1:53pm Jun 10 2011
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"I don't know....I did pretty well in school and I was on the football team..." his brows furrowed in frustration, he did not like the feeling of not knowing what was going on. "Maybe...we won a contest?"
1:59pm Jun 10 2011
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Beth shook her head. "I was never in a contest..." A voice on the monitor said that the plane was about to leave, ETC.... but Bethany didn't listen to the rest. She was too spooked by the invitation.
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2:01pm Jun 10 2011
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"What if it's a trap?" he said dully, even though his heart was pounding from just the thought of it. "What if..." he couldn't finnish his sentence.
2:04pm Jun 10 2011
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Beth looked at him scared, "What if...? What if what, Ven?!" (<--- act like I put his name there. I forgot how to spell it. I only remember 'ven' so...just pretend I put the whole name haha.:D) Beth asked a little too loud. Some of the passengers stared at her. Beth ignored them.
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2:08pm Jun 10 2011
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Ventus gulped and gripped the arm of the plane's seat, "Nothing." he said in a hoarse voice. "Nothing." he repeated,"Everything's going to be fine." the fear passed and he added,"I promise."
2:15pm Jun 10 2011
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Beth sighed, feeling a little bit better. "Do you think anyone else on the plane is going to the same place we are?" She looked around, tempted to ask where everyone planned on going.
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2:28pm Jun 10 2011
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"I don't know, but there has to be more than just the two of us, right?" a smile played on his face,"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
10:51pm Jun 10 2011
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Beth smiled back at him, but not quite sure what he was thinking. "I'm not sure. I'm thinking we should ask people where they're going for vacation. What are you thinking?"
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10:56pm Jun 10 2011
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"Exactly." he replied, that goofy smile still tugging at his lips. He turned around in his seat to ask the person behind him their destination. "Excuse me, do you mind telling me where you are headed?" he asked a middle-aged woman reading a book. She lifted her eyes and glanced at him, then returned to her book, not answering him. Ven turned back around in his seat, "This may be harder than I thought." he sighed and sank back into his seat.
11:47pm Jun 10 2011
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Beth laughed. "That's because you asked the wrong person. Let me try. Watch." She stood up on her seat so everyone can see her. A lot of murmuring went on and she heard some say, "Get down, you idiot!" But Beth didn't listen, her feet were planted where her butt should probably be, and said, "Hi. I'm Beth!" She let that settle in. She liked attention, so she was going to enjoy this as long as she can. "Me and my new friend here, Ven(<--- she said that just to irritate him.), are having a personal problem with our destination. So I have a question I would like for all too-" She stopped herself, "Hey you! With the headphones?" The quiet boy in the back took off his headphones and glared at her. They had a long stare down until Beth smiled and said, "So...What's your name?" Everyone stared at her like she was an idiot. Just trying to get attention. And she was, but that wasn't the only reason. "Andy." She heard the voice, but it was more of a mumble. "And where are you heading?" "Why should I tell you?" "Because were having a personal problem with our destination and were trying to figure out-" "Some resort in the mountains. Can you leave me alone now?" Beth looked down at Ven, and said excitedly, "He said some resort in the mountains!" She looked back up at Andy, still enjoying how everyone was watching this performance. "Did you get invited through an envelope?" She heard this Andy guy sigh, and say "Yes." "Did you get a free ticket?" "Yes." "Was the letter for a...scholarship maybe?" "What does this have to do with anything?" "I'm just wondering, gosh Mr. Attitude!... Anyways, was the invitation to the resort...ehh...mysterious in anyway? Leaving much detail that should be there?" After a little hesitation, she heard Andy's small voice say "Yes. I believe it was." Bethany enjoyed the last lingering glances her way, then said, "Thank you Andy!" She started getting down but then said, "See you at the resort! Me and my friend, Ven, are going too!" Yeah. Ventus was her friend now. And she was going to call him Ven. Whether he liked it or not. She had dibs on this guy, baby.
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11:56pm Jun 10 2011
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Instead of getting mad at her for calling him Ven, the boy chuckled softly at the girls enthusiasm. He never met anyone like her, and he doubted he ever would. Noticing the boy, Andy's, embarrassment, Ven grabbed the girl's arm and gently helped her down to her seat. "That's enough attention for one day." Ven said with a smile,"We'll see if anyone else is going when we get there. Okay?"
12:09am Jun 11 2011
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Beth sighed and said, "Alright. Alright. But atleast I got what we wanted, right?" She did a teasing smile to him, and then slid in a more comfortable stance on her seat.
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12:11am Jun 11 2011
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"Yea, Yea." he huffed, then returned to staring out the window. He wondered how long it would take to get there and what this whole trip was about. Who would be giving out free vacations without a catch?
12:18am Jun 11 2011
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OOC: Time skip to when they reach the resort? Getting off though. So I'll make my reply in the morning. I'm free alllllllllllllllllll day :DD!
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12:19am Jun 11 2011
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((Sorry, I'm going on a little trip and won't be back for a couple of days. I promise to time skip when we get back. ))
11:34am Jun 11 2011
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OOC: Alright. I'll wait until you come back on. I'll keep bumping it until then. But when you come back, I'll probably be leaving to go on a vacation too. Haha DD:
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12:20pm Jun 11 2011
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12:52pm Jun 12 2011
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OOC: Hey. I dunno when your coming back D: But, tomarrow morning, I'm leaving for a vacation. So if your back on res, before me, will you remember to keep bumping this DDD:? I'm going to be gone until Friday D:
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6:35pm Jun 13 2011
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((I just came back, lol :D))