4:57pm Feb 1 2010
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/ ((Shadowwolf has long roleplaying breakas sometimes hell be back.))
5:14pm Feb 1 2010
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((I mean pagie and the others. I would hope that Shadow is coming back. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
12:39am Feb 8 2010
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Just call me Siri.
9:26am Feb 12 2010
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Silent growled and suddenly, he was running. He jumped over the fence easily as if it was a small river in his way. He ran as fast as he could. Not a single sound came from his running feet. Soon, he began to see the house of Zephyr and the slave house he owned. The whip lashes on his back burned. Suddenly, and arm whipped out and punched him in the stomach. He let out a breath, and looked up into the eyes of a vampire master, grinning. NO! I refuse to be enslaved again! Silent screamed in his head. He let out a feral snarl that in vampire, meant I'll kill you. The vampire stopped, shocked to find such an amazing find. "A half vampire!" he said. But his neck was already broken and his head gone. Silent glared at the body, his hands clenched. He spat on the body then continued running, getting closer and closer.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
10:08am Feb 12 2010
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Lyora took a biscut and bit into it, savoring the light, fluffy, buttery taste of the bread. "Mmm... This is the best thing I've ever tasted!", she exclaimed, finishing the little disk of heaven and eating three more in quick succession, stopping only when she heard a loud growl outside. "Silent.", she whispered, dropping the biscut she had been about to bite into, "He's here."
12:34pm Feb 12 2010
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Zephyra’s head popped up. “Here?” she asked, “As in now?” She dropped her biscuit onto the plate, stood up, and walked to the kitchen door. Both anticipation and fear knotted her stomach. Is he here to take us to freedom? I told him to give us a time to heal, but we could make it now. Glancing over her shoulder, Zephyra looked at Lyora, they both mirror shock. Though Zephyra thought she saw more in Lyora’s eyes. She does hold him closer to her heart. Grasping the handle she opened the door, just a crack, and peeked out. Zephyra couldn’t see much but she knew that he was there. The air itself had become more electric. “Lyora,” Zephyra turned to face her, “I’m going to run down the hall and get our cloaks. I think we can get out for real this time!” As she dashed for the hallway, as she was running Zephyra caught a glance at Lady Dagmar and she didn’t look happy at all. In fact, Lady Dagmar was briskly walking down another corridor. She’s going to get Jaguar! Her hands grew damp with sweat, fear made her breath come fast, and her mind grew frantic. “No!” she whispered fiercely, but there wasn’t time. Zephyra knew that she had to get those cloaks, without them Lyora and herself would freeze. She just had to be faster than Lady Dagmar. Running down the hall, Zephyra took the corners sharply, and skinned her bare feet on the hardwood floor when she came to a halt. Charging into Lyora’s room, Zephyra grabbed the cloak, and sprinted into her own. Tossing the straw aside Zephyra pulled out her boots then picked her cloak out of the corner. Rushing out of her room Zephyra didn’t have a chance at seeing him. She was so focused that it took his broad chest smacking her in the face for her to finally look up. Zephyra’s sapphire eyes widened. “Uh,” was all that came out of her mouth. “What has you in such a hurry, singing bird?” Jaguar asked in an even tone. Does he know that Silent is here? Or is he truly curious as to why I’m running? She prayed it was the later. “I was grabbing out cloaks so that we might wash them.” She lied. “I thought it would be smart, I mean reason to get clean then have to get dirty again.” She tired to calm her breathing, knowing that if she held her breathe he would get suspicious.“True,” was all he replied, his eyes calculating her.Dropping her gaze, Zephyra hurried down the hall to the kitchen. When she turned the corner Lady Dagmar was rushing toward her. He really doesn’t know yet! Her heart skipped a beat, pure hope filling her. If we run we can make it! Sprinting down the hall again, Zephyra zipped around another corner back into the kitchen. “Let’s go!” she called out, but not too loud. Hopping on one foot, she pulled on her boot, and then switched to hop on the other so that she could get the other boot on. Spotting a pair of slippers that were Lady Dagmar’s Zephyra grabbed them, and tossed them to Lyora. “Wear those, they’re better than nothing.” Zephyra hustled to the back door, and held it open, waiting for Lyora. Her palms were still sweaty, for fear of being caught. This is my last chance.
Just call me Siri.
2:36pm Feb 12 2010
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Lyora nosed, eating another of the wonderful biscuts as she waited for Zephrya to return with their cloaks. When she did, Lyora grabbed her cloak, throwing it over her shoulders and slipping on the slippers, running through the door, knowing that her friend wou;d follow. "Silent!", she hissed, running up behind him, "Zephrya's behind me, let's get out of here!"
2:39pm Feb 12 2010
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Silent whirled around, his hands out like claws and he crouched defensivly. He hissed like a vampire and the air seemed to grow colder. Then he reconized Lyora and instantly was out of his crouch. "Run you fools." He growled, smelling Jaguar. It would be suicide if they chose to stay with him. he was the only who could survive this encounter. (( Try and decipher this. )) ~43263262434 112513 2532334 14941535~
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2:50pm Feb 12 2010
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((Haven't a clue. XD)) "Not without you, Silent.", Lyora said, shaking her head, "It's all of us together, we leave no one behind." ((Phail post. DX ))
3:29pm Feb 12 2010
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Silent spun around and glared at her with narrowed red eyes. "Go. Now. I do not know how much longer I can restrain myself...." He growled. His voice was low and calm and almost.... scary. Scary, because it was tempting. As if a beautiful hunter was tempting it's prey closer to it's death. He growled low and turned away fast, scenting Jaguar.
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3:52pm Feb 12 2010
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Lyora looked at Silent, worry in her eyes. But somehow, she knew he would be okay. She knew he would survive. She nodded and took Zephyra's hand, pulling her along. "Come on", she said quietly, "He'll be okay."
4:48pm Feb 12 2010
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When Lyora grasped her hand, Zephyra wanted to smile. It wasn’t the time or the place to but she couldn’t seem to stop it. Lyora won’t leave me behind. Zephyra squeezed Lyora’s hand a little tighter, not wanting to let go, and ran with her. Zephyra had never been good at making friends. She was too hot tempered, though Lyora didn’t seem to mind. Glanced back at Silent she thought, he’s different now. The vampire blood is consuming his humanity. When he meets with us again will we be safe? Her feet pounded the ground rhythmically in her hasty pace to freedom. Turning back to Lyora Zephyra thought, she believes in him. She didn’t even flinch when he hissed at us. Remembering the savage growl that Silent had aimed at them, Zephyra thought Lyora was mad. Her love blinds her from the fact that he’s different, but is that a good or bad thing? Shaking her head, Zephyra put her mind on the task ahead. Freedom. Jaguar had scented that something was off. Too much emotion was in the air, but when Lady Dagmar had come to him with the news that Lyora and Zephyra were going to escape, he had been infuriated. I’ve only just got her back! Also Lyora is injured. His usual topaz eyes turned crimson with fury. Stalking out of his mansion Jaguar caught the scent of Lyora and Zephyra instantly, but another scent held more attention. “Silent.” Jaguar fairly growled. While glaring at the slight build of the other man, Jaguar’s brows knitted together in a scowl. “You’ve been angry.” He stated, “And that anger has made the venom poison you faster.” Jaguar took a fleeting look at the girls over Silent’s shoulder. They were running for the tree, to their escape. Clenching his fists, eyes blazing, Jaguar spat, “I haven’t done anything to them. Are you still going to kill me?”
Just call me Siri.
5:07pm Feb 12 2010
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((I can't do much... XD ))
5:13pm Feb 12 2010
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Silent gazed at Jaguar for a few seconds. "No..." He said quietly. "I cannot. Because you kept your side of the deal. You did not harm them." He said quietly. His fists clenched and he took a shuddering breath. "But I cannot go with them yet, knowing you will chase after them as soon as I turn my back. I'm here to fight. Not to the death, but to the point where I have your word, you will not chase after us. Nor send others to do so." He said firmly, staring Jaguar straight in the eye. His fist remained clenched. He knew what Jaguar had said about the vampire venom was true. He cocked his head slightly and he suddenly, he looked more like a hawk examining a fleeing prey curiously. "Why are you angry?" He asked in his quiet voice. Half of his body was now entirely vampire. Two more days and he would be a full newborn vampire.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:34pm Feb 12 2010
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Jaguar released a bark of laughter that held no humor. “Why am I angry?” he asked bitterly. This body begged for a fight, but he was a thinker and knew better. Forcing his hands to relax, Jaguar beat his emotions down. It would be hopeless to fight Silent with his mind like this. He would be able to read every move. Not daring to close his eyes, Jaguar took deep breaths to calm his nerves. When his frame finally held the stoicism that it normally did, Jaguar took a step forward. Placing his had absentmindedly on the whip that was always curled around his waist, he studied Silent. “I will never agree to let Zephyra go. Her blood calls to me in a way that I don’t understand.” Before Silent could comment Jaguar continued, “I’ve only felt this way to one other and that was Kyrian, but he is lost to me.” His eyes had turned back to their gold, but with the though of Kyrian, a rim of crimson lined his pupil. “I will keep Zephyra.” Unfurling the whip at his waist Jaguar stood in a defensive stance, expecting Silent’s attack, his rage, his deadly precision. Zephyra felt like she had been punched in the ribs. A constant throb, her breathing was labored too. “Lyora, I don’t think I can make it.” She barely gasped. Her legs were cramped from the hard work, and dehydration. I should have gotten something to drink while we were at breakfast. Tugging on Lyora’s hand, making her friend stop, Zephyra doubled over in pain. What is wrong with me! Straightening enough to look back, Zephyra saw Jaguar unleash his whip. “Oh, no.” she whispered. Silent was buying them time to run and she couldn’t even go. Then an idea came to mind. “Lyora! We need to get to the barn!” She rasped, her breathing still coming in short gasps. Dashing to the barn, Lyora in tow, Zephyra ran up to Alells stall. The little, black mare whinnied at the sight of Zephyra. She always has liked me. Snatching her bridle from the rack outside the stall, Zephyra opened the door, and easily bridled the mare. Leading her out of the stall Zephyra mounted her with practiced ease, and then reached down for Lyora. “Don’t worry; the gate guards know that I ride her often. With any luck we can get out quickly and they won’t even know we’re escaping.” She explained excitedly, “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.” Alell complained when Zephyra asked her to move forward, clearly not happy with them riding double. Zephyra talked to Alell, and patted her neck, comforting her and giving her courage. Finally the little mare stubbornly agreed and they trotted out of the barn. When they got to the gate, Zephyra called out, “Jaguar wants me to exercise Alell, and he will be joining us momentarily.” The two exchanged glances then opened the gate without hesitation. It worked! Alell felt Zephyra’s burst of exhilaration and pranced away, her tail swishing as she chomped on the bit, clearly wanting to gallop. When the trees enveloped them, Zephyra kicked her into a gallop, leaning forward and enjoying the rush of speed, Lyora clutching Zephyra around the waist. ((If Zephyra's part is power playing I will change it, or if it's just plain unacceptable, I will delete it. I just love Alell, actually horses, and I want her to be a part of the escape.))
Just call me Siri.
8:00pm Feb 12 2010
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Silent remained still and quiet, his eyes blank as he stared a the whip for a second. "You do not use your whip very much..." He noted quietly, smelling the faint trace of blood. "I respect that...." He said, ever quiet. "I may become a vampire..." He said quietly, his head bowed. "But I have a sister who calls to me, whether I a vampire or not. She has sung the song which can only be sung by us and she has managed to open her heart to all things, liking herself with everything. Even to you." Silent said. Their was a trace of bitterness in his voice. He shifted his foot slightly. He rolled his neck and sighed. Then looked Jaguar straight in the eye, one of his eyes a deep blue and the other a blood red. "I cannot let them be slaves. They have been slaves for too long. They are the only ones who have the heart and will to escape. They just needed a push..." Silent said quietly. He tensed slightly. "Jaguar? You are a vampire. Explain to me. What is it like.... to kill someone you love?" He asked quietly, staring at Jaguar with pure curiosity. But there was a secret pain behind his eyes. The pain of the venom and the pain of something else. He rubbed his human wrist, feeling the stiff and white scar. His eyes half closed as he gazed at it.
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8:25pm Feb 12 2010
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Jaguar heard a faint clomping of hooves, but didn’t think much of it. What really had his attention was Silent. Jaguar flexed his wrist and the whip withered and curled at his feet, as if coming to life. “What personal questions you as me, Silent.” was all Jaguar said at first. Then in a cool tone he replied, “This sister you speak of, she is not here now is she.” He asked rhetorically, “An escapee.” Now I wish to meet her too. Ignoring his question of killing, Jaguar said, “Maybe it’s Zephyra’s will to live that I find so compelling. Her witty remarks that make me want to restrict her. Or those times she has a temper, and I can’t help but want to tame her.” His topaz eyes glazed over at the thought of Zephyra’s first attempt at escaping. He had dislocated her knee, and he hadn’t enjoyed doing it. But she was such a fighter. I was inexperienced in the art of taming such a slave; always with sharp tongue, always resisting everything, and the fire in her eyes. That night was the only night he got her to cry out. She didn’t whimper, she didn’t let silent tears fall. Zephyra had screamed like a banshee. A smirk graced Jaguars lips at the thought. She had spat every foul word she could think of, and there were many. Yet, he remembered her cries fondly and they created a nickname for her, singing bird. Every time she spoke Jaguar heard the melody only she sang. I have to have her back. Coming out of his day dream, Jaguar felt utterly calm, he was at his deadliest. “Silent, are you thinking about killing the ones you love?” he finally countered. “Is their blood calling to you, in a sweet melody that is beyond your capability to resist?” Standing taller, Jaguar felt his muscles contract ready for battle, “I felt nothing as I killed my creator. Are you afraid that Lyora would kill you in turn? That is, if you had the will to change her, or she might still put a knife in your chest.”
Just call me Siri.
8:44pm Feb 12 2010
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Silent's calm demeanor broke. "No." he growled, deathly quiet. "It was a question. Nothing more. No reason behind it." he tensed himself. He thought back to when he was little and his sister was still with them. he closed his eyes as the memory washed over him. he opened them halfway and as he spoke, he spoke as if not there. "When me, my mother, and my sister where younger, we were slaves. My master, was cruel and merciless. He whipped us until we could not even stand or move. One day, my master had bought a club. Something thick with a single spike in it. I had tipped over a bucket of blood I had been preparing for him and, in his blind rage, he reached for his club and prepared to strike me through with the spike. As it came down, I realized, that, we were the only ones beaten. Before I could move though, the club came down, but did not strike me. Opening my own eyes, I found my mother standing over me, a smile on her face and a line of blood rolling down her chin. The spike stuck through her chest. The master had dragged the spike out of her roughly and kicked her aside. I lost it.... In my own blind rage, I killed my master with his own weapon. My mother died, but me and my sister lived. I took a vow of silence, never to cry, beg, plead, whimper, or speak to anyone but my sister. But then I had a new master. A more powerful man. My sister, tired of the abuse, ran away, succeeding. But I was punished. Severely...." he whispered, rubbing his shoulder where the long scar on his back started. "You might not find these memories interesting, but if you were to fight me, to whip me and beat me, know that I will not satisfy your pleasure and thirst for my please of mercy and tears of pain." He sighed and changed his stance to defense. "Zephyra is like me. Only, she does not know the pain of the whip of my master or the pain of my broken heart. She might know others, but not mine. yet she has a will of fire and a free and wild spirit." He smiled sadly. "I understand your need for her. But she does not wish to stay by your side like a good puppy. Like a good slave. She wants freedom. She's a caged bird that's learned how to open her cage with her beak. And we will stop at nothing, to keep our freedom." Silent said fiercely. He felt strange. His body was almost super sensetive. his whole body ached from the venom, but his chest felt warm, as if the will of fire he spoke of was burning inside him too.
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10:53pm Feb 12 2010
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((I have still been watching this rp.. And it looks like it's just you three now xD If you ever need extra characters... -eyes light up- jk,jk.... -still looking secretly hopeful-))
10:56pm Feb 12 2010
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(( Lol Night. You can join if you wish. You like the RP so far? ))
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