10:43pm Mar 5 2010
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Cyri stared into his eyes. "There's a large barn a good 20 meters away from here. We can hide there while I erase the scent." She said, wrinkling her nose slightly. He gently touched Kyrian's throat with gossamer fingers. Someday. She thought longingly. ~ Silent stared at Jaguar through half open eyes. His eyes filled with pain and anguish. He tried to concentrate and he took deep, but shallow breaths so he could reduce the loss of blood. I have o live. For them. Even if means I have to disappear from the picture. He thought. And he could smell it. So tempting. His own blood. He clenched his teeth together and turned his head down, away from the wound, groaning in anger and pain fro his clenched vampiric teeth. "Fine...." he hissed. His voice was filled with anguish. "I have no.... choice.... Without me.... who will the others go to, when they need..... someone who is silent? Willing to listen......" He gasped through clenched teeth. Then, without further question or response, he gently grabbed Jaguar wrist. He already knew what to do. His sister had taught him. Yet the thirst parched his throat and his longing became a need. A lust for it. He held back as he sank his teeth gently into Jaguar's wrist, piercing the vein, but not so much that it would bleed internally. Perfectly done. As if he had experience. What came next, was up to him. The taste of the warm rich blood in his mouth made his throat burst into white hot flames. He knew he only needed three sips. So that's what he did. He took three sips. Then quickly he retreated. He stumbled backwards and his clawed hands flexed. His wild eyes stared longingly at the bead of blood rolling down Jaguar's wrist, but he held back. By some force of will, he was able to resist his urge to drain Jaguar of his blood. He put his head in his hands, rocking back and forth. "It hurts like hell....." he gasped through clenched teeth. His throat was still on fire, but it wasn't as raw as before.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:49am Mar 6 2010
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Lyora ignored Trinity, only listening to what Cyri said. A barn. As good a hiding place as any other. "How would you hide the scent?", she asked, wondering how such a feat might be accomplished. ((Phail. x.x; ))
10:46am Mar 6 2010
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Trinity fell silent as Lyora didn't answer. She felt bad for her. It was probably a touchy subject for her. Silent and her might have grown close. That was her guess, anyway. She had only glimpsed Silent, and heard about him a couple of times. For a second she didn't say anything and just litstenend to everything all around. It was the first time she had ever been able to listen to the sounds of the night with peace. Next to her, Lyora spoke. "How would you hide the sent?" Trinity herself was curious, but she hadn't voiced the question.
6:52am Mar 7 2010
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Cyri winced and turned to Trinity. Then raised her whole left arm and bared part of her left neck. The whole area was vampiric. She could feel it Slowly spreading across her body each time her rage flared. She took a deep breath, letting her rage die down. "I'm a vampire. I'll make it look like we were never here. Erase the tracks, that's easy. Erasing a scent, not so much." She said quietly, not really answering her question. She didn't want to.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:39pm Mar 7 2010
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Trinity fell silent under the gaze of Cyri. Cyri looked pained and there was a look in her eyes that seemed... Wild, nearly. But Cyri seemed to keep it under control. "I'm a vampire," she answered. "I'll make it look like we were never here. Erase the tracks, that's easy. Erasing the scent, not so much." The statement that stayed with Trinity the most was the way Cyri had said 'I'm a vampire'. Trinity felt sympathetic towards her, in a way, but also didn't know exactely how to feel. She felt a bit of nagging regret in the back of her head; she and Cyri had gotten off on the wrong foot. There's still time to make up she thought.
7:10pm Mar 7 2010
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Lyora froze when Cyri made the startling statement. "Is that why you were able to escape?", she asked, curious. ((Phail. x.x; ))
11:09pm Mar 7 2010
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“Everything in life hurts.” He informed bitterly. Bringing his wrist to his lips, Jaguar flicked his tongue over the wound, much like a real jaguar would lick its paw. The taste of his own blood was bitter and masculine. He grimaced but the two indents disappeared nearly instantly. With a broken sigh, Jaguar looked up at Silent with scarlet eyes. I need to feed, but it will have to wait. Focusing on the problem at hand, and not his hunger, Jaguar wondered what was wrong with Zephyra. That very morning she had been close to him and he had scented nothing. If anything, she seemed to be a bit livelier. Suddenly a thought came to his mind. Startled, Jaguar stood up quickly. His nostrils flared out of habit to make sure no one, or nothing, snuck up on them. “Get up.” Jaguar growled, “I need you to show me where they are.” Brushing his hands over his black coat, Jaguar was about to head over to the stables when he remembered that the coy girls had taken his horse. He was hoping that they were taking care of the gentle mare. Horses like her are hard to come by; sensible and intelligent. “Run,” he said, “Show the way. Your body will not get tired.” Kyrian stilled when Cyri told them she was a vampire. Something inside him broke; she’s never admitted it before. Why is she giving up now? Closing his pale blue eyes, Kyrian gathered Zephyra in his arms. Holding her close, Kyrian nuzzled her soft, white-blonde curls. With a large sigh that brought in the sweet feminine scent of Zephyra, Kyrian stood up. He cradled her protectively. Zephyra’s never looked this fragile. She’s always been full of life, even if she has a vipers tongue. A soft smile graced his lips when he remembered her yelling at a vampire. Looking at her now, Kyrian couldn’t see the fight in her. She had a gray cast over her ivory skin. “Cyri, I would like to leave now.” He murmured. Looking up at Cyri, he whispered, “Please.” The cabin was small, nothing more than a one room building with a bookshelf separating the single bed from the rest of the open room. With Cyri, Trinity, Lyora, himself, and Zephyra all standing around Kyrian couldn’t help but feel cramped. We need to expand. “Would it be wise to leave those two here, Cyri?” he asked smoothly, “Less scent to cover.” And less of a chance the vampire might kill someone. But he knew that Jaguar was in control of his monster. The pair had fought often but had a silent agreement. I leave you, and you leave me. Shuffling his faded brown leather boots on the wooded floorboards Kyrian became agitated. The close proximity was not in his interest. Being alone with Cyri had not helped. The two of them worked well with each other, and these new people were going to be a challenge for him. “What a lousy pet you are,” Jaguar farley hissed, “Hitting your playmates. I should have your hand cut off.” Kyrian was surprised by the memory but couldn’t help but smile in his mind. A slave had called Zephyra names, so like any brother, Kyrian protected her. Jaguar had not been pleased to find his favorite male slave bloodied. Kyrian didn’t care, he still didn’t. Looking down at the childlike Zephyra in his arms wondering if it had really been two years since they had last seen each other.
Just call me Siri.
6:48am Mar 8 2010
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"If you mean me, I'm coming with you.", Lyora said, "I have to see Silent, even if it risks recapture, or worse. Even if it's the final time I see him, I don't want my last memory of a friend to be him looking at me, ready to attack."
10:16am Mar 8 2010
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Trinity stared at Lyora. She had a steely, determined look in her eyes that said that she must do this. She would even risk her freedom and life for him? she thought to herself, almost bitterly. It brought back waves of nostalgia. Why was she thinking of this now? Trinity remembered love as something from long ago, a thing that made a huge part of her weak. It had been almost like chains; they bound her to that person, and she couldn't get free. She had given the person her heart, and the person had broken it. But Lyora... It looked like love had made her strong.
7:12pm Mar 8 2010
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((-is randomly giving Trinity some back story thing that has nothing to do with the plot- :3))
7:28pm Mar 8 2010
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((Mare, go right ahead. I often do blips on my characters.))
Just call me Siri.
9:40pm Mar 12 2010
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Silent was already running, his own nostril's flaring. but his eyes were bright and alive, if not a bit glittering. He was enraged at himself for ruining the turning point of his life. But now, he would get a chance to save the others. He bared his teeth. If it meant killig himself, then so be it. ~ Cyri grimaced and she pushed the others. "Go. You all need to leave. Or else the scent will linger." She growled at them. The same wild fierceness was back in her eyes. She had lied. She wasn't entirely vampire. Yet. Only her left arm and half of her neck. But she could feel it spreading with each burst of anger. She calmed her rage and she started walked in around the area. Whenever she got the chance she rubbed her vampiric arm against a plant or scratched claw marks into a tree. She knew what she was doing. She was covering up the other's scents and she was marking her territory. No vampire would dare cross her border unless they wanted a fight.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:56pm Mar 12 2010
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Lyora nodded and motioned for Trinity to come with her. She was still unsure if Zeyphra should be moved, but she would trust Cyri's judgement. She began on the path, not wanting to wait to see Silent.
9:00pm Mar 16 2010
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Trinity walked on the gr*censored* beside Lyora, falling silent, feeling memories rush to her. She had fallen in love once. It had been her first real love. She still remembered his wild black hair, his pale skin, his rare smile, his crimson eyes that pierced her soul and made her completely helpess to do whatever he asked. She had fallen hopelessly in love with a vampire. He had loved her, too. He was young for a vampire, and she had thought that he was different. He had been her first master. But for some reason he had never made her call him "master". Nor would he tell her his name. She remembered the night where she had fallen in love with him. It was when she had been whipped harshly by some other vampire and he had helped her recover. He had spoken softly to her and treated her as if she were not just a slave. That night he had told her his name. "Cedric." She had found his name odd, but somehow it had fit him. From then on she had done everything he asked and more. She would go great lengths for him. Only for him. But she always had one request... She never wanted to be used as food for the vampires. This Cedric had kept with respect. Soon he seemed to fall in love with Trinity, too, not giving her as many c*censored*s, sneaking in time with her, until finally they were both hopelessly in love with each other. Of course something was bound to happen. Love between a master and his slave- it was unheard of. And of course they were found. It was a futile attempt for them to keep their love a secret. The more their love grew for each other, the more they had to see each other. Chains... The heavy chains of love. Trinity placed her hands on the side of her neck. The piece of skin tingled. It was the place where Cedric had actually bitten her neck, betrayed her because he denyed the love he had for her. Coward she thought bitterly. I would have died for him. He had not injected into her any venom thankfully; if he had it would have been very little. She shook her head. Why was she thinking of the past now? She was free... She should leave the past behind and look to the future.
12:21am Mar 22 2010
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Seeing through a haze, Zephyra felt like she was floating. She soon realized that she was, in a way. Kyrian was carrying her. Her pale white skin had ugly gray shadows over it. A thin film of sweat covered her forehead, but she shivered violently. Blinking her midnight blue eyes, Zephyra hoarsely whispered, “I can feel him coming closer.” Kyrian looked down at her with a puzzled ex pression, his translucent blue eyes contrasting greatly with hers. “Who is coming?” he asked, just as quietly. A chilling breeze tossed a lock of hair across her face and she impatiently tried to move it aside, but her arm did not respond. With a frown, she left the defiant curl to tickle her nose. Licking her lips she answered, “Jaguar.” Saying his name out loud sounded menacing, as if he was going to materialize right before them. That’s not possible, she thought to herself. I wonder where we are, and where we’re going. With another shiver, Zephyra nestled closer to Kyrian’s chest, hoping to absorb more of his heat. Black, and gray dots flecked across her vision and she whimpered as her mind began to slip again. Opening her mouth to speak, Zephyra suddenly couldn’t remember how to speak. No! she screamed in her mind. I don’t want to leave again. I don’t want to see any more black. I’m afraid! Someone help me! But no one could at the moment, and she fell into oblivion once again. Sensing Zephyra’s distress, Kyrian hold her closer. “What’s wrong?” he asked but noted that it was too late. The fever had taken her into nightmares again. I wish that she could have pleasant dreams. Leaning over her, Kyrian kissed her brow gently. He thought of happiness and tried to sooth Zephyra by whispering about them, but it didn’t work. She stayed stiff and tense in his arms. Trinity and Lyora walked in front of him. Foolish girls, they would have been safer at the cabin. With a sigh, Kyrian knew that he understood them. He would have done exactly what they were doing, well he was. I hope this beast can actually help Zephyra. The night hugged Kyrian and Zephyra closely. The moon was hidden behind some sparse clouds. The ground was crisp with autumn, and all animals were silent as the strangers walked through their land. The path they were walking on was dense and hard to see, but Kyrian noticed that it was getting wider. Soon they entered a clearing, and the old, rusty barn sat before them. Being that is had been abused by the weather and untreated for many years, it was in good shape. With no hesitation, Kyrian walked over to the door. Shifting Zephyra to one arm, her five foot eight frame fitting nicely in his arm, he juggled the handle and the door opened easily. With a cough, as dust escaped, Kyrian called to the others, “Would one of you find a lantern?”
Just call me Siri.
8:40pm Mar 29 2010
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Just call me Siri.
8:47pm Mar 30 2010
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OOC: I'll post soon ^^ Sorry... x3
8:36pm Apr 3 2010
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Just call me Siri.
11:26pm Apr 3 2010
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9:23pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 22
(( Bump. I don't know what to post.... ))