10:42pm Apr 4 2010
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(Make Silent and Cyri reach the barn?)
11:16pm Apr 5 2010
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(( I need Jaguar to post.... ))
11:55pm Apr 5 2010
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((I thought that Jaguar couldn't post until Silent lead him to the barn... o.o Jaguar doesn't know where he's going...If I remember correctly.))
Just call me Siri.
8:49am Apr 6 2010
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OOC: Yeah... I think you're right, Siri... o.o
12:10pm Apr 6 2010
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(( Mkay then. )) Cyri growled as she heard the leaves rustle she crouched and bunched her muscles to spring, when Silent stepped out of the bushes. She stumbled backwards in shock. "SILENT!" She shrieked. She gazed at him with blank eyes. He was a full newborn vampire now. His red eyes a mixture of red and some other color. "Cyri...?" Silent gasped in surprise, freezing. he looked behind him at Jaguar who was still out of sight from Cyri. "Where's the slaves?" he asked, taking a cautious step forward. She still had human blood in her. "At the barn. We were afraid of vampires coming........" She trailed of. "No...." She gasped.
4:19pm Apr 6 2010
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For his place it the shadows, Jaguar watched Cyri’s eyes fill with shock then regret. It’s a shame that Silent will have to watch her age and die. Cyri, on the other hand, will forever remember the new Silent, the one that feeds off blood. Tasting the air, Jaguar could tell that Zephyra had been carried through here. Peering around him, Jaguar noted snapped twigs, bent branches, and light foot marks leading though the forest. It was obviously the trail the humans had used to get to this ‘barn’. How could the guards be so numb to this? I could have easily found this place, even without Silent. Their scents are so strong. Then Jaguar remembered that he wasn’t nearly as simpleminded as the guards, and he had a very old sire, which made him powerful. Though, all of his strength now was due to his own expansion. Jaguar had little contact with his sire, by his own choice. In an oddly feminine gesture, Jaguar tucked loose hair behind his ear since it escaped its braid; lately he had become annoyed by the length of his hair, which now reached his shoulder blades. With an arrogant lift of his chin, Jaguar slipped away from the siblings. –Zephyra, where are you, my little singing bird?– He expected no answer because Zephyra was a mortal and they didn’t share the telepathy that strong vampire kin did. Shifting restlessly in Kyrain’s arms, Zephyra whimpered as Jaguar’s masculine voice filled her mind. It was like the night had come to life in her mind in a thick, deep sigh of Jaguar’s call. It was lazy like sweet mola.sses, yet full of energy like the tempering wind. No! Go away! Her clammy skin felt less like fire and more like smothered embers, and her mind was a bit clearer. Pushing against Kyrian with surprising strength, she ordered, “Let me down.” Zephyra saw the reluctance in his pale, pale eyes. “Please,” she whispered. “I’m fine now.” Obviously thinking otherwise, Kyrian set her down hesitantly. Her throat didn’t feel like cotton, her legs didn’t shake, and her headache was dull background noise. Why do I feel better? Looking around, Zephyra thought, where am I? Who is she? Glancing between Lyora and Kyrian, she noted that they weren’t hostile toward the new girl. I must have been out a long time to have missed her. The new girl was pretty, to put it mildly. She had beautiful ebony hair that danced around her in the wind, stunning emerald eyes, and a pale complexion that would give any vampire a run for his money. Shifting uncomfortably in her slightly sweaty cloak, Zephyra whispered to Kyrian, “Is she also an escapee?” “Yes,” he answered coolly. Kyrian was regarding Zephyra carefully, as if she might suddenly attack something…or someone. The trees became thinner and a bit sparse as Jaguar approached the clearing. His sensitive ears were picking up bits of whispers. Singing bird…Opening his mouth, he scented the air. He scented the distinct smell of Zephyra and Lyora, he knew their scent because of their time in his stay. Though, there were two more gathered there. Breathing in a bit deeper he smelt female human with a master vampires scent lingering, but what fascinated him more was the male scent. It was like rain, clean and crisp, yet it was strong and dominating. With a wicked grin, Jaguar walked out of the shadows and purred, “Kyrian, my pet, what a bad boy you have been.” ((-hangs head in shame- I wanted to keep going, but I thought I should stop. I didn't want to post too much and I wanted create time for Wolfie to come join the party. x3 ))
Just call me Siri.
5:13pm Apr 6 2010
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"Jaguier..." Lyora breathed, watching the vampire come out from the shadows of the forrest, "Do remember that you have come to help Zeyphra, and not to recapture anyone. You will do nothing but heal her and leave." She tried to see around the vampire so that she might spot Silent. "Where is he?", she asked, knowing that Jaguier could figure out what she meant.
6:57pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 22
Silent turned and hissed. "Come on." he growled to Cyri. The two raced after Jaguar at vampiric speed. Silent was at Jaguar's side in an instant, his hand gripping Jaguar's arm with newborn strength. "Jaguar." he hissed through his fangs. ~ Cyri glided gracefully into the clearing and she stopped at Kyrian's side, letting her side rest gently against his. She whispered into his ear. "Silent's a newborn. But he still has slight control over himself. He will make sure Jaguar remains within caution distance." She whispered. Then she looked into his eyes and her heart burst with a strange warmth. I missed you so much...... She thought.
7:23pm Apr 6 2010 (last edited on 7:40pm Apr 6 2010)
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As Lyora spoke Jaguar couldn’t help but smirk, carefully not showing his fangs. Silly girl thinks she can order me about. With a deep sigh, Jaguar stated, “Here he is.” Without moving his head, Jaguar looked at Silent with slightly lifted brows. The look screamed, really? He put himself protectively in front of Zephyra, as well as putting a bit of space between himself and Cyri. I don’t want him to catch onto the fact that Cyri means something to me. It’s hard enough that he knows I will do anything for Zephyra. He felt Zephyra put a calming hand on his shoulder. How can she be so calm? Jaguar took a step forward only to have Kyrian’s blond brows pinch together while opal eyes snap with deadly intent. All he wanted to do was wrap his arm around Cyri and run. Zephyra would be smart enough to follow, but it wasn’t in him. Kyrian wouldn’t run…from anything. Turning his head slightly to the side, Kyrian whispered back, “I felt it in him while he was coming up.” Kyrian had an odd talent. If a vampire came within his ‘territory’ he would feel it, like an instinctive hair-standing-up feeling. Why do I feel like this? Every fiber of her being was craving Jaguar. Zephyra knew that Jaguar was handsome, all the beasts were, but this was different. Her midnight eyes had yet to stray from his form since his arrival. Zephyra curled her fingers into Kyrian’s tunic to keep from reaching for Jaguar, but the irritating sensation of need was going to get overwhelming her. Every time Jaguar scented the air she would mimic him in hopes of catching his scent. Her ears were ringing, as if demanding to hear his voice. Zephyra swallowed hard trying to slow her heart, but it kept beating to its rapid song. What is wrong with me! When Jaguar lifted his hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear, Zephyra felt her stomach tighten. She knew that those hands could hold you gently in comfort, or savagely beat you in anger. Shivering violently, Zephyra was suddenly stepping around Kyrian. She quickly stopped and glared at Jaguar. “What are you doing to me?” she demanded. “What am I doing to you?” he imitated. “I have done nothing…” With a glace at Silent he looked back at her, and added, “Yet.” Impatiently looking at Silent’s hand on his arm Jaguar could hardly keep from growling. With a stern look he told Silent, “I won’t bite her, or take her, or kill her,” unless she wants me to, “so would you let me go?”
Just call me Siri.
7:41pm Apr 6 2010
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((All better ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
9:00am Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 9:03am Apr 7 2010)
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OOC: Omigosh I have a lot to catch up on. –reads all posts- Wow. Epic. ^^ This is one of my favorite rp’s actually… I mean, not that my character’s really important, but it’s still really cool how it kept going and turned into something awesome. :3 I’m confused on one thing however. Everyone’s in a barn? Wait no, either that or they’re in some small broken down room thing… Or not neither of those options. Well, I’ll just go with the small broken down room thing for now. But if I’m mistaken just tell me and I’ll edit. X3 BiC: “I can feel him coming closer.” Trinity froze. What? The sick girl, Zephyra was it?, spoke. She looked as though she were having fevered dreams. Sweat had dampened her hair. Trinity had the feeling that if she touched the girl’s skin it would have been burning hot, but the she was trembling as thought freezing. Her brother asked her gently, “Who is coming?” Trinity felt she knew the answer. She wished it were not… She didn’t want to believe it… She didn’t want to hear the answer… If she didn’t hear the answer it wouldn’t happen… “Jaguar.” No. A cold wind seemed to come out of know where, whipping Trinity’s ebony hair and chilling her to the bone. Jaguar was a vampire. He was the thing that could rip freedom out from under Trinity’s feet and bind her into slavery again. It could not be true. He was not coming. Zephyra was just sick. She was dreaming… How could a human tell, anyway? She hoped with every fiber of her being that it could not be. Hopefully Jaguar wouldn’t find his way to the tiny barn they were hiding in…. After a minute of silence and waiting (though to Trinity it seemed a long time of suspense), Zephyra woke up. Kyrain was a little hesitant to let her stand without support. Finally he submitted. Zephyra seemed stable on her legs. Her gaze fell upon Trinity. Trinity felt a bit uncomfortable being the center of attention. “Is she an escapee?” Trinity was about to answer this question when Kyrain answered it for her. “Yes.” Trinity nodded in agreement. It was then that they heard noise from outside… It was the voice of Cyri, of some other unknown voice, apparently Silent, and… And the cruel voice of a vampire. Jaguar. He’s here after all. Trinity knew that it was futile now. It was up to Silent, Cyri, and Kyrain now, to protect them. I can’t do anything, after all. The thing Trinity could do right now to help was to be watchful, be silent, and not give Jaguar a reason to do anything to her or capture her. But apparently that wasn’t Jaguar’s plan anyway. His attention seemed to be on the others, particularly Zephyra. Trinity was now outside the “barn” with the others ((I think O.O)). She was staring at the vampire… Her gaze was drawn to Silent, also, for he was the one who had been her saviour. Thank you. She wanted to thank him. But now was not the time. Lyora was looking around for Silent too, wanting to simply see his face… And then, out of the blue, Zephyra half shouted, “What are you doing to me?!” Trinity now jerked her head around to look at her. She seems alright… Zephyra’s gaze was locked on Jaguar. Trinity’s eyes narrowed. Was he doing something? And yet Jaguar denied it. The voice that came from the vampire sent shivers down Trinity’s spine. It sounded much like her old master’s voice… She musn’t think such things though… For now she must stay alert. She watched and waited.
10:51am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 22
Silent grimaced. "Jaguar... I agreed to help you because I knew you could help Zephyra. Not so you can make her lust for you." he growled in a low voice. But he let Jaguar go. He remained a few feet behind Jaguar though. His eyes were a bright blood red as he watched his every move. Suddenly, a breeze wafted toward shim and he groaned. His fangs slid out, but he bit his lip and covered his nose, his other hand clenched. ~ Cyri noted how Kyrian moved away. Smart. She thought. Then she stepped in front of Kyrian and Zephyra and glared at Jaguar. "Listen up Vampy. You lay one hand on any of us and I'll flay your stinking hide." She growled, wrinkling her nose as his scent wafted towards her. She might still be part human, but she was still a vampire and her vampiricness was spreading faster than ever. Her posture was calm and relaxed, but her eyes were like daggers that threatened to tear Jaguar apart if he touched anyone.
12:12pm Apr 7 2010
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((Mare: I believe we are outside of the barn. The group (Kyrian, Trinity, Lyora, and Zephyra) ran from the cabin because it is the safe haven and if a vampire knew about it then the would have to move. So here they stand, outside of the barn. -dances- I love this Rp as well. I just can't believe that you guys don't mind my playing a vampire. x3 It's kinda hard to play Jaguar as the bad guy, but I think I have maintained his personality well, if not you guys can certinly give me pointers! -dances around happily again- This is so fun!~)) A sickened shiver went from Jaguar's head to his toes when Silent said, "Jaguar... I agreed to help you because I knew you could help Zephyra. Not so you can make her lust for you." Is that what I'm doing to her? I honestly don't feel like I'm releasing any power. Then again, it could be... With a bl ink Jaguar came out of his thoughts to hear Cyri's amusing threat. She'll flay me? Though the threat sounded amusing, Jaguar had no intention of finding out whether Cyri would deliver it or not. She smells like a half born, he thought. Much like Silent had before Jaguar gave him blood. With sudden weariness, Jaguar noted that he could have two newborns to fight if things went wrong. The thought was not comforting, one was bad enough. Deciding that there was enough time delayed, Jaguar got down to work. Staring into Silent’s eyes, slightly concerned about his inner warring, Jaguar slowly slipped a dagger from its sheath at his side. “Easy,” he whispered. Though Silent was deadly, Kyrian was protective. Jaguar watched every tuned muscle tighten. Taking an unnecessary deep breath, Jaguar was again struck by the familiarity of the ebony haired girl. Staring into her emerald eyes it clicked. There had been a master who bragged about a beautiful slave. He talked about her obedience that tempered on edge, Trinity. I wonder if her master knows yet that she is gone. Looking away from Trinity and back to Zephyra he finally unclenched his metaphorical hand and let some of his power slip through. It felt wonderful to have this release, and not having to worry about offending some weakling master. I could just kill them, the thought swept through his mind. But no, there were far less of them now. You sired Silent, a new life brings death. His brows pinching together, Jaguar wondered when he started contemplating these ideas. Zephyra, he growled to himself. Cautious of Cyri, Kyrian, and Silent, Jaguar walked closer to Zephyra. With a deep intake of air, he scented this worries. She was sired by a guard. Though he had always known this, Jaguar knew that this was different. The guard had been more powerful and much older than the rest, Jaguar’s late right hand. The guard had been Jaguar’s favorite. A group of rogues attacked him, and though he killed most of them, it only took those few to take revenge on him. Damien, what a naughty boy you were. Zephyra shifted from one foot to the other as her anxiety increased. Why does he keep staring at me? Does he know what’s wrong? Though her head was still feverish, her body was shivering as if extremely cold. Her mind was fighting her body. They were warring, one saying life while the other screamed death. “There is…something in her…blood that calls to vampires,” Jaguar stated with thoughtful concern. Lifting the blade Jaguar sliced his palm. He watched Zephyra’s body jerk back in repulsion while her eyes lit with curious fascination. “Silent can you sense it?” If he can feel the other vampire’s blood in Zephyra then he is a strong newborn, one of the strongest in years, my birth is competition. And his was long ago.
Just call me Siri.
5:35pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"No..." Lyora whispered, shaking her head, tears welling up with tears, "Not you..." She almost collapsed as a wave of mxed emotions came over her. Happiness, at seing Silent yet again. Betrayal, at the sight of him standing at Jaguier's side like a pet. Defeat, because of letting Silent go back durring their escape, which was probably the only reason he'd ever even become a full-blood. And Depression. Silent was now technically the enemy. Being a vampire meant his eternal freedom. And he could now become a slave owner. If he chose to recapture them for himself, he could do so. Or he could get other slaves. Him biting his lip did not hid the fangs that had unsheathed themselves. And it didn't stop Lyora from running up to Silent and throwing her arms around him, weeping for her friend's misfortune.
9:01pm Apr 12 2010
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OOC: Bump~
11:31am Apr 13 2010
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((-waits for Wolfie- O.O )) ~Bump
Just call me Siri.
11:44am Apr 14 2010
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6:46pm Apr 16 2010
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(*Dies* I thought someone had posted...)
9:10pm Apr 16 2010
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Silent watched Jaguar with tense eyes. His body automatically tensed when he saw the knife. When he scented the blood, he sniffed the air and recoiled backwards in shock. "I cans feel it...." He whispered his eyes were wide and something else was back there. Something that he was holding back. A thirst. A newborn's thirst. He looked painfully at Lyora. "I'm sorry...." he whispered. ~ Cyri grimaced at Jaguar, but her eyes kept flickering back to Silent. Cyri knew Silent. She knew all about vampire's and newborns. She was surprised that he was not screaming in pain from the burn in his throat. But she knew he felt it.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:16pm Apr 16 2010
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"Sorry for what?" Lyora asked softly, still embracing Silent, "Sorry for rescuing us? For saving us from a life of slavery? Or are you sorry because of what has happened to you, sorry that you could not have prevented it? I still won't take back what I said in the barn. No matter what happens, I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you, Silent. I don't care if you don't share my feelings, as long as I know that you're happy, I'll be the most content person there is." With that she took a step back, wiping the tears from her face and staring up into Silent's crimson eyes. All emotions were gone, save love, loyalty, hope, and nervousness.
(If he's about to attack her, go ahead. Plot twist.)