7:15am Dec 4 2012
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Shadow's attention drew away from the juvenile air dragon and she looked at Lumos. "Well,what do we have here?",she asked calmly,even though she was tired of fighting and a bit annoyed.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
7:23am Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Lumos tilted his head slightly, stepping forward. "Shadow, I have not come for a battle," he stated, his wings folding against his sides as he paused. "What do you know of the instinctive hatred between our clans?" he asked, watching the other leader carefully.
8:05am Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 1,080
" Are you an idoit? We just went through this a MINUTE before you came!" Eclipse said as she looked on, " This is so stupid, why dose everyone hate us?"
9:29am Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Lumos turned his attention to Eclipse with narrowed eyes and a low, warning growl. "Hold your tongue, and show respect for the leader of the Light clan," he snarled, lowering his head as his spiked tail lashed behind him. "I came here in peace, but will leave in bloodshed if proper respect is not shown from a low-rank such as yourself," he growled before turning his colorless, pale grey eyes back to Shadow. "Please keep your...underlings in their place, or I will be forced to show them why I am the leader of my clan," he growled softly. "I do not have these scars for show."
11:48am Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 1,080
Eclipse couldn't help it, she started laughing," You have to be kidding me right? Your in our territory, and Your ' scares ' Are not that impressive, I have seen many other dragons who have a lot more than you, and Underling, That is a child insult. For once I almost feel SORRY for the light clan, they have to suck up to a horrible leader like yourself, the Light clan could never have a respectable leader like Shadow or one of the others." Eclipse rambled.
2:49pm Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Lumos's pale blue scales began to glow, as did his colorless grey eyes. "I suggest you quit while you are ahead," he growled, thin tendrils of pure light beginning to weave their way around him. "Continue to taunt me and I will not be held responsible for what happens to you, child," he hissed, his wings unfolding slightly. "I have been battling for longer than you have been alive, and I demand respect!" He parted his jaws, his still-sharp teeth bared.
((You know, Eclipse is really pushing her luck.
Lumos isn't going to take this much longer. o-o))
2:55pm Dec 4 2012
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Eclipse was getting annoyed, she may have been smaller but she was probably faster." I guess then I have to bow down to your will, To bad I won't, I just don't understand why you came here to pick a fight. I am just defending what I believe in while you stepped onto our territory."
( You would think Eclipse would be nicer.... I guess I will try to make her a little less annoying. Sometimes I don't think that I control her, She has almost evolved into.... a something. Not sure I can control her.)
2:58pm Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 11,785
"I can here for peace, and you insulted me as a leader," Lumos stated with a growl. "I will not stand for being insulted, especially by one as low in rank as you." He stood up straighter, turning his gaze back up to Shadow, the glow he'd held beginning to fade away. "Does your clan make it a habit to pick fights with other clans?" he asked, sending Eclipse a condemning glare. He would take this lightly, and would not easily let this go. He had asked a simple question, come with but a simple request.
3:02pm Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 1,080
" Peace, You said you came here to fight Shadow, and a leader would not lose his temper so easily and start growling and threatening anyone younger and of lower rank." Eclipse said raising her wings and flying into a large tree next to the other dragons
( Should we wait for Spirt to role-play as Shadow?)
3:09pm Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((He never said he came there to fight. .-.))
3:22pm Dec 4 2012
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Posts: 1,080
( Whoops, guess I miss read it. I guess Eclipse just misunderstood what he had said and thought he was saying he wanted to fight.)
7:18am Dec 6 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Thanks for finally waiting. Lol.)
Shadow looked back at Eclipse. "Would you hush? I don't fell like having to see you get hurt. He didn't come to fight,you just misunderstood." She then turned back to Lumos. "I remember my clan was evil at one point in time and that may have set off the hatred. Also,we don't always pick fights. It isn't a habit."
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
7:37am Dec 6 2012
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Posts: 1,080
Eclipse crossed her eyes and laughed," I am such and idiot," She said as she turned to Lumos. " Sorry about that, Carry on!"
12:18pm Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 1,188
(0.0... i think i will leave this RP. i will do a final post)
Charlotte sighed and flew limpingly back to her clan. her days never got exciting, and she never thought they would. she was young, and had great expectations. she did not know what lay in the path of her future life...
9:39pm Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 9,781
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.