9:42am Aug 4 2010
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(( Cyri is fighting against Cyris, trying to become herself again. It's difficult thought because Cyris is a vampire queen, where Cyri is a warrior. )) Cyris suddenl;y gasped. She blinked and her eyes were normal. Then they went back to being the blood red of Cyris. Cyris screamed in pain and dropped to her knees, her head in her hands. "Get out!" She screamed. "It's mine!!" She screamed. Damascus rushed to her side, his hands on her shoulders, eyes alit. Whether he was angry or concerned mattered not. He backed away from her. Cyris screamed in pain again. Give me back my body!!!! "Never!" Cyris screamed. "It's mine! I finally got it! I don't want to give it up!!" She screamed in pain, her back arching slightly. Give it back now! GIVE ME BACK MY BODY NOW!!!! Cyris scream took on an unnatural high pitched keening sound. It sounded as if someone was getting tortured by having each part of their body slowly burned and ripped off. Her whole body shook. Her hair shortened until it was Cyri's short dark spikes. Her skin became lighter, more human, but still with that unnatural pale too it. Her muscles grew slightly, fitting to a warrior than a queen. Last but not least, her face changed. Became Cyri's face. But her eyes were still bloodred. Cyris was still hollding on. When she spoke, their was an echo to her voice, as if two people were speaking at once. "GIVE IT BACK!" She screamed. Suddenly, her back arched and her eyes slowly shifted back to that ice blue. She collapsed, panting heavily. Slowly, she sat up and blinked. She stared at Kyrian and her heart broke. Tears fell down her face. She was once again, half vampire. Damascus stood a few feet away from her, stunned into silence. "Mia cara......" Damascus's whispered in italian. "Come hai fatto......Superare la sua?" He whispered. Cyri was silent as she searched Kyrian's face. "I listened to her thoughts. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted to kill him. I watched her try to rip his throat out." She whispered, answering Damascus. Damascus shook his head, bewildered. "Ma come è che basta per vincere la sua?" He cried. "Love..... Is stronger than a mountain of soldiers and a plantoon of vampires...." She whispered. "I love Kyrian. The thought of my hands hurting him absoltuely made me....." But she stopped, unable to find words for the pain. "Kyrian. If you do not love me. If you do not want me anymore, then I will leave, and never return." She whispered. Her heart died as she said the words. Her whole soul seemed to crumple inside of her and begin to weep, a huge hole punched into her chest. Sowly, she stood up, stroing, yet beautiful. But inside, she was dying.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:21am Aug 4 2010
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OOC: -sniffles- Dying? Literally? -hangs on edge- Oh noes!
6:33pm Aug 4 2010
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(( Lol Not literally silly. Mentally. Her heart died as well. ))
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9:33pm Aug 4 2010
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OOC: Phew. -sigh of relief- I didn't catch that. xD Okay. I'm going to be gone Thursday and Friday. Just to let you guys know. :) I'm helping out with VBS.
12:44am Aug 5 2010
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OoC: Mare, that sounds like fun, but a handfull too. I've done that before. Very rewarding. =)
Just call me Siri.
10:34am Aug 5 2010
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(( Never done it. Sounds interesting though. ))
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7:08pm Aug 6 2010
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Adrik watched from afar as the whole scene played out. His sharp violet eyes caught every tremble, every breath. He looked from the screaming Cyri to Kyrian. Adrik saw pain in this cousin’s eyes. It must be hard watching the one you love shake with pain, let alone watch her be taken over by some demon. Adrik knew that his heart was too far gone to ever feel these emotions. The White Queen made sure that all her warriors were cold. “You only need to do as I ask; don’t you want to please me?” He shivered as he thought of her common plea. He wondered what would happen to him if he never returned. Would they come for me? His eyes focused on the present when Cyri’s usual, tainted, aurora came back. Adrik looked at her from the corner of his eyes and saw the haze of color had returned, it wasn’t black with evil or death, but he could taste the promise of return. It made him wonder again what was truly possessing her. Adrik concluded that it must be a foul leech to taint ones life flare that badly. Can Cyri really fight it? He wondered when she suddenly looked calmer than before. Her whole focus was on Kyrian as she spoke of love, and just the thought made Adrik sneer, love. Calling to his power, Adrik felt his hands warm. He would defend Kyrian if the leech Damascus tried anything. Kyrian looked down at Cyri as she slowly stood. The subtle changes back to her true self encouraged him to hope that she was returning to him. How I hate hope, he thought bitterly because deep in his mind he knew that it would only cause more pain than good. As Cyri whispered in her enticing voice, Kyrian couldn’t believe that she doubted his feelings. Kyrian did his best to never lie, he only lied to himself and his feelings. The pain in her eyes kept his resenting, abusive verbal lashes inside, though. He would never create pain in her if he could help it. Ignoring Damascus, Kyrian walked up to Cyri, and stopped just a breath away from her. He felt his muscles relax as he always did whenever he was near her. Hesitantly, Kyrian lifted a gentle hand to cup her cheek. The smooth skin felt so normal under his hand, yet he refused to believe it so easily. I won’t trust so easily again. Without a single emotion showing on his face, which he was good at because of all the years of abuse in slavery, Kyrian stroked her cheek, her chin, behind her ear, and traced the bridge of her nose. “The Cyri I remember wouldn’t doubt herself,” he whispered. His Siberian husky blue eyes, so pale in the night, glimmered. “Just take me as you find me. We’ll work out the rest later, just take my hand, and let us go.” Thinking to himself, Kyrian wondered if Cyri would be the same. Can she learn to trap this other being inside of her? Or will it slowly devour her? Kyrian knew that he would be there, the entire time, holding her while she cried, murmuring support in times of trial, but could he bare his neck again. He honestly didn't know.
Just call me Siri.
7:15am Aug 8 2010
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Cyri stared into his eyes, searching, searching. Slowly, she turned and glared at Damascus. A small hiss escaped her lips. She kept forgetting that she was half human once more. "Damascus....." She snarled. Damascus turned to her, smiling. But it was taut and his eyes were aflame as he watched Kyrian touch her. Cyri snarled again. "Stay away. You lost." She snarled. This time, Damascus snarled back. "Maybe now, hummingbird, but I'll win again." He snarled. Then he turned and vanished into the darkness. Cyri smiled slightly, flexing her muscles. "I think I scare dhim off." She teased. She laughed a shaky laugh. But then her smile vanished to be replaced with a frown. She sighed. She took Kyrian's hand. "Don't let go." She whispered, a double meaning to her words.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:58pm Aug 9 2010
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OOC: Bumps~
1:57am Aug 10 2010
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Adrik watched, with jealousy well hidden in his eyes, as Cyri whispered, “Don’t let go.” He didn’t know what he would do in that moment, but Adrik hoped it wouldn’t be anything stupid. But that would never happen with him, Adrik didn’t hold his heart on his sleeve to be bloodied by the first female to come around. No, he guarded his heart savagely. Though, Kyrian didn’t look too comfortable either. With a falcons intensity, Adrik observed Kyrian's ever so slight stiffening as Cyri's had slid into his, how the other shifter's eyes widened with such a vulnerable emotion that Adrik couldn't even being to explain, but what he hated most was how Kyrian didn't pull away. Even if his body screamed to flee from the pain that would come from their relationship, Adrik gave Kyrian credit for not running, for holding his own. "I won't let go until you do," was Kyrian's simple, quiet reply. Fighting the urge to roll his lavender eyes, Adrik simple watched the male leech disappear into the forest. I can tell that he will be back, he thought to himself. Glancing back to Kyrian he couldn't help but sigh with impatience. Kyrian looked like a lovestruck robin, eyes all soft and weak. When Kyrian looked as though he would lean in for a close whisper, or dare he think a kiss, Adrik growled, "I think Silent is going to hunt us down if we don't get back soon." Then another thought came to mind. "Uh-oh, where is that Lyora?" he asked, even though he knew that neither of them would know. "I haven't seen her since we found Cyri." Inside his mind Adrik threw a wailing, screaming fit, but outside he was as composed as a still bed of water. "Why did she insist on coming when we told her it wasn't necessary." Trying to relieve some of his pent-up aggression, Adrik violently tugged on his lambskin coat. Scenting the air he informed, "I don't think she's far, maybe three minutes away? You two go back, I don't want a lee-" Casting a quick glance at Cyri, he corrected himself, "a concerned vampire hunting us." Fuming, but appearing calm, Adrik turned his back on them and walked away. Gliding with an effortless arrogance that shielded things he would rather have kept hidden.
Just call me Siri.
11:17am Aug 10 2010
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Cyri watched him, eyes slightly narrowed. "I have to admit. Although he's still as rude as ever, I'm starting to respect him." She said, all a bit reluctantly. She still didn't like hi though. She smiled softly, but sadly at Kyrian. "Shall we?" She asked, hesitant.
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7:39pm Aug 10 2010
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Watching Cyri glare daggers into Adrik's back made Kyrian want to grin, instead, he merely softened his features as she admitted Adrik's loyalty. The moody falcon-shifter was soothing for Kyrian because it meant one more man that could go out in the sunlight. The more help the better, he thought. On it's own accord, Kyrian's hand cupped Cyri's cheek. "Don't hesitate with me," he whispered softly, ever so gently. Where did I learn this gentleness, he wondered because in his childhood he had never experienced it. Resting his forehead to hers, his eyes as captivating as ever, he said, "I would follow you to the ends of the earth and back, without hesitation." His normally inexpressive face full of comfort and courage. Pulling away without a reply, Kyrian tugged on the hand he still held, and set them off after Adrik. OoC: Maybell hasn't posted for a long while, I wonder if I should send an rmail to her.
Just call me Siri.
3:53pm Aug 12 2010
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Just call me Siri.
4:36pm Aug 12 2010
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OOC: Bump~ By the way, I'm taking a break from roleplaying on the forums. The only roleplay I'm keeping is this one. I've got way too much going on. ^^ So I just decided to keep the most awesome and important one.
11:58am Aug 14 2010
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OOC: Bump~
3:26pm Aug 14 2010
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OoC: I'm so glad you decided to stay, Mare! I love this Role play as well, it's nice that we don't have to post everyday. Easier than most to keep track of. ::dances:: =D When neither Silent or Trinity replied on her cowardly ways, Zephyra ducked back into the stall with Alell. Placing a gentle hand on the little mares chest Zephyra smiled because it was cool, not hot from their ride here. Un-cinching the girth, Zephyra spaced out a bit. Thinking about how selfish it was to come back here without Cyri. I will never be a hero like all the others. I fear too much for my own life. Shaking her head sadly at herself, Zephyra laid the girth over the saddle, lifted the saddle off of Alell, and placed it outside of the stall on its pommel. Going back in Zephyra grabbed the blanket and laid it upside down over the saddle so the saddle pad could dry properly, and Zephyra could use it again without washing the dirt off of it. Dusting off her hands, Zephyra blushed when her stomach roared to life. Announcing to anyone with ears that she was starving. Running around, fighting a fever, and running around some more does make for a hungry stomach; she thought. Deep blue eyes searching, Zephyra spotted Trinity sitting in front of a stall, drawing on the sandy floor. "Would you like to come find some berries with me?" she asked timidly. Berries aren't much but it beats feeling these stomach cramps.
Just call me Siri.
2:44pm Aug 17 2010
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Silent's throat burned at the mention of food. His hand instinctively went to his throat. He m*censored*aged it, as if he could get rid of the burning in the back of his throat. He winced and smiled sheepishly at Zephyra. "Sorry...... I've only eaten small animals so far." He said hoarsely. Cyri smiled at him and squeezed his hand gently. Then she reached up and pecked him on the throat. She winced, but smiled, pulling back. "I vow, never to loose control. Never to let you go. And never to leave. " She whispered.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:08am Aug 26 2010
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:: Bump -until my brain can function enough to type- ::
Just call me Siri.
5:14pm Aug 29 2010
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(( Bumpeth. Until Sirir's brain is working again. XD XD ))
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4:39pm Aug 30 2010
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Shifting around uncomfortably from foot to foot, Zephyra didn’t know what to say. Silent’s new ‘diet’ made things just a bit more complicated, and the way he held things together often made her forget his situation. Fidgeting wasn’t Zephyra’s typical behavior, and when she noticed that her feet her moving on their own accord, she forced herself to stop. “Well,” she began, “Trinity and I need to eat because we are still normal human beings, you know.” Zephyra hadn’t meant to sound sharp but it was her nature, and it’s hard to fight what you really are. “So, Trinity, you want to go find those berries with me?” she asked softly, as she gazed outside. Darkness had swallowed much of the details, but she could see forest surrounding the barn. Turning back to Silent she hoped that she could say something that would make the awkwardness evaporate. Licking her lips, Zephyra mused, “It’s dark out, Silent, would you like to…accompany us?” OoC: I can't really post to anything because Lyora isn't responding. =/
Just call me Siri.