6:31pm Dec 12 2009
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Silent flinched away from her fingers. "Nothing..." he lied, muttering through his teeth. He had only felt the warmest of touches on his neck. The warmth of a human is what an immortal treasures most. He grimaced bitterly. He swung her over the fence, careful not to rip her coat, and set her down, turning back and waiting for the others. ~ Cyri walked through the dark woods, her eyes glittering. She gently touched the cold spot on the left side of her neck where the vampire had bitten her. She had gotten the venom out, but it had already taken her whole left arm. She had killed the vampire. She gathered wood with her good arm. If she grabbed anything these days with her left arm, and held it normally, she would crush it too dust. She sighed, looked at the moon, and wished Silent were here with her.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:08pm Dec 12 2009
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Leena felt where her master had bitten her countless times before, and sighed sadly. Silent's master had bitten him, for the first time ever. She landed on her feet once over the fence, and leaned against the posts, waiting for someone to join her.
12:57am Dec 13 2009
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Zephyra had settled down from the nights earlier events, and was now gathering the midnight-blue cloak. Sporting an ironic grin she thought, Jaguar was the one who supplied it for me too. He had said, “It brings out the blue hues in your eyes, and the fact that you are already as pale as death.” Slipping the coat on for the first time, Zephyra was glad that she hadn’t discarded it as she had wanted. It’s nice to use this against him, even if it’s a bit petty. Sitting on the edge of her “bed”, a pile of straw, she pulled on her well-worn leather boots that she had kept hidden since her capture. I’m not going to get caught this time. Stalking out of her room, she advanced down the hall doing one last check to make sure that no pale strands of hair had escaped from beneath her hood. Not a single sound was coming from the house, feeling eyes watching her from behind Zephyra couldn’t help but glance back. Nothing. Letting out a small sigh, she turned back and nearly cried when she saw fire light at the end of the hall. NO! I can’t get caught! But there was no other way she had tried to scale the walls once before, being that she lived on the second story, and was spotted before she had even reached the bottom. Risking her very life, Zephyra peaked around the corner. To her surprise it was Jaguar and another female vampire, at least their distracting each other, and the pair didn’t even move when she descended the stairs; too entranced by their own proclaimed beauty. Running across the beaten ground to where the old tree grew over the fence, she prayed that someone would be there, that she hadn’t missed her chance at freedom. Kyrian, I can almost taste it, the freedom! Is this what it felt like for you? Reaching the tree she climbed desperately, but with strength from all her hard labor with the horses, Zephyra didn’t ponder the thought too long. I’m coming for you Kyrian, you better be there for me. Looking into the stars Zephyra felt tears welling in her eyes, gazing up at the moon knowing her brother was out there thinking about her as well. Kyrian felt a tug at his heart that night as he looked into the moons glowing haze. Zephyra. Getting up from his post, Kyrian walked out of the sanctuary and into the surrounding woods. Scenting the musky breeze that an old forest has he listened to the sounds of lazy insects, amazing how those little creators know when a vampire is coming. Though as far back as Kyrian can remember he knows that he and Zephyra have been able to detect the leeches before they were upon them. Just as I know that you’re coming to me tonight. Following the path that Cyri had taken earlier, Kyrian still kept low in precaution. I won’t mess this up for you again Zephyra. So when you come Zephyra, I’ll be there for you.
Just call me Siri.
12:58am Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 12:59am Dec 13 2009)
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((Can Kyrian know Cyri? If not I'll edit my post.~Siri))
Just call me Siri.
7:47am Dec 13 2009
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(( Sure! )) Silent helped her over. "No need to try it by yourself dear..." He muttered quietly. BRAINDEAD *screams*
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:14am Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 5:15pm Dec 13 2009)
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((Lol)) Zephyra looked up at the boy called Silent and took his hand, and was hauled up the tree. Wow, he’s really strongly built. Most likely because of all the strenuous work they put him through. Zephyra watched as her breath fogged before her in the slightly chilled night, but she wouldn’t get cold because of the cloak she wore and this close to Silent she could feel him radiating heat. So he’s as thrilled as I am! We’re all so close. Looking down the tree, Zephyra noted a girl standing alone. Standing fluidly Zephyra jumped and fell gracefully but just when the ground would have kissed her from head to toe, she grasped a branch and swung in a full tight circle then dropped to solid ground. Feeling exhilarated, Zephyra turned to the girl with a slight smile. “I don’t seem to know who you are, what is your name?” Zephyra asked with an innocent look. I shouldn’t have been such a recluse to these people, it’s not their fault for any of this yet I treated them as if it was. Hoping that it wasn’t too late to repair her reputation as a grump, Zephyra looked longingly into this girl’s eyes wondering if she knew how important this moment was to her. Meanwhile, Kyrian had finally found Cyri and was walking in silence with her. Suddenly needing to hear another’s voice he asked, “You feel it too don’t you? Their coming tonight, we have to be ready.” Glancing at his dark brown leather boots that were a little worn at the tip, he looked back into her eyes. I can see it on her face, she feels it too. What kind of a relationship does she have with Silent? Not pondering the thought too long, he heard her respond, “In a way. I just thought that it was wishful thinking getting the better of me.” waited for her to respond. Kyrian knew that he shouldn’t get to confident. She may be right. It could just be my heart playing tricks on me, but something else tells me no. “But tonight is different,” he whispered, “I can almost hear them coming, it seems.”
Just call me Siri.
11:14am Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((I hope that's enough to give you ideas.))
Just call me Siri.
12:18pm Dec 13 2009
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(( Yeah. But that was sort of PP. You gave me Ideas and I thank you for that, but please don't PP again. )) Silent stared at Zephyra, then nodded, his eyes glittering. He could almost see his sister. ~ Cyri smiled slightly and she lightly held his hand with her fingers. "Maybe if we just make a wish, together, they might actually come." She whispered, looking away so she could hide her blush. She was glad that he was on her right side and not her left side. If she had held his hand like these, it would of meant that he had lost a hand.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:28pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 3,991
((Sais is with them too right? And I might take a while with my poist. My computer keeps signing me out of res.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:45pm Dec 13 2009
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Leena looked up at the girl and said, "I am Leena. What might you be called?" She stared up into the stars, admiring their twinkling light. The moon was full, and the sky clear. It was a beautiful night.
12:45pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 12:59pm Dec 13 2009)
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((Lol. I thought he name was Lyora?)) Evessence walked up to the wall. She had just seen Silent pull another girl over the wall. Karienne walked infront of her. She looked up at the wall."Hey sorry we're late."She said looking up at Silent. She looked back at Evessence. She motion to her to come up. Evessence came and Karienne. Kari gave Evessence a boost so she could reach the wall. Sais laid down on the soft forest floor. He looked up at the night sky. He closed his eyes for a monent and he sioghed. For a breif second he thought he saw his sister looking over her shoulder worriedly. His eyes fluttered open and he sat up. "No. You just imagined it."He said to himself. He laidf back down and looked up at the moon. Strange things had been happening to him recently. He gingerly touched a silver scar on his neck. His master had bitten him there and some of her venom had gotten into him. Now he had These sudden burst of strength or speed or these weird little vision. He shook the thought from his head. He looked back at the moon.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:00pm Dec 13 2009
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Silent hauled them up and nodded. "Is there anyone else?" he asked, his voice quiet. His arm, the one where his master had bitten, hung limp at his side. "If so, we have to hurry. The vampires aren't going to like what I did to their best slave's master...." He said, trailing off, his fingers tracing the bit marks on his shoulder.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:03pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 1:07pm Dec 13 2009)
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Evessence nodded. She lloked up at him. "Yeah we need to wait for Hollyn."She said. Kairenne nodded. "She should be here soon." She pulled on one of her black curls nervously. She then turned her green eyes up at the moon. Evessence looked at him wondering what he ment about doing something to the best slave master.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:33pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Silent rubbed his wound and his fingers flinched away from the vampire cold on his shoulder. he looked in the dark, his eyes casting an eerie glow on the dark gr*censored*. The moon suddenly lit up and his body was illuminated. His right shoulder glittered slightly, the moons glow revealing that he had been bitten, but that the venom had only spread so that it covered his shoulder. Then he was cast in the dark again. Thunder boomed and it started to rain. Slowly and softly at first, but harder and harder each second. Lightning flashed. The tree branch grew slippery, but he clung on with his nails, seeming to well balanced on the branch.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:06pm Dec 13 2009
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((Got my roleplays crossed. And, there's not much I can do right now.))
4:55pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 5:17pm Dec 13 2009)
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Posts: 1,771
((Wolfmoon, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. For a moment there I didn't know what PP was so I had to look around. I edited my post, what has a line threw it was the old and what comes after it it the new. Sorry, I promise it won't happen again.))
Just call me Siri.
5:13pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 6:29pm Dec 16 2009)
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“I’m called Zephyra,” she said in a quiet voice to the girl called Lyora. When it suddenly started to rain she pulled her hood closer around her face. Hunching her shoulders to keep the water running off of her instead of going into her cloak, Zephyra glanced up at Silent who looked like a deadly cat sitting up in the tree. We need to leave quickly or else Jaguar will notice my absence. Shivering slightly at the thought, Zephyra made herself re-draw what her brother had last looked like. In her slight day dream, she spooked when a streak of harsh lightning bolted in front of them. Looking around anxiously she called up to Silent, “The lightning will strike the tree or fence. You should wait on one side or the other.” The lightning had ruined her adapted night vision, but her eye sight recovered quickly enough and always had since she was little. Staring back at the grounds that had imprisoned her she thought she saw a dark shadow leaning against one of the buildings but when the next flash of lightning struck, the figure was gone. It’s only my wild imagination and my nervous are practically humming. Zephyra shifted from one foot to the next like a wild filly about to bolt, she was staring hard into the rain demanding that the last person get here soon.
Just call me Siri.
10:18am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:30pm Dec 16 2009)
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Kyrian was slightly of balance at the ease Cyri obviously felt around him, no one except Zephyra was this comfortable around him. What an odd woman, he thought as he looked down at their hands. Without looking up he said, “To make a wish is to lie down and let whatever happens happen, and I’m not that way. I’ve already promised Zephyra that I would get her out or at least be there to help her, and I will do just that. I can feel that she’s on the move, and my instincts are often correct, so I’m waiting for her to make it to the boarder then I’ll get her.” Because she knows that it’s no worth both of us getting caught. If I go past the edge of the forest a vampire might see and follow us back to the only sanctuary I know about. It would ruin everything, besides Zephyra is strong she’ll know what to do. Finally lifting his eyes from their intertwined hands Kyrian said, “But I will help you keep your promise. Sais is strong and has a very determined spirit, I'm sure he’d help too if we asked him.”
Just call me Siri.
6:31pm Dec 16 2009
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Just call me Siri.
12:18am Dec 18 2009
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200th post ~Bump
Just call me Siri.