonde and electric blue/blonde coon tails. Hair is cut in many razored layers. Scene hair.

Face: Heart/oval shaped. Warm brown eyes. Often lots of black eye makeups. And just lipglosson rosy pink lips

Build: Tall. About 5'10" Muscular without much fat but not like ripped or sickly thin or anything.

Skin Tone: Slightyl tanned

Clothing: She likes, tight skinny jeans. Striped clothing. Coloured jeans. And wearing long shirts and leggings :3


Religion:Agnostic, leaing twards Atheist

Thoughts on Crime: Hates it. Burning pa.ssion agains it. KNows what its like firsthand.

Thoughts on War: Stupidest thing in the world.

Thoughts on Dating: She's never really had a long lasting relationship before, so, its mixed :/


Disposition: Can be sweet and kind, but is extremely shy. She has a reason to be shy. Doesn't trust father figures anymore. Horrible ast which has scarred her. She gnereally has n optimistic outlook on life.


Past:Can I rpit out? I do promise it will happen.

Love Life:

Status: Currently single. But looking :D

Orientation: Bisexual 

Crush: OPEN


Additionally: Born in Croatia. Lived there until she was 10. Then moved to Germany and lived their for 5 years. Just moved here last year.Speaks fluent in Croatian, German and English. And her accent is a mixbetween German and Croatian, thought its more Croatian.


Basic Info:

Name:Ryder Mueller


Grade: 11


Hair: Kind of hat hair, he always wears a toque. White blonde, it's bleached.

Face: Oval shaped. One blue eye one brown eye.

Build: Tall 6'1" Lanky. Scrawny. Big hands.

Skin Tone: Very pale

Clothing: Band t-shirts, like Alexisonfire. Megadeath. Nazareth. etc.


Religion:He's a Biddhist who livesby the sevenfold.

Thoughts on Crime: Meh.

Thoughts on War:Stupid.

Thoughts on Dating: Girls? -drools- He likes it :P


Disposition:Shy, a bit agressive he can be, stubborn, nice once you get to know him.


Past: Pretty awesome. Comes from a good family with a mother named Alison, father name Joachim and sister named Oakley

Love Life:

Status: Single

Orientation:Straight is a toothpick :I

Crush: OPen


Additionally: Has lived in many vcounries including Australi, Ireland, England, Germany, Canada, ad America :D



OoC; Sorry for the lateness. Homework and such. Also, Firefox crashed on me last ime D:


8:46pm Dec 3 2010

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Posts: 3,005
((Accepted. Lemme add you~ :D))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

8:57pm Dec 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005

((We need tension, Serenity. :D))

Matthew arched an eyebrow. "My type? You have never even talked to me. You just... rely on rumors as facts." He sharply rebutted.

All was silent for a while. Then he spoke up.

He quieted his voice, his calm mood restored. "Look, I am sorry. But people just seem to... either love me or hate me. And the people that hate me... never seem to give me a chance. Like you." He looked up at you, his eyes gleaming cornflower blue.

"And this school is horrible, for me. Maybe some of it... is how people treat me. Like you just did." He looked at Karrienne intently, slightly smiling. "Seriously. We got off on the wrong foot. Can we at least have... some sort of a truce right now? Please?"


Lindsay stiffened at Matthew's anger. She didn't know whether to feel sympathy or hatred. He was so... bipolar. She could understand people judging him was tough, though. She faced it all the time.

Lindsay gave Karrienne a questioning glance.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
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