3:48pm May 31 2010
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Faythe rolled her eyes as Dae walked away, wishing she had four paws and twenty needle sharp claws to knock some sense into the a**. "Yeah, the cops are more then likely to show up soon." She told him, then looked over at the girl. Sympathy filled her eyes and she placed a hand on her shoulder. "You want to come with us? We'll take care of everything." She told the younger person.
4:32pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae leaned up against the fence of the alley way and looked up. He blew a smoke-donut and gave a bit of a smile as it vanished in the air. He lifted his head quickly as a cop called out to the others "THERE THEY ARE OVER HERE" Dae growled and shifted into his wolf form. He tackled the man, dodging some of the shots on the way. He shifted again and took his cigerette and put it against the man's forehead. The man screamed out as it began to burn a hole in his face. Dae laughed as he ran off while the other cops chased after him. Creti watched as Dae dodged bullets as he ran from the groups of police men. They hadn't noticed they were there yet"i think we better use this to get away" he whispered to the others as he kept one eye on the cops.
6:32pm May 31 2010
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Faythe sneered as the cops attacked Dae, glad he got what was coming for him. "Yeah, might be a good idea. I doubt their in a good mood after dumb a** decided to cook one of their faces." She cackled slightly and took off, shifting so she could blend into the darkness. She forgot how wonderful it felt to be to powerful, to know she could kill any human with nothing more then a flick of her claws. She snuffled through her nose in delight as a small red wolf, Dimitri, easily caught up to her and grinned eerily in maned wolf form. She put more energy into her paws and took off, racing against her long time friend. It was then that she remembered Creti and that he did not know how to get to their house. She slowed down and trotted back, ears pricked and lips curled back in a smile. The large black panther set down and caught her breath, throwing her head in the direction Dimitri had gone. Come on. She thought. Before the police decide to find us.
6:45pm May 31 2010
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Creti shifted into his animal form. He didn't have long legs but he was still pretty fast for his size. He quickly began to follow Dimitri. Dae caught his breath as he was able to loose the cops. He sighed as he jumped down from the tree he had been hiding in. He reached into his pocket and growled. "sh!t" he said as he retraced his steps back to the alleyway. He hated loosing things that were his. He growled and thought of how it could've slipped out of his pocket. Creti grinned as he wondered what Dae was doing at the moment. I cant believe i did that HA i wish i could see what his reaction was like. He thought as he snickered to himself.
7:08pm May 31 2010
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Faythe tried to hide a chuckled as she swiftly followed the other shifter. After what felt like forever, and a few scared humans, she stopped at a semi- large apartment. Shifting back easily, she was not surprised to see some of the lights on and the door cracked. "It's not much, but it keeps the rain off." She mused, and walked inside as if she owned the place. The scent of coffee waifed up to her nose and she plopped onto the ragged plaid couch. Looking around at the bare place, the T.V sat in the corner and a small dining table stacked wither papers was about he only other appliance in the living room. Everything where else was pretty much the same.
7:32pm May 31 2010
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Creti walked in and smiled "wow this place is way better than my last place" he said as he stared in awe at the remarkable place. Dae shifted into his animal form and sniffed the ground. He soon picked up their scent and followed it to a apartment. He followed it to a room with the door cracked open. Creti was still looking at the room when the door swung open and Dae came charging in. His eyes widended as his throat was held by Dae's hands. Dae growled "Where is it!!! What did you do with it?!!!" he snapped as he held Creti against the wall. Creti managed to smile "heh..where's what?" he said as he gave out a small laugh. Dae tightened his grip on him and punched him in the face "GIVE IT BACK YOU FnCKER!" he said as he punched him again.
7:43pm May 31 2010
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Faythe whipped around at the sound and stared in astonishment at the fight in front of her. She jumped to her feet with a hiss of anger and leap at Dae, throwing a hard punch at the side of his face nearest to her. Normally she would watch the fight with interest, not really caring who got hurt. But she did not like Dae, his attitude p***ed her off. And Creti was a goody too shoes, meaning he probably did not know how to fight. Twisting around with the ease of a cat in a move she had been taught long ago and used many times, she tried to slammed a hand into Dae's lower back, knowing from experience a hit in the kidney's hurt like h***. "I don't know what he took from you, but this is my house and you will play nice! So let go and talk calmly!" She snapped, aiming a swipe with her long nails towards his face. She wondered suddenly if she should shift. But a snarl from the doorway told her Dimitri already had, and if things go to out of hand for him he'd attack with fangs.
7:44pm May 31 2010
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((I have to quit, I am not as literate as you and I can't keep up :())
 <-- Click me
7:50pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 880
((awww ok TnT)) Dae laughed and dodged before kicking her away. He lifted Creti up and pushed him into the wall "give me my FnCKING LIGHTER" he said as he pulled out his blade and held it up next to him. Creti didn't mind getting hit in the face but knives he didn't like. "OK OK!" he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter and handed it to Dae.
8:06pm May 31 2010
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Faythe twitched, wondering how in the h*** she ended up with people like these weirdo's. "Your doing all of this for a f***ing lighter! Are you insane!" She asked, still annoyed at the fact he kicked her. She sneered suddenly and got to her feet already aiming her next blow, one in which Dimitri would probably kill her for later. She hoped he would not block this one, because it would be humerus to see his face if it landed, hard. Side stepping behind him quickly, she let her right leg fly while switching her weight onto her left leg, bending it so the kick would be high. Yeah, no one said she played fair with guys. If they had such a weak spot, the yes she would exploit it. She could hear Dimitri's outtake if breath, unsure if it was a laugh, or a groan.
8:16pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae turned and looked at her "why would someone like you understand" he said as he turned quickly and knocked her off her left leg. He gave one more smoke before throwing the bud down on the floor next to her. He looked down at the lighter and turned and headed for the door. Creti looked at Dae and then at Faythe i wonder whats so special about that lighter.. he thought to himself as he rubbed his busted lip softly wincing when he touched a bit too hard.
8:24pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe hissed viciously and shifted without thinking, sinking her dagger like claws into the carpet and bunching her leg muscles. She'd killed bas**rds that did less then him in this form, and she'd be d***ed if she let this one get away with it. Drawing her lips back, she leap at him with a yowl, glad she was larger then your average panther. She had seen his shifted form, a wolf. A wolf with fangs, no claws unlike her. If he did shift then she did not care, it would make the kill so much more entertaining. A second snarl filled her ears, but she did not give Dimitri a second thought. He knew he was not as strong as her in maned wolf form, she was larger and faster. But he knew she wanted his approval, and this was not a way to get it. But blood lust was there, and she wanted to shred the guy. Aiming a blow to his shoulders, she leap away and landed on four paws, already swiping at his legs.
8:34pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae felt long claws rake his back. He turned and stepped on her paw and with the other foot kicked her in the face "DO IT AGAIN" he said with a grin on his face as his pain vanished and adrenaline filled his veins. Creti stayed up against the wall. He didn't like this type of fighting. Not in between two of the same kind. But he wasnt about to interupt their fight. Not when he could get killed in the act.
3:52pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 880
((and...BUMP lol))
4:06pm Jun 1 2010
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Faythe only bared her fangs and swiped again across his torso, glad to feel flesh give way under her claws. She was about to attack again when someone grabbed onto her tail and pulled viciously. Whirling around in a mode to attack, she came face to face with her best friend. "Enough." Dimitri hissed softly, and she flinched, knowing if he whispered it was because he was angry enough he could not trust himself. Never a good sign. "Dae, get the f*** out of my house before I let her finish shredding you and help myself." He hissed and she backed away, fur bristling. A sharp look from her friend told her to shift back, which is what she did. Without a second glance back, she jerked her head towards the hall. "Come of Creti, theres a guest room you can use for now." She muttered, still annoyed.
5:22pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae laughed before fainting straight on the floor from loss of blood. His hand let go of the lighter he had been holding tightly as he faught Creti stopped and turned around. "..uh..what about him? your not gonna jus' let 'em bleed to death are ya?" he asked as he pointed at the bloody body that was laying on the floor.
8:56pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe cackled helplessly, and turned to walk away. "If it was up to me, he'd bleed to death while I watch." She sighed almost over dramatically. "But seeing as Dimka over there is a kind soul, he'll probably do something." She snickered and opened a door. "This is where you can stay." She told him. Dimitri rolled as eyes as Faythe walked away, cringing at the nickname. Muttering something about idiots and why he surrounded himself with them, he easily lifted Dae onto the couch. Grabbing some bandages from the cabinet in the bathroom, he quickly went to work on the wounds. "Dumb a**." He growled.
10:54pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 880
Creti followed her into the room. "whoa! i even get to sleep on a nice soft bed" he said as he walked over to it and sat on it his smile widened as he felt the soft sheets.
9:52am Jun 2 2010
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Faythe snickered at his attitude, crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame. "Yup, what did you think we'd put you on the floor?" She teased, looking back out towards the living room, wondering if Dae had finally woken up. When he did, she was going to kick his sorry a** right back out onto the streets. "How long have you actually been on the streets?" She could not help but ask.
4:24pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 880
Creti shrugged "i dont really remember how long..all i remember is when i first met Dae cause i had tried to rob him and...lets just say i ended up where he is now heh.."he said with a small laugh. Dae began to wake and felt for his lighter. He sat up quickly with his eyes wide. He looked around to see him lighter on the floor. He tried to go and get it but winced as his wounds began to reopen.