Shadow Falls Camp: A summer you'll never forget.

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12:06am Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((ok, done. Good night!))

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12:06am Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Still accepting members to join. Please do so! ]]


12:07am Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((I iwsh my bios were the originals, they could have been so much more awesome!))

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12:10am Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 1,786
[[ They're fine how they are now. ^-^ Accepted. :3 ]]


10:12am Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 3,950

(Thank you for the compliment. c:  But, Shay's name is spelled wrong up at the character list.  And can you rMail me that eye color/emotions list thinger?)

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

1:36pm Mar 20 2012 (last edited on 6:53pm Mar 22 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Alrighty sorry I took so long. I'll be editing these.

Also I was wonder could my Fairy possibly have control over plants? If not I'll just go with animal communication.))

Name: Eirlys (AYR-Liss) M. Rivers
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
S.O.: Straight
Species: Fairy
Power: Healing and Plant Control
Counselor or Camper: Camper
Personality: Eirlys is normally a very quiet girl, some may call her shy, but she's not she just doesnt like to talk much. Her quietness is sometimes unerving to some, but once you get the soft spoken girl talking she likely won't shut up. She is easily amused and appreciates the simple things in life. From being out in nature and being able to relax around friends who don't expect her to be anything she's not. (Yeah, she's a new character)
Other: Nothing really XP
Appearance: Eiryls just looks like a quiet kid, she just gives off that vibe. She stands at a height of 5'7'' just one inch above the average and has an olive skin tone (though if looked close enough her skin is tinged green). She is a thin girl with few curves and a small chest, which is fine by her, there's less unwelcomed looks. Her face is kind of pretty so that makes up for her lack of curves. Her eyes are a dull blue framed by long, thick lashes that are really the focal point of her face. They give her that whole innocent, sweet look. Her pink lips aren't the fullest but when she's nervous they twist up into a cute little smile revealing her straight white teeth. Her nose fits her face and has a slight bump near the top of the bridge, and freckles will dot across her nose if she spends too much time in the sun. Her light brown hair has a mulitude of natural highlight and lowlights and frame her face, falling just bellow her boobs in big, lose beach waves. She tends to wear lose shirts and jeans, her clothes being earthy colours from various shades of greens and browns and some off whites.

- - - -

Name: Ellowyn Jackson (Elle or Win)
Age: Twenty
Gender: Female
S.O.: Straight
Species: Werewolf
Counselor or Camper: Counselor?
Personality:Ellowyn is what you might consider a tomboy. Shes an outgoin kid, unafraid to take risks and stand her ground. She has also got quite the mouth on her, being able to cuss it out with the big boys. She takes delight in simple things like being outdoors, and being around friends. She has a great distaste in girly things such as shopping (unless its video games, powertools, or something she could kill someone with), she also couldn't care less about whether her clothes were in style or not, though she doesn't want to stand out so she dresses modestly. She is also rather dense when it comes to the opposite gender, she was always just 'one of the guys', if a guy were to show any intrest in her she would probably shoot him down unintentionally. Though with her tomboyishness surprisingly she actually likes pretty things (Jewerly, glitter, anything shiny), though she'd never bring that up. Girl also likes to eat, if not working out in someway, she'd be eating about anything. She loves being a counselor and helping the campers deal with their powers. She's a pretty good teacher, until she gets distracted by something stupid.
Appearance: Human: Ellowyn is relatively attractive, in a california beach girl way, though she is far from it. She stands at an impressive height of 5'9'' and gets her tanned/fair, complection from being half black and half white. Her shiny, light brown curls fall just bellow her shoulders, though she just tends to keep it up in a high pony. She also has side bangs which come just above her yellow eyes that hides a scar under her hairline. She also has a small scar slpitting her left eyebrow. Considering Elle's crazy antics, she has quite a few scars. She has a few scars on her legs, a large one the back of her calf thats the size of her hand. She also has a faded scar on the side of her left forearm. She has a rather slim body, which is considerably feminin, so she is a pretty curvacious girl. Although, she lacks in both the upper and lower departments, probably being only a B in cup size. She has a rather pretty face. A small nose that fits her face that have a light spray of freckles across it, and when she smiles her pink lips show off her straight white teeth. Most of her height is made by her long legs which are normally always covered by jeans, (You would never see her in a skirt or shorts) which allow her legs to move freely helping her with speed and parkour and on her feet simple black combat boots. Elle's ears are peirced in multiple places. She has double peircings on both ears, a cartalige peircing on her right ear, and on her left she has an industrial piercing. She also has four lines from one of her favourite song tattooed on the inside of her forearm, though she now hides it under long sleeves. She has a tattoo across her upper back which says "The sky's the limit' It matches her brothers. She also always wears her father's dogtags around her neck, she never takes them off.


- - - - - -

Name: Jethro L. Reagan
Age: Twenty-Two
Gender: Male
S.O.: Straight
Species: Vampire
Counselor or Camper: Counselor?
Personality: Looking for it...
Other: Nadda.
Appearance: :Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack, whihc you wouldn't see unless he took off his shirt for whatever reason. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeved or t-shirts with some stupid saying on it, also he is normally always wearing a leather jacket. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. Across his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction and his chest two inches bellow his right collar bone in smaller letters says Evil is just a point of view. The inside of his left forearm he has another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forearm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell.

- - - - -

Name: William Fontaine
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
S.O.: Straight
Species: Fairy/Fae
Powers: Animal Communication and Control
Counselor or Camper: Camper
Personality: Will is a laid back, go with the flow kind of guy. He tries not to dwell on the past or future and tries to live in the moment. He doesn't care for show off or attention seekers, and could care even less about the war between the races. He is easily amused which is why he likes his power so much seeing as the tings animals see and hear and tell him are ridiculously funny, he is normally caught up on all camp gossip due to his animal friends.
Other: He speaks with a southern accent
Appearance: Standing at an average height of 5'11" Will is a realtively good looking guy. His blonde hair varies in colour depending on the season, in the fall and winter months his hair appears to be a sandy brownish colour (dirty blonde) and in the spring and summer months it appears lighter, with darker undertones. He has pretty cornflower blue eyes, which light up whenever he smiles. His eyes are really the windows to his soul, all his emotions are displaid there, even if they are not displaid on his face. With his strong jawline, and pink lips, (his top being thinner than his bottom) and straight teeth, he has cute boyish charm to him. He is a relatively muscular boy, nothing quite to eye-catcing, no super defined six pack, not that you would see. When he's out in the daylight he normally has dark shades over heis eyes and wears dark clothing. His skin has a green tint to it.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

1:53pm Mar 20 2012 (last edited on 1:55pm Mar 20 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Should I make a witch counselor because it seems to be the one we need.

I guess my fav character will never find love because there are no other lesbians. -pouty face-

Btw, the post where the characters are: Chandler is in pink, yet he is a boy XD))

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2:35pm Mar 20 2012 (last edited on 2:37pm Mar 20 2012)

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Posts: 3,991
((Lol, well I just got logged out randomly when I inserted my other characters so now I'm upset, but lol I'll go recount the characters I'd hate to throw off the ratio XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:30pm Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 4,873
{Excactly like always in others...}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:47pm Mar 20 2012

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Posts: 3,950

(Oh, Feyth, if you don't want to, I can make the witch counselor, if I may, that is.~ )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

10:11pm Mar 20 2012 (last edited on 10:13pm Mar 20 2012)

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Posts: 1,786
[[ ... God, I fail so hard. xD Sorry for the trouble guys, I'll fix it now. :3 

Serenity: Yes, your character may plant control, and accepted!

Iceheart: I shall Rmail you now. :3  And if you want to create a witch counselor, go for it!]]


3:26pm Mar 21 2012

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Posts: 3,950

Name: Kylie Kristen Kimberlain
Age: 21
Gender: Female
S.O.: Straight
Species: Witch
Power: n/a
Counselor or Camper: Counselor

Personality: She's very giving and social, yet quite impatient.  She has her times when she can make conversations awkward and is very mischevious deep down inside.  Kylie is the girl that's always curious and fun-loving.  She's always up for an adventure.  But if you bother her enough, she bursts like a balloon.  On some days, Kylie simply has a short fuse and will tolerate barely anything.
Other: Nope <3
Her eyes are an emerald green. :3

(Witcheth counseloreth has been created...eth. XD )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

3:35pm Mar 21 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((argh, someone make a bi or lesbian character!  Ill have to inbred otherwise!))

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4:14pm Mar 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Ugh, the gender ratio is uneven again. I'll get my two guys up XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

4:40pm Mar 21 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((I think I will make another guy. Mind if I do this?))

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4:41pm Mar 21 2012 (last edited on 4:42pm Mar 21 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Lol, well it's fine by me if I'm who you're asking XD

Edit: I just noticed my bios disapeared XP Wow, my computer is fail))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:35pm Mar 21 2012

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Fine by me guys, and accepted Ice. :3 ]]


9:36pm Mar 21 2012

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Posts: 4,873
{{If I improve will you accept?}}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

9:39pm Mar 21 2012

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Maybe in another Roleplay, Spirit. I'm sorry, but it takes time for one to become literate when writing. I would be interested in doing another Roleplay with you, though? ]]


10:15pm Mar 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ I have added a full list of Shifter's eye color change to emotions on the first page with their deions. Please feel free to tell me if I should add another emotion! ]]

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