8:37pm Apr 17 2010
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(Well he's not now... XD And I need something to happen so that she can wake up to see something other than Silent ignoring her... That wouldn't be the best thing that could happen.)
8:43pm Apr 17 2010
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(( ALright.vI am editing my post....))
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8:48pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:27pm Apr 17 2010)
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Rage seethed through Jaguar as he hissed, “Never!” His own sharp nails raking down Cyri’s back. She was smaller than him so he had physical power over her, but her metaphysical power was immense for a newborn. With a roar of fury Jaguar lashed out with his mind and solidly contacted with Cyri’s shielded mind. Growling with frustration Jaguar then bucked his legs onto her stomach and flipped her off of him. Everything was moving so quickly, but he didn’t dare slow down to a.sses the scene. Slipping his whip free from his waist, Jaguar lashed it around Kyrian’s neck and tugged. With a gasp, Kyrian clawed at the leather wrapped around his neck. Rolling to the ground he desperately tried to get air, but his mouth only opened and closed. Black spots danced in his vision. A buzzing noise filled the air, and he knew that he wasn’t the only one hearing it. The vampire could probably hear the blood frantically trying to flow back to the heart while his brain cried for oxygen. “Stop, please stop!” Zephyra shrieked. What is happening! I don’t understand, how can things go wrong so quickly! As he hands became slippery with his own blood, Kyrian finally got a decent thought in his brain. Pull! Grasping the whip with his left hand, Kyrian pulled with all his might, but it wasn’t enough. The blood loss had weakened him and Jaguar had pulled back twice as hard. Falling to the ground again he thought, why am I so weak now? I have always been stronger before… “You will stop this madness,” Jaguar hissed, his fangs slightly withdrawn. “If I yank once more his throat will be beyond repair, do you want to be the cause of his death?” His left hand held the whip taunt while his right was held defensively. “You’re the one who called me here. You’re the one who gave me a perfect opportunity to kill them all. I have done all of this out of protection. I was keeping Silent from killing this soul, I was trying to figure out how to expel the vampire blood from Zephyra, and I merely brought out Kyrian’s true blood for his own good.” His eyes were back to their topaz color as he calmed his thoughts. Still water, immerse yourself in still water. If I am calm, I can still run.
Just call me Siri.
8:49pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((No!~ I posted for Lyora...-pouts- Will I have to edit my post?))
Just call me Siri.
8:51pm Apr 17 2010
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Cyri roared and this time, she didn't hold back. She threw herself at Kyrian, her power and her body directed at him. She landed on his back and pushed him face first into the ground. he roared angrily and she clawed at his back. All she wanted to do was kill him. Kill him and save Kyrian. She leaped of him and she leaped towards Kyrian. She ripped the whip to shreds. "Kyrian..." She crooned.
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8:52pm Apr 17 2010
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(( Maybe..... Or I will edit it. ))
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9:09pm Apr 17 2010
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(Wolf edited her post first, Siri...)
Lyora's eyes slowly flickered open to the sight of Silent looking down upon her, smiling, pain evident in his eyes. They were inside the barn. She realized that he must have moved her here. All that remained of Jaguier's mental attack was a dull throbbing in the bach of her head. "Silent" she whispered, smiling softly, "Thank you..." She paused, contemplating what she was about to do. But it was worth it. "I owe you everything, Silent. My freedom, and possibly my life... If you hadn't obeyed Jaguier, he might have continued... I never would have been able to withstand that... And I meant what I said when I told you nothing could change how I feel about you... Not even this." She estended her arm up twoards Silent's mouth, fingers balled into a fist, encouraging him to quench his thirst. Even if it meant her death, or becoming a vampire, she could not bear to see Silent hurt, which he obviously was. She'd been around vampires her whole life, and picked up the signs of thirst, and discovered what it did to vampires. It was not pleasant.
9:12pm Apr 17 2010
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Silent's eyes narrowed and become a deeper blood red. He opened his mouth slightly and breathed in. Before he realized it, he was leaning forward. When he did realize it, it was a sharp snap back to reality. "No..." He growled, and with a sharp twist, he staggered away from Lyora, shaking his head. "I won't kill you just so you can ease my pain. I deserve every ounce of it..." he growled. But his voice was raspy. He grimaced.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:35pm Apr 17 2010
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"No, Silent, you don't. You are least deserving of this torment out of all of us." Lyora said softly, slowly rising to her feet,"You rescued us from a cruel life of slavery... And because of that you became a vampire yourself... It breaks my heart to see you in any dort of pain..." She walked up to Silent and gently kissed his cold vampiric cheek. "If you feel even half of what I do, you know what I mean when I say that. I love you, Silent, and I'll do anything to see to your happiness, even if it means the end of me."
9:35pm Apr 17 2010
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"No, Silent, you don't. You are least deserving of this torment out of all of us." Lyora said softly, slowly rising to her feet,"You rescued us from a cruel life of slavery... And because of that you became a vampire yourself... It breaks my heart to see you in any dort of pain..." She walked up to Silent and gently kissed his cold vampiric cheek. "If you feel even half of what I do, you know what I mean when I say that. I love you, Silent, and I'll do anything to see to your happiness, even if it means the end of me."
9:50pm Apr 17 2010
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Something was cold and his body groaned. It wanted to reject it. My heart is beating so fast, my body temperature is rising, and I want to move. All life slowly leaked back into his limbs, Kyrian blinked. Cyri was cradling his head in her arms and lap. “When did you get so cold?” he asked before thinking. When he realized the double meaning, cold as in temperature and cold as in cold hearted, he jerked up. “I didn’t mean that!” he rushed, but his throat was so hoarse. After a brief coughing fit, Kyrian rubbed his palm against his cheek. His pale blue eyes gazing into Cyri’s, which were now scarlet, he asked, “Why…” Why us? Why now? Why am I like this? Why has it happened? Why can’t we go back? Why! With a groan, Kyrian shifted uncomfortably. His back ached with vengeance. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the tawny, tan colored wings. They were dusted with black spots and white under feathering. Kyrian glanced at Cyri for a moment then did an experimental twitch of his shoulder blades. The huge wings twitched in response. Fascinated, Kyrian looked at Cyri again. “Did you see that?” he asked, his voice sounded young again much less jaded than normal. Zephyra watched them. They are all so strong. I could never be like one of them. Making sure her movements were slow, she approached Jaguar. Nudging him with her booted foot she heard him sigh. Crouching down she whispered, “Get up. This is your chance at leaving.” “I can’t singing bird.” He said, “If I leave your body will drain your own life’s blood to feed the vampire blood within you. With me around, you feed from my aurora.” Tentatively, Zephyra laid a hand on Jaguar’s head and moved it so she could see his face. He looks so defeated, she thought. As if he is waiting for Cyri to come back and finish him. “Get up,” she whispered again. Jaguar chuckled, “I don’t think I have ever heard so many orders directed toward me in one day. Though, I am almost, almost, pleased to hear one from you.” With a quiet grunt, Jaguar sat up. One leg was stretched out while his right knee was bent for his arm to rest on. “What now, singing bird?” She blinked her obsidian eyes and replied honestly, “I don’t know.” Her hands still wanted to touch him, and she still scented the air for him. Her emotions had drained her to the point where she was physically tired. Glancing back at Kyrian and Cyri, Zephyra sighed. Her weariness evaporating, Zephyra kneeled down in front of Jaguar, and wrapped her arms around his waist. Hugging him close she finally indulged her cravings. Zephyra felt the scratches along his back, breathed in his scent, and curled closer to him. He didn’t know what to do, so Jaguar just sat there. He looked down at Zephyra’s silver, blond hair with curiosity. Never before had she ever willingly gone near him. Jaguar wanted to draw her closer and wrap his arms around her, but he didn’t want to spark Kyrian’s or Cyri’s protective instincts. So he sat there with his head tilted with a broken smile.
Just call me Siri.
9:57pm Apr 17 2010
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Cyri could see them out of the corner of her eye. She felt annoyance towards Zephyra but she pushed it away. Was it so different from her and Kyrian? Yes... A small voice said in her head. Shut up. She told it. She smiled softly at Kyrian, forgetting the other's. "Yes Kyrian. I saw it. Have I ever told you have such lovely wings?" She said, the words having a teasing tone to them. ~
Silent stiffened as her scent washed over him and he let out a low groan. "Lyroa...." He choked. He looked at her with pained eyes. "I can't.... I can't do that....." He rasped. "He clenched his hands, trying to keep himself from giving in to the thirst. he would not harm her. he would not make her surfer to ease his pain. he would not kill her.
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10:12pm Apr 17 2010
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"Than what can I do to ease your suffering if you refyse to harm me?" Lyora asked, realizing that the closer she got to Silent the more it hurt him. She backed up in an attempt to relieve some of his pain. "Can you not drink another vampire's blood instead of a human's? No one will be killed, and their wounds heal in no time at all.And, please, you still havn't told me... Do you love me as much as I love you?"
10:18pm Apr 17 2010
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Where did Silent go, he wondered. Kyrian shifted around so that he was now sat with his legs crossed, he faced Cyri, and with his back to Jaguar and Zephyra. You’re a fool, Zephyra. He is a monster. What does that make you, Kyrian? Are you a monster now too? She knew the words were harsh, but she couldn’t stop them because she felt the change in her blood. Zephyra knew now that their mother must have been a shifter while their father was a vampire. It is only fate that made us different, playing its sick jokes on us. Cringing from Zephyra’s hurtful message, Kyrian looked at Cyri. He brushed his blond hair from his eyes and startled at the motion. When did my hair get so long? And why is there an indigo streak in it? His hair was just below his ears with indigo bangs covering his eyes. It must have happened when I changed. Gazing at Cyri again, he whispered, “I want to fly, or at least try. But I don’t know how…” With a rare rumble of laughter, he added, “I doubt you could teach me, so I don’t know why I’m worrying you for nothing.” Reaching out in another rare gesture he cupped Cyri’s cheek. All the emotional turmoil had made him realize that there was no reason to hide his feelings. I could be dead, he thought. And Cyri would never know that I loved her. I would never had gotten to brush my hand through her hair, touched her cheek, or… His pale blue eyes locked on her scarlet ones, Kyrian leaned forward and kissed her. It was a simple kiss, but he knew that he had waited too long to feel her lips on his. Pulling back so that they were still nose to nose, he whispered in a mimicked teasing voice, “Promise not to bite too hard?”
Just call me Siri.
1:24pm Apr 18 2010
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OOC: -stares at Siri's last post- finally lol :3 I missed out on a lot. Oh well. not like my charrie can do much anyway. -doesn't want to admit it- Whatever. I just wanted to be part of the rp. xDD BiC: Trinity had thought that after living so long with vampires that she would have known the extent of their powers and their effects on people. But apparently she didn't. I have only scratched the surface of it all she thought. She knew that vampires were incredibely amazing creatures. They possessed awesome abilities.... But Trinity had only known a couple. She had shivered with something when Jaguar seemed to stare at her, recognizing her. Her master after Cedric had after all shown her to every possible vampire around... Beauty could be a hazard, that was for sure. Trinity moved closer to a tree, grabbing her left arm with her right hand. Without knowing it, her nails dug into her skin and brought out blood. She looked down. Crimson, fresh blood. She lifted her arm up and licked it. Salty. And vampires thought it was sweet and pleasing to drink. They practically worshiped blood, really. It was beautiful. The sight of the liquid drove them nuts. How strange and different they were. Ah, I hope the vampires don't smell it. They probably weren't. Even if they were, they were more preoccupied with other things. Hopefully. Everything was happening in a blur. Jaguar, attacking Silent somehow, in a strange manner. She could almost feel it, the power rolling off in waves... Jaguar looked at Kyrian. Trinity felt a sudden change in the air, something happening... Kyrian, falling to the ground... Changing... Trinity dug her nails into her skin deeper. Her face grew paler, her blood turned to ice. Her heart beats were loud, loud enough to be heard by the vampires, she knew. She was, of course, scared. Scared for people she barely knew, scared that her precious freedom, her treasure, would be stolen. She watched Lyora, pleading with Silent, falling to the ground... You fool, love is not worth it... You'll just get hurt... Trinity realized she was starting to tremble. She watched as Kyrian kissed Cyri softly on the lips. More love, really. And what was going on with Zephyra? Something was wrong... Trinity abruptly stopped shaking. Wait. Calm yourself. Shaking in a corner will not help. Get a hold of yourself she snapped at herself. They have much more to risk than you do. Her eyes lost the trapped scared look in them. Now... If need be, she would fight. She, after all, knew she could deal with a vampire. She could use her wits, if the time came. Just don't give anything away, and be careful what you think. For now she would have to leave things to Cyri and Kyrian. She knew this and accepted it with a sigh. Having any ability of any sort could be useful in a time like this. Still, she kept her eyes open for something to do. Trinity, in the mean time, kept her eyes on Jaguar. He had not caused Kyrian to change. No... Neither had he done anything to Zephyra. Strange. Her eyes flashed when she saw the familiar look in Jaguar's eyes that reminded her of Cedric. It angered her greatly.
1:38pm Apr 18 2010
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Cyri was still for a second and then very slowly, her face softened. Slowly, she smiled. "Finally." She whispered. The very gently, she leaned and kissed him full on the lips. She withdrew slowly, making the moment last. She grinned softly and bit her lip, careful of her fangs. "I promise not to bite...." She whispered. She grinned at him. She realized, that she had been waiting for many many years for someone like Kyrian to come along. And now he was hers. Very gently, she leaned forward and placed her lips on his neck. "Don't move..." She warned him. Very gently she pierced his skin. She tasted his blood on her mouth and she withheld her venom. Then she withdrew. The wound was very small and very very shallow. It had already stopped bleeding. "Now I'll never loose you." She whispered, grinning at him, a strange glint in her eyes. ~
Silent clenched and unclenched his hands. Then in two big strides, he was in front of her. Very gently, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Then he withdrew into the shadows, grinning painfully. "That's my answer to that..." He whispered hoarsely. But he was Jaguar's. Jaguar would always have a degree of control over him. Always and Forever.
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2:06pm Apr 18 2010
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Leena felt a strong tingling sensation rush over her as Silent kissed her. "Silent..." she whispered once he had retreated, blushing, "I never want to leave your side, yet by being near you, I cause you pain... And now that Jaguier obviously has some sort of hold on you... And your thirst seems to also have a slight influence on your actions... I don't know anymore... All I know is that I love you, and that you feel the same about me." She took a step foreward in an atempt to see more of Silent's face. All that was visible of him at the moment was his two red eyes.
2:08pm Apr 18 2010
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(( Bye guys! BB Friday! ))
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2:18pm Apr 18 2010
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((You have to be kidding meeee.... Dx))
2:21pm Apr 18 2010
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OOC: You have just been left on a cliff hanger. :P Bye Wolfeh.. :3