Semi-Literate Shapeshifter Roleplay

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3:42pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 4:41pm Jul 28 2010)

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Posts: 7,620

 Ikuto walked through the streets tilting his head forward. i have been having pretty close calls. Those scientists are really onto me. They keep poping up everywhere i go. They are really suffocating me at the least they could give me some space. Im getting really sick of them and their games just what the hell do they want anyway. What are they doing with all the missing kids.All of them seem to be just random people that are like kids well not kids but teens. It seems these guys dont play around.Im like a cat in a maze.I guess i have to keep shaking them somehow i will and get these losers away from my sister.

 He walked an alley where a net was thrown he looked at it and quickly dodged it. 3 people in white came from the shadows of the alley. They throught more nets and sleeping gas he jumped into a tree and started to dash from tree to tree making sure they didnt touch him. They followed him they could see his large cat like ears moving through the leaves as he went. His violet eyes that could change color with emotions based on an experiment he had as a kid flashed red as he growled in anger trying to lose them. He jumped up at a higher distance on a higher branch. He managed to hide in the leaves that were thick and hard to scout anything in.

 They couldnt see him. The female one looked at the trees" Find him at all costs this one is sneaky so keep on your toes" The two looked at her"Yes sir"they said obediently and went in a different diresction. Ikuto watch all 3 of them head off. What a couple of goons they wouldnt know a hiding place if it bit them on the butt. Wait wheres tesuma i saw her not to long ago. The men called there advisor back to them and she appeared"What about this one aint she his sister". Ikutos eyes bucked at what he saw. Tesuma!The female scientist laughed evily " Now he has no choice but to come to us". Ikuto made a low growl and dropped down from the trees. He gave and evil smirk " Looking for me?"He scowled. The two males looked at each other. The female growled " Dont just stand thee you idiots grab him"

 The two males charged after him. Ikuto leaped on ones back and backflipped up kicking the second one who flipped and fell. He grabbed his sister and they darted off"Ikuto"was all his sister could stay. They stoped at a bridge panting heavily. " i think we lost them" Tesuma said. Then 5 figures appeare surrounding them. "Think again"ikuto said. The female stepped forward"Now be a good boy and come with us". Ikuto threw a rock at one of them. All the 5 scientists ducked before the rock reached them. Tesuma tried to make a dash for it. Ikuto looked back at her" Tesuma no.."Before he could finish his sister was caught by a biger scientist and tranquelized. Ikuto growled and looked back at the female she shot a tranquelizer in his arm but he refused to go down. She shot two  more and he fell to his knees. She walked up to him and he put his head up" you... you.."She shot him again and there was a flash of light.

"Ikuto?" a sort of child like voice that seemed to echo called him he thought it was just a dream it called again "Ikuto get up nya". Ikuto started to open his eyes alittle.They flashed open he knew he wasnt where he was before.He moved his head around frantically and saw his sister lying down in the bed.He got up from he floor and went to her"Tesuma"he said softly.He turned seeing a shadow on the wall and the female scientist looking at him in concern"are you ok im sorry this place isnt comfortable but we found you-". Ikuto cut her off" Cut the crap where are we". The scientist raised her gl*censored*es back up to her eyes " I see youve retained you memory..well you can call it you new home"he said sweetly. He growled at her. She looked at him seeing any signs of anger their were none. She huffed.


ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

3:54pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,835

    PJ flippeda page in the book she was reading. Her purple eyes flickered over the words as her father called her.
    "Come one, PJ. We have to leave." Her father yelled knocking on her bedroom door. PJ closed her book.
    "I don't feel good...You can go without me." PJ said giving a fake couph. She opened her book as her father gave up and went to the car. She closed her eyes as she heard another knock on it. She got up and walk towards the door. "I thought that you'd lef-" She stopped as she opened the door and saw a strange man standing there. She let out a small wimper as the man grabbed her covering her mouth so no one could hear her. She looked around as she started to feel dizy and then everything went black.

PJ groaned as she woke up on a cold hard floor. She looked around not knowing where she was...Or even who she was! "Wh-where am I?" She asked sitting up. She saw someone standing infront of her. It was a lady. "Who are you?" PJ asked starting to freak out. She felt very weak...Too weak to stand up and she felt like she was about to faint again.
The women looked at her."Good you are awake." The women said watching PJ's every move. "Where am I?" PJ asked again freaking out. She felt a deep pain in her left arm the spread up to her shoulder and then to her other arm. It began to crawl down her back as her body began to shift into something else. PJ let out a loud growled as her senses became more...Intence and alert. A loud noise banged against her ears making her jump. She let out a loud snarl as the women started to say something to try to calm her down but the sound of the loud bang still rang through her ears causing her to focus on that only.
"Hm...It seems that your hearing is okay...And so are your other senses." The women said watching PJ. "You should get some rest though, before we check to make sure your health is okay." The women said. "You need to change back though."
PJ let out a wimper and looked at the women curiously. She looked down as the girl put a pile of clothes at her paws.


4:21pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,310


"See ya, Sanctum!" a woman's voice said, breaking the teen out of his video-game binge. He glanced up from the bright screen and stared blankly at his mother with his strange, cat-yellow eyes. His mother was half out the front door and he presumed his father was already in the car. It was confirmed when he heard the car horn blare out a few times as his father impatiently pressed the stearing wheel.

That was when he figured out why his parents were going out. He had persuaded them to take the night off so he could stay up late playing his video games. Finding his voice, he said; "See-ya mom," before returning his attention to the TV screen a few feet from where he was sitting. Hearing his mother sigh then close the front door, Sanctum turned off the gamestation he was using before switching it over to the news. With a sigh, he grumbled on how another teen was missing.

Hearing the front door open suddenly, he snapped his head in its general direction. His brows furrowed together as he pushed himself off the couch to close it. Muttering on how it came open, he turned around and nearly crashed into a shorter man in a white coat. Cocking a brow, he was about to ask who he was and how he got into his home when he felt pain explode through the back of his skull as somebody hit him. It felt like a pole.

Growling in pain, he struggled to stay on his feet as he collasped to his knees. Tendrils of crimson reached out from his pupils and started to cover the yellow irises. The man's impas-sive eyes watched him as stars started to dance in his vision. Not to mention, his vision was dimming. He last saw the man smirk as the ground rushed up to meet him and his vision blacked.

= = =

"Experiment Number 999952? Can you hear me?"

He jolted up at the sound of a voice. He glanced around to see the silhouette of a person. Though, he couldn't see the exact gender of the person. "Yea. Just fine," he muttered as he shifted into a crouching position in the gla-ss container he woke up in. 

"Do you remember anything?"

He cocked his head at the question. "Not exactly everything," he muttered again. "Just something about somebody named 'Sanctum'?"

"That, my friend, would me your name."

Sanctum glanced at the person, the sound of the voice. His brows narrowed. "And who would you be?" he asked, suddenly suspiscious. Instead of answering, the person backed off and faded into the light that prevented him from seeing the details of the person. A low growl escaped him before his head throbbed with unexpected pain. Closing his eyes for just a second, Sanctum lost consciousness.

= = = 

Sanctum came awake again inside the same gla-ss container... on his side. Getting onto his bottom, then to his feet, he watched as men in white coats scrambled around him. Cocking a brow, he watched as one of them turned to him. "Good. Your up. We might have bit of trouble here with getting you stressed," the man said, cocking his head to one side before glancing at a group of people with poles in there hands.

Sanctum glanced at them and let out a low growl as he shifted his stance when they entered the gla-ss container. Crimson tendrils of colour reached out from the pupils as the men attacked him. Another low growl escaped him as his heartrate increased and adrenaline pumped through his blood. Feeling his bones crunch ans shift inside of him, his skin prickled, and his ears creaped up the side of his head.

With another growl, he lunged at the men and when he hit the first man, his hands became paws furred in crimson. Snarling, he bared his fangs as he continued his attack on the men attacking him. Soon, the men retreated with open wounds and bruises. Sanctum stood in the center of the container and his fur was bristling.

"Very good. Very healthy for a Wolf Shapeshifter. Calm down and we'll take you to your new cell once you've shifted back into your human form," the man said before pulling a lever and pressing a button.

Just before Sanctum could wonder what was going on, something covered the container. They looked like blackout blinds. Pacing in a circle, Sanctum continued to growl at them.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:24pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98

((None of the teens are shapeshifters before they're captured by the scientists, atalanta.  Could you put some spaces between your punctuation marks too, please? :3))


Amanda stretched in her new clothes.  They seemed a bit large, but they were comfy nonetheless.   The scientists had given her a long-sleeved black shirt and miniskirt with some slip-on shoes to wear.  She twitched her ears, still cat-like in appearance because she couldn't figure out how to get them back where they belonged.  She moved out into the hallway and sat on the linoleum flooring, waiting for somebody to come along and take her to her room.



4:34pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,620
(i edited it)

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

4:34pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

Zale leaned back on the swing, taking in the night sky.

He'd snuck out of his room, something he wouldn't have done two nights ago. But now the abductions had ceased, and besides, he hadn't heard of anyone being taken from his neighboorhood. He got off the swing and went over to a hill next to a large oak he used to be able to climb when he was little.

He had just gotten comfortable when he was jumped. He was then shoved, bound and gagged, into the back of a van. The rest was a blur until he was released inside a dark room. He gasped, then closed his eyes, desperately trying to wonder how he'd gotten there. He shivered, then sat down on the cement floor.

He was just dozing off as a large woman banged open the door.

"Bloody thing never works properly..." She broke off when she saw him and smiled sweetly.

"Hello dearie. Feeling well? Let's see... Zale, is it? Yes yes. Sounds right." While she'd been talking she had grabbed Zale's arm and injected him with some kind of liquid.

"Now, I'll just do this here.." She walked over and flipped a switch. Instantly, several flames shot out through the walls, licking Zale's hair and causing him to jump back.

"Are you insane?!", he managed to shout before his body gave a shudder and reformed itself. He hissed at the woman, who was now peering over him.

"Afraid of a little fire? You scaredy cat.. Oh look. That was a funny." She chuckled then examined Zale.

"All seems well. Now, just calm down and you'll be back to your nice little normal self. I've got what I hope is what all the 'cool kids' wear, all over there in that chest. Just ring for me when you're done and I'll help you from there." She gave a little wave and dissappeared.


4:40pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 4:47pm Jul 28 2010)

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Posts: 7,620
 The female scientist looked at him trying to see what would get him upset then it hit her " Oh , your sisters not awake yet thats a bad sign.".Ikuto growled and his eyes flashed red"What do you mean 'Thats not a good sign'?".he made a low chuckle"Wel...she may never wake up.".Ikutos eyes bucked"Your lying." He growled loudly giving an ear piercing growl"Your lying!" He looked at her. His skin became all black and furry. He fell to the grown and his long canine teeth came out that were thick and dangerous. He grew a long black tail and paws.His clawas came out and he roared loudly.She smiled at him"Calm down i was lying".In an instant he turned back to human form still his ears were out.He growled at her and the next thing he knows she hands him clothes.He looked down at them surely she didnt want him to wear this. "Put it on ikuto and give the other to your sister.".She said walking away. He growled and sat down not doing what she had asked.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

8:32pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98

((atalanta:  please use spaces and apostrophes, make sure you capitalize proper names and the beginning of sentences, please.))


 The woman Amanda saw when she first arrived was the first to spot her sitting forlornly on the floor, out of place in the large facility.  "Why, Amanda!" she giggled, "Your ears are still poking out like a Puma's.  Haven't you figured out how to take them back in yet?"  Unsure of how to respond to the woman, Amanda just shook her head.  Something in her mind clicked, and she realized that 'Amanda' wasn't the name she preferred to use.


"Call me Mandi," she murmured, unsure of how the woman would respond.


The smile on her middle-aged face faded, "What did you say, Aman- Mandi?"


"I don't like to be called Amanda.  It's too long and too common.  Mandi just seems more - more exotic."


"I'll be sure to call you Mandi, then sweetie."  The woman pulled the collar of her lab coat up to her mouth, and almost silently said, "Subject regaining more memories than planned.  We may need to quarantine."  Amanda's ears picked up the words 'memories' and 'planned' but she couldn't catch anything else.


"Umm, miss?  Can you tell me how to fix my ears?"


"Oh, yes!  Just focus on making them back into human ears first, then try to get them back down to the sides of your head."  Amanda tensed as the woman examined her ears' transformation with overwhelming interest.  As soon as everything was completely human, the woman grabbed Amanda's hand and helped her up from the floor.  "I'll take you over to your new home.  We'll keep you in Cell Block A with all of the other non-hostile quadrupeds."


Amanda released her grip from the woman's hand, "Does that mean that there are hostile people here?  If this place is so unsafe as to hold kind people and dangerous people in one building, I think I'm prepared to face the outdoors first."


The woman smiled, and laughed, chilling Amanda down to the bone and causing her spine to tingle.  "You don't have to worry about the hostiles.  We keep them confined for a while, and if they don't learn their manners in a week or two, we put them down." 


8:51pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 5,310


Sanctum continued to pace in his darkened cell, cut off from the rest of the world. His crimson eyes seemed to glow bright in the dark and his nails clicked on the floor of his cell. Flicking his ears back against his skull, he let out a snarl as he bared his fangs at nobody inparticular. Sanctum was trying to calm down. He really was... but the wolf inside of him refused to be calm. With his hackles still raised, he stopped his pacing and let out an eerie howl as he raised his nose to the ceiling. Finishing off the howl with a loud snap of his jaws, he continued to pace. His tail flicked the whole time.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:00pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98


12:22am Jul 29 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

Zale shivered and focused on the cinderblock in front of him. He kneaded the floor, sheathing and unsheathing his claws. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt first his tail, then ears dissappear. He found it easier to walk on two legs, and he was growing taller. Within minutes he was back to normal. He shrugged the clothes on (Black jeans and a Steeler's football jersey) and sat back next to the wall.

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