Seven Indians Roleplay

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12:25pm Jun 8 2011

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This is a private role play unless Kake lover is okay with ONE more person. Only one...

Kakelover: Just in case you were wondering, 'Seven Indians' was the former ti
tle, but then they changed it to And Then There Were None. It's the same thing... :D!


Before I put anything here, I thought we should plan more. : )


Name - (Include nicknames :P):




History - (This is optional, I probably won't do it. :D) :


If you can, we should have more then one charactar, haha. It won't be any fun, if it's only 2 people on the vacation -_-.

The only rule I have, is I don't like cussing and stuff. Even if it is bleeped, I just don't find it neccessary. So please don't, haha. :D

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12:28pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 1:47pm Jun 10 2011)

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Name - Ventus (Ven)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Ven is sort of mysterious, he kind of keeps to himself. Sometimes he will be social but not usually. If you catch him in a good mood he might talk to yo, but probably not. He doesn't mean to be rude, that is just how he is.



12:46pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 12:57pm Jun 8 2011)

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Name :

Andrew Huy (Andy)






 Andy isn't a social bug. He has a way of staying to himself, and not wanting people to impige on his space. He's not shy, but quiet. He'll talk when he chooses too, and won't when he doesn't want to. Which means, he doesn't have the mind set of doing what people tell him to do. He's not intimidating, but enjoys privacy, and doesn't want anyone coming in. When people talk to him, it's not like he completely ignores them and walks away, meanly. He'll listen intently like any good listener, just might not say much back.



 British Accent, Baby ; )   But he isn't feminine, like some british guys are...ehh... : D


Name -

Bethany Smith (Beth.)






Beth is a bubbly, fun - loving, social bug. To her, summer is the time for partying and non stop socializing. She's no where near sensitive, as in, if you want her to leave you alone, she doesn't feel rejected. She'll just find someone else to talk too. She loves to sing, and have attention drawn to her, and she can be a bit on the blunt side. Though, it's more of, she doesn't think before she talks, that makes her blunt.



I don't thinks so. :D

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8:00pm Jun 8 2011

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9:59pm Jun 8 2011

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Would you like to start? Or do you want me to?


11:19pm Jun 8 2011

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Well, first I wanna know ONE thing. Then you should start once were both on or whatever :D
Is the setting the same place as in the book? In the snowy mountain type place, right? Atleast, I remember the movie was. :D

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1:14pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 2,895's been so long....I think so...


2:18pm Jun 9 2011

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Alright! We can do it there then? hahaha
And, can you start? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? @---}--- (<--- that's a rose. Kind of... :D)

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9:42am Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 9:43am Jun 10 2011)

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((I'll try...but I'm not the best at starting so....Don't Judge Me!!! XD))

     Ventus turned the envalope over in consentration, wondering if he should take the time out to go to the myserious place mentioned in the letter. The words on the page seemed to beckon him to take the chance.
     Ven always liked a challenge so he decided he would go, and once Ventus made up his mind there is no turning back. He leaped off of the arm of his couch and darted into his room.
     People might take Ven as one to have a messy room, but his room is completely clutter free. Everything is in neat piles and all his clothes are in his closet. His used closed are folded and are neatly placed into the hamper. Nothing was out of place.
     The boy began packing, basing everything off of the climate.


9:57am Jun 10 2011

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 I won't!!! HAHA I'm horrible at starting DD:
Beth read the envelope, again and again, excitedly.
"Yes!" She exclaimed to herself. A free vacation, (Other then gas, of course.) where cute guys were probably going? How exciting! Happily, she skipped off to her room to start packing. Afterwards, she called her friends, Anna, and Nikki. "Guess what! I'm going on a free vacation to a resort in the mountains!...I don't know, I got in through some kind of scholarship? I wasn't interested on how. It was more of where I was going to be...There's probably going to be a bunch of cute guys there. I just can't believe it!.... Hey, I just heard my parents come in, so I've GOT to tell them!" After packing, Beth ran down the stairs, to tell their parents. They agreed on letting her go. Then, she grabbed her luggage, (And all her hair supplies of course. If there was going to be cute guys. SHE was the one to get them. She had dibs.) and headed off to the airport. The envelope had everything she needed in it, like the ticket to get there.
Andy lived in a simple, plain apartment. He was just lieing on his sofa, when the mailman came by. After getting his own mail, he sat back down on the sofa, and stared at some bills he had to pay. He rolled his eyes, and threw them on the floor, then noticed an envelope with his name on it, from an address he wasn't aware of. He opened it, and after reading it, had the urge to not go. But, for some reason, he was also tempted to go. So, even though the envelope said they invited 2 other people, he decided to go. He started packing, and heading off to the airport. After calling his work, telling them that he was leaving for a week or two. 

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10:33am Jun 10 2011

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    Ven left in a hurry, not even bothering to tell his parents. They wouldn't even notice he was gone. Since he already got the tickets he grabbed the keys to his pitch-black Ford and hopped into the driver's seat. He jabbed the keys into the ignition and turned it sideways, slamed his foot on the gas and headed for the airport.
     An hour passed and he was pulling into the airport. He let them poke and prod through his belongings and boarded the plane. Taking his seat, he drummed on the arm impatiently.


10:46am Jun 10 2011

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Beth excitedly skipped inside the airport. She's never been in a airport before, so she had no idea where to go. When she saw a desk, she decided to skip to there. When she did, she said,
"Hi. I'm Bethany Smith. I have a ticket for a plane?" Beth kept her smile on her face, as she stared at the plain women. She looked like she was in her 40's, and frowned the whole time while she said, in a monotonous yet sarcastic voice,
"So glad I've come to met you 'Bethany'..." Bethany didn't realize she was being sarcastic, and there was no need for Beth to say her name. "Anyways, give me your ticket."The women added. After Beth did, the women said, "Your flight is leaving in 10 minutes. Go over there-" She pointed, "And let the gaurds check your belongings, then go inside the plane, and follow where ever they tell you to sit." Beth smiled, and said bluntly, "Thank you! Oh, and by the way, you should smile more. Get some laugh lines in your plain face." And with that, she shrugged as if she said nothing insulting, and skipped to where she was told to go.
After her belonging's were checked, she went where the people that took her ticket told her to go. She looked for her seat, and saw a boy that she had to sit next to. And the cute boys?... Start Now. She thought with a smile on her face. She sat down, next to him, and put her hand out.
"Hi, I'm Bethany. But call me Beth. What's your name?"
When Andy got to the airport, he gave a man his ticket, and he showed him where to sit, after his belongings were checked. After they did all that, he was shown to where he was supposed to sit. Glad that he was by himself, and not sitting with anyone, he sat down, and stuck head phones in his ears. No one was going to bother him with this trip. 

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10:50am Jun 10 2011

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     "Ventus." the boy replied, refusing to shake her hand,"some call me Ven, but you must earn that right."
     The boy turned his head away from the girl and looked out the window. He hoped he trip wouldn't take too long, he could tell that the girl next to him was real social.


10:55am Jun 10 2011

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Beth frowned at Ventus.
"Oh...Well I hope I do earn, Ventus." She said, still with a smile on her face. She studied him without trying to do it discreetly, while he looked out the window. She guessed he wasn't that talkative. "So... Where are you going to?" She asked, trying to get some type of friendliness from this guy.

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10:58am Jun 10 2011

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     Figuring the girl wouldn't like being ignored he answered her question,"Some sort of retreat, I'm not really sure." he turned to face her,"The letter was pretty myserious..."


((fail DX))


11:12am Jun 10 2011

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It's alright :DD!!!
Beth stared for a long time. Kind of mesmorized by his stare. She finally smiled at him, happy that he was giving her attention again. "Really? How as it mysterious?" She crossed her legs, before not waiting for his answer, by inviting herself to explain where she was going. "I got this envelope inthe mail, giving me a free chance to go to this moutain resort. They even got my ticket for the plane. Now that's what I call mysterious." She shrugged, and said, "I guessed it was just from a scholarship."

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1:12pm Jun 10 2011

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     "Mountain Resort..." he trailed, staring at her in consentration. Was it possible that the two were going to the same place? Impossible.
     "So your saying you don't know why you are givin' this free pass to luxury?" he asked, then added,"Do you still have the letter?"
     Ven reached inside his pocket pulled out the envalope containing the myserious invatation. By comparing the two maybe they could see if they were going the same place and maybe piece together the puzzle.


1:13pm Jun 10 2011

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"Yeah I have the letter." She said excitedly. He seemed to be interested in the conversation. THAT is a good sign. "Here." She said, opening hers up. "Why? Do you have the same letter?"

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1:17pm Jun 10 2011

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     He peeled open the letter from his envelope and spread both letters out on his lap. The two were exactly alike except the addressing name. The bottom was even stamped and signed the same. He bit his lip in concentration, thinking why she was going the same place as him.


1:50pm Jun 10 2011

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Beth leaned in close to see what he was seeing. They had the exact same invitation. What did this mean? "Do...Do you have a scholarship, to get you there?"

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