8:07pm Feb 22 2010
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((-waits for Wolf to post-))
5:56pm Feb 26 2010
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Silent panted and he gulped air, trying to slow his racing heart. "The silent song which only the silent and seeing can hear and sing." he breathed. SLowly, he stood up. He swayed gently, then stood firm. He wiped his forehead and the sweat disappeared. A soft breeze cooled his flaming skin and the fiery hot blood in his veins. He felt strength coursing through him. He was about to speak when he felt a lashing pain, searing his back. It was worse than before. his mind flashed back to the whipping, but it was worse. It cut deep into his flesh, glancing of his spine. he dropped to his knees, making no sound. Behind him, stood a vampire master with a sword, breathing hard. Blood began to pour from Silent's back. He grimaced with pain and wrinkled his nose. his blood. He could smell his blood. And it smelled good. The vampire master looked up and smiled at Jaguar. "I always say, that when a slave gets out of hand, change the whip to a sword and teach them a lesson or two. Besides. he killed one of our own." He said, shrugging. he sheathed the sword and stood over Silent. His eyes turned red as thirst began to flow through him. "Man he smells like a feast..." He whispered. ~ Cyri felt the pain searing her back as if it was her own. She screamed with pain and dropped to her knees. "Silent....!" She gasped, tears streaming down her face.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:12pm Feb 26 2010
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"Is he okay?!", Lyora asked, kneeling beside Cyri, concern in her eyes and her voice, "Are YOU okay? What happened?" She was panicking, hoping and Praying that Silent was unhert.
8:24pm Feb 26 2010
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Cyri gulped air, her eyes narrowed into slits. "Once sung, the song binds us for a few days. I feel his pain, he feels mine. I share his dreams and he shares mine. I feel what he feels." She gasped. "And I just felt immense cold pain running down my back."
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:44pm Feb 26 2010
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Before he could stop himself, Jaguar released an ugly growl as the other master disciplined Silent. His entire frame tensed. Jaguar felt like he would do something very unreasonable if he didn't calm his sudden anger. Remembering his meditations as a younger vampire, he imagined a still pool in his mind. He let himself sink into the still, quiet water. It immersed him in serenity. Something that he couldn't enjoy often or the satisfaction would wane. "I prefer to keep my slaves without scars." Jaguar purred to the other master. Jaguar knew better than to engage Silent. If he did the rival might punish him more. "I find that a whip is effective enough...if the wielder is skilled enough." Jaguar knew full well that the last bit was testy. Insulting another vampire was risky in any manor. Jaguar usually laughed any insults away, ignoring any challenge. Though he felt an odd need to keep Silent much like the desire he felt to tame Zephyra. As the thought of Zephyra whispered into his mind, Jaguar felt his grip on serenity slip. She's left! How could she leave so quickly? His nostrils flared, picking up the tiniest of scents, and he could smell the stale but lingering scent of Zephyra. Lyora was with her. They were both a while gone. They took my mare! he thought angrily. Jaguar had never known a more devious pet. Kyrian had been ill-tempered and mean, but Zephyra had a mind that absolutely astounded Jaguar. As angry as he was, Jaguar was still pleased. He enjoyed intelligent company. It was what kept him alive for so long without going mad. Stalking forward Jaguar grabbed Silent's arm and pulled him up. "I will take further care of this disputable slave, so if you will excuse me." He said all this without even bothering to look at the other vampire. Barely breathing the words Jaguar whispered, "Something is wrong. Zephyra's scent is diluted in a way I don't understand. She's weak, and needs help." Looking Silent in the eyes he stated with coolly, "Take me to her." Jaguar saw the signs of a newborn vampire in Silent's eyes. His pupils were dilated, he scented the blood in the air, and Silent was shaking. Uncontrollable. Deciding that it might bargain him a deal, Jaguar whispered, "I will teach you control. I will teach you how to be close to those you love without killing them." Jaguar stayed away from hurting because a broken heart hurt, and no matter how much Silent loved his companions, they might only love who he used to be. (Meanwhile) With a great moan, Zephyra opened her eyes. She blinked through a haze. Everything looked as if it was covered with a gray film. She opened her mouth to speak but her throat was so dry it felt like cotton. Zephyra groaned as she tried to make her mind concentrate. Where am I? she wondered. Her usually acute night sight was hindered by the blurriness she could seem to get rid of. Suddenly something cool was on her forehead. Violently shaking, she closed her eyes as a whimper escaped her lips. "Zephyra?" a distant voice asked. She frowned, I know that voice. But where from? An unreal sensation happened; it felt as if the world was tipping. It took her a moment to adjust, but soon she realized, that all that had happened was someone had lifted her into a sitting position. A startling cold presence brushed her lips, and she opened her mouth. A warm liquid poured in and she sighed. Zephyra savored the honey tea, as it creased her soar throat and filled her empty stomach. Trusting that the tea helped her raw throat, Zephyra hoarsely whispered, "Kyrian?" Large arms enveloped her. Too weak to lift her own, Zephyra merely enjoyed the touch of her long departed brother. "I'm so glad you're alive." he said in a voice that reminded her of a violent, yet comforting, past. The pain that had lain dormant at the base of her skull, suddenly pounded with a vengeance. Trembling in pain, Zephyra cried, "Ky it hurts!" The strong arms continued to hold her, butthe chilling presence of the cloth returned to her forehead. "No," she whimpered, "I'm so cold..." She barely spoke the words, when her hazy, gray vision went black again. Kyrian held her. He continued to hold her when she sagged into his arms, going unconsious again. His heart and soul felt burdened with pain. She complains about being cold when she's burning up. Tears threatened, but he held them in check. Kyrian wouldn't cry for a something like this. Zephyra was still alive, not well but alive none the less. "I'll take care of you." he murmured. "I'll help you get better." Holding her close, Kyrian hoped that the two girls; Lyora and Trinity, would arrive safely.
Just call me Siri.
11:47pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I didn't think it would be that long. Sorry ^.^' Also I used bold italics to show what they are thinking, because the colors are now glitched.))
Just call me Siri.
6:49am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( I LOVE YOU! Your like the perfect Rper for me!~ Long post, more than two characters, and your good at thinking up plot twist! *death hugs all around* )) Silent froze in jaguar's arms. He flared his nose and he caught the scent of Zephyra and realized Jaguar was right. it was tainted. He trembled in Jaguar's grip, thinking furiously. He turned to Jaguar. His back continued t bleed, but was slower now. "I'll help...." He said in a pained voice. "But you must not betray our secrets. It's the only hope that keeps us slaves alive." He whispered. His back flared with pain and he arched his body, gasping. "Ouch...." He muttered. ~ Cyri's back flared with pain and she arched her body, gasping in pain. "Ouch...." She muttered. In her mind, she saw Silent's thoughts. And what she saw horrified her. "Kyrian!" She screamed she stumbled to her feet and raced to him, finding him in a mere seconds. her eyes were wide with fright. "Jaguar! Zephyra's master! He's coming!" She shrieked. Anger burned inside her, but sympathy as well. Her brother had no choice. And something was wrong with Zephyra. Her master, a vampire, might just be able to help. She dropped to his side and wrapped her arms around his waist, putting her forehead against his back. "We have to go somewhere where he won't find the cottage. That way our secret will be safe..." She whispered, her voice muffled slightly by his shirt. She loved him and the feeling coursed through her, but she struggled to dampen it. Now was not the time for romance.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:26am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Lyora muttered a curse as she slowly wrapped her head around what Cyri had told her. "That's not good... Oh, Silent, why didn't I follow my better judgement and stay with you?", she muttered, following Cyri as she stormed off, unaware of what she'd just said, too busy worrying about poor Silent who was hurt and with apparently two vampire masters, at the mercy of both of them because of his current condition.
2:27pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 7:49pm Feb 28 2010)
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Trinity stared at Cyri, worried suddenly for her and Silent. She felt terrible. The person who had let her get her first taste of freedom was in trouble. A cold hand clutched her heart; she was utterly useless, in every sense. She had escaped, and now had to be helped to get to safety, rely on other people's experience and power... She felt the unfairness of it all. She could have her freedom. What about the one who had let her free? He was a vampire now, the very thing anyone who was once a slave hated. Life itself can be cruel. Was it life that was unfair, or the vampires themselves? Trinity flicked her black hair behind her shoulders and decided she would do what she could now. She walked beside Lyora, who appeared worried and as though her thoughts were elsewhere. "Are you okay?" she asked her gently.
7:33pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Feb 28 2010)
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((Just wondering, um, doesn't Trinity have black hair? I might be confused, -giggles at her own blondness-)) Glancing over his shoulder to be sure that the other master was occupied with something else, Jaguar pulled Silent by the elbow to a more secluded place. They stood in the shadows of a building with the moon providing only hints of light in the darkness. The stars were hidden behind looming clouds, as if the clouds were protecting them from the wrath of a vampire. His left hand still held Silent, as if to keep him from running, while his other hand held the whip. Jaguar looked at it in confusion not remembering why he brought it out in the first place. Releasing Silent with a weary look, Jaguar gently wrapped the leather cord around his waist. Jaguar's movements spoke volumes of skill and efficiency. He didn't even notice that it could look threatening, but it did. Not wanting to spook Silent away Jaguar didn't look back into his eyes. He knew that his own eyes had gone from their usual topaz to a raw crimson. Silent's blood wasn't diluted like Zephyra's. It made his blood lust rise, but being an aged vampire, Jaguar knew how to keep it settled. Speaking softly, Jaguar advised, "Don't do deep breathing it only makes matters worse." Glancing up at Silent, Jaguar continued, "You have to create something still. I center myself with an image of water, a still pool of it, a rock could work just as well. But don't think about fire or a person, for these things change. They are unruly, wild things with a mind of their own." Jaguar hoped that Silent didn't notice his aversion of giving his word on not betraying them. I am a selfish creature. I will take what I want. If that means taking Zephyra back, then I cannot give my word. For that will be a sign of betrayal. "Your body is still fighting the venom. So you will heal at a slow rate, yet slightly faster than a human." He informed, "Though with the help of an elder vampire you could heal nearly instantly." Looking down at his wrist, Jaguar blinked slowly his mind was calculating the options. If I share my life's blood with him, Silent will have the power of a complete newborn. He will have the power to kill me with ease, but I will have some power over his actions. The sire of a newborn often guided them into their new life, letting them sip some of their blood for stability, and taking them out on their first hunt. Jaguar didn't plan on taking Silent for a hunt, but he knew that Silent needed some blood or the lust would overwhelm him. The first bite is always the hardest to control and I would not like to have him kill a friend. It was common for a newborn to want to drain their prey the first time, and often times if they did they would continue to do so throughout their life. "Silent, if you drink my blood the thirst will be controllable..." Jaguar hesitated before adding, "And you will heal...I will have some control over you, nothing large, just enough to manage your emotional flares." Sitting quietly Jaguar wondered how Silent would respond. Does he even understand that in his current condition he could kill the ones he loves just by being too close? ((More is coming, my computer is just being really glitchie...))
Just call me Siri.
7:49pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Yeah.... She does, now that you mention it :3 I always make her have either black hair or blonde.... I forgot about it this time xD))
7:56pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((NightmareDream, ok. I was wondering if I imaged that or what. x3 Also, Kyrain's and Zephyra's posts are coming!~))
Just call me Siri.
7:59pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Call me Nightmare.... Or NMD (not to be confused with national missle defense >:3)... Anything but 'Night'. xD By the way, just wondering, how long have you been roleplaying? I have only been roleplaying for not quite a full year yet. ))
8:01pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Mare, if you don't mind me calling you this, I have have been roleplaying for...umm...When ever my first post on Death[Warriors Rp] Is too Familiar. Twas my first rp. I've loved them ever since <3 =3))
Just call me Siri.
8:12pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Awesome ^^ So, we're both (kind of) new roleplayers :3 And I don't mind Mare.. I kinda like it actually..... >:3 ))
8:14pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Ack... I have to go.... Bye. D: Will roleplay later. ))
9:59pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Kyrian was still sitting beside Zephrya when he heard Cyri scream, "Kyrian!" Startling at the sudden loudness, Kyrian almost got up but Zephyra squeezed his hand, so he sat still. Waiting for Cyri to come to him. "Jaguar! Zephyra's master! He's coming!" she shrieked as she entered the cabin. His entire body stiffened. Jaguar is coming? he thought madly. How? Why? Why now! I just got her back, I don't want her to leave. Cyri wrapped her arms around his waist in a rare display of surrender. Normally she stressed that he stay away from her, telling him that she was dangerous. Vampire venom, vampires, if only they never existed. Nothing would be like it is now. No pain, or suffering, just life. Cyri was talking again, saying something about moving. Keeping ourselves safe, keeping the hope for slaves alive. Yeah, that would be smart, he thought. "Cyri, I don't know if Zephyra could handle being moved." he whispered helplessly. Slowly he moved his other hand to hold Cyri's arms as she held onto him. His heart beat franticly even while his breathing stayed steady. Kyrian's soul cried out in frustration. Its desire was simple, it wanted freedom and safety. It fought for the right to love others without the fear of an early death. Kyrian wanted to keep Zephyra safe from harm, like any brother wants to protect his sister, but he also wanted to protect Cyri. That was because of a different type of pa.ssion, it had nothing to do with brotherly protection. It was primal in the way of defending a mate, or lover. Kyrian had grown close to Cyri in their time alone out in the forest. It would be hard not to, he thought. She's smart, cunning, and beautiful. A wise choice for any man. Closing his eyes, Kyrian held back shouts of impatience and tears of frustration. When everything seemed to be getting better, why does it have to get worse? "Ky," Zephyra choked out, reaching for the tea again. Kyrian helped her drink some more before she continued, "I can move. I trust you." Angry that she could only speak so little at a time Zephyra simply looked at Kyrian, and with the bond they held, she knew he understood all that she wanted to say. Jaguar may be a vampire but he's so different. If I have to go back, I don't think he'll kill me for leaving. He'll even expect me to try again, and I know he won't harm me...too badly anyway... With a sigh that held so much emotion, maybe all the emotions he held, Kyrian carefully turned in Cyri's arms. "Where should we go? How will Silent know where to find us?" he asked her. His hand moved before he could stop himself, he stroked Cyri's hair and his fingers feathered over her cheek. Dropping his hand quickly Kyrian chided himself for the invasive touch. Now is not the time...and in the back of his mind he smiled while a small voice called, but someday. Someday? I can only hope.
Just call me Siri.
10:00pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Mare, =( Sorry I poofed on you. I had to go eat. And yay for newbie RPer's! lol))
Just call me Siri.
11:58am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((lol w00t :D I needs Maybell to post... -twitches- must... rp... soon... ))
4:35pm Mar 5 2010
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