2:35pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Alright, Serenity. Sowwy. D;)) "I'm sorry, Jeth. No hard feelings... I am just p***ed off," Matthew warned. He took out his phone, and punched the number in on his touchscreen. He opted to actually call Karienne. A text would be safer, but... he needed to say this aloud. He pressed the talk button, and waited, a hollow ringing sound echoing from the phone. He seriously didn't give a care if the teachers saw him.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:26pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Don't worry. All is good XD)) Jethro rolled his eyes and turned and started talking to the guys around him. Honestly, he couldn'r wrap his mind around why Matthew like Karienne. They were different, but then again she was his best friend. And he had only officially met Kari this more but he seemed to be head over heels, falling a bit to hard considering he might hurt himself or Kari would hurt him. Karienne watched as the nurse wrapped her hand with the gauze. "Honestly Ms. Jackson, how did you do this? Punch a locker or something?" she nurse asked as she started to tape it up. "Something like that." Karienne said. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. The nurse must have felt it, or heard it too cause she looked up. "No cell phones during school hours." she said firmly giving Kari a look. She nodded. "Alright Miss." she said as she slipped her hand into her pocket of the short under her skirt and hit the ignor button. The nurse gave her a look. Kari sighed and pulled the phone ouut and turned it off infront of the woman. "Happy?" "Very." she said as she handed Karienne an ice pack. "Now hold that on there and the swelling should go down. It might be hard to write for your period three and four." Karienne nodded. ((Wow, fail post.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:33pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Serenity, stop giving Matthew such a hard time. D< xD)) Matthew listened to the phone's ring, but it didn't pick up. He frowned, and hit his head against the lunch table. "This is ridiculous," he groaned, and waited for Karienne to come back. ((You didn't give me much to work with... XD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:41pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Its soo damn fun XD and I know. I'm having a brain fart. I gotta go. I'll be back sometime soon.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:01pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Awh. But he loooves you. xD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:28pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Yeah it is" Annika said smiling, glad someone knew of the place she and coe here from. "Dresden is a nice place, I've been there a few times" Mostly to hide.. "But, let me ask you this?" she smiled, "Does my accent sound German?" Lookingat the scene unfolding in front of her she said quietly, "Because I can a.ssure you it is not"
7:39pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
"No," Lindsay smiled. "Croatian, maybe? Or is that Polish?" She asked intently, her smile widening. ((Fail... ;c))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:41pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Adra nodded. She held her ankle. Ty sighed. "I have to go. Sorry."He said. He looked at her stone, cold, icy, blue eyes. Ty bit his lip. "Be careful. When her eyes are icy blue, she's mad."Ty warned Linsday. (Fail)
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:17pm Dec 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"You are right. Croatian." Annika smiled, "Not many people guess it whenI speak." Her smile wdened "How good are you at English clas.s? I may need help, I don't do grammar very well here."Her smile changed to a promising look, "Are yoi taking German this semester?"
8:25pm Dec 6 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Lindsay smiled at Ty. "I'll manage." She turned to Annika. "Actually, I'm at the top of my English cla.ss. I took German last year though, in eighth grade, so no, I am not taking German this year." She sighed glumly. ((Fail.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:42pm Dec 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 12,418
Adra closed her eyes to calm down. She stared singing to herself. "Maybe it's not my weekend, but It's going to be my year......"She started mumbling and singing. Her eyes were still closed, forgetting who was by her.
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:58pm Dec 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:23pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:47pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Want to help me?" Annika asked shyly, but with a hint of lauhter in her voice, "What other cl*censored*es are you taking?" She asked Lindsay before listing off her own, "ell, first period I have Math c30, then Bio 20, Chem 30, lunch, then English and German." She smiled, "I have arts and such next semester?" OoC; IS it okay how I laid out the periods,? That's what its like it my school. P1 P2 -15 min brak- P3 -1hour lunch- P4 P5
12:50pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((East- most schools in Southern America have periods like this: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5/ A Lunch P5/ B Lunch P5/ C Lunch P6 P7 I'd prefer this way, for simplicity.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
2:46pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Holy sh*t my school is like P1 P2 P3a (Third period/Lunch) P3b (Third Period/Lunch) P4 XD Mine is soo different))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:36pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Well, we technically will only be doing anything during the mornings, Lunch, and the afternoons. So there is no point in planning this out.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:30pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Ohkay. Juss so I know the layout. POst peoples!
8:39pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Lindsay smiled. "Sure. And I am taking Geometry, Psychology, English, Biology, and Chem." ((Fail, but I can't type much. My brother just dislocated my finger. It hurts so bad.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:33pm Dec 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
"Very cool" Annika smiled, "What period do you have Chem and Bio in?" She smiled showing her teeth."Like I said, I have Bio20 in second and Chem 30 in third." She glanced at her watch, "I have to go ind my next cl*censored*, before thebell rings, I have no idea where it is. English with ZMr. Menxter. Do you know where that is? Room 152" OoC; So thats my English clas.sroom. xD