11:27am May 22 2010
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Cyri and Silent didn't move. It was as if they hadn't heard her. Then, finally, the sun shone across the forest. Cyri watched with wonder and Silent as well. Silent was the first to feel and ehar it. A faint burning sensation throughout his whole body. The sound of crackling, like paper on fire. Then the pain came. it was like he was on fire. He yelped and suddenly, he was gone, hiding in the shadows of the darkest of trees. Cyri remained still, letting the sun touch her. She didn't feel it. She turned to Silent, confused. "Silent?" She asked, the quesiton clea rin her voice. Silent didn't respond. He was trembling from the pain he had felt. Cyri watched him, eyes wide with concern and confusion. The sun was now hig in the sky, and she still wasn't burning. Cyri was a daywalker.
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1:25pm May 22 2010
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"Silent!" Lyora shreaked, watching as the sun began to rise in the sky and Silent began to burn and yelp. He ran into the shadowy woods and hid in the darkness. "I told you this was a bad idea..." She groaned, walking as close as she dared to her hurt and hiding friend.
4:33pm May 22 2010
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Silent trembled and backed away from the approaching Lyora. "Don't...." he rasped. His whole body trembled with fear. And sorrow. Definetly sorrow. Why was Cyri a day walker?
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5:53pm May 22 2010
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"Why... Why isn't this happening to Cyri?" She asked, stopping as Silent backed away, obviously in danger of bloodlust again. She looked back a the female vampire whom was unharmed by the bright sun. "Why must this happen to you?" ((Oh, poor Silent! XDD First he's a vampire, than he can't go near his friends and girlfriend, and now his sister can be out in sunlight while he cant! That sucks, lol. XDD ))
6:12pm May 22 2010
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(( Lol yeah. he has a sucky life. ))
Cyri grimaced. "I think I know why..." She muttered. the image of the vampire that had bit her threatened to emerge from her deepet, darkest memories. She pushed it away. If she had to see something, let it be anything but him.
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6:17pm May 22 2010
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"Well...?" Lyora said softly, waiting for an answer, "Why is it? Why is Silent cursed with this and you are not when the both of you are clearly vampires?" She looked back at Silent, her eyes soft. She did not enjoy seeing him like this, she did not like to see him in pain.
6:44pm May 22 2010
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Cyri snapped her ehad towards Lyora, her eyes brimming with hatred adn anger. "Because the vampire that bit me was a daywalker." She snapped, her voice suddenly terribly cold and venomous. Silent flinched away from her, feeling her power radiate from her. He knew that she was afraid of the vampire that bit her. That she hated him for everything he had done to her.He knew that it hurt to bring him up. That it made her angry and at the same time, terribly, terribly sad.
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7:00pm May 22 2010
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"Please, Cyri, calm yourself..." Lyora said softly, "I meant you no ill memories, I was just wondering... Silent, you cannot hide in the brush forever, light will soon reach there as well, you must come inside..." She pulled off her cloak that she'd forgotten she was wearing and tossed it in his direction. "That should protect you from the sun."
7:09pm May 22 2010
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Cyri clenched her fists and bit back a nasty retort. She turned and realized Silent was trembling still from the fear and pain of the sun's touch. Sympthay bloomed in her chest. Why did her brother have to have the hard life? He had always taken her punishments and he had always protected her from the vampires. Yet he recieved no break from it.
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7:12pm May 22 2010
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"Cyri, we can argue about this later, you can yell at me for reminding you of this as much as you want than, but now we have to get your brother inside, I do not wish for him to die a horrible death because of our foolishness." Lyora said, taking a single step closer to Silent.
7:23pm May 22 2010
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Cyri clenche dher teeth, clenche dher fists, and shoved Lyora out of the way. She gripped Silent's arm, dragging him further into the shadows. Silent grimaced. "Sorry..." he muttered. Cyri shook her head. "How, I have no idea. But how in the world did you fall in love with a girl like that?" Cyri said through clenched teeth. She hated being ordered around. She was a leader and she expected to remain one. Silent grinned sheepihsly at her. "She was there. She was the only one there for me when you left." he whispered. Cyri's anger elaked away to be replaced with guilt and shame. "I'm sorry, Silent... You know I couldn't of brought you..." She whispered. "I had a whole pack of them afte rme..." She whispered as she eld him into the dark barn and set him down in the deepst and darkest spot. Silent smiled gently at her. "I know." He whispered.
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8:52pm May 22 2010
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Lyora head what Cyri said, and anger, sadness, and regret hit her at once. Who was she to think that she deserved Silent's affections? She was a careless human that caused trouble wherever she went. And on top of that, Silent's sister, Cyri, had begun to hate her. She made up her mind than and there to run. Run from the madness, the uncertainty, the sadness and the pain. The pain of being in love with a vampire, one who had never wanted to become what he now is, one who had saved her and her friend from a life of misery. One who had a sister with simmilarly vampiric blood, and obviously disliked that she'd fallen in love with her brother. So she took off into the woods, stopping only when she'd lost all sense of direction, and had no inkling of where she was. Than, she collapsed on the ground, crying uncontrollably. Silent was above her, there were many girls more beautiful than she, just look at Trinity and Zeyphra. He would find someone else, she knew. But the thought of him doing so, the thought of him loving another, only furthered her distress.
12:10am May 23 2010
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((Oh cheese! I've been a bit lazy, huh?!~ Lol My post is coming!))
Just call me Siri.
12:47am May 23 2010
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((No way Mare, you are very kind to me. ^.^ I have a boisterous personality, so I often offend others. If I ever sound rude, I don’t really mean to.)) Like the bird of prey he could become, Adirk kept his eyes locked on Trinity unblinkingly. He stared like a predator locked on his prey. While the girl named Cyri growled a threat at him yet again, Adrik took a deep breath. Savoring the taste of wet earth, coming dawn, and sweet honey, it took him a moment to realize that the soothing hum had been Trinity. The ebony haired girl with striking emerald eyes had spoken. She spoke with a light breath and brief hesitation that reminded him of home. The lofty air that most avian people held around themselves, but Trinity held a gentled innocence that he craved. Noting that he was taking much too long to respond, Adrik glided over to her. Whispering into the pearl of her ear, so that no one else could hear, “I was just admiring your stunning beauty.” Placing his hands on his hips, Adrik leaned back on his heels with a boyish grin, as if pleased by his honest remark. Jumping nearly out of her skin, Zephyra watched Adrik and Trinity out of the corner of her eye, but Silent and Cyri had her main attention. The sun was rising in all of its brilliantly bright glory, and they were not moving. Are they mad! She fairly screamed in her mind, but was too afraid to speak the words. Cresting the treetops the shining orb cast golden rays down on the group. After a moment Silent yelp in pain, and Zephyra knew that meant excruciating pain for he was one of the toughest men she had ever known. Though, she was intrigued with Cyri because the vampire wasn’t burning. “Daywalker,” she mumbled, “I wonder what those are.” Kyrian felt as if all of his energy had been zapped away when his wings withdrew, and Cyri’s new over protectiveness was suffocating him. He knew that he would either teach her to trust in his strength or he would pound it into her. Kyrian knew that it seemed harsh, but that was how Cyri was. Strong willed, bull-headed, and adorably loving. He understood her, but she needed to learn about him as well. If she growled every time someone touched him, he might just go after her. He smiled at the thought of chasing her through the woods. Noting that Zephrya looked forlorn, he went to his sister. As he grasped her elbow Lyora dashed out into the dense forest. “Wait!” he called, but it was too late and to make matters worse Zephyra collapsed into his arms. Just great…
Just call me Siri.
6:26am May 23 2010
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Silent grimaced and Cyri sat next to him, rubbing her cold hands over his small burns. She hummed soothingly, but the song soon changed and became the silent song. As she sang, Silent fel thimself enter her body and she enter him. He felt her sorrow, her guilt, and most importantly, her pain. He flinched away from it and she stopped singing and she froze. "I'm sorry..." She whispered. Silent shook his head. Cyri's eyes burned and she let out a strangled choking sound. Silent hugged her, knewing that she was crying without the tears. Because she once had been in love. Ddesperate love, with a handsome and kind vampire named Damascus. He had been kind and gentle to her and he had been incredibly handsome with his black hair and his ice blue eyes. Even when they had turned red, he had remained handsome. He had been tall and slight, but muscular to a good extent. His reflexes had been quick and sharp, and he had been increidbly agile for a vampire. And he had loved Cyri back. Or so Cyri had thought.
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2:08pm May 23 2010
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Lyora sat up, taking a chance to look at her surroundings, all of which were unfamiliar. Trees, vines, and bushes, each looking like the next, encomp*censored*ed the landscape. "What have I done...?" She asked herself, realizing that she had foolishly stranded herself in lands that had possibly remained unexplored.
3:14pm May 23 2010
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Kyrian looked at Silent and Cyri, holding each other in apparent pain. After he carried Zephyra into the barn and laid her down for some needed rest he walked slowly to the pair. Kyrian laid a gentle hand on Cyri’s shoulder. The gesture held little understanding, but a willingness to accept all that would come. Kyrian wanted to understand, he wanted to know what Cyri was thinking, grieving over. “What is it?”
Just call me Siri.
3:31pm May 23 2010
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Cyri didn't reply, but her eyes closed halfway and darkened in sorrow. She turned away from Kyrian. Silent turned to Kyrian. " Might as well start form the beginning." he sighed. "When ourmother was killed by our master, Cyri had had enough. She constantly rebelled against our vampire master's, always causing trouble and never doing anything she was told. I hated to see her hurt so I took all the punishment. When we finally were sold to another vampire master, we expected the same treatment. Instea,d we met Damascus. You could of called him a decent vampire. He enver drank our blood, beat us, and he let us eat and sleep in his house. Which was pretty awesome if you ask me. We were kind back to him, doing whatever he asked us to do. We were his only slaves." Silent said. But Cyri suddenly cut him. " I fell in love with him. A vampire. he constnatly was talking to me, sharing his problems and letting me share mine. He was the first person beside my brother who I cared for. And he was a vampire. I fell deeply in love with him, and one night, I ran away. I knew he would follow, so when he appeared beside me, I wasn't frightened. I turned to him with a small smile on my face. Then I kissed him. What did surprise me, was he kissed me back." She whispered. her voice became full fo pain. "But as I kissed him, he grew rough and his eyes turned red. I didn't notice. He leaned down and he kisse dmy neck. But before I knew it, he was biting me. I could of screamed with fear. I could of broke away. But I didn't. I just stood there. And the funny thing was, I didn't care. As long as he wanted me. But as he broke away, eh was smiling and the side I had never seen came out. His smile was evila dn his eyes glinted with lust. 'Now. You are a queen of the night.' He had whispered. Then he had turned and ran, leaving me in the forest, the bite mark of a vampire on my neck. I was crushed. It was two days ebfore Silent found me in the woods." She whispered. Her eyes burned and a strangled sob broke from her throat. Silent picked up the story from there. "She was emotionally and physically a wreck. her heart shattered, her mind dazed, and her body scrapped and bruised, I carried her back to our slave master's house. But they were their. They took us away, not even bothering to help my sister, and sold us to my previous master. I hid my sister from him. She had accumulated a terrible fever. I tried my best to help her, but in the end, it was no use. I had to get our master. So I got him and to my horror and sigust, he drank her blood, spitting out the bad blood. But her blood was like poison to him. He died then and there. But my sister's fever was gone. She escaped, telling me plans to escape myself. But when she did, the other vampires were after her. She just barely escaped. Then I was given a new master and I had to wait, biding my time until i could escape and find her again." Silent said quietly. he sighed. " Damascus had been a daywalker, I'm guessing. Only he can drink her blood. Only he can control her. And we have no idea where he is." Silent said quietly. (( Hard...... ))
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3:43pm May 23 2010
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Kyrian absorbed all that Silent said to him. It sounded much like Zephyra and him, but Jaguar never bit either of them. Instead, I learn that I have wings. Wrapping his arms around Cyri’s waist, Kyrian pulled her close. “Why would we want to control you,” he asked softly. “You seem well enough, a bit too protective but fine overall.” His neck tingled, reminding him that Cyri had bitten him. Just thinking about it gave him a headache. Suddenly Kyrian went stiff, Cyri had a fever? Does that mean that Zephyra was bitten? She never told me, and Jaguar didn’t admit to anything like that. And Kyrian knew that he would have been too proud not to. “Do you think Zephyra is a vampire?”
Just call me Siri.
4:07pm May 23 2010
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Cyri froze in his arms and drew back, her face thoughtful. "I don't..... know.... Pray she is not, for the fever that comes after you are bitten is terrible." She said quietly. She tought of his other comment. "Damascus...... Is not like other vampire masters...." She said carefully.
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