9:17pm May 23 2010
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((Can they realize Ly is gone? I have nothing to do otherwise than wonder aimlessly. X3 )) Lyora, realizing that she'd been foolish, although her emotions were still raging wild, her thoughts more tangled than a spider's web, decided she would attempt to find her way back. She tried to follow the path she'd torn through the brush, but she was not Cyri or Silent, she could not read the woods. After a minute or so, Lyora was a nervous wreck, panicking, knowing that her chances of return were slim, lest a vampire found her. And that was the last thing she wanted to happen. "Silent..." she whispered, "Please, please come find me..." She knew he couldn't hear her, but it made her feel slightly comforted to merely utter his name.
11:12pm May 23 2010
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Kyrian looked down at Cyri, “That’s what Zephyra thought about Jaguar as well because he never drank her blood. She thought he merely beat her out of frustration because they could never be together.” Looking at Silent, Kyrian settled some inner fact and said, “Lyora blames herself for too much.” With a steady gaze he whispered, “If you really love her, you should go find her. She left for your well being, and risked herself.” He hoped that Silent didn’t lash out at him for not following the girl, but it wasn’t his dilemma. Knowing that Cyri valued her space as much as he did, Kyrian pulled away. He stayed close enough that if she were to reach out he would be there, but not too pressing.
Just call me Siri.
2:13pm May 24 2010
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Cyri smiled sadly at Kyrian and sighed, rubbing ehr temples. "Who would of thought that vampires could ahve migrains..." She grumbled. But the image of Damascus was still fresh in her mind. She pressed hard against her temples, trying to push the image of his face out of her mind. Silent gasped and growled, isntantyl gone. As he raced through the woods, searc hing for her scent, he mumbled to himself. "What was she thinking?!" he growled. But when he caught her scent, his mumblings ceased and his concentration became sharp and focused. He tracked her scent, noting the broken tigs on the ground and the pushed aside bushes. She was close. her scent was strong now. When another scent intruded his thoughts. He pulled up sharp, eyes wide, nostrils flaring. What was that sweet, yet musky smell? He grimaced. no time. he had to find her. He set off at a brisk run when suddenly, she was there. "Lyora?" He whispered, shocked he had found her so fast.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:31pm May 24 2010
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Lyora cried out, frightened when she heard a soft voice behind her. She whirrled around, expecting to see a slave owner, namely Jaguier. But she saw Silent, standing there, looking at her with his soft, calming face. "Silent... Please, Cyri was right.... I don't... You shouldn't... Oh, I just don't know anymore...." She stammered, unceremoniously plopping down, frowning sadly. "She said she didn't know how you'd fallen in love with someone like me, and I agree with her... I am undeserving of your affections.. All I have done is bring trouble to you... I do lve you, Silent... More than anything... But I don't deserve to hold your heart as you have mine..."
3:31pm May 24 2010
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Silent took one look at her and his lip twitched. In two long strides he was right in front of her. He gripepd her elbows gently and he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips. He savored her scent and he relished in the feeling of her warm skin against his cold ahrd skin. He released her, his pupils dilated and his breath short and raspy. His iris's were red with thirst, but the thirst was forgotten in his mind.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
4:19pm May 24 2010
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Lyora watched Silent come closer, and she wondered what he could be doing. She felt his hands gently clasp her elbows gently, his cold fingers chilling her warm arms. Than he kissed her. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, and she felt completed, perfect, whole. She felt like a fire had been ignited in her heart. She felt like she had the first time he'd kissed her. "Silent... I'm so sorry..." She whispered once he stopped, letting go. It felt as if a part of her had left. "I was foolish... Please, tell me what I should do... I love you, Silent... But... Cyri obviously doesn't like us being together... And even now, your eyes are red, you are subject to this horrible thirst yet again... Whatever you want me to do, I will to the best of my ability..."
4:40pm May 24 2010
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Silent sighed again, pulled her close one more time, and kissed her again. As he kissed her, he mumbled against her lips. "Lyora.... Stop talking..... Cyri doesn't hate you.... She's just upset..... If only you could read minds...." he mumbled, breahting in her scent once more before taking a step back form her. His hands were trembling.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
4:48pm May 24 2010
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Lyora embraced Silent as he kissed her again, somehow managing to talk to her as he did so. "I am unsure if vampires can do so, but I am certain that humans cannot read minds..." Lyora whispered, grinning slightly. She took a step closer, taking one of his shaky hands in her own. It was firm and cold, but soft and gentle at the same time. She looked into his red eyes and said, "I will not let anything like what just happened overcome me again, do not worry yourself about that." She than looked up, and realized something. The sun was beginning to peek slightly through even the dense foliage of these thick woods. "Silent, the sun... You'll burn again if it touches you... We must find shelter somewhere... For your sake."
4:57pm May 24 2010
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Silent grinned slightly. He flinched when she mentioned the sun. He gently tugged ehr towards the shadows and when they were safely in the dark, he kissed her again. But his kiss was controlled and his body was tensed slightly. He was afraid he would loose contorl this time.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:23pm May 24 2010
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OOC: Sorry!! I've been studying exams... After this week I'll be free, I promise. Just wait for me to post... I have to re-read a lot of the posts.. Sorry!! D:
7:35pm May 24 2010
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"Silent, what's wrong...?" Lyora asked the third time he kissed her. He was tense and obviously trying to hold something back. "You're afraid to loose control, aren't you...? Your bloodlust.. It must be quenched somehow..." She said gently, laying a gentile hand on his shoulder.
7:46pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Mare, I know how you feel. That was me for the last three weeks. More tests are coming in about a week, so I'm Rping as much as I can now. x3 BiC Kyrian felt a tinge on his hand as if a thousand ants were crawling on it, but when he looked nothing was there but the tattoo. Then he saw the faint indigo glow. What is this? He wondered, completely captivated by the display. On its own accord the shimmering hand creased Cyri from temple to cheek. Kyrian felt as if he was taking the memories away, but knew that this wasn’t possible. Yet Kyrian felt a calming sensation radiating from his hand, enveloping not only Cyri but him as well. “You’re not alone, Cyri,” he whispered. “I’m here for you, and Silent is as well. Even Zephyra, Lyora, and Trinity. We will stick together, heal each other.” Leaning his forehead to hers he murmured softly, “Let him go, if only for awhile. We need rest, and Zephyra needs my attention.” Worry tried to swarm him, but Kyrian couldn’t feel anything but serene calmness. It was as if he was floating, and he never wanted to come down. Slowly his hand stopped glowing, but the sensation would last for a bit longer.
Just call me Siri.
8:11pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Haha glad I'm not the only one xD “I was just admiring your stunning beauty.” Trinity stared at Adrik and suddenly everything else seemed to whisk away. As if they were the only two beings alive on this earth. Trinity felt her face slowly get redder and redder. Her eyes were wide. She could tell the way Adrik was acting that he was honest. She lost track of time. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. "Oh..." she said, her voice barely a whisper. "I-... I think your wings are beautiful." A compliment for a compliment, right?
11:40pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 11:41pm May 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Mare, I'm sure there are hundreds just like us. Crossing their fingers and praying for school to be over. x3 BiC Entirely pleased by the display of emotion Trinity showed him, Adrik cocked his head to the side and studied her thoughtfully. In his avian culture, the men were to be warriors or philosophers, though the later was frowned upon, and the women were to be seamstresses or master chiefs and bakers. The sullied lower bloods could become artists, musicians, or whatever they pleased. Adrik had always been jealous by their freedom. But what bothered him most was the seclusion. Every pureblooded avian learned to control their emotions. A polite smile is expected to be present every moment of the day. If an avian were to ever show anger, excitement, or to even think about crying, it would come with a high price. The elite avians would look down their sharp noses at them. Though their face would be pleasant, their eyes would speak of distaste, even horror at the pitiful creature. His people were to be perfect. But what is perfection? he wondered. Shivering from head to toe, as if he had been dumped into a cold lake, Adrik sighed. He wondered what he could say to Trinity that would deepen her blush. He had never seen one so unrestricted before. Then he observed that Zephyra had disappeared and the leech was talking with Kyrian. “Shall we find a place to rest?” Gently grasping her delicate elbow, in proper avian manners, Adrik lead her to the barn where everyone was to stay for the night…well day. “I would say you’re so pale that you look like you’re about to faint, but those cheeks have become quite rosy.” His violet eyes shone with mischief, but he kept his face carefully neutral. “But I’m now concerned about this heart of yours, is it dancing with a hummingbird or does it normally beat this fast?”
Just call me Siri.
1:34pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Cyri closed her eyes, breathing in Kyrian's scent. The calmness that had radiated from him was unnerving. But she let it go. As long as he was hers and he loved her, she was happy. The image of Damascus faded and her mind became pleasantly cool and empty.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
3:31pm May 25 2010
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((What about Silent...? o.o; Ly's kinda.... Hanging there. ))
3:57pm May 25 2010
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Silent shook his head. "I don't want to endanger your life. I'll hunt. With Cyri. I'm surprised she hasn't broke yet. The thirst must be terrible for her." he said, attemting a smile and failing. Now that she had mentioned it, it had pushed itself back into his mind and his throat ached savagely.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
5:53pm May 25 2010
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"That's what I was going to suggest, Silent." Lyora chuckled, a grim smile sneaking onto her face, "But you should try to wait until sundown, if you can. Huntilng will bring you into the light, and I do not wish death upn you, Silent, far from it."
6:27pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: -crosses fingers- Urg. It's been terrible... I'm confident in like 4 out of the 6 cl*censored*es I take. x.x And I need to get good grades in the two I'm not confident, otherwise I'll fail them completely. Wish me luck... -kills latin and logic textbooks- D: BiC: Trinity waited for Adrik's reply. It was a long moment of suspence for her. Adrik was staring at her thoughtfully... Trinity suddenly wanted a hole to crawl into. Or maybe a device that sped time up. A voice in the back of her head told her that if she were given such a device she would end up zipping through her whole life, skipping everything. She let out a small sigh. "Shall we find a place to rest?" Adrik asked. Then he grasped her, gently and politely yes, but it still shocked her all the same, by the elbow. His touch sent shivers down the back of her spine. Adrik began leading her to the barn. "I would say you're so pale that you look like you're about to faint, but those cheeks have become quite rosy." Trinity willed her feet to keep walking. She willed one foot to go ahead of the other. She had a feeling Adrik was teasing her. It made her blush even more. She now felt like she was going to faint-- with embar*censored*ment, mostly. It was the last comment that really set her off, however. "But I'm now concerned about this heart of yours, is it dancing with a hummingbird or does it normally beat this fast?" Yes, Trinity could feel her heart beating. It was beating extremely fast. And when Adrik said the last comment, her heart skipped a beat. She looked into his eyes and saw that they were sparkling with mischief. "I-I don't feel like myself," Trinity said, basically avoiding the question. She couldn't really think of an answer to it. Or at least, an answer that wouldn't make her feel completely and devestatingly embar*censored*ed. More than she already was.
7:56pm May 25 2010 (last edited on 7:57pm May 25 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Mare, I’m sure that you are doing well in all of your cla.sses. Even if finals are hard, they are difficult to fail if you study. BiC Adrik felt Trinity’s heart skip a beat, and he could hardly keep from grinning. Deciding that the poor girl had had enough teasing, he let the playful comments he had in his mind slip away. She is delicate like a dove, but strong willed like an eagle. Reluctantly he let go of her so that she might enter the barn first, as was proper. His left ear tensed, as he picked up on a bit Kyrian’s conversation with the leech. They talked nothing about him, so Adrik let it be. As he glided into the dank, chilled room, Adrik longed for his nest at home. The warm covers, soft pillows, and sun-warmed walls, but strangely enough he didn’t want to go back just yet. With his keen eyes, Adrik found a lantern and lit it with a burst of magic. The flame illuminated the surrounding walls, well stalls, and cob webs. Adrik identified it as an old style hobby farm barn. There was a loft for hay, and in the corner he saw the remains of a chicken cope. On ground level, to the right four stalls barely stood, but to his surprise they were quite strong. To the left, he noted an abandoned western saddle, bridle, and @ssorted other horse items. Straight ahead a support beam stood solid, so he hung the lantern there. Walking to the first stall he peered in. The pale, pale girl named Zephyra lie in the straw. Looking around he spotted a door and strode over to it. With a firm yank it screeched open. He coughed as long settled dust burst forward, but entered anyway. With a fierce grin, Adrik grabbed the blankets. They were neatly folded on a shelf, and smelled of horse musk because of their years of use as horse winter blankets. Pulling them into his arms, Adrik counted five with a really ragged sixth. Jogging over to Trinity, Adrik tossed one, the thickest one, her way. “Help me dust these out. Then we can finally get some sleep,” he murmured mildly, the need for sleep thickening his voice. Walking into the sunlight was a shocking contrast to the dimly lit barn, but the true light was welcomed to Adrik. “I will be sure to place one of these over Zephyra, the fair girl sleeping in the first stall. She looks a little chilled.” Looking her way, he asked, “Are you cold? Blankets are merely luxuries, and I don’t need one if you will be cold without a second one.” Kyrian looked at Cyri with hope. He felt her let go of Damascus, even if it was only for a while. “Are you tired? Do you need to sleep? Or do you need to feed?” He asked each with light concern. Kyrian wanted Cyri to enjoy her time with him, not suffer with each tantalizing breath. He had watched Silent with care, and noted that every time Lyora had stepped forward, Silent would tense with longing and worry. Am I causing Cyri that type of pain? “Do you want me to leave you for a while so that your blood lust doesn’t overwhelm you?”
Just call me Siri.