7:57pm Dec 20 2009
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Zephyra jumped like a startled filly when the girl called Lyora fell from the tree. What is will her? Does she have a death wish? Peeking around Silent, Zephyra looked at the girl then up at the vampire. Zephyra watched his gaze flash across Lyora, Silent and her then he would repeat the process. She flinched, and hated herself for it, when he spoke, “What have we here.” In his well cultured voice he continued, “I think some children need to be taught their manners.” Jaguar sent a nasty glare to Silent, “But that’s not my responsibility. I just came for my unruly pet.” Zephyra hardly kept her mouth shut when a rude remark came to her mind. I should have just left but now it’s too late and I’ll never make it. Though I never could have done that, nothing would change if I could go back. I bet if I left with Jaguar right now he would be to preoccupied with me that the others could leave safely. Playing with the idea Zephyra moved out from behind Silent and said, "Would you let them leave, and never look for them, if I go to you?"
Just call me Siri.
8:27pm Dec 20 2009
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"Don't..", Lyora groaned, sitting up, cringing at a sharp pain in her ribs, "I'll go... Let the others loose, take me... I'll work hard without a word of protest, just spare them." Leena looked up at the vampire, coming to her feet, panting heavily. Her chest hert, and her right arm was being clutched by her left. She'd landed on it, and it was most likely broken. Otherwise, she was unharmed.
12:22am Dec 21 2009 (last edited on 12:23am Dec 21 2009)
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((I'm not supposed to make play vampire so what happens? =/ It's just so easy to play evil vampire -evil laughter- O3o))
Just call me Siri.
2:25pm Dec 21 2009
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((I have a great idea but I already play Jaguar too much ='( I hope I don't get in trouble.))
Just call me Siri.
2:59pm Dec 21 2009
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((Oh, go ahead. XD Wolfeh already used a vampire and didn't get in trouble. X3 ))
1:12pm Dec 22 2009
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Zephyra let out a sigh of frustration, why would that girl, Lyora, do something like that! We’re so close to escaping. Mind whirling, Zephyra was thinking of a way to make sure that Lyora could escape again, when the time comes and her arm is healed. Closing her eyes and scrunching her brows together in irritation because the same plan kept coming back into her head. I have the coordinates memorized and I could look for this Hollyn too. When Lyora’s arm heals, I could get the two together and we can leave. The only dilemma was, he won’t let me go easily. I’ve tried to escape twice now, if I get caught on this next run…I’m dead. Zephyra already knew what she was going to do though. Leaning close to Silent she barely breathed into his ear, “Run and don’t look back. But look for them by the sign in two weeks time. I’ll get them there.” Walking forward Zephyra gently placing her hand on Lyora’s back, a show of dominance, ‘this is mine’ to the vampire. “Would you consider this deal vampire?” she asked in a regal tone, “This girl to manage all of the c*censored*s.” Jaguar was watching her like a hunger animal, when he replied his voice was melodic and comforting, a lie, “Does your offer stand with hers? Would you come to me?” Zephyra knew what he meant. I’m not ready for that I won’t make it, a small voice in the back of her mind screamed. Ignoring it, Zephyra gave a curt nod. I would rather save to others than myself, “Better is the prosperity of the majority than the satisfaction of one”; I still hate that quote, only because she believed in it. Jaguar grinned; the devil most have looked at Eve like that, as he stalked closer then jumped the fence with such ease that every human instinct screamed, “Run!” But only the stupid run from something that can move as fast as light. Landing a safe three feet from them, Jaguar held his pale perfectly sculpted un-scared hand out to Loyra. “So that I might carry you home.” He sneered the word home, knowing it was anything but a home. Glancing at Zephyra he said, “I will watch you, my pet, climb that tree and go back on your own.” So he wants me to cry because what was my salvation moments ago is now my curse, taking me back to that wicked land. Holding her head high, Zephyra said, “Fine. Just remember the bargain.” Walking over to the lowest branch, she began to climb back, when she got to the spot that Silent had sat see looked back at him. “Go,” she whispered. Turning her back to them, she felt something in her die, as she started the torture of going ‘home’. ((So long. X3 Sorry))
Just call me Siri.
1:57pm Dec 22 2009
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((Long is good. XD )) Lyora looked up at the vampire, than at Silent, and she knew that going back was the right thing to do. Otherwise, she'd get the others captured. She wouldn't let Silent be punished. Not again. Her chest felt as if it was on fire now. One or more of her ribs were most likely cracked. Not to mention a dull throbbing in the arm she landed on. Her vision was blurry from tears clouding up her eyes at the thought of possibly never seeing Silent again. It was either that, or watch him die as penalty for killing their vile master. This was more bearable than the alternative. Lyora took his hand with her good arm, careful to dig her nails into his unblemished palm, seemingly by accident. "Be careful, Silent.", she whispered so that only he could hear, a tear rolling down her cheek, "Escape for those of us who can only dream of doing so."
2:00pm Dec 22 2009
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((Wish I could post but I have to go ='( So sad. Will when I get back!))
Just call me Siri.
1:02am Dec 24 2009 (last edited on 1:02am Dec 24 2009)
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((Quick play of Jaguar.)) Jaguar gave Lyora the closest thing to a smile as he had, as he slowly wrapped his arm around her waist. He held her tight against his side, but with surprising gentleness, as he pushed off the ground leaping back over the fence. How I hate to see them leave, he thought but then looked at Lyora. At least I get this one. Releasing her waist Jaguar grabbed her uninjured hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm, as if he was escorting her to a ball. I think this one will be a challenge when she’s healed up. Giving her a longing stare he thought, hate to play with them when their broken. They cry too quickly. Catching sight of Zephyra as she marched back to his mansion, unlike most masters he likes to keep his pets close, Jaguar smirked. Not that one, my singing bird is different and I can’t wait until I get to taste her. That deal we made tonight means more to her than those children understood. She’s mine now. Zephyra fought the impulse of glancing over her shoulder, she could feel Jaguar staring at her. What was I thinking? I’m most certainly mad, not even Kyrian would understand what I’m doing. Flinching when she remembered the day that Kyrian left her with just a taste of freedom three years ago. That first try had been so close, but when freedom was within reach Jaguar stepped out of nowhere and broke her leg making it impossible for Kyrian to help her. So he saved himself, she thought and she didn’t hold it against him. He’ll help the others once they get close, I know it. I just didn’t have a chance that time, Jaguar –she sneered his name– made sure of that. Stalking through the back door, Zephyra startled the old cooking lady as she entered into the kitchen. “My pardon lady,” she said kindly, “I didn’t mean to shock you.” The sweet old cook waved her hand dismissively, she’d worked here longer than most servants survived. Jaguar is different like that, he seems to pick which servants can take his beatings and rotates between them. His servants are oddly loyal in a sick way. Then Zephyra shivered at the thought of Jaguars creator, she would have slaves whose sole purpose in life was to be a beating post and others were mindless “dog” ornaments kept at her feet. Jaguar had his fits but Zephyra would choice him over her old owner any day. Though just letting me go would be best for everyone’s heal or putting me out of my misery so that I might have an absolute freedom. Sighing in frustration, she knew that those two would never happen. One, Jaguar was careful to never beat to brutally and two, he thought he was fond of her. But those things don’t feel for anything, so he’s just confused his blood lust for liking me. Going into her room, which had no door and was small enough to make anyone claustrophobic, she sat on her straw bed and pulled her leather boots off and hid them in their spot again. Yanking the cloak off Zephyra threw it in a corner and glared at it, how I hate that ob ject. But it’s too useful to get rid of. With an agitated groan she got up, snatched it off the floor and began to fold it. Jumping when she heard a creak in the floor boards, she looked around wildly thinking, when will he come for me?
Just call me Siri.
12:07pm Dec 25 2009
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Silent watched this happen through a film. A red film. Slowly, rage took hold of him. His body began to tremble. He clenched his fists and he bowed his head, hiding his eyes. They seemed almost to glow red from his anger. "No......" He whispered. But he knew the vampire who was walking away would hear it. His muscles contracted and his whole body rippled. He lifted his head. His eyes were narrowed and they had a vampiric red tinge to them. "I won't let you go." He growled. The growl sounded to real for comfort. A feral snarl ripped from his throat and he found that, hidden beneath the vampiric snarl, was a threat that only a vampire could read. To other's it would just sound like an enraged wolf snarling. But to a vampire, it meant a challenge.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:59pm Dec 25 2009
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Lyora was surprised at the gentileness of the vampire's touch. She cringed when they landed on the other side of the fence, and her breath was jerked away. Than she heard Silent's voice, and a snarl that must've come from him. She was amazed that a human could utter such a noise. Some of the vampire's venom must have entered his system when he was bitten.
2:38pm Dec 25 2009
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((Silent seems scary -hides- I wish that we could play vampires, if I could I would have Jaguar come back to Silent.)) (Little Old Cook Lady) Looking up when the door was opened again, a busy night, she bowed at the waist seeing Jaguar. "Master," she whispered. "Could you be a dear and show Lyora to an open room. Then bring her to the nurse, she may have some broken bones." Jaguar stated, she nodded at looked at Lyora. "Miss, if you would follow me." ((Maybell is this ok? I don't want to do GM or PP again, I just don't know quite what those are. And the two weeks before they try to escape ok? We don't really have to wait two weeks, but I wanted to give Lyora time to heal.))
Just call me Siri.
4:05pm Dec 25 2009
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((Seriously, I don't think Paige would mind if you used Jaguier. Besides, a vampire walking away from a challenge seems so unrealistic... X3 ))
7:32pm Dec 25 2009 (last edited on 7:33pm Dec 25 2009)
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((-happy dance- That would be great! If I get kicked out all well, just make sure Zephyra can finally meet up with Kyrian.)) -Is editing her earlier post- -Changed mind better plan-
Just call me Siri.
7:53pm Dec 25 2009 (last edited on 8:10pm Dec 25 2009)
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Zephyra lay awake, curled on her right side facing the door, when she saw his feet suddenly appear. Instantly going into a sitting position, Zephyra felt every muscle go taunt. I knew he wouldn’t waste his time. When he chuckled Zephyra snarled at him, “Well?” Staying where he was, Jaguar purred, “There is some unfinished business I have to attend to. So don’t wait up for me, my sweet singing bird.” Turning on his heels, the monster walked away. Is he really just walking away from me? And what could he possible be doing this late? Then she remembered the inhuman growl Silent had made, I’ve heard some vampires make that noise when they challenge others over property or slaves…No! Leaping up, she bolted from the room but, of course, the vampire was already gone. I won’t make it in time! How could Silent do this? Dashing down the halls Zephyra nearly collided with the cook lady who had Lyora in tow. “Have you seen Jaguar?” The cook looked confused for a moment them murmured, “Oh, yes. The master just left and told us to watch for you. Said you were hungry, come with us miss.” Nearly growling, Zephyra went to argue but the lady grabbed her arm with unexpected strength. “Miss,” she raised a brow. He didn’t suggest I was hungry; he doesn’t want me to follow. Sighing, Zephyra decided that it wasn’t worth it, I’ve been delayed too long to be of use and there’s most likely guards on the doors. The lady smiled knowingly but linked her arm with Zephyra’s and continued her trek down the halls, babbling to Lyora about what doors went where. Jaguar smirked when he heard Lady Dagmar stopped Zephyra from following. Such a handy lady she is. With his unnatural speed he appeared by the fence, with the tree leaning over it, and leapt gracefully over it. Landing with the slightest splash on the other side, since the rain had dampened everything, with the slight drizzle made his hair stick to his face. Stroking his whip, which was curled around his waist, like a favorite dog Jaguar looked around the forest and flared his nostrils. Scenting their trail easily he had hoped that Silent would have waited for him, but he enjoyed the chase as well. Walking forward Jaguar had a flashback of when he had hunted for his unruly Kyrian, who had taken his little sister as well, and rubbed his side absentmindedly. Nasty pet, I’m almost glad he’s gone but not his little singing bird. Zephyra keeps him close, I can sense it. Never had Jaguar had one of his pets escape until Kyrian, Jaguar never had trouble taming his pets either until these twins of his came. Also none had ever truely attacked him, let alone land a hit, but Kyrian managed to to both. It’s a shame their mother won’t tell me who their father is; I would love to have more of them, more of a challenge. Standing still, Jaguar tasted the air again and looked to the side spotting him staring straight at him. “Silent,” he said expectantly.
Just call me Siri.
9:39pm Dec 25 2009
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"I've been in this house before on errands, I know where everything is", Lyora grumbled, her chest and right arm burning, "I just want to splint my arm, bandage my ribs, and run after Silent. I can't stand the thought of him being hurt by Jaguier."
4:16pm Dec 27 2009
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Zephyra looked at Lyora, she’s more strong willed than I imagined. Looking at the little old cook, who seemed to be oblivious to what Lyora had said, Zephyra said, “I can take care of Lyora, you look tired. Go to bed and get some rest.” When Dagmar merely gave her a hard stare Zephyra put on a smile, or what she hoped looked like a smile, and patted the older woman’s arm. “Please.” Falling for Zephyra’s false smile, Dagmar gave her own and took her leave. Zephyra turned to Lyora when the lady was out of hearing range, and said, “I need to get you some bandages and something for the pain.” Walking to the last door in the hall, Zephyra walked into the room where she would often come to patch herself up. “I told Silent that we would meet him in two weeks time, you can be healed by then right?” she asked but quickly continued, “We need a new plan, somehow we have to get out of here. And don’t worry about Silent, Jaguar doesn’t like to get his hands dirty, he’ll be fine.” I hope.
Just call me Siri.
9:33am Dec 28 2009
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"Not fully, but I'll be well enough to travel.", Lyora replied, "And I hope you're right about your master. He sure left in a hurry. Now please, help me with this." Leena grabbed a cloth and began to tightly wind it around her arm.
1:28pm Dec 28 2009
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Zephyra made a face when Lyora called Jaguar master and quickly stopped her, “Hold on. Let me see your arm, we don’t want it to be a bad break.” Looking her arm over Zephyra thought that it wasn’t too bad. I can’t believe that vampire actually taught me something, remembering his lesson on how to access injuries. I didn’t find it humorous to learn off my own injuries but he seemed to think it was quite hilarious. Zephyra batted Lyora’s hands away as she began to wrap her arm, “I know how to do it, and it most likely hurts your ribs to do this so just sit still.” As she finished wrapping Lyora’s arm, Zephyra looked around the room to see if there were any pain relievers. Jaguar likes to keep some, so that if he gets carried away with a slave, he can “help” them heal faster. Now where does he put those…Tying the last of the wrap off, Zephyra opened a cabinet she remembered from personal experience and smirked when she found the little white pills. Taking only one out, she walked over to Lyora and said, “This will help you sleep. We need to be rested and fit by the end of the week.” Her eyes flashing bright with determination, Zephyra said, “We will make it out of here quicker than I thought.” If only we could steal some of the horses, then we would be free.
Just call me Siri.
5:54pm Dec 28 2009
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Silent cocked his hea dand leaned backwards, sticking his hands in his pockets. it was a casual stance and his features were cool and collected, but the fierce rage he had demonstrated stayed in his eyes. He clucked his tongue. "Shame. Shame to your vampire heritage. I feel bad for your parents they must wonder why their son is such a god...." He said, cursing. It felt good to curse. (( Use your imagination to think of what he said. LoL ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png