9:11pm May 25 2010
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OOC: Yeah x3 Still, it's enough to make a person nervous. O.o BiC: Adrik let Trinity walk into the barn first-- even if it was extremely old and somewhat small for a barn. She did so without a word. Adrik walked in afterwards; he paused a moment to look at everything. He walked into the first stall which Trinity saw Zephyra was sleeping in. She instantly felt a twinge of pity. She liked Zephyra, even though that hadn't known each other for too long. Adrik came out of one of the other stalls holding a bunch of blankets. He threw the thickest one to her. Trinity's heart started beating normally again and most [but not all] of the red that was on her cheeks went away. Only a pink tinge remained. She caught the blanket. "Help me dust these out. Then we can finally get some sleep," Adrik said. Trinity heard the longing for sleep in his voice. She herself had stayed up a whole night [maybe even two]. The want to fall asleep was great. She walked outside with Adrik and shook out the blanket, causing clouds of dust to fly everywhere. "I will be sure to place one of these over Zephyra, the fair girl sleeping in the first stall. She looks a little chilled," he continued speaking. Trinity felt a wave of gratitude go towards him. Then Adrik looked in her direction. "Are you cold? Blankets are merely luxeries, and I don't need one if you will be cold without a second one," he said. Trinity looked at Adrik's face. She smiled at him. "That's okay," she said. She didn't want him to go into any troubles. She could stand a fairly good amount of cold and be fine without. "The cold doesn't bother me too much." She paused for a moment. "But if you wish, you could give Zephyra another blanket if you're fine with the cold."
12:54am May 26 2010
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Adrik thought he was going to fall into a heap of downy feathers whenTrinity smiled. Her whole face glowed with ex pression that was beaten out of most avains. Why? he wondered. It looks so beautiful, why would we want to kill it? Even though his hands craved to touch her smooth skin once more, he held himself back. Her kindness went out to Zephyra, and he valued that as well. When he was finally done with the stack of blankets, Adrik whispered, “The middle stall is the sturdiest, and I think we should leave the last two for the lee-cough-” Blinking for a moment, fibbing that dust had gotten into his throat, Adrik continued softly, “So the…vampires can have a safe spot to rest.” If they even need to. Walking back into the barn, Adrik silently walked into the stall where Zephyra was. Laying a blanket on the scratchy straw then, ever so gently, he placed Zephyra onto it. Poor girl is burning up. Curving the other blanket around her, Adrik chanted a simple healing melody. He felt her fever withdraw. Beneath it all he could sense something, but he didn’t know quite what. Being as tired as he was, Adrik left it be until some other day. Slipping out of the stall he looked at Trinity. All he wanted to do was pull her down onto a blanket and hold her protectively all day, but knew that this wouldn’t happen. “I will sleep out here,” he motioned by the door, “So you won’t have to worry about anything coming to hunt you. I will protect you.” Covering his shoulders with the wool blanket, Adrik sat beside the door. He was worried that he if stood any longer he might change his mind and sleep next to the beautiful girl.
Just call me Siri.
5:18am May 26 2010
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Cyri grimaced at the mention of the thirst. "It's easy to forget about it..." She said through clenched teeth. And she took a reluctant step away from Kyrian. She clenched her fists, waited a few seconds, then relaxed. 'me and Silent will hunt while you guys sleep." She said softly.
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7:44am May 26 2010
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((Again, Silent is needing to be posted about. X3 ))
1:39pm May 26 2010
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(( Ugh.... I posted in the morning. Didn't have time. Needed to go to school. ))
Silent nodded, not paying attention. His ears were already picking up the fast beating pusle of a lion. It was a puma. Or mountain lion. Whichever. He didn't care. He could hear the blood and his mouth started to water. Unconsciously, his fangs slid out, touching his lower lip and piercing his skin.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
3:05pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm May 26 2010)
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"The middle stall is the sturdiest, and I think we should leave the last two for the lee-" Adrik, who's voice had been smooth the moment before suddenly broke out into a bout of coughing. Trinity looked at him, surprised. Adrik mumbled something about dust, and then continued in a perfectly clear voice once again. "So the... vampires can have a safe spot to rest," he finshed." There was something about the way he said "vampires" that made Trinity wonder about what sort of relationship Adrik's people had with the vampires. Probably not a good one she thought. Trinity walked back into the barn and watched as Adrik wrapped Zephyra in blankets and then spoke softly some words that she didn't recognize. But after he did so, Trinity thought she was sure she saw Zephyra sigh in her sleep and look a little more relaxed. Then Adrik stood up again and motioned to the door outside Trinity's stall. "I will sleep here so you won't worry about anything coming to hunt you. I will protect you," he said. Trinity stared. She wondered if Adrik did this to others as well, protecting them...Saying things like that... Or if it was just her. "Th-thank you," she said sincerely. She lay down and wrapped the blanket around her in the stall. She was tired. The sunlight was gentle. And yet she felt strange with eveything that had happened. She slowly drifted to sleep. She didn't even replay what had happened that one aweful day with him, that vampire... She usually did before she slept. She would go over every detail, wondering if he had denied his love for her because she wasn't good enough... But for some strange reason, she didn't go over that memory and slipped quickly and easily into dreaming... Vampiric eyes seemed to follow her in her dreams. Eyes red with bloodlust. She was running away, but the gr*censored* was slippery with dew. Then the picture would shatter into shaped of downy feathers and the scene would replay itself, each time with a different vampiric face-- one time it was even Silent...The nightmare was probably just a result of everything that had happened. OOC: Will add onto post. O.O Sorreh. Haha, had to go suddenly and wasn't quite finished with my post :D
3:23pm May 26 2010
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"Silent, your fangs..." Lyora said softly, facing Silent and laying a gentile hand on his cheek. She felt his hard flesh beneath her warm hand and felt a lump grow in her throat. How could someone sow kind and gentile be unwillingly converted into such a horrible monstrous species?
4:39pm May 26 2010
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Silent backed away from her and a feral snarl ripped from his throat. he dropped into a coruch and turned towards the sound of the lion's beating heart. He would stop it. Rip it out, crush it's skull and drink it's blood until it was dry.... He shook his hea,d startled at his thoughts. Never ebfore had they been so violent. he grimacd, but the blood lust took him over again and he slinked towards teh sound of the lion as it hunteed it's prey. The hunter, had become the hunted. ~
Cyri suddenly girmaced adn took a deep step away from him. her fangs slid out, piercing her lower lip and her eyes turned blood red, her pupils narrowing into cat-like slits. She crouched and a feral hiss slipped between her fangs. She sniffeed the air. The humans and avains smelled good, but some instinct inside her told her to hunt the animals. Not the prey. Suddenly, the strong scent of lion washed over her nose and her mouth water. She crouched and slinked towards the smell. ((Oooh! The siblings will have a vicious battle between who get's the lion for dinner! Woot! Have Kyrian, Adrik, and Lyora watch. ))
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4:51pm May 26 2010
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((Neat idea!~ )) Lyora frowned as Silent backed away and snarled. Vampiric instinct had once again overcome who he truly was. She watched him slip away, obviously on the trail of something. She shook herself out of the daze that had come over her, and followed Silent, not wanting to be alone again in these dark predator-filled woods. "Silent, don't leave me here..." She muttered, following him, barely able to keep up. She heard the soft growl of a lion, and knew it was what he was after. His prey, thankfully, was not human. But he had chosen a meal that might well, in fact, eat him.
5:36pm May 26 2010
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Silent didn't hear hr. He was getting closer. If he had had a heart, it would of been pounding from adrenaline. He let out a quiet hiss and suddenly, even his movements made no sound as he approached his prey. Then he saw it. it was sitting in a small clearing, half out and half in a cave. It was cleaning it's paw from a previous kill. Silent's tongue flicked over his canines. He leaped silntly and unnaturally easily into a high branch just above the lion and prepared to strike. ~
Cyri growled when the scent of the lion overpowered her sense of smell. Instantly, he movements became silent and she slid into teh shadows. then she saw it. A female lion, halfin and half out of a cave. Cleaning it's paw from a previous kill. She bared her teeth and she crouched in th shadows, preparing to spring.
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6:01pm May 26 2010
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"Silent, please, be careful..." Lyora whispered as he jumped into the tree. She gasped when she spotted Cyri on the other side of the clearing, obviously eyeing the same prey. "Oh no..." she thought, "Please don't do anything stupid..." She took a step closer, entering the clearing, watching as the siblings moved in for the kill.
6:07pm May 26 2010
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Cyri lunged at the exact same time Silent lunged. And they clashed. The lion started, surprised. A hiss escaped her mouth and she raced away from the two vampires. Cyri flew off Silent adn snarled, furious. Silent stood up, growling, equally as angry. They circled each toher, Cyri making strange hissing adn growling noises. SIlent began to make the growilng and hissing noises as well, but hsi were deeper. it was that strange language again. Cyri lunged and Silent feitned to the left, clawing her from the sky and pinning her. She snarled and rolled out form unde rhim and tried to lay open his back with her claws. She missed and instead, clawed at the side of his T-shirt, ripping open into his side. Silent roared and lunged hismelf at Cyri, clawing at her chest. Only to miss and get her shoulder instead. They bwrestled with each other, hissing and snapping as they each tried to get at each other's throats. No vampire liked it when they lost prey to another vampire.
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6:12pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm May 26 2010)
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Just call me Siri.
6:13pm May 26 2010
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(( Read. post. Above. Your. Head. XD ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:14pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 6:16pm May 26 2010)
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OoC: Oops...pretend that mine was before they started to attack. Sorry I'm late...I just got home from school. Edit: I was creating the post when you posted your new ones, so I thought I would be under the 5:30 one. I can delete it I guess.
Just call me Siri.
6:19pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( That's fine. You could of just edited it though. It would be nice if you posted now. Heh. I want to know how Kyrian, Adrik, and Lyora react to seeing the two brother and sister fight. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:20pm May 26 2010
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"Silent, Cyri, no!" Lyora shrieked, running closer to the dueling vampires, "Please, don't do this!" She tried to intercept them, but didn't actually come in contact with the two, knowing that if she did, nothing good would come out of it. "Silent, please! Cyri, he's your brother!" ((Now I find myself comparing Lyora and Silent to Chihiro and Haku. XD I love that movie. XDD ))
6:20pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I will, but I will probably have to edit it again. OxO I take too long to post...
Just call me Siri.
6:22pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Just, one of you, post. XDD ))
6:23pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 6:24pm May 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: See! Already I would have missed a post. lol I like San and As.hitaka better <3
Just call me Siri.