7:34pm May 29 2010
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((i hopes someone posts...im getting lonely :C))
7:57pm May 29 2010
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Faythe scowled coldly at Creti and aimed a quick smack to the back of his head, unsure if she hit him or not. She so did not need the police involved if she hit him to hard. "What girl you can get?" She asked, eye twitching in annoyance. "What are you, some playboy?" Without thinking she leaned heavily against her chair, glaring at him with cold green eyes. "I hate men who want nothing more then a quick fling." Grabbing one of her pencils, she mentally wondered how she was meeting so many pain in the behind guys in less then an hour. And she thought Dimitri was bad. Flicking her wrist, she aimed the sharp pencil towards Dae's form. "She might not have much to say, but I do." She growled, slitting her eyes. "Why don't you pick on someone who can knock you down a few notches." She rolled her eyes. "Playboys annoy me, but jerks need to be pinned against the wall by knifes and let their victims take turns jabbing them with point forks." She cackled, almost able to see that. "So which are you?" She asked Creti.

8:35pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae switched his grinning gaze to the girl at the back of the room "ha! your funny" he said as he tapped the pencil and rote on a piece of paper :F*** off. He grinned as he held it up to her and then sat it back down and took a swig of his beer. Creti looked from one to the other "..wow..do you know him? you two are kinda alike..both mean" he said as he shrugged and moved a seat over so he wouldn't get in the way incase a fight broke out.
9:07pm May 29 2010
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Faythe grinned evilly, having heard the words before. "Nope, never seen the likes of him before. Would have preferred not to in truth. But now that he's pi**ed me off..." Getting up out of the hard plastic chair, she reached over Dae's shoulder and took a grab at the can, intending to crush it beneath her fingers and crack it on top of his head. She pretty well figured he'd stop her before it got that far, but hey, two could play this game. "How about we see who's funny?" She snapped, already sizing him up in case it did turn into a brawl. He was almost twice as big as her 5'4, and as a guy had more muscle. If she was pinned or hit she'd be screwed. But she knew how to fight, having learned how to at a young age. And practice fighting with Dimitri had gone a long was to teaching her how to take down a larger, stronger guy. "Because so far the only thing funny I see if your face. I don;t even think a mother could love it." She sneered, leaning back in case he did decide to swing. A guy like this probably did not have any moral issues in hitting a girl, even one who annoyed the h*** out of him. "Hey pretty boy? You ever seen this punk before?" She asked Creti, already fixing the nickname with his face.

9:14pm May 29 2010
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Dae stood up and got in her face "you know sumthin' your right my parents hate this face for a reason" he said as he grabbed her hand and twisted it around her back so that she couldn't move. A trick he had learned from the cops that they had used on him. He got in her face again "cause i break so many *censored*ing rules that they cant stand the sight of me" he said as he took his beer can from her hand and took a final swallow before staggering over to his seat as the teacher scolded him once again. Creti watched them in silence and sighed "actually no heh not at all" he said to the girl trying not to get her pissed more than she was already.
9:33pm May 29 2010
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Faythe staggered at he let, go rubbing her wrist gingerly and giving him a death glare. Bunching her leg muscles, not really giving a damn if the teacher got rid of her after this, she leap at him silently and aimed a hard punch towards his face. Not half way there and a rm snaked around her waist and jerked her a a halt. Cursing profusely, she whipped around to glare dagger at Dimitri. "Figured you'd get into trouble, you have a way of finding it." She tried to to sneer at him, or take another shot at Dae. "Now come on before you getting into more trouble." He snapped, finally getting annoyed at the screaming teacher. "Shut the f*** up! You ain't helping." He snapped at the increasingly red woman. Faythe only glared at her long time friend, knowing if she let her temper out in him he'd only ignore her till she was finished and say something that would make her defenses fall. She really hated crying, and she really hated crying on front of the only person who actually saw her for who she was. "Fine, let me at least get my stuff." Walking over to the table, she grinned evilly at Creti. "Guess find punk over there some other time when my guard is not watching. Didn't catch your name either Pretty Boy. Mines Faythe." ~ Dimitri rolled his eyes at Faythe, wondering how in the world he'd ended up looking after a scrap like Faythe. If it was not for him, she'd be in a gutter now because she ticked off the wrong person. Yet the punk, Dae if he remembered correctly, had no right to grab her like that. Particularly when he'd been around to see it. "If you've got a problem with her, then take it out on me. I'm sure it'd be a fair fight." He hissed, black eyes glittering. He respected Dae in the prospect he did not follow the law and was still out of jail, and would go out of his way to avoid him unless he messed with his friends again. "But you'll have to excuse her, Faythe's temper is quick and her mouth tends to get the better of her."

9:47pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae turned his grin on the kid that had just walked in "HA i think you better watch your little pet there" he said as he switched his cold gaze on the girl as he lit another cigerette "and you owe me a beer" he said with the cigerette in his mouth at the girl as he sat backwards in his seat and watched them. Creti gave a small smile "yeah im called Creti" he said as he gave a small laugh at what Dae had said.
9:55pm May 29 2010
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Dimitri laughed coldly. "I ain't been his pet for almost three years. Don't plan on becoming at again." Faythe snapped, rolling her eyes. She swapped her gaze from Dae as if he meant nothing to look down at Creti, seeing as she was still standing. "Interesting name you've got. Never heard of it before." She chose to ignore Dimitri scoff. "Still think i'll call you pretty boy. suit you more." "You don't hang around long enough to learn anyone's name, no wonder you've never heard of it." Dimitri muttered, not taking his cold eyes from Dae. "You want another, then your going to go get it yourself, or force her to go get it. Though I don't suggest that." He sneered at the thought. "She can be nasty, and enjoys playing dirty." He shrugged and turned to walk out, beckoning Faythe to follow. "You might as well not even try to annoy him." Faythe told Dae viciously. "Unlike you, no one can ruffle Dimitri's feathers. He's a bit stronger then you in that retrospect." She sneered.
10:08pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae shrugged "i'll do whatever the fnck i want when i want to. thanks for trying to toss me around though. It wakes me up to reality." he said with a small smile on his face as he leaned back on his desk and smoked his cigerette. Creti watched Dae for a moment wakes him up? whats he mean? he thought to himself as he watched the others leave.
10:16pm May 29 2010
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Faythe scoffed and yanked the back of Dae's chair in the hopes of knocking on flat on his back. "You need a good dose of reality punk. It might help pull the stick out of your a**." She mused, grinning slightly. "Later teach." She barked at the teacher, who looked ready to explode. "Been a nice lesson but if you don't want blood it might be a good idea if I go." Dimitri snapped something, poking his head into the door. "Come on, I think I hear the police." He growled. Grinning over her shoulder, she meet Creti's eyes boldly. "Later Pretty Boy, don't piss off anyone. I don't feel like sticking up for you." She teased, feeling much more light-hearted to be leaving the god awful place. She turned to bolt after Dimitri.
10:24pm May 29 2010
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Dae shot up from his seat but the police were already in the room by the time he grabbed his pack of smokes. "I told you Dae that if you started anything you'd be coming down to the station" The officer said as he put hancuffs on him and dragged him out of the room. More chains he thought to himself as he was thrown roughly into the car and driven off to the jail. Creti watched him go wow again?! didn't he just get out? he thought in amazement . He must've lost count of how many times he's been caught.
10:28pm May 29 2010
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((Hm...I guess I will join.XD)) Name:Fiona Hearts Age:17 Gender:female Personality:She is very serious most of the time and doesn't really like people that goof off. She believe everyone needs to be as stern, serious, and humorless hard working as her and she doesn't like anyone who isn't. She doesn't talk much and usually when she does she tells people to leave her alone or to stop messing around. You can't really tell what she is feelings and when you can it is usually when she is angry or annoyed. She has a very boring personality when you first meet her but once you get to know her she can be a great friend/enemy(Jk). Kind of Animal:Tiger Likes/Crush?:Doesn't really 'likes' or has a 'crush' on anyone. Other:None Looks as animal:Coming...(I have to find a blue tiger so this could take some time...) Looks as human: Coming...
10:29pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe watched from the p*censored*enger seat of Dimitri truck as the police drug Dae out of the school. She was grinning like a mad woman. "Don't you feel even a bit remorseful?" He asked, leaning the seat back as far as it would go. Faythe looked over at him, realizing for the first time he looked tired. "Nope, the a** got what was coming, even if I did start it." She poked him in the side hard. "And what were you up all night doing?" She accused. "You look like the walking dead. Jeez, your going to be nothing but a wrinkle by the time your forty with as much sleep as you get." She muttered, rolling her eyes. "I was out doing a job for a group last night. Had to steal a few things and got payed well for it." He told her, closing his eyes. "And seeing as I don't care and I don't need a girlfriend, i'll look old when ever my body decides to." he sighed. "Now take a nap or something. i'v got to be up all night again, and you need to stay out of trouble." She huffed like a child cheated of sweets, but complied. ((You can do a time skip when ever you like ^^.))

10:37pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
((OK I'll time skip now cause theres nothing really going on. OK so this is...um..that night! :D)) Dae pulled out his smokes as he hung on the bars of the cell "hey you got a beer?" he asked as he started to laugh at the look of the officer's faces when he asked. Creti was sitting at the bench in the park looking at all the people walk by. "man this sucks...every girl here has a guy..i wonder where that cutie went" he asked himself as he looked up at the sky and watched the stars shine.
10:45pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 10:46pm May 29 2010)
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Faythe cackled as she finally lost Dimitri, using her feline grace to slip through the shadows. Seeing the park ahead of her, she kept going as the place of child hood and memories swamped everything. Humming to herself, she looked up at the star swept sky, eyes twinkling in mirth. It was times like these that she enjoyed life, the freedom and the silence. But hearing some familiar start talking, she crept forward curiously. "I wonder where that cutie went?" She heard, and stuffed her hand in front of her mouth to stop from laughing. Leaning her forearms against the bench back she chuckled. "You do realize no one says cutie anymore." She told Creti. "And who you talking about? Another chick you decided would be easy prey?" ((Got to go, and when it was starting to get interesting DX.))
10:56pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Creti grinned "well you wouldn't want me to call you babe would you?" he asked as he looked at her with a big goofy smile. Dae hung upside down from his bed and watched the ashes fall from his 4th cigerette. The cop unlocked his cell and quickly told him it was time to eat. Dae flipped down from the bed and grinned "great now i get to meet my buddies again" he teased at the officer. Everyone knew Dae didn't have friends. Only enimies since he didn't depend on anyone. ((aw ok bye))
11:09pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Haha, coned them out of one more post, even if it's not that good.)) Faythe grinned and lightly punched at his arm. "Call me babe and there will be blood." She told him light-heartedly. Something about the night calmed her, made her forget things that were so visible during the day. "So, watcha doing out here this late Pretty Boy?"
11:28pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
"im always out here. I can't afford a place." maybe if i play my cards right i can sleep at her place. he thought to himself as he continued to watch the sky.
1:11am May 30 2010
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Posts: 934
((Erm, I'm still in this but I gotta catch up on what I missed, okay? =3 ))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
1:28am May 30 2010
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Posts: 880
((ok lets see well they all went to school and met at the cl*censored*room and dae and faythe got into a little fight nothing much and then faythe's friend came and broke the fight up and then the cops came and took dae to jail for disruption of the peace and now its night and dae is in jail while faythe is talking with creti at the park btw its night))