4:50pm May 27 2010
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"Silent, they cannot enslave a vampire", Lyora said softly, smiling, "But if they found me, on the other hand, I would be taken away immediately. But with you and the others by my side, that would never happen."
4:54pm May 27 2010
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Silent didn't respond, but his eyes darkened. "Lyora..... There is a way to get rid of my vampiric self. Only vampires can do it. It's painful. But...... They can Lyora. They can change me back to a human and enslave me agian." he shuddered. he wanted ot be human, but nothing would make him go back to being a slave. Nothing. Not even eternal damnation.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
5:27pm May 27 2010
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"I won't let them take you, Silent." Lyora said firmly, "And I most definately won't allow you to be enslaved again. I do truly wish for you to be a mortal once again, but I could never bear for us to be captive. Not again."
5:37pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Silent said nothing, buta small smile forme don his face. he turned to Adrik, his body to weak to do anyhting else. "Thank you, Adrik. I am in your dept." He said calmly. But his voice was slightly weak. He had lost a lot of blood. The pool he sat in was evidence of that.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:13pm May 27 2010
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"Silent, you're growing weak from blood loss, thought you are a vampire. Possibly because you were originally a human... But still, you should rest, regain your strength. I will wait by your side until you feel able enough to accompany me back to the barn..." Lyora said gently brushing a few strands of Silent's hair from his face.
10:20pm May 27 2010
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Silent nodded his head and his face paled. He leaned back. "Good idea..." he muttered weakly. Then he pasted out cold.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:23am May 28 2010
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"Silent..." Lyora whispered, worried when he p*censored*ed out. But she knew he would be okay. "I will stay by your side until you wake up", she added, smiling and gently taking his hand in her own, stroking its cold surface with her thumb.
12:03am Jun 1 2010
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More concerned then he would ever admit, Adrik looked at Silent with a healer’s eye. “Lyora, this is your name, yes? I need you to walk with me back to the barn.” He stated, and added, “I will be carrying Silent, don’t worry. I just need you to get a spot ready for him to rest.” How I wish I could. Head spinning slightly from the use of magic, Adrik lifted the limp form and started the trek back to the barn. Telling himself not to think about it, Adrik couldn’t help but be jealous of Silent and his creases received from Lyora. Desperate for love, Adrik frowned as he remembered his cold, shallow childhood. Kyrian didn’t relent. Instead he wetted his forefinger with his blood and painted Cyri’s lip with it. “I trust you.” He whispered, “I know you will stop.”
Just call me Siri.
6:57pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"Yes, that's a good idea." Lyora agreed softly, following Adrik without another word. "Silent, please be okay... I can't bear to loose you... Not now...", she thought to herself, looking at Silent's limp form. She absentmindedly laid a gentile hand on his leg, smiling at her unconscious friend.
10:02pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Starting tomorrow I'm traveling out of my state and will be gone for 4-5 days. Just a warning. D: Sorry for the short notice. ;3
10:10pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: No worries, I did worse to you guys. I just poofed for the weekend. x3 I hope that your travels are safe, and you enjoy the time away!
Just call me Siri.
10:14pm Jun 1 2010 (last edited on 10:14pm Jun 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,265
((It's okay, Mare. ^_^ Posteh, Siri...? ))
10:56pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Feeling his violet eyes droop slightly Adrik wanted to growl, but he held it in. Exhaustion was bone deep now. His aching back, neck, and shoulders made it impossible to forget the miles he had flown to get here, and now he was carrying Silent. Not that the weight would have affected him before, but the stress of shifting for so long wore on the body, making it had to do normally simple tasks. Glancing at Lyora’s hand which lay on Silent’s leg, Adrik scowled jealously. Such simple contact that she probably doesn’t even know she is doing it, but I would take a beating just to feel that type of gentle kindness. Stubbing his toe on a rock, Adrik didn’t even flinch. He kept his steady pace, but couldn’t help but sigh as the barn came in sight. I wish that I didn’t have to leave my charge with that leech, but this one needs care. My magic should have helped, but I didn’t try to go too deep. “Lyora,” he whispered gently, hopefully waking her from her thoughts, “Could you go get those blankets?” Adrik had mindfully stopped in the shadows because the sun shone brightly in the slight clearing before the barn. I would hate for him to get burnt after all the effort I put into healing him. Then on its own accord, his mind thought of Trinity. I can see her defenseless smile again. Blinking in shock, Adrik hoped that his face stayed at least a bit neutral after the surprising thought.
Just call me Siri.
11:04pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"Yes, of course", Lyora said softly, pulling away from Silent and going inside, coming back with a bundle of two or three blankets. "Silent... His name makes me feel dizzy and lovesiick, the sight of him sends tremors down my spine... I love him... And he is hurt... I must do everything within my power too help him..."
5:20am Jun 2 2010
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Cyri stared into his eyes, looking deep inside him. Then slowly, she let out a sigh, drawing in the smell of his blood. Carefully, she placed her hands around his hips. She kissed him lightly first. Then she moved down to his neck and pierced his skin, ever so gently with her teeth. She drank a few drops of blood, her body trembling. She didn't want to pierce deeper, and yet sshe did. She pierced just a tiny bit deeper and drnak a little bit more of the blood. Then she withdrew, unwilling to take anymore. She leaned against Kyrian, forgetting about her shoulder wound, and sobbed into his shirt.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:49pm Jun 2 2010
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((Siriii.... Post... ))
8:37pm Jun 2 2010
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With a gasp, Kyrian held still. His wounded wrist had closed up, probably because of his new blood that was filled with magic. Cyri’s teeth sank into his neck with disturbing ease. Kyrian couldn’t help but cringe slightly when they descended deeper. His mind started to wonder, and his nerves started to tingle. What an exhilarating feeling, I could see how this gets addicting. When she pulled away, curling onto his lap, Kyrian couldn’t believe that his strong Cyri was sobbing. “Easy, my darling,” he whispered. “Don’t cry. I’m fine.” Grabbing her hand, he rubbed the spot where wholes should have been, but only smooth, healed skin was there. “I knew you could do it,” he murmured into her ear while stroking her hair in soothing circles. “Let’s get you back to the barn, we all need sleep.” OoC: Sorry I posted so late, but I had to go eat dinner. I hope you liked it!
Just call me Siri.
8:39pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Not Kyrian! Adrik! XD ))
8:42pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Oh, lol!~ Sure thing. ::goes to do an Adrik post::
Just call me Siri.
9:53pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Setting Silent down as gently as possible, Adrik wrapped the blankets around the vampire tightly. He triple checked to be sure that not a single hair was showing. With more care than he would ever admit, Adrik lifted the unconscious man back into his arms. Taking a collective breath, Adrik mumbled, “Now or never…” Then he took off in a burst of speed, his light frame easily shooting across the small space. Gasping, Adrik clutched Silent in the safety of the barn. When his breathing evened out, Adrik walked to the back of the barn, the darkest point, and settled Silent in the last stall. Knowing that Lyora would be close behind, he didn’t bother to make sure that Silent was comfortable. She will coo and stroke him with a love that was never shown to me, he thought jealously. Chiding himself, Adrik scowled. I don’t need any lowly display of kindest to feel complete. I am who I am because of what I do, not what others think, say, or do. But deep in his mind he knew what he wanted, but only understood that he would never receive it. “No need in getting my hopes up for something that will never happen.” He whispered to himself. Slipping out of the stall, he walked back to Trinity’s stall. Peering in he hoped he saw correctly that she was slumbering peacefully. Crouching down, Adrik covered his eyes with his hands. His heart ached for an unknown reason, but he would not give in to the reckless, destroying tears that threatened to spill over. Jealousy is but a foul beast that will suck my soul from me, leaving nothing but an empty void like that of the Ecl.
Just call me Siri.