6:19pm Jun 14 2010
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A red haze filled Kyrian’s vision when the vampire sank his teeth into Cyri’s neck. “Those were my own thoughts,” he ground out. “Filth. Clouding minds, and choking out information.” His fists clenched so tightly that blood dripped off his knuckles from the half-moon nail cuts. A slight tremor was running up and down his back, reminding him that he was more that just human. Too bad Adrik didn’t teach me how to shift yet. I wouldn’t want to get them ripped of because I can’t go back. His heart was closed. Kyrian knew that he was going to do something stupid if he didn’t calm down. But the sight of Cyri so stricken broke something in him. I was the only one that caused complications in our relationship. I shouldn’t have thought those things, but now I know. I know that I was only insecure in losing myself to someone. Cyri is my life, and in losing her, I will lose myself. It’s too late to turn back now…if only I had realized this before.
OoC: I fail! I didn't know what to post!~ ='(
Just call me Siri.
7:16pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Damascus carefully watched Kyrian. He moved and stood behind Cyri. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear. instantly, life sprang to Cyri's eyes. But not just life, but pain. She gasped with pain and her hand flew to her shoulder. She sat there, trembling. She looked over her shoulder, eyes squinting with pain and sweat dotting her face. 'Damascus.... Leave him alone..." She muttered weakly. "Dear, you need to feed. So here I am." Damascus was grimacing with pain as well. "I feel your pain, Cyri. i feel your hunger. And I am the only one that can quench your true thirst." Damascus said quietly. Cyri snarled at him, but the pain flared again and the snarl cut off. Damascus was sweating now as well. "Cyri! Now!" There was a sharp bite of power to the command. Cyri, against her will, leaned down over his outstretched hand and bit down. Damascus winced as she bit down on his hand. She had bitten hard. He knew that she would try to cause him as much pain as possible when biting him. Cyri sucked his blood. it was like being dead, and brought back to life. She let out a small whimper. Damascus stroked her hair. She tried to let go, but her hunger took over. Damascus winced and carefully withdrew his hand from her vampiric teeth. "Easy dear. That's enough." he said, smiling slightly. Cyri realized what she had done and gasped with horror. She stumbled away from Damascus, then froze. The wound on her shoulder was gone. She wasn't dizzy and that aching feeling in her stomach was gone. "Your kidding me....." he groaned. Damascus grinned and spread his arms. "Nice to be back." he laughed. then he turned to Kyrian. "Love. I fear this whelp of yours is going to explode. Do hold him down for me." Damascus said dryly. "He's not my whelp! And you deserve his anger!" She snarled at him. Damascus sighed. "Ahhh, there's the Cyri I know." He chuckled. Cyri just snarled, unable to attack him. His power seemed to have vanished, but Cyri knew better. Even now it kept her from clawing his face off. "Kyrian...." She said slowly and carefully between clenched teeth. "If you do attack him, be careful love. He's a lot stronger than he looks. But he's still a moron." She growled the last part at Damascus. Damascus sighed and rubbed his temples. "Dear let's not fight now. You did just suck about half my own blood and I'll be needing to feed again." he sighed. Cyri gritted her teeth and glared at him, fist clenched. " Wildcat..." He smiled, using his pet name for her.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:53pm Jun 14 2010
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((Silent. XD Please, make him do something. X3 ))
9:16pm Jun 14 2010
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Trinity sat in silence for a while. She hoped, very much hoped, that Adrik wouldn’t think badly of her. He seemed to hate the vampires. She wondered if he would dislike her for having been in love with a vampire once. And she didn’t want to be disliked by him… She actually wanted to be liked by him. “It will be okay. He’s not here now,” Adrik said something at long last. Trinity felt that Adrik actually was trying to make her feel better. And she felt comforted, too. “Yes,” she murmured, “he’s gone.” She knew that. Right? But somehow he kept on appearing in her dreams. It felt re*censored*uring, though, coming from Adrik. It was as if he had broken a certain spell. “Thank you,” Trinity continued, “for listening.” She said so sincerely.
9:03am Jun 15 2010
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Silent grimaced and stood up. He sawyed and held onto the post of the barn. "Cyri.....Damascus...... Vampire.... King....." Silent muttered. His eyes were out of focuse. As if eh was gazing at something far far away from there.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:28am Jun 15 2010
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"Who's Damascus? A Vampire King? Silent, you're really making no sense right now!" Lyora said, completely confused. She steadied Silent as he tottered, not wanting him to fall. "Silent, even if you could go outside without penalty of death by sunlight, you're in no shape to do anything!"
10:18am Jun 15 2010
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Silent froze for a seconds. Then he sucked in his breath, and winced. "Lyora.... Cyri's in trouble. Damascus, the Vampire King, has found her. He's already sucked her blood......" He crused colorfully and he sat down on the bed. He closed his eyes, and he began to hum. He swayed to the tune. The hum seemed hollow. As if the notes were not actually there. The Silent Song. As he hummed, his body seemed to blur for a few seconds, then reappear. Power emitted from him. He flinched as he hummed. He opened his eyes halfway as he hummed. His eyes were misty, as if he wasn't really there.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
10:26am Jun 15 2010
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"Oh, we keep getting ourselves into all kinds of crap..." Lyora growled, wondering why Kyrian hadn't made Cyri come back to the barn with everyone else. She came back to realty and heard Silent hum the same song from earlier. He seemed to blurr, and than became solid again. He opened his eyes and they seemed distant. "Silent, I'll go... You stay here, I don't want you to get hurt... I'll get Adrik to come, he'll help her... Just don't follow us..." she said gently.
10:55am Jun 15 2010
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Silent didn't respond. He didn't break the song. But as he hummed, his mind gently brushed her's. Go.... But be careful His thoughts were quiet and gentle. But there was an undercurrent to his thoughts. An undercurrent of hatred, fury, and pain. He hated Damascus for what he did to his siter. He was angry about being unable to love his lover. He felt pain for the ache of his thirst and for the sorrow beneath him.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:10am Jun 15 2010
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OoC: You found me lurking. =3 I can only post once, so I'm making it good.
Just call me Siri.
11:34am Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 11:35am Jun 15 2010)
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(( OMG your driving me nuts. I can't waiteth for you to posteth. My imagination is going overboard. LOL XD))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:50am Jun 15 2010
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Adrik looked at his hands resting on his knees, and all he wanted to do was take those hands and wrap Trinity in an embrace. He knew that he wouldn’t do that. Adrik heard in Trinity’s tone that she understood his want to comfort her, even if it was a poor try. Feeling uncomfortable in the tense atmosphere, Adrik reached up and toyed with his cerulean braid. When Trinity softly murmured, “Yes, he’s gone.” He stopped to look at her. His lilac colored eyes hyper focused onto her, it was the gaze of a falcon. Though she seemed relaxed, Adrik could pick up on some of the slightest of body tensions or movements. When Trinity whispered, “Thank you, for listening.” Adrik knew that she had come to terms with her inner turmoil’s, or defeated them for a moment. He didn’t see himself as someone deserving of thanks, but he didn’t want to upset Trinity further. So he kept quiet for a moment. Dropping his hands to the dirt floor, Adrik wondered if he could fall asleep now. Exhaustion made him weary, so he traced patterns into the ground. “I won’t promise you anything, Trinity.” He stated coolly, “I won’t be by your side forever.” Looking up from his design, he swallowed, and softly continued, “But I will help you now. Anything you need ask me, and I will find it or give it to you.” I don’t want to be like that leech; creating hope, love all things that should be pure. Then crushing those feelings in mindless acts of self-preservation, or simply because this act was entertainment. With an inner, mocking laugh, Adrik knew that his White Lady would approve of such mentality. Raising hopes, then dashing them down. Yeah, that’s something she would do. Adrik felt a memory creep forward, but he quickly beat it back. He hadn’t noticed that his eyes were unfocused until he saw his hands trembling. The moment he saw it, it stopped though. Meanwhile, Zephyra backed away from the male vampire. She felt the tug that was much like the one Jaguar gave her mentally, every time they were close. I don’t even know this man. When leaves tickled her calves, she stopped. Never taking her eyes off the vampire she reached for a tree. The rough bark scrapped her palm, but she didn’t mind. In fact, she was glad. It reminded her of reality, not this illusionist before her. “Oh, Cyri,” she whispered, “What have you gotten into?” A new sound rippled up his throat, and Kyrian was surprised that it could make it out of his human mouth. It sounded like a hawk’s hiss, just before he goes into his screeching dive. The oddest sensation followed it too. In his minds eye, Kyrian watched as a sleek Peregrine falcon flew, what seemed, closer to the surface of him. As the great wings beat, Kyrian felt the feathers tickling him, inside. Shivering, Kyrian blinked rapidly to get away from the feeling, but the predatory bird kept coming. No! he ordered, and, to his surprise, the bird stopped. The mighty beast dived down, and landed on a tree. Kyrian knew there was no tree or path out of his body, but that it was merely his minds way of copping with another being in his mind. Focusing back on Damascus, Kyrian made sure to keep his rage in better check. I need Adrik here. But he wouldn’t let his weakness, lack of knowledge about what he was, get the better of him. “Don’t worry Cyri, I’m your cool and centered rock, remember?” It seemed like months ago, when he and Cyri had been alone; when Kyrian had thought about his actions and words before they actually happened. Think…think, what can I do? Then he realized why he wasn’t that man anymore, the circumstances had changed. With a groan of disbelief, Kyrian decided to let what was going to happen, happen. Streaking forward in a display of surprising speed, he called on that power that had swamped him the night before. The indigo haze swirled around his left arm as he faked a right swing at Damascus, but hit him under the chin with the left… OoC: Sorry, I had to make my mom happy first, then finish my post. Now I'm going to die without knowing your reply~
Just call me Siri.
11:51am Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 12:15pm Jun 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: ::gigges:: Well, your imagination has plenty to respond to. =3 Edit: Now I know how you guys feel! ::paces:: Turns out I can play all day today too. Though, I will be off and on.
Just call me Siri.
12:32pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 2,046
( LOL )) Cyri yelp-ed with surprise when Kyrian hit Damscus, then she growled and dropped into a crouch. But suddenly, she froze. a light hand went onto her head. Kyrian had missed. "No no dearie. You must not fight. Someone could get hurt." Damascus said, a light laugh in his voice. he was gazing at Kyrian curiously. "truly, I have never seen your kind before. This is fascinating." He said, a feral purr in his voice. "but sadly, a fight is not a good idea right now." He said, his voice suddenly becoming calm and cool. He sighed. "Kyrian, take care of your sister over there. I fear she's close to lunging for me." He said. But he wasn't wary. merely amused. Cyri growled."Get your filthy hand off me." She growled. Damascus clicke dhis tongue. "Now that's no way to respond to your master, is it?" He said in a fake sad voice. Cyri just growled louder. Damascus sighed. "Oh Wildcat. " He said. "Don't call me that!" Cyri snapped. Damascus smiled. "What? Wildcat? but dearie you are. Fierce, warrior, and wild." He said. Cyri growled again. Damascus's voice took on a warning. "Don't fight me Wildcat. I'm not in he mood and I'm rather hungry." he growled. Cyr's growl vanished, as if he had slapped her.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:26pm Jun 15 2010
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Lyora heard the thought, stunned at first. She nodded and quickly hugged Silent, pulling away after only an instant. "Thank you", she said quietly. She quickly found Adrik and stood by him. "We have to hurry, Cyri, she's in trouble. Kyrian is your charge, if I'm not mistaken, and he was with her. Zephyra left earlier, probably to find him. Damascus the Vampire King is with all three of them if I am correct. We have to save them."
7:46pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Glancing up sharply, Adrik was about to glower at Lyora, the girl crazy enough to love a leech, but stopped short when he heard what she said. Blinking slowly, Adrik digested it. Cyri, Kyrian, and Zephyra are out in the forest braving against some vampire king. With a wicked grin spreading across his face, Adrik stood, and looked down at Trinity. “Stay here,” his tone was regal, and left no questioning, “We will continue talking when I get back. Watch over Silent while we are gone.” He wasn’t comfortable taking Lyora, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t listen to him in the least. His body was suddenly humming with energy. The thought of a fight thrilled him. Finally, a leech I can beat to the ground, he though. Adrik felt his power surge forward, but held it in check easily. His right hand grasped for his katana, which was resting at the White City, but that didn’t matter. I have enough practice in marshal arts and avian hand-in-hand combat. No, I need to be the peace keeper. With a sigh, Adrik looked at Lyora, and calmly said, “Let’s go.” Seething in rage, Kyrian couldn’t believe he had missed. He could have sworn he had felt the sting of flesh on flesh, heard the smacking echo, and saw the rippling impact. Then the beast turned away from him, and talked to Cyri as if nothing had happened. When Damscus mentioned Zephyra, Kyrian cooled down a bit. The need of protecting his sister was stronger than the need to attack Damscus. Why am I so aggressive all of a sudden? I used to be so much calmer. Glancing at Cyri, he nearly lost his nerve. Cyri, she’s why. Reaching a hand up Kyrian wanted to crease her cheek again, but held back. “What do you want?” he choked softly. “And don’t say Cyri, you can’t have her.” Ever. Zephyra licked her lips nervously. She didn’t wan to bargain with a vampire. They always knew when to break you, when it would be too much. I’ve learned that first hand. In her mind, she saw Jaguar. Where are you? You would have been so much help right now. Bowing her head, Zephyra closed her eyes, and huddled against the tree. “Where is our help?” she whispered on a soft breath.
Just call me Siri.
8:31pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Lyora nodded, quickly returning to Silent. "I love you. Please, stay here with Trinity, she will take care of you in my absence. Goodbye, Silent..." She kissed him gently on the cheek before bidding him farewell, joining Adrik at the barn entrance. "Can you fly us there...? It would be far faster", she asked, looking up at the taller shifter. ((Fail. Dx ))
12:04am Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Not fail, I like it. =) Adrik watched as Lyora bid her leech lover farewell. He didn’t like the word goodbye. It seemed too permanent for his taste. Glancing at Trinity, pale and beautiful, he wondered if he too should leave her with something more than an order, but what was done is done. Lyora came back to his side and asked, “Can you fly us there…?” With a slight pause, as if the question had been unexpected, or even unacceptable, she continued, “It would be faster.” Grinning, Adrik thought, faster than you could ever imagine. His face fell back into its usual mask of neutrality, almost bored looking, as he said, “Of course.” Calling on the magic of his kind, Adrik’s shirt vanished, he often wondered where it went, but that was part of the magic. Things just happened. Then came Adrik’s favorite part his back muscles rippled, as his wings pressed for release. He knew it was like watching an eagle emerge from a lake with a fish in-claw. First it was indefinable, merely a blemish in the serene water, his wings, fully feathered, slip through his skin. Then a noble, white head appears, the tips of his flight feathers spreading apart. Lastly, the victorious wide stretched reach of wings lifting the mighty bird into the air. Adrik closed his eyes with a soft sigh as his wings flared completely, fanned out behind him they were about a time and a half his size. From the nape of his neck to his lower back, Adrik felt the tickle of downy feathers. My vulnerable spot, he reminded himself. Walking forward in his sheepskin boots, Adrik looked at Lyora. “Ready or not, here we go.” He murmured softly with a wickedly, naughty glimmer in his violet eyes. Grabbing her around the waist, Adrik curled his wings in tight as he ran out of the barn. Once clear, he leapt into the air. Letting his wings spread out to catch the wind current, Adrik moaned as it teased his feathers. This is what I live for, the flight, he thought. OoC: I'm so happy!~ I wanted to keep going! I'm finally creating more plot to the story. =D
Just call me Siri.
8:32am Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: o0ps. Sorry. I'll post as soon as I can. ^_^
9:02am Jun 16 2010
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Trinity waited in silence. Adrik’s beautiful eyes found her. She realized how much more calm and safe they looked than the red eyes of a vampire. Then he spoke. “I won’t promise you anything, Trinity. I won’t be by your side forever,” he said. “But I will help you now. Anything you need ask me, and I will find it or give it to you.” Trinity was at a loss for words. He is being so kind to me she thought. She felt old wounds finally start to mend. It was as if Adrik had whispered some of that healing-magic thing he did. She stayed silent once more. If Adrik had looked in her eyes that moment, he would have seen her emerald green eyes filled to the brim with gratitude. Unfortunately he didn’t, for that moment Lyora burst into the small excuse for a barn. “We have to hurry,” she was saying, “Cyri, she’s in trouble. Kyrian is your charge, if I’m not mistaken, and he was with her. Zephyra left earlier, probably to find him. Damascus the Vampire King is with all three of them, if I’m correct. We have to save them.” Those words were the last Trinity wanted to hear. The happiness and joy she had felt the moment before was washed away. No! She tried to hold fast to her happiness, but it fled like a startled deer. Adrik stood up. “Stay here,” he said. By the way he said it, it was a command. “We will continue talking when I get back. Watch over Silent while we are gone.” He wanted her to stay—something she really didn’t want to do. But she knew when it was right to yield. She had faith that Adrik could take care of himself. She was worried for Cyri, for Adrik, and for Silent. But she knew that whatever happened she must remain strong and stay here. Otherwise she would be a burden for people. And she felt sure that she had nothing to help fight against the Vampire King. “Let’s go,” Adrik said. Lyora looked to Silent. “I love you. Please, stay here with Trinity, she will take care of you in my absence.” The next few seconds were composed of Lyora asking Adrik to fly them to the place where Damascus was. It was all a blur to Trinity. For her gaze was mostly on Adrik’s wings as she watched them fly away. Finally she realized the power of speech had come back to her. “Goodbye!” she shouted. Hopefully they heard it. Then she turned to Silent. “I guess we’ll wait here,” she said, much more calmly than she felt. She felt strange talking with Silent—after all, she hadn’t really talked with him before.