11:19am Feb 13 2010
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((No, it's fine. ^_^ )) "C'mon, we're almost there...", Lyora said to herself, enjoying the exhilerating feeling that rushed over her. She looked back at Silent and Jaguiar talking, and knew that she would be unable to leave without him. That if he died here, she would never forgive herself. "Zephyra, do you think Silent will be okay?", she asked softly.
9:18pm Feb 13 2010
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((Yeah, I've been following it for all this time xD Coming up with a character is easy... I'll find a place to jump in, I think. Give me a sec ;3 ))
9:24pm Feb 13 2010
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Name: Trinity Serran Age: 15 Gender: Female Family: Unknown really, probably enslaved somewhere... Appearence: Trinity has long, silky black hair that drapes itself gracefully on her shoulders. Her eyes are a stunning green which contrasts greatly with her pale skin. She is on the small side and looks fragile and weak although she is not so. Some slaves often think that she is a vampire due to her fair skin. She wears a feathery light white cotton dress. Other: Nothing to put here really... ((I'm going to jump in somewhere...))
10:54am Feb 14 2010 (last edited on 11:39am Feb 14 2010)
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((Night, go ahead~)) -is working on her post- Posted!~ =D
Just call me Siri.
11:39am Feb 14 2010
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Jaguar was moved by what Silent had said. Many, more like all, slaves have horror stories that keep them up at night. Some are broken by their mal treatment. Others fight with more vengeance at each brutal blow. He had his own story, but Jaguar would never share. I hardly let myself think about it. Why would I show vulnerability to someone else? The sounds of hoof beats were getting farther, and farther away. It created a rhythm for his usually silent heartbeat. At will, he could make his heartbeat but once in a while the heart will create a beat for itself. At those moments, Jaguar could pretend he was still alive. His grip on the handle of his whip loosened. His stance became less menacing. “You think I didn’t know this?” he purred. “Zephyra was unique to me, and I know her will to resist everything is much like yours but there is a difference. No matter how hard I pushed her, Zephyra never sent any ill will towards me.” With a chuckle, Jaguar remembered the moment in the library. “Sure she has a vipers tongue and she has struck out at me, but never has she raised a deadly knife at me. There are plenty of those in my house hold. She could have walked into the kitchen and grabbed one, and no one would know any better.” With a shake of his head, as if scolding Zephyra for not trying, Jaguar continued, “I knew that she would fight free and leave me unharmed. It’s her innocence; it is still buried in her heart. It keeps thinking that everyone still has some good in them even if it’s just a kind thought.” And she made me wonder if I actually do. Has she made me think kindly, think for others instead of my own greed? Yes, think she has. Looking at Silent with defeated eyes, Jaguar whispered, “I will find her, but only after she has tasted freedom, had it gripped in her fists, then, and only then, will I ripe it from her. I will break her.” Zephyra was starting to get dizzy. Lyora had asked her something. What did she ask? Oh, it was about Silent. Will he be ok? “Jaguar isn’t so bad. He’s like the animal he’s named after, calm and calculating. He knows that it wouldn’t be worth it to fight Silent.” Her vision was narrowing. She couldn’t see the trees surrounding them any longer. Only the dirt road, which was winding down and down and down. Gray spots began to consume her sight. This can’t be good. Alell slowed her pace, as if sensing something wrong. I think I need to tell Lyora, she thought. Barely managing to open her mouth, which felt cotton dry, Zephyra whispered, “I think I’m going to faint now. I’m sorry.” Her head became light as a feather, her fingers grew numb, and within seconds her vision was completely black, becoming a dead weight on Alell’s neck. The mare stopped, snorted, and stomped her foot in unease. Kyrian…I…need you. “Kyrian…I…need you…” Glancing up sharply from the notice he was reading, Kyrian saw no one. Was that Zephyra? It sounded like her, but how could she be so close? Setting down the paper, which said that a vampire came close to finding their sanctuary, Kyrian walked out of the little cottage. It was nestled between to large boulders. It created a safe haven. No one would sneak up behind them. There were trees strategically placed in a semi-circle. Not only was it dense and hard to see through, it gave perfect cover to create look outs. Glancing around the clearing he couldn’t find Cyri. She really is great at hiding. Whispering, because that is all it took, Kyrian called, "Cyri. I have something to tell you."
Just call me Siri.
12:06pm Feb 14 2010
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"Oh, not good...", Lyora groaned, grabbing the reins and following the trail into the forrest, pulling the mare to a halt once they were out of sight from the vampire's abode. "Zephyra, please be okay...", she muttered, pulling her friend off of the saddle and sitting her up against a tree. "Somebody, help!", she cried, knowing the small, hidden settlement probably had sentries nearby.
1:14pm Feb 14 2010
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Cyri giggled and she jumped down form a tree, landing lightly on all fours. She stood up and smiled softly at him. Then frowned. "bad news?" She asked, her voice soft and strangely calming. She moved towards him and stopped at his shoulder. ~ Silent stared at Jaguar. "In a way, You the most decent vampire i have ever met. I respect you for that. But I also am fairly aware of how painful to have your freedom ripped away is...." he said quietly. He clenched his fists and his other hand rubbed his shoulder. He sighed and took a step back. "When that day comes, be prepared. That is the day when I will fight to the death for their freedom." Silent said calmly and cooly. He winced and his hand flew to his neck. He rubbed it, wincing as the venom slowly moved to the other half of his body, now complete with his left half.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:16pm Feb 14 2010
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((You might have to tell me stuff to edit out, as I'm a bit shaky on some details.)) Vampires...Beautiful monsters, Trinity had decided a long time ago. They were certainly graceful and strong... But they were cruel and thought that humans were inferior. Some day, she thought, I'll show them. Life as a slave was the only life she had ever known. Her master never drank her blood. Apparently it was 'too sweet' or something like that. Thank goodness for that she thought. She always had obeyed her master's orders; if she didn't, then she would have to pay. "How perfect you would be if you were a vampire..." her master had always said, over and over. He often showed her off to other vampires as a sort of a trophy, but Trinity knew that he cared nothing for her. She was but a toy. Then the day had come where a couple of slaves had formed a rebellion against the vampires. A person by the name of "Silent" had lead it, or so it seemed. He was a strange character. A rumor had it that he had been bitten by his master before he had escaped. Even though this might be true, Trinity knew that she could trust a person who had been raised in slavery to lead them out of it. And then the worst happened; they were caught as they were escaping. A vampire had caught them. Trinity remembered with a shiver the vampire's eyes. Two girls had offered for the vampire to let the rest of the slaves go so long as they went back... And so they had. And now Silent and the vampire were having their final stand...
2:18pm Feb 14 2010
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(( That's good. Nice entry. I like it. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:21pm Feb 14 2010
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((Oh good ^^ I think Silent's actually somewhere else though right? Meh, whatever.. I'll just go with the flow for now and wait to interact..))
2:23pm Feb 14 2010
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(( Nope. That's him. He's the leader and the creator. he created the rebellion and is currently leading it. But nows he's facing off with jaguar, about to leave after the two girls who had already escaped. Now we wait for the others..... *twiddles thumbs* ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:31pm Feb 14 2010
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((-randomly- what are the numbers in you signature? ))
2:35pm Feb 14 2010
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(( It's a cypher. if you can decode it, I'll give you 50k. ))
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2:38pm Feb 14 2010
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♥Happy Valentines Day Everyone!♥
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3:17pm Feb 14 2010
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((-cannot read that whatsoever. O.O))
3:18pm Feb 14 2010
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(( LoL. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:00pm Feb 14 2010
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Kyrian normally felt a comfort by Cyri’s nearness, but with Zephyra’s words echoing in his mind Kyrian only felt anxious. Running one of his large, rough hands through his short, blonde hair Kyrian sighed with frustration. “Cyri, I heard Zephyra.” He whispered, never really trusting that they were alone, “She was in trouble. All she said was ‘I need you.’ And that speaks volumes, because Zephyra doesn’t ask for help.” Shifting from one foot to the other, Kyrian finally said, “I’m going to look at the main trail. I know she wasn’t in that cursed place.” Pursing his lip Kyrian gave a shrill whistle and his hound came running. The red wolf trotted out of the underbrush, his fur blending with ease. Kyrian patted his companion on the head, and rubbed him behind the ear. “You’re a loyal hound,” Kyrian praised. Tongue hanging out, the wolf looked at him with what seemed to be understanding. Kyrian didn’t praise very often. “I will be off Cyri.” He said, “I hope to be back before nightfall.” Turning about, Kyrian jogged through the trees and signaled for the hound to go first. Such a smart hound, I’m glad that I found him. He trusts me with his life too, and I trust him with mine. The wolf came back; tongue lolling out of his mouth, obviously stating that there is no danger. The sun was mid high, but not radiating a lot of heat. Increasing his pace, Kyrian easily moved through the brushes and trees. The closer he got to the path the more his instincts screamed for him to run faster. At first he couldn’t hear anything, then the wolf’s ears pricked forward and he nudged Kyrian’s leg. Then Kyrian heard it, the shuffling of a nervous horse and the cries of a lost girl. Slowing to a stalk, Kyrian was cautious about approaching. It could be a trap, he thought. But as he peered around a bit of crisp foilge Kyrian knew better. He saw not one but two young girls, one was frightened and the other was pa.ssed out on the ground. Before he could stop himself, Kyrian stepped forward and whispered, “Zephyra?” The silver, white haired girl that was leaning heavily against the tree opened her eyes slightly. “Zephyra!” he rushed forward and enveloped her in a hug. Being gentle because she was so fragile looking and small, but still holding her as if he would never let go. Leaning back Kyrian ran a hand through her hair, over her cheek, and tenderly held her face between his palms. He spoke, even though his throat seemed choked with love, “It has been to long little sister.” Remembering there was another, Kyrian protectively held Zephyra, and looked over his shoulder at her. The hound was happy to sit guard, deeming the girl innocent. “Are you also trying to escape?” he asked. I would love to take Zephyra and her friend home to Cyri. She acts like she's happy with me, but she really does miss her brother and other females to talk to. ((Here is a picture of the hound, http://animals.timduru.org/dirlist/wolf/dwredw02-RedWolf-Wandering_in_forest.jpg ))
Just call me Siri.
9:24pm Feb 14 2010
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Lyora nodded and asked, "Are you her brother? Kyrian, I think she said your name was? I am Lyora, a friend of both your sister and another named Silent Rouge. I believe his sister is out here as well..." She looked at him, studying the boy's apearence. He was cute, but nothing like Silent.
10:22pm Feb 14 2010
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Cyri watched him go. She was worried and strangely on edge. She bounced on the heel of her toes. Then she couldn't take it any longer. She herself cupped her hands and put them to her lips, letting out a high pitched howl, signaling her own friend. From the shadows emerged a black wolf, almost as big as her. If it had stood on it's hind legs, it would of been taller than her. It had the same hard amber eyes as silent. It dipped it's head in greeting to her. She smiled and couched down, rubbing underneath the black wolf's neck. She sung two notes and the wolf pricked it's ears. Then as if he had been told a command, he blended into the shadows, guarding their hideout. With that, Cyri took off, running at the half speed of a vampire. When she finally reached him, she let out a pent up sigh of relief. Then she saw Lyora, but no Silent. "Where is he?" She demanded in a sharp voice.
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10:38pm Feb 14 2010 (last edited on 10:39pm Feb 14 2010)
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"He went back to confront our captor, a vampire named Jaguar. He's changing somehow, and I think it's because of a vampire bite. He seemed intent for us to stay away from him. I can't help but wonder if I did the right thing in letting him stay... But Silent is strong, and has killed a vampire before. He knows how to handle himself.", Lyora said, turning to Cyri, "I think I can safely *censored*ume that you are Cyry, his sister?"