6:45pm Dec 28 2009
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((XD Lol... )) "Thank you, Zephyra.", Lyora said softly, "Is there anything you can do for my ribs? I think I cracked at least one of them." Her blue eyes were dull as she thought about Silent, but she was happy that he would be okay. Even though she wouldn't see him for at least a week, Lyora was glad she had given herself up for him and the others.
11:35pm Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 11:48pm Dec 28 2009)
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Jaguar mirrored Silent’s body language; head to one side like a curious bird, hands in his clocks pockets and rocked back on his heels. “What a silly human. I’m not as you say, and my parents never had the pleasure of meeting me.” Jaguar replied smugly, choosing to ignore Silent’s inquiring remark. Straightening, Jaguar took one stalking step forward, “Where do you think you’re taking them?” Pausing, “Freedom? Do you really think we, the vampires, would let humans live out here?” Taking another step forward, “Would we really give let you slaves escape?” Staring him down, Jaguar snarled, “We please ourselves by spreading lies that make you run, so that in turn, we can hunt.” His eyes held fire in them now, “But, someone smiles down on you, I don’t like the hunt.” Slowly he reached his hand out to Silent, “I like my pets to come when I call.” Why am I baiting him? Pulling his hand back, Jaguar put it back in his pocket. Why do I want him to attack first? Is it because Kyrian had? Jaguar shivered slightly at the memory. That was to most exhilarating feeling I had ever had. Jaguar took a deep breath and looked at Silent waiting, hoping, that he would rush him. Zephyra nodded, “I’ll see what I can do.” Motioning for Lyora to turn around, Zephyra lifted Lyora’s dress a bit so she could look at her spine and out to her rips. One side had some blue-purple bruises blossoming, and they looked quite painful. If I remember correctly, which I do, Jaguar said, “Breath deeply, even though the pain seems unbearable it helps you heal faster, and exhale as much as you can before I wrap it.” Going over to the thin cloths that were used for these types of breaks or cracks, Zephyra grabbed a long one and came back to Lyora. “Ok, this is going to hurt even more but the pain killer should be kicking in soon. So hold on.” Zephyra fidgeted, “I have to take your shift off so I can wrap this around your ribs.” Why am I so uncomfortable? We’re both girls!
Just call me Siri.
9:08am Dec 29 2009
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Silent snarled. "Shame." He snarled. he didn't want to make the first move, but he knew Jaguar was waiting. "I don't plan on taking them to freedom. I'm showing them, the you species are not the only race out here with power. We can be stronger than vampires. Look at me. Half vampire and yet I am here, facing you and challening you to save my friends. Can you do that, Jaguar? Can you drag that heartless cold feeling out of your chest and actually understand what I am saying?" Silent snarled.
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1:25pm Dec 29 2009
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Jaguar studied Silent, was he truly one of those half beings? Wishing he could taste him, just a little drop of blood would do, to see if what he said was true. Though Jaguar knew that he would never let him get close enough. And I would much rather not taste the blood of a male. Curling his lips in a grimace as he thought of how Kyrian tasted, nutritious but still just as revolting as another vampire. With a regretful sigh, Jaguar stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets. Rocking back on his heels Jaguar asked, “Will you stay with them?” Watching him closely he continued, “Will they let you stay?” Suddenly catching a new thought Jaguar continued. “Being a half-breed still has its consequences. You hunger for a new sustenance, though you’re strong enough to resist now. But like a baby, in the end your body will take what it needs, whether you like it or not.” Jaguar motioned to Silent’s shoulder, “It’s most likely spreading to your arm, correct? You won’t be able to use it soon for fear of crushing your friends. You will constantly worry about their safety, silently knowing that they will never be safe with you.” His stoic face now smirked at Silent, “You are human, or at least half, and everyone makes mistakes.” Watching him closely Jaguar didn’t look for his body language to change but he looked into Silent’s eyes know that they would be his key to how Silent really felt. “So, what do you think? Good enough from a cold heartless monster.”
Just call me Siri.
3:12pm Dec 29 2009
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"Whatever, just get it over with.", Lyora said, cringing. The painkiller had not yet kicked in- the ache in her chest was getting worse every breath she took. She cringed slightly at the thought of what Silent must have endured from his old master. It was doubtlessly worse than this, there was no denying that.
12:06am Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 12:07am Dec 30 2009)
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Zephyra’s hands were extremely cold, like normal, so she blew on them in hopes that they would warm a bit. Slipping the garnet over Lyora’s head, she swung the cloth around her and said, “I need you to breathe out as much as possible.” As Lyora complied, Zephyra did a quick tight wrap over the non bruised part and worked her way down. I have to make sure I don’t tie it too tight. I wouldn’t want one of her lungs to collapse. When she finished Zephyra helped Lyora put her shift back on and ordered her, “You need to take at least ten deep breathes every night before bed. This will speed up the healing and prevent lung collapse.” Watching her, Zephyra added, “I know from personal experience that it hurts but it’s plenty worth it.” Hoping to add some incentive, “It will get up to Silent a week sooner than planned.” I bet that will do the trick.
((Escaped Place)) Kyrian felt the despair, she didn’t make it. His head bowed at the feeling, knowing that his instincts were correct. “They always are,” he hissed quietly. She must be going mad. The next time will be the third…Fisting his hands Kyrian wanted to hurt something. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself. No use getting angry over spilled milk, he thought bitterly. It was the one thing he could remember his mother saying. Surely the vampire would say the same over a slave that was beaten for the last time, though they would be more upset about the blood stains on the floor or the waste of it. Looking around Kyrian didn’t really see his surroundings, he was to busy thinking if he could somehow get back into that nightmare of a place. No, she’s clever. Zephyra will know how to get herself out of this mess.
Just call me Siri.
8:28am Dec 30 2009
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Silent bristled at that, but he kept his cool. He bared his teeth and his vampiric fist twitched. " My sister was bitten and she lost the use of her arm. Yet she finds ways were she can be safe from harming others...." he paused and his eyes were cast in shadow. "If I must, I'll kill myself to keep myself from killing them....." He said quietly, his face cast in shadow now.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:56pm Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 1:56pm Dec 30 2009)
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Jaguar lifted one of his hands and gently swept the rain drops from his brow. Giving Silent a look that said, you’re boring me and soon I will get angry. But I’m actually enjoying myself, he thought in surprise. Not often do I get to engage in clever conversation. My kind may have power but many don’t have the superior intellect that they stupidly breed their pets to have. I’m honestly astonished that more haven’t escaped or, worse yet, taken down their masters. “Well, did I come out here to get soaked or are you going to complete your challenge.” Jaguar asked in a sullen tone. “I would hate to return with the effortless story, ‘We had a bounding conversation’.” Knowing perfectly well that he would take pleasure in leaving like this, with no fight. I would hate to see if my expectations about Silent are true. He could possibly kill me and that would be very irritating. How would I finally get my time with Zephyra? Oddly Jaguar was trusting Silent to go by his usual temperament and not push things further than necessary. This meant that the two would soon depart with this enlightening conversation being the only excitement. Waiting for Silent to answer, Jaguar listened to the harsh whisper of the rain telling its story. The ground moaned in glory as it finally got its thirst quenched and the heavens roared their pa.ssion as a bolt streaked through the atmosphere.
Just call me Siri.
2:06pm Dec 30 2009
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Silent growled suddenly. "I killed him, Jaguar. I killed my master out of sheer hate for what he did to me. And because of that, I became a half breed." Silent said, spitting the words. his face remained calm. " I see no reason to fight you. But I do see reason to strike a deal. Don't treat your slaves like pets, waiting in line for their torture. Treat them how they should be treated. Kindly and with respect. Otherwise, I will kill you." Silent growled. And the truth in his threat was pure. He would keep to it. "I think that's a fiar deal." Silent said quietly, leaning back on his legs so he was more relaxed. Not to mention ready to spring onto Jaguar if he denied his deal.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:26am Dec 31 2009
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"Okay.", Lyora agreed softly, "I'll do whatever it takes to see him again." She stood slowly, cringing, and asked, "Will you show me to my room?"
10:45pm Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 11:22pm Jan 1 2010)
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Shrugging her shoulders she said, “Sure, though I wouldn’t call it a room.” Motioning for Lyora to follow, they walked out into the hall once again. Going down the hall they traveled further into the center of the mansion. Zephyra finally stopped by a large door, positioned to the right. Speaking softly she said, “This is the library, we’re allowed in it whenever we want but I prefer to stay out.” Noting the intrigued look on Lyora’s face, Zephyra explained, “He frequents it often.” And I like to avoid any unnecessary contact. Waving her hand to the left, toward eight smaller doors, Zephyra growled, “This is where we sleep. The one at the end of the hall is mine.” Jaguar knows that I hate being trapped so he took great pleasure in showing me to my room. “I think you can choice whichever one you would like.” Zephyra continued, “Since he didn’t specifically say where you’re going to stay.” Zephyra’s skin nearly crawled at the feeling of being so vulnerable. There was no window at the end of the hall, just a painting of an exotic animal, and mahogany-red tapestries hung over top of the doors. If you pull on their silver cord the thick fabric would drape to the floor, effectively hiding the door behind it. Shuffling her feet, Zephyra said, “Well I’m going to sleep.” Waving goodnight, she turned and barely walked down the hall, her instincts shouting at her to run. Yeah, run straight for the room because once you get in there you’re trapped. Brilliant mind. Rolling her eyes, Zephyra stood in the doorway for a moment looking at the small space. The straw bed was on her right and her midnight-blue cloak was folded neatly in the left corner, her leather boots hidden under a loose floorboard in that same corner. Walking in two steps Zephyra collapsed on the straw, it was extra scratchy tonight for some reason. Closing her eyes Zephyra willed herself to sleep but that wouldn’t come until late that night. Thoroughly intrigued Jaguar c.ocked his head to the side and said, “Now Silent. How will you know if I treat them with the utmost of respect?” Greedily looking for a clink in Silent’s armor, Jaguar wanted to see if he could lure this one back to the fortress as well. I honestly didn’t think that Zephyra would have a warrior’s heart, sacrificing herself for the good of others, but she does. I’m quite glad that she has her loyalty because if she didn’t then I wouldn’t have her now. Often going to the barn to check on his prized filly, Alell, Jaguar had noted a relationship building between Silent and Lyora. I wonder if he would sacrifice himself to see her. Letting his desire take control, Jaguar asked, “Would you be willing to come into my care? To see just how pleasant this cold hearted monster can be.” Even if Silent didn’t come back with him this night, Jaguar would do as he says. I always have, though with those twins I never had control. I couldn’t, can’t seem to stop myself for pushing them and seeing how far their stubbornness goes. My singing bird is just too addictive, like a drug I started out harmless but now I’m in too far and I don’t think I can stop. The other masters think I have grown soft with age but in reality one of my slaves taught me to train for a different purpose. Company, and I can’t get pets to talk to me so I had to comprise by treating them more like what they are, humans. “Silent, I understand where you’re coming from and there is no need to threaten me.” Jaguar whispered smoothly. Then fuming with rage he growled, “I don’t take well to threats.” Jaguar’s anger was so quickly gone that only a spark remained in his eyes as he murmured, “But think about it, you’ll be out free and the girls will be under my care. With no interceptions, I would choose how respectful or kind I would have to be.”
Just call me Siri.
11:31pm Jan 1 2010
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Lyora shuddered, hating the feeling of loneliness that crept over her after being with others for so long. She knocked on the door next to Zeyphra's. hoping that it was unoccupied. It was. She twisted the cold knob and pulled the door open, walking in. The only thing in the small barren room was a straw bed. She closed the door and walked over to it, laying down sadly. She was soaked. Her cloak hadn't worked as she had planned, and the rain had easily soaked through. Lyora sighed, her ribs and injured arm sore. Her mind would not leave Silent. His face was all she saw. But he did not seem to love her. She could not bear the thought of him rejecting her, more so than he had done today. She had to remember there was still a chance. There was still a chance that he could love her.
7:59am Jan 2 2010
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Silent tossed his head back and let out a bark of laughter. "Honestly Jaguar. Do you really think I would come with you? This might come as a shock, but I trust you you. In a way." He said thoughtfully, cocking his head again. "I trust that you already care for them. I believe that it's just your anture to see how far something can go. But don't think. For one mili second, that I will leave my friends behind. My mind tells me to leave without them. That there's no hope can get them. But some other sixth sense keeps pushing me towards them, almost as if telling me, there's a hope that I can take them back without having to kill you." Silent said, his hands curling into fists in his pockets. "Don't think that I like threatening...." He said quietly. He flexed his vampiric arm. "It never seems to do me any good if I do." He chuckled. Then his gaze zeroed on Jaguar. ""All I want is for them to come back. if you can't agree willingly, then I will try and take them by force. Even if it means my death, or my mortality."
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:53pm Jan 2 2010
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((I think im going to drop out of this I cant keep up))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:07pm Jan 2 2010
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((Aww, don't! D= ))
1:31am Jan 3 2010
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((SerenitySorrow, don't Silent is going to lead them away soon! You haven't missed anything!))
Just call me Siri.
1:47am Jan 3 2010
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With the tempest raging on them, Jaguar had the oddest thought. Would I let them leave? If Silent came to get them, would I honestly let him take them? Or if they wanted to leave, would I open my doors and watch them walk away. Looking Silent in the eyes Jaguar decided that it was safe and he closed his eyes. With them tightly shut Jaguar tipped his head back, bathing his face in the down pour. As if he was trying to cleanse himself, or wash away these weaknesses. I can’t just let them go, I fought hard to get Zephyra back and Lyora will not leave me so soon. Hands fisting in his pockets, Jaguar scowled. “I can’t stop Silent.” He still had his face to the winds but knew that Silent would hear him. “I was bred for breaking.” Relaxing his entire frame, Jaguar looked to Silent. “I analyze my people then twist them, or scare them, into what I need.” Growling he stated harshly, “Just as I can’t stop what I am, I cannot change what I do.” Taking a breath in, Jaguar stroked the dormant whip that was laced around his hip. Slowly releasing his sigh Jaguar stated, “As you predicted I do not beat my slaves, I do mind games but that is not the same. Though I have exceptions, Zephyra is one of them, which I can’t seem to let go. I have to test them. I have to push them beyond what they think they can stand but I never break them.” Suppressing a shiver, Jaguar whispered, “I don’t finish them. I let them decide for themselves how far in they want to get. Some choose to be my pets while others are more…willful.” Dipping his head, in a small gesture of a bow, Jaguar turned. “It was an enlightening conversation Silent. I hope to never talk to you again, since you will have to kill me. I don’t like it much when someone takes what is mine. I’m a fighter.” Turning his back completely, Jaguar was half-shocked half-sullen that Silent would let him go. He’s also a fighter, and he won’t attack someone with their back turned. With a growl, Jaguar vanished into the hazes of the rainstorm.
Just call me Siri.
7:29am Jan 3 2010
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Silent remained frozen in place, head bowed. "I wish you had chosen the other choice..." He whispered quietly. When he raised his head, he rose it to the moon, eyes closed and mouth open, breathing in the sharp and wet air and letting the water run down is sides. Then he looked down and breathed out. He opened his eyes and they were blood red. The color of a newborn vampire. "Because now, I have to kill you." His voice was a feral purr that just barely would of reached the retreating figure's ears. His clenched his vampiric arm and his nails, which had become sharper and slightly longer, dug into his pallid white flesh. "I might be half human, but I'm half vampire, slowly going on full." And when he said those last words, he knew it was true. The venom was working slower, much slower, but it was working Not all of it was out of his system.
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11:28pm Jan 4 2010
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As he walked away Jaguar heard Silent whisper, "I wish you had chosen the other choice...because now, I have to kill you." With a groan, Jaguar tipped his head back and stood still. Why do I want to go back? Because he's someone that builds. So many are destroyers now, that when he came along trying to save what's already here...it's a relief. For the first time in his long life Jaguar looked back. He looked at Silent, who was nearly invisible, and shivered when red eyes gleamed through the haze. How I wish he could feel the way I do, the need to push the fear of others, to break them or it out of them. Barely breathing the words, Jaguar murmured, "I really hope we don't have to meet again." Though when we do, because I know we will, I'll be ready to fight. Shaking his Jaguar wanted to hurt something, but he knew it wouldn't be a person. I don't think I can beat him. I know I can physically but...he holds so much potential. With blinding speed, Jaguar turned on a tree and raked his claws across the trunk. Letting his own momentum propel him forward, Jaguar fell into a spinning kick which brought the old giant to its knees with a moan. No panting, no pain, no exertion at all. Jaguar stood back watching years of natures work crumble helplessly as he felt nothing. I want nothing more than to have the spirit of life course through me again. But that was impossible, so Jaguar kept walking back to his mansion. Maybe Zephyra or Lyora will spark a hint of what used to be in me. In other talks Zephyra has made my sluggish blood rush, my body hum with adrenaline. Tiring of his humanly walk, Jaguar burst into the unnatural speed that was his only release. Appearing before the doors in the inner most part of his mansion Jaguar scented the air. The last door still held Zephyra; he could tell that she was still angry and confused, while Lyora stayed in the door next to her. With a half-sigh half-moan, Jaguar decided that he would leave them be. They tasted freedom and watched it walk away from them today. I’ll leave them be…for this night.
Just call me Siri.
7:06pm Jan 8 2010
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Silent growled as he disappeared and he walked over to the tree, stiff legged. He took his one hand and he raked his hand across it. The tree moaned as his claws went deep into its skin. He growled angrily and then, he was running. He didn't know where, but he just wanted to run. To run that awful feeling he had. To run the newborn vampire blood away. Just to be human. But his speed was slightly faster than human, but slower than vampire. He stopped, breathing slowly. His eyes were normal now, but he could still feel his anger, ready to flare up.
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