11:45pm May 28 2010 (last edited on 1:27am May 29 2010)
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Posts: 880
Ok so there are some new kids in town but they are different. They are Shapeshifters! ok so here are all the rules and such. Rules:1.ANYONE CAN JOIN!!=3 2. Your charas can shapeshift into anything you want...except dragons,dinos..and any other extinct animal lol 3. have as many charas you can handle 4. odd colors are allowed but they would be really weird >.> lol 5. HAVE FUN! oh and..to make sure you read those--^ put your fave song and band =3 Name:Daeoku (But people call him Dae) ((Dae=Day)) Age:17 1/2 Gender:Male Personality:Cold, Quiet, doesn't care what people think of him, rough, has a bit of a temper, lazy, and breaks any of the rules he can so he can proove that no one can tell him what to do. Kind of Animal:Wolf Likes/Crush?:Not really interested. Other: Is pretty big in his animal form, and he smokes. Looks as animal: Looks as human:  ~~~~~~~~~ Name:Creti Age:16 1/2 Gender:Male Personality:Cheerful, likes to crack jokes, is a bit of a pervert, likes to goof off, and is pretty lazy. Kind of animal:Racoon Likes/Crush?:Any and every girl he sees. Other:None Looks as animal: Looks as human: 
12:06am May 29 2010 (last edited on 12:24am May 29 2010)
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Posts: 934
((Sounds good, I'll fill out these bio's in a minute. PS: Cute sig!)) Name: Zatchine ("Zatch") Thomson Age: 17 Gender: male Personality: Zatch is very tall and thin- framed. He's lean and fast, and he relies on these skills to keep him out of trouble. He is soft for young women and tends to be almost as kind to them as he his to young children. This is his ultimate weakness- kids. He'll steal some candy hust to stay alive and hand it off willingly to a p*censored*ing, smilling child and go hungry for weeks. A true smile is the only thanks he ever needs, even if he'll never admit it. His biggest character flaw- his natural defence. He has a tight wall around him, broken down only by the kindest of hearts. Zatch also loves to climb. Trees, skyscrapers, desks, you name it and he's probably climbed it abd will do it again. He loves to feel fresh air on his face and spends all the time he can with birds in the highest of trees. His biggest dream? What else- to fly totally free. He never talks about it, another one of the things he'll never admit to anybody. His silvery hair kept in rough, silky strands almost hitting his shoulders, his bangs nearly covering his large, blue- green eyes. There's another thing- he's color blind in the left eye, but sees perfectly well in the right. This can cause some major confusion sometimes. Kind of Animal: Red Fox Likes/Crush: Currently Open~ Other: Zilla's older brother Looks as animal:
 Looks as human: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out."> ~ Name: Zilla Maru Thomson Age: 15 1/2 Gender: female Personality: Zilla, similar to her brother, is rathe carless about most of the world and its situations. A regular, human kid has to worry about getting their math homework done, but she has to worry about wild animals ripping her flesh apart. Then again, she would worry about math problems, too. She's never been a good problem solver in anything. In a quick heart-beat, she can become more determined than ever to make it out of anything alive and, well, she does. When she has time to herself, she dreams about the ocean and sailing its waters, about diving deep below and look at the fish. She loves aquatic life, and finds it fastinating, however, she wakes up one morning and decides that she doesn't like you, she'll never will. She'll chalenge you to a fight and not let you live it down, even if she forgets every few hours. Some might call this bipolar or multiple personalities disorder, but those who know her just call her "Zilla," and would have it no other way. Kind of Animal: shorthaired cat Likes/Crush: Currently Open~ Other: Zatch's younger sister Looks as animal: (with bright, golden eyes)
 Looks as human: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out."> All art/photos (c) to origonal owners/artists
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
12:29am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((yay cool im gonna add another chara =3))
1:27am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((OK i added a character YAY))
1:31am May 29 2010
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Posts: 934
((Oh, I can't wait to start. Your knew chara has got me intrested, but I'm surprised nobody else has joined....))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
1:33am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((yeah i know :/ ))
2:46am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((well i guess we can put a few posts in until someone joins)) Dae walked out of the corner store with a new pack of cigarettes. He knew today was the first day of school but he didn't want to go there. That was just a place where everyone went to p*censored* the time. He had plently of ways to p*censored* the time. Like sleeping or robbing small stores like the one he had just left. Or maybe even getting in a fight. Creti was already outside of school by the time the first bell rang. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. He decided to go in early to see if any cute girls were in his first cl*censored*. K4 the sign read as he entered the room and sat down at a desk and tapped his pencil boredly.
11:30am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
11:36am May 29 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Name: Dusk Age: 14 Gender: female Shapeshift Animal: Black panther Persona: Hard-Headed and Mysterious History: I can't tell Looks: Drawing)) She ahs blue tatoos that she was born with the run down herarm, up her shoulder and over. They spread down her back and blossom into flowers at the end. On her forehead the shift to a red color, no one knows how this happen3ed, but they don't seem to do anythnig except glow when she shifts. They are in her panther form too.
 <-- Click me
11:48am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((oooh very interesting and cool :3))
1:12pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((ok someone post their intro im bored xD))
2:17pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 2:17pm May 29 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Name: Faythe Sanders (Faythe=Faith, people tend to get is confused) Gender: Female Age: 17 Personality: Faythe is a very aggressive, cold person. She throws her emotions in a box and stuffs them in the back of her mind, hating it when anything leaks out. She looks at emotion like a weakness. She does not follow the law, and is not afraid to break it. The reason lies in her past. She is very loyal though, unless you break her trust she will follow her friends, her family to the end of the earth and will fight to the death to defend them. Something she hides thought is that inside she is still the scared little girl the police found inside that house. No one has ever said it will be okay, it's okay to cry, so she never does. In truth, she wishes she could tell someone about it all and let it out,. But she believes the world is a awful place, no one trustful enough not to hurt her again. Kind of Animal: Black Panther Likes/Crush: None... Other: She tends to stay in her animal form more then human, and will bluntly admit she's killed people. Not that she's proud of it. Looks as Animal: 
Looks as Human: 
~ Name: Dimitri Ramos Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: He’s a little gruff, blunt, and straight to the point. To those he dislikes he will tell you about it and will try to keep his temper in check. But if he likes you, he’s your best friend and would do anything in the world for you. He has a quick sharp temper and when provoked can become very violent, yet he tends to be sorry after words, but that does no good to either a corpse or someone ready to take a swing back at you. He is a gentleman as well, when he wants to be anyway. Type of Animal: Maned Wolf Likes/Crush: None...yet Other: Nothing much of importance, except he knows Faythe and tends to keep her a secret. They had a relationship at one time, but it did not work out, now they are just friends. Looks as Animal: 
Looks as Human: 

2:33pm May 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 880
((cool okay yay more persons joined ok post intro yeah? :D))
2:59pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Itching to get up and pace, or even better threaten some stupid Freshman Faythe padded through the halls wearily. Something about being confined with a bunch of humans irked her greatly. Perhaps it was the thoughts of someone recognizing her as the killer, then again she was furry then so it was impossible, or that school brought back memories she'd rather not remember. Swallowing a feral growl, she found her cl*censored*room before someone ticked her off enough that they would need a ambulance. Easily find the room 4K, she entered and glared at anyone and everyone in the room. Slamming her book bag on a back desk, she could think of a million things she'd rather be doing, none of which included school or annoying kids. Looking at the school through slitted eyes, Dimitri turned his back on it and walked away, hand stuffed into his pockets and head hanging low. The only reason he'd stick around is because he knew Faythe was in there, and if someone annoyed her the people might need someone there who could deal with a two hundred pound feline with claws and fangs and a attitude to go with them. He smirked slightly, already able to see it.

4:32pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Creti lifted his head and turned to see a cute brown headed girl sit in the back. He gave a smile at her as he moved to the desk infront of her. "Hey" he said as he turned to look at her. Dae began to trek home with his beer that he had stoped to get on the way. He gave a loud sigh as a police car pulled up and drove slowly along with his speed. "Hey Dae, what're you think your doing? Get in the car I'll drive ya' to school." the officer said as he drove next to Dae. "HA who do you think you are? There ain't no way i'm gonna gonna get in that car" he said with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. But the officer stoped and stepped out. "Get in the car Dae." Dae stopped and watched the officer as he was forced into the backseat. The officer jumped in and began to drive him to school. The officer pulled up outside the school entrence and looked at Dae "you realize you already missed 30 minutes of cl*censored*?" Dae just started at him with a small smile on his face. The officer got out and grabbed his arm and began to drag him into the school. Bam! The door to the cl*censored* K4 was swung open. The officer had Dae by the arm tightly. "I'm sorry to disturb this cl*censored* but this distraction was trying to skip..again" he said as he walked him to a seat. Dae gave a growl and jerked his arm away from him and took a swallow of his beer before the officer took the can away from him along with the cigerette he had been smoking.
4:44pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 4:45pm May 29 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe scowled slightly as someone placed a chair in front of her desk, not bothering to look up to see who it was. She really did not care who it was or what they needed, but if they wanted to keep their face intact, they'd better leave her alone. "Hey." He voice spoke, and she itched not to punch him for interrupting her thoughts. Not a good way to start school. She finally looked up, and glared slightly. "No, I will not do your home. No, I will not help you cheat on tests. And no, I will not go out with you no matter what you say or who you are." She snapped, answering the most commonly used questions when someone spoke to her. "Now what do you want?" She grounded out. She looked around the boy as another one, drug into the cl*censored* by the police walked in. She tried not to laugh, how unfortunate for him to be caught. "Thirty minuted without getting caught, not bad but I think a six year old could probably do better." She cajoled loudly, sneering at him. Yes in a way she knew he was more like her then probably anyone in the cl*censored*, not afraid to be caught by the police for doing, well, anything. A kindred soul, as she called them. Heck, the only reason she showed up was because she knew Dimitri would drag her there kicking and screaming.

5:00pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae heard a girl from the back say something about a six year old doing better than him. He turned sideways in his desk and pulled out another cigerette as soon as the policeman left the cl*censored* "sucka" he said as he proped his feet up on another desk and took another beer can out of his jacket and opened it. "Young Man! Throw that away!!" the teacher said as she walked over scolding him like a dog. He stood up and smiled as he blew smoke into the teachers face. She coughed and took the cigerette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground and marched back up to the board to begin the lesson. Dae laughed and sat back down the way he was and began to drink his beer as he agitated the girl in the desk that he had his feet on. Creti looked at the guy that had just came in "..well he doesn't look to good, well anyways what's up?" he said as he turned back around to look at her.
5:11pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe snickered at Creti's words. "It's not the ones who look bad you should always worry about. It's the sweet innocent ones that tend to stab you in the dark." She mused coolly. She contemplated on weather or not to answer him, getting out a piece of paper and pretending to do the teachers work when in actuality she was drawing. She was decent with a pencil and paper, not as good as some but the flowing pencil over the smooth paper was comforting in a way humans could never be. Finally she looked up at the boy and placed her head on her inter crossed hands. "The sky?" She muttered, lips curling up into a smirk. It would be interesting to see how long he'd last with her bitter personality. If it was more then five minutes, then she might give him a chance to see her friendlier side, keyword might. "Hm, now what is a pretty-boy goody goody like you going speaking to a delinquent like me?" She hissed, slitting her eyes slightly.
5:25pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Creti shrugged "just tryin' to see what girl i can get ya know, snoopin' around i guess" he said as he smiled at her. Dae looked around the room boredly as he flicked his ashes on the table next to him. The girl in the desk next to his rinkled her nose in disgust at him. He kicked her desk with his foot "what? got somethin' ta' say ta' me? princess?" he said as he blew smoke in her face and started to laugh as she told the teacher.
6:34pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880