5:52pm Nov 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
((yesh, please?))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
3:15pm Nov 11 2009
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Posts: 10,925
((Ok! I'm gonna start! xD)) Hollyn groaned. She hated when she had to be a snack, it was the absolute worst. Her throat would ache for days after, and she would feel weak. Reluctantly, she prodded over to a male vampire sitting in a neatly carved metal chair. Hollyn noticed that it wasn't made of wood, nor was anything else in the castle. Sighng, she kneeled next to the chair, brushed her hair away from her neck and tilted her head back. The vampire smiled, his eyes glittering with thirst, and bit into her neck. Hollyn winced, though she was used to it.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:46pm Nov 11 2009
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Posts: 3,265
Lyora sighed as she walked down the hallway, and into her master's empty sleeping quarters. She made the disasterously messy bed, gathered his soiled clothes, and generally neatened the room, dragging the lump of jumbled sheets and garments behind her as she headed to the washroom, where she would laboriously clean them, while a vampire with various types of whips and *censored*orted other 'tools' stood over her, lashing out if she messed up even the slightest amount. No one here cared about her, and no one ever bothered to ask what SHE wanted.
7:55am Nov 14 2009
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10:56am Nov 14 2009
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Karienne tided up her master's messy room. She cringed when she found his draws lying on the floor. She picked up a broom and start pushing it into a corner. This whole slavery thing was terrrible. She didnt understand why humans and vampire couldn't just co excist. Evessence's breath started to get shallow. She bit on her lip down hard and groaned a little. She was hurting so much. She hated when the vampires decided to drink her blood. And they did it alot because she was O positive. The best kind as her master called it. He he was doen he shoved her ruffly and she hurried out of the room and ran into the room Karienne was cleaning. "Oh Ev what wrong? Did he...?" Evessence nodded and Karienne gave her a hug and let her cry.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:02pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 3,265
When Lyora had finished the laundry, her back was aching from where the vampire had struck her so many times, and her hands sore from washing. She lifted the clean bundle, carefully carrying it back to her master's room, putting the clean linen sheets back onto the bed, and folding and restoring the clothes to their proper draws. Lyora sighed, looking at her handiwork. The room was spotless. Now for the rest of the house.
7:00pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( I'm tempted to join Paige. *grins and hugs her* Hiya. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:51pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 10,925
((Go Ahead, Wolfy! ^_^))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:51pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( *gins* Okay. I'll post my BIO in a second. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:56pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 10,925
Hollyn sighed with relief as the vampire motioned to her to go away. She obeyed, of course, and went to go do the laundry with the Laundress. "Hello, Laundress," Hollyn said as she entered the tiny pantry in which the Laundress ate, worked, and slept in. Laundress was brought into slavery when she was only a baby, and the vampires didn't know her actual name. "Hello, Holly," Laundress said with a smile that revealed her yellowing teeth. "It's your laundry duty?" Hollyn nodded and helped Laundress fold the male vampires' white shirts.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:06pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Name: His master calls him curse names, but his name is Silent Rouge Age: 18 Gender: Male Family: His sister Cyri escaped from a vampire slave master. No one knows how because she was the first one ever to escape alive and still live. he hasn't seen her since. Appearance http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p60/Silver_Dragon90/Anime/EvilAnime3.png Other: He has whip marks covering his back and his arms and legs have numerous cuts. A long scar runs down his left cheek. On long scar on his back starts at his right shoulder and goes all the way to his left hip, lacing around his torso. Whenever he is beaten or slashed, he makes not a word. His master beats him more because he never talks. But he obeys. And everything he does is perfect. But yet, he is still beaten in silence.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:11pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 3,265
((Did you take the back-scar from Eragon? X3 *Is reading Eldest* Can Lyora like him? XD))
8:11pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 10,925
((Accepted, of course. :3))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:17pm Nov 14 2009 (last edited on 8:17pm Nov 14 2009)
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Posts: 2,046
(( No. I made that long before Eragon was made. Sure. She can. Thanks Paige. )) Silent watched silently as his master went to grab the horse pick. He roughly shoved it at him when he returned, nicking Silent on the chin. Not a sound escaped his lips. Silent went to the beautiful bay stallion and he gently ran his hand down the horse's leg until he reached the part he had to lift. He clicked softly and the horse obeyed, much to his master's irritation. Silent picked the horses hooves and when he finished, he turned and placed the pick where it belonged. He returned to his master who was silently fuming. "Alright. Let's see if you make sound to this." With that, he pulled out a new whip from his pocket, baring his vampire teeth. Silent watched without emotion. His master confounded him slightly. Where as the other vampires treated their slaves brutally, he was treated differently. His master never touched his blood. Only to rub his spit in Silent's face. "I bought a new whip. The old one wasn't right enough." He said, grinning from ear to ear. He let the whip fall, revealing it. It was long and thin, but what caught Silent's eyes was the tiny simmer on the whip. It was lined with barbed needles. "Let's see if you cry out now!" His master laughed. His shirt was ripped off him roughly, the cold wind chilling his back. Silent closed his eyes and waited for the whip to fall. When it did, pain like no other flashed and he nearly collapsed, but he didn't cry out. He stood firm, relaxing his muscles. Tensing would help none. Besides, this was way better than others were treated. He would suffer because in truth, they were suffering more. He thought of his sister as the whip made new jagged and deep lines in his back. How she had escaped her vampire master. Her master had tried to drink all of her blood after she had spilled a bucket of blood she had been extracting from a cow. She had had her veins slit open for her masters pleasure and barely survived. If Silent had not been there to care for her, she would have died. He knew others were treated the same. But not him. he was treated far less brutally from his master. And he knew why. His master liked to toy with his slaves. He liked to whip them into submission so that when he came to feed, they willing cut open their own wrists and put it at his lips. But Silent did not bend to his will. he stood firm and he obeyed his orders, but when it came time for his master's feast, he stood as still and as silent as a statue, staring at the man who hated him so for it. He barely felt the cold beads of blood as they rolled down his back. He had felt it so much, that he was immune to it now.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:30pm Nov 14 2009
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It was time now to clean her master's horse's stall. The vampires tended to share stables, so this is the time of day when she would usually run into another slave. She walked in, silently going to the stall marked "Riot", wordlessly opening it and beginning to care for the large, black horse. Lyora was in the middle of combing the male's mane, when she herd the crack of a whip. Tentatively, she peeked over the door, gasping when she saw a relatively attractive, but sad-looking, and heavily scarred boy, about her age, being whipped mercilessly, blood dripping down his torn back. But, surprisingly, he uttered no sound as this proceeded, even though the weapon was lined with tiny, sharp, spikes. Lyora had to restrain herself from protesting and running to the boy's side, instead opting to look away, sitting in the corner of the horse stall, crying silently. How could one bear a punishment such as that?
8:38pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Silent finally closed his eyes, ignoring the strange tugging at his back as the whip fell. He no longer felt the pain. He was too numb. He heard a faint groan behind him and opened his eyes to find the whip had stopped. His master behind him was staring at the blood with wide eyes, his nostrils flaring a he smelled it. Silent quickly turned to face his master, his back dripping blood still. His master's eyes flared with anger hen he saw Silent's defiance. "One of these days, you silent bastard, I will drink your blood, and you will cry with pain. Whether you want to or not." he snarled. With that, he set the bloody whip on a shelf and he left. Silent went to the whip, cleaned it carefully, then set it neatly back. Finally he grabbed his shirt and stumbled until he as leaning against the bay stallion, his eyes fluttering, his breath coming ragged. Finally, he let out a slow breath. The horse nuzzled his back. He tensed only to let out a very faint hiss of pain. The horse sighed and turned away. Silent slipped his shirt on, his eyes almost starting to water as the shirt clung to his ruined back, the blood soaking through it quickly. He went to Riot's stall, the brushes in his hands, when he saw Lyora and stopped.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:46pm Nov 14 2009
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When the vampire had left, Lyora went back out into the isleway. "You... Are you okay?", she asked softly, staring at the bleeding, beaten boy who leaned against the horse he was grooming, tears still in her eyes, "I saw what happened... I was cleaning Riot over there. How come you didn't cry out? I respect you for that... I never would have made it through that ordeal... I'm Lyora." Lyora walked up to the boy, frowning, afraid that he would collapse, or something worse. She felt sorry for him, yet completely and utterly respected the male. She felt the need to help him, to throw her arms around him and weep.
8:54pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Silent stood up and stared at her. He opened his mouth, then shut it. What was the point for giving up his silence when only one girl asked for it? And yet, she was beautiful and he wanted to speak to her. To tell her everything. But he shut his mouth and shook his head slowly. he grabbed the brushes and groomed the bay, wiping off the smear of blood where the pick had nicked him. The blood dripped form his back, filling the silence as it dripped on the hay sodden ground.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:03pm Nov 14 2009
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"Oh, I see.", Lyora said, understanding, "You'll probably get in even more trouble if your master comes back to find us talking, and I would never wish what just happened to you upon anyone, not even a vampire... I'll be finishing up with Riot, if you wanted to know. If I don't, my master might ask to borrow that whip. Maybe we'll see each other again." With that, Lyora turned and walked back into the stall, continuing to brush the silky black stallion.
9:06pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty lay in the cage she was thrown in her master was mad at her because she isnt pregnant yet does he think ill just end up pregnant like that and i hope he doesnt think ill go with one of his guards im sorry for him if he does. She thought she wouldnt say it or anything else out loud because her master doesnt like her talking ever she is only here so he can have baby blood after she gives birth. Curling up in the corner she was glad her sister got away and hoped she was alive. For both the sisters held a dark secret that nobody else would know and she wasnt going to tell them any time soon.