6:36pm May 2 2010
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Lyora considered walking to the doorway, as Silent had, but decided against it, not wanting to evoke his thirst again. She shook her head sadly. Talk about a long-distance relationship. She shuffled left a few paces, getting a glimpse of what was occurring outside. Kyrian had wings, and another feathered being had arrived. Cyri looked ready to tear off his head. Zeyphra and Trinity were standing on the sidelines, watching quietly. "Silent, who is that new winged person?" she asked, still staying a good distance away.
7:08pm May 4 2010
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OOC: Bump! Will. Not. Let. This. Thread. Die. >.>
12:43am May 7 2010 (last edited on 1:12pm May 15 2010)
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((Mare: It's not dead, just taking a nap. O3O I have a huge project I'm working on so I'm not on nearly as much as I want to be, but I'm working hard to post. I hope you understand.)) Adrik let Kyrian’s words settle for a moment longer before sighing quite loudly. “Stubborn, aren’t you.” He said it more like a statement than a question. With an arrogant yawn, Adrik mindlessly retracted his wings. “Where do we sleep?” Kyrian looked at Cyri, who seemed about ready to kill Adrik. Then a glance around showed that Jaguar had vanished. Staring at Zephrya he noted that she was speaking with Trinity and completely unaware that the older vampire was gone. Turning back to Cyri he whispered, “I don’t like him, but I think he can help me. Can we let him stay?” We. I said the word we, as in a group effort. With an emotional battle, Kyrian barely kept from grabbing Cyri in a hug. He had always thought of protecting and making the final choices himself, but now that Cyri was truly on his side, Kyrian could feel any better. “Well,” Adrik grumbled, “are you going to gossip all night or what? I have been flying all day.” His magic was low and his back suddenly ached and the miles he had traveled were gaining up on him quickly. I just need some sleep is all… Zephyra felt a bit unnerved by Adrik. Something about him sent off the run! instincts. “He is handsome,” she murmured. Feeling suddenly tired, Zephyra uncharacteristically put a hand on Trinity’s shoulder. “I’m feeling kind of shaky, Trinity. Do you think we could head back to the cabin now, or should we wait?”
Just call me Siri.
5:19pm May 7 2010
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Cyri growled low and quietly. "You can stay. On one condition. You make one wrong move, I swear on my life, that I will rip your limps off one by one and slowly torture you until death." Cyri hissed. And then the promise was sealed. She started angrily when Silent burst out laughing. He walked over to Adrik. He placed a hand on Adrik's shoulder, still laughing. "You might want to watch yourself Avain. She means it when she makes a promise." Silent laughed. But his eyes were narrowed and his muscles too tense.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:59pm May 9 2010
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Adrik didn’t like the threat of torture. He’d been through that enough for his fair queen, all of people had. They were an elite breed that needed to stay above all the others. Adrik was no lover of pain, but he could tolerate it. Nor was he did he enjoy killing, but he would do it. Inhaling deeply, Adrik scented wet earth, sour sweat, and magic. Magic was undetectable to those who didn’t carry it or to those who didn’t know what they are looking for. He knew that he was treading a tight line, and one misstep could mean the end. Would it be me or them? All of his nerves went of high alert when one of the leeches laughed, and carelessly put his hand on Adrik’s shoulder. Though he kept his face a mask of boredom, Adrik’s skin crawled with the closeness of death magic. “I take heed to all that threatens me,” he murmured sharply. “Where is this place in which I can rest?” Kyrian rested a calming hand on Cyri’s shoulder. “Easy,” he whispered softly into her ear. “I don’t like him, but I don’t want him to leave either.” In a feather light crease he slid his hand down her arm until he could lace their finger together. It was so unlike himself, but he couldn’t help it. Looking up at the bleak expanse, Zephyra noted the warning signs of coming dawn. The ominous black clouds were drawing back to reveal the soft, pure glow of approaching sun. Tugging on Trinity’s sleeve, Zephyra whispered, “Where is Lyora? We need to find some place to sleep.” Her entire body was drained. The night had been long and eventful. Zephyra’s muscles ached, her head throbbed, and her thoughts raced wildly.
Just call me Siri.
1:48pm May 10 2010
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Cyri glared at him for a little longer, before breakingher gaze away from his and grinning softly at Kyrian. "The barn should be enough. Ithas a roof, so the barn should be warm and dry." She said softly. She was back to her old, leader like self. Silent grimaced and isntantly, he was five feet away from the new avian boy. "I do not wish to be rude, but I don't want to find out how much I can resists before I reach my limits." he said through clenched teeth. his vampiric teeth cut into his lower lip.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:55pm May 11 2010
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OOC: It's okay. ^^ I wasn't mad or anything... I hope I didn't come out as angry. O.O Yeah, school year's coming to a close so there're exams and stuff. O0ps. Haven't been on in a while. @_@ BiC: "I feel kind of shaky, Trinity. Do you think we should head back to the cabin now, or wait?" Zephyra asked. Trinity didn't hear. She was too tired and for a moment was glazed over. She was definately shaky as well. She yawned. It then dawned on her that Zephyra had asked a question. Trinity opened her mouth to answer, but Zephyra pulled on her sleave first. "Where is Lyora? We need to find a place to sleep," she said. Trinity nodded. Yes, where was Lyora? She seemed to have melted into the darkness, as far as Trinity was concerned. She was fairly sure that Zephyra was feeling the same thing as her-- too many things had happened in the course of one night. Cyri suggested the small barn. "I don't know where Lyora's gone," Trinity said. OOC: Kind of a fail post.. But I'm braindead.
10:04pm May 11 2010
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Lyora stepped from the barn, still keeping away from Silent, no matter how much she wanted to be near him. He was still obviously in bloodlust, and she didn't want to know what would happen to his mental state if he attacked her. "Silent, I have an idea", she said, "To calm your urges... Cyri, she's a vampire too, you can't kill her by, erm, drinking her. And she's your sister, so, wouldn't it work? It would keep you from doing something regrettable, and we could be together without fear of your thirst."
10:07pm May 13 2010
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OOC: Bump~
6:49pm May 14 2010
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Silent flinched and smiled apologetically at her. "Sorry Ly. But for other vampire's who are not related by bite's, the blood is poisonous. The only vampire's blood I can drink is Jaguar's and I'm not exactly about to jump on his arm and drain him of his last dinner." Silent said softly. He had used a pet name for her. Something usually lovers or friends did. ~ Cyri smirked at her brother and winced when her fangs dug into her flesh. "Well. I don't care. The vampire who bit me disappeared years ago so far as I know." She said with a sigh. (( Ooh! Plot twister coming soon with a new character. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:08pm May 14 2010
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OOC: Ooohhh boy! @_@ So. Many. Plot twists! ^^
7:51pm May 14 2010
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"Oh", Lyora said softly, looking sad but bursting with happiness at the fact that he used a pet name for her, "Well, it was an idea... Is there anything else we can do to stop your thirst? I don't like seeing you in the state you were in only moments ago... It pains me to see you hurt..." She took a step closer, smiling at Silent, trying to communicate to him that she was only staying away for his own well-being.
5:22am May 15 2010
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Silent grinned shyly at her. He noticed Cyri. He turned to her and he made a strange sound from his throat that sounded like a growl that ended in a click. Cyri chattered back to him in a series of clicks and growls. Silent grimaced and Cyri looked smug. (( Dude..... These guys came from a place where growls and clicks with the tongue is speech to them. Wow..... LOL ))
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11:44am May 15 2010
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((Wow... XDD )) Loyora cocked her head and looked at Silent, confused when Silent and Cyri began conversing in an odd language. ((Reminds me of the Ra'Zac...)) She saw Silent grimace, and Cyri grin. "What did you just say?", she asked, looking between the two.
11:59am May 15 2010
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Silent shook his head, throwing a growl at Cyri. Cyri shrugged and let out a growl that ended in a slow click of the tongue. Silent bared his teeth at her and turned to Lyora. "My sister's an *censored*." He growled. Cyri growled at him. He glared at her. ( S'cuse me for that. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:30pm May 15 2010
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((I don't mind, lol... )) Lyora laughed and said, "Funny, Silent, but I meant what were you just talking about? You seem angry at one another... Was it about... Me?" She looked at Silent, inwardly wondering if Cyri had something against her.
1:15pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Oh, I've missed a lot! And Mare, I hope I didn’t sound offending. D= I've just been so busy, and I am an aggressive typer. Sorry if I sounded rude. ::Dances:: I will post soon!))
Just call me Siri.
3:05pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( Your fine Sir! Thanks May! ))
Silent grimaced. His face softened. "No. It was about my blood problem." He said softly. Cyri smirked.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
3:18pm May 15 2010
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"I see." Lyora said, a smile creeping onto her face, "We'll find a way to fix it, don't worry... Once we have, you and I can finally have some time together..."
4:19pm May 15 2010
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Silent grinned and silently, Cyri snickered. But her eyes had softened slightly and were staring at Kyrian, watching him as he moved.
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