8:10pm Jan 8 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((I'm still here, just unable to post... XD It's getting really good! But, alas, Lyora is in bed, asleep. X3 ))
8:12pm Jan 8 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( I wish I could post more..... But I have to wait. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:36pm Jan 8 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((I propose a time-skip to morning.))
10:04pm Jan 8 2010 (last edited on 8:44pm Jan 9 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
(( I second the motion. =D )) ((Wolf, don't you need to lead the others to the safe haven?))
Just call me Siri.
10:10pm Jan 8 2010
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1:12pm Jan 9 2010
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(( Yes but the Rest of the OTHERS are in Jaguar's house and he isn't leaving without them. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:58pm Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Huh? I don't think skipping to morning will hurt anything. Besides, I thing the other members of this roleplay quit... (=/ There's not much more we can do if we don't skip. At least not much more I can do.))
9:05pm Jan 9 2010 (last edited on 9:05pm Jan 9 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((Maybell, when I said 'I second the motion' I meant go for it! XD I wanted you to post for the morning. And all the others quit? (=( So we just rule the Rp now?))
Just call me Siri.
10:05pm Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Wolfeh posted, didn't you notice? I was replying to Wolf's post.))
6:41am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( Right well alright You guys can. I'm fine with it, I'm just wondering where everyone went.... ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
5:34pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I think I'm going to Rmail all the others and remind them that they are in this rp.)) Zephyra awoke the next morning with a dreary outlook on the day. She lay on the matted-scratchy straw and felt her nose itch. Wiggling her fingers Zephyra noted that her right hand was numb from sleeping on it all night. Rolling onto her back she groaned. Her breeches and over shirt were still wet from the night before. Having slept in them, she had a chill that started at her toes and ended at her nose. As she sat up a wave of dizziness swarmed her. “Uhhh,” she moaned. Don’t tell me I’m getting sick! I don’t have time for this. I told Silent that week would meet him out there in 13 days or less. Starting to shiver, Zephyra glanced at the corner where the cloak was folded. Bracing her hands behind her on the scratchy yellow straw Zephyra stretched her cramped legs to their full length. Looking more closely at the cloak, she noticed that it seemed clean and dry. How can that be? I didn’t hang it out to dry. I folded it while it was wet. Hoisting herself off the mat, she picked up the cloak. Sure enough the cloak was freshly washed and, more importantly, dry. Did he do this? Zephyra’s gaze shot to the door. Was he in here without me nowing it? Shaking violently she thought, did he kill Silent? I don’t think he would but…Grudgingly Zephyra tossed both thoughts out of her mind. Slipping out of her breeches and over shirt, she pulled the cloak on. Heat instantly enveloped her. Snuggling deeper into it, she took a deep breath and scented a hint of vanilla and rain. It smelt wonderful and her stomach decided to announce that it was quite hungry at that moment. Feet bare, Zephyra tip-toed across her room out of habit. Opening the door she peaked around the corner before seeing that it was empty. Walking into the hall Zephyra closed the door silently and paused. Looking at each door in turn she wondered; which one is Lyora in? If I’m hungry I bet she is too. She’ll be sore too. Deciding to knock on the door closest to hers, out of laziness and process of elimination, Zephyra waited to see if there would be an answer.
Just call me Siri.
8:25pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Lyora heard a knock on her door, and opened her eyes, groaning as soon as she awoke. Pain swept over her, and she almost couldn't stand.
Stumbling over tho the door, crying out as her right arm tapped the handle, Lyora gingerly opened the exit, sighing with relief when she saw Zephrya.
7:50pm Jan 14 2010 (last edited on 10:48pm Jan 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
Not really knowing what to say, Zephyra stood there for a moment. “Umm, do you want to come eat?” she asked in a hesitant voice. I don’t like to be around others for this reason. They always put me off balance, and I don’t know what to say. Letting her head fall forward Zephyra shuffled her feet, wondering if she should say more. “Lady Dagmar makes really good biscuits. She even has a little jam that we can put on them,” quickly continuing. “Jaguar makes sure that we are fed. He says that a skinny slave can’t work well.” He had told her this many times and to peeve him Zephyra kept herself moderately slim. Her body was well toned with muscle from all the work but her features where a bit sharp instead of a smooth baby round. Glancing around nervously again, Zephyra shifted her weight from one foot to another. As she did this it reminded her about Alell, the Friesian mare in the barn. I imagine that I still have to do my ch.ores. Looking over her shoulder at the library, she saw that the door was creaked open just a sliver. I bet he’s listening to us.
Just call me Siri.
7:57pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"That sounds good,", Lyora said softly, smilling, "I'm starving." She ran her fingers through her still-damp hair, trying to comb it, even slightly. It was knotted badly in some places, because she had not been allowed to use a brush in days.
6:21pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Silent groaned and dropped to his knees, his fingers linked together. He closed his eyes and everything began running through it as he thought up a plan. Slowly, it came together and his fingers unlinked. he hissed in pain and clutched at his shoulder. It was rock hard. He moved upwards and around his neck and he realized it had spread around his whole neck. The venom simmered silently in his veins. Coward. He hissed at himself. You kill your master in silence and suffer in silence. Yet now you moan from a tiny bit of vampire venom. Walk in silence. Fight in silence. Endure in silence. And you will receive the Silent Song. He scolded himself. He thought about the silent song. A sad and heart chilling tune that was slow and sad, sung deep within his heart and mind. Cyri had already sung the Silent Song. ~ Cyri sighed and looked at the sky, a few tuneless notes from the Silent Song playing through her head. "Winter. Fall. Spring. And again." She whispered quietly.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:07pm Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Siri, post please! XD ))
11:03pm Jan 30 2010
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Watching Lyora try to comb her fingers through her hair made Zephyra wonder what her hair must look like. Most likely tousled, curly and all around gross, I think we should head to the baths after breakfast. At the thought of food, her stomach rumbled unhappily. Glancing again at the door, which seemed to have opened even wider, Zephyra groaned. “Uh, do you remember how to get the kitchen? I have to go do something really quick.” She said in a rush. Still shifting from one foot to the next, Zephyra made herself stop with a mental order. What has gotten into me? "When I'm done I will join you there, but if you finish before I get back ask Lady Dagmar to show you the wash rooms." Knowing that Lyora would be shocked, she elaborated, "Jaguar also complains of a highly sensitive nose." Wrinkling her own to mock Jaguar.
Just call me Siri.
11:07pm Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"O.. Okay.", Lyora said, nodding, unsure of why her new master would allow her to take a bath. She only ad one when it rained, and she was lucky enough to work outside. "Okay, bye." she repeated, nodding and beginning on her way to the kitchen, smiling slightly at the smell of warm food, and the thought of a real bath. This might not be as bad as she'd thought at first.
12:34am Feb 1 2010 (last edited on 12:18pm Feb 12 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
Zephyra watched Lyora walk down the hall. After she turned the corner Zephyra went into the library. As she crept in, she took in the room quickly but saw no Jaguar. The door that she just walked through was in the center of the wall, it was completely empty with no wall hangings or shelves, leaving the maple walls a pure mahogany. Though the other three walls made up for it, they had books from floor to ceiling. There was a ladder to her right that made it possible to reach the books at the top shelves. In the center of the room there was a matching maple table and eight large straight backed chairs. The carpet was a beautiful plush navy. Curling her toes into the thick carpet, Zephyra saw a navy blanket laid over one of the chairs. It looks so soft but I shouldn’t touch it. I have to find Jaguar and ask about Alell. But her feet had other ideas. She stopped in front of the silky looking fabric, her fingers aching to touch it. He’ll know I touched it, I can’t do this. Again, her body took on its own mind. Her fingers feathered over the blanket. It was one of the softest things she ever felt. It feels like Kyrian’s hair…and Jaguar’s. She lurched back from the blanket at the last thought. Turning on her heels, Zephyra went to run out of the room but ran straight into an unyielding chest. With a gasp, she jerked, and stumbled back a few steps. “I was just leaving,” she said. The excuse off her lips before she could stop herself. She watched him stare at her. He looks like he’s going to eat me. Not liking her own thought, Zephyra shifted her feet nervously. “Do I still have to care for Alell?” she asked, praying that her voiced didn’t hold any hope. I don’t want him to take away the only thing I like about this place. “I could always have my new pet, Lyora was it, take over that duty. Then you could better take care of me, singing bird.” Jaguar purred. Waving her hand dismissively, Zephyra acted strong, while saying, “Lyora and I are going to take a bath after we eat.” With one of her smirks she stated coolly, “After last night, we need one.” Zephyra felt the change of mood instantly, one moment teasing the next flaring temper. His hand came out of nowhere, the slender fingers wrapped around her neck. He didn’t hit her, he didn’t squeeze either. He merely held her there, immobile, showing her who was the real boss. He leaned in close, his nose only an inch away from hers. “You will not try that again, Zephyra.” He hissed her name, “Or I will get, because I will find you, and chain you to my bed. You will never leave my side.” He growled, “You are mine!” Zephyra had an urge to spit at him, but even though her life wasn’t the best she still appreciated it. “Do you hear me, singing bird?” he asked, calm again. “Crystal clear, monster,” she stated with venom. Brilliant Zephyra, but it was too late to correct her try at master. But to her shock, Jaguar let her go and doubled over laughing. Her bright blue eyes widened. “Singing bird, that was good.” He said between chuckles. “That was closest you’ve come to saying master. Leave me now, before you do anger me.” Zephyra didn’t know if she was to take care of the black mare or not but she didn’t want to be in his presence any longer. Never in her life had she seen a vampire laugh! They really can laugh too, she thought as she walked from the room. Jaguar was still chuckling when she fought her instincts, and emotions, to run from the room. Her cheeks were still flushed when she arrived in the kitchen. Lady Dagmar scowled at Zephyra, but that was normal. For some reason the lady actually like Jaguar. Sure he’s a kind vampire but I will never submit to him. Taking a seat by Lyora, Zephyra thanked Lady Dagmar when she set a biscuit in front of her. “Have you eaten one yet? They are delicious,” she said teasingly, knowing that Lady Dagmar didn’t like compliments. Putting jam, made of fresh strawberries from the garden out back, on her biscuit, she took a big bite and nearly moaned in pleasure. After missing yesterday’s meals, it tasted all that much better.
Just call me Siri.
12:38am Feb 1 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Feel free to play with Jaguar if you want, Maybell. ^.^ Or create another master to rival him. I don't think the others are coming back, I rmailed them and got no reply.))
Just call me Siri.