4:33pm Jun 2 2010
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Hearing someone cursing in the kitchen in a odd language, she mentally snickered at who ever ticked Dimitri off more then he already was. She figured it would be someone wanting another job. Not really caring either way, she tipped her head to the side and looked curiously at Creti. "He seems like the sort that would knock someone out, probably kill them while there at it." She blinked as something crashed outside and she rolled her eyes. "Can I ask you if your parents were like you, a shifter without you getting all huffy?" She asked. Dimitri grumbled as the phone died on the floor, and quickly made him a cup of coffee, figuring tonight would be a long one. Entering the living room again, he forced himself not to smack Dae across the head. He does not give up. He though wrathfully. Walking over, he shoved the other guy back onto the couch harshly and flipped the d***ed lighter at him with more force then was needed. "I'm not bandaging you up again if you rip everything open. Next time your own your own."

4:57pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 880
Dae growled and picked up the lighter he held it up to his eyes and mumbled "i never asked for your help" He dusted off some smudges of dirt off of the lighter. Creti wondered what was going on so he peeked out of the room and saw that Dae was again looking at the lighter. Wow i guess he likes lighters he thought to himself as he snickered.
5:01pm Jun 2 2010
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Dimitri looked up at the ceiling as if he was praying to some greater being and cursed. "Good, then next time i'm going to heave your a** across the street and let you die." He muttered sarcastically. "You might not be obliged to save another of your kind because you've locked out everyone including your own kindness, but not all of us have." He snapped.
5:07pm Jun 2 2010
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Dae growled under his breath "i dont depend on people so that they wont depend on me" he said as he twirled the lighter around and around.
5:14pm Jun 2 2010
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Dimitri laughed harshly. "You know what that tells me?" He sneered. "That your scared. That you afraid to get close to anyone in fear of being hurt...probably again." He shrugged and walked back into the kitchen to fill up his coffee cup again. "Not that it's any of my business but i'll warn you now, what-ever-your-name-is, One day your going to need someone and throw every's kindness in their face now and you won't have no one." He muttered, leaning aginst the window seal to look outside. Faythe walked into the living room and leaned against the door. "You might as well listen to him, he might be a a** most of the time but both of us has seen things we hate now and done things that will never bee forgiven." She looked off into the distance and grinned. "I'v killed people, ate them to as bad as that sounds in my animal form. If it was not for Dimka over there I'd still be because I did not want to depend on anyone but myself and my claws." She cackled at some of the memories. "Now what have you done to make your life hell?" She asked, ignoring Dimitri's rebuke not to use that hated nickname.

5:22pm Jun 2 2010
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Dae went in a small trance as he remembered when he was a kid "..my brother died because of my kindness. He said that as long as i was nice to people they were nice to me. But the world just doesn't work like that" he said with a small laugh as he continued to watch the lighter.
5:37pm Jun 2 2010
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"Hey, s*** happens Dae. Can't let one thing ruin pretty much your whole life." Faythe told him darkly. "And how did your kindness kill your brother?" She could not help but ask. She closed her eyes and could picture her own family, long gone now but their memory was still clear.
5:45pm Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Jun 2 2010)
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"This new family moved in and i made friends with them but turns out they had something against my brother. the kid i hung out with was the youngest.we were so bored and wanted to blow sh!t up and so he told me to go to the store with him and i agreed..but when we came back my house was on fire..the only thing i had left of my brother was the lighter.." Dae said as he rolled over and closed his eyes "heh..yeah..sh!t happens.." he mumbled as he drifted back to sleep. Creti looked at him "ooh so that explains the reason he was crazy about that lighter" he mumbled to himself with a small laugh.
5:50pm Jun 2 2010
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Faythe snickered as the guy finally fell asleep, glad to actually get more then a annoying sentence out if him. Walking back towards the bed rooms, she stopped at her own and swiftly placed out her bed cloths, feeling as if she could sleep for a month. "The only girl in the house, I really hope no police or anyone stop by tonight. Awkward much?" She mused humorously, surprising herself by her light mood. She stiffened for a second as police sirens blared down the street, ready to bolt towards the others if they came towards the house. Luckily, they did not. "We're going to end up paranoid." She growled, running a hand though her thick hair. "Yeah, explains a lot." She told Creti, answering his earlier statement. "Though why keep something of someone you love if it only brings back bad memories?"
8:23pm Jun 2 2010
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Creti shrugged "maybe he would rather feel the pain of the memory than the pain of the loss?" he said as he started to his room too "see ya im goin ta sleep in my bed " hecalled excitedly as he ran in the room and shut the door.
9:24pm Jun 2 2010
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Faythe nodded towards Dimitri in farewell, who acknowledgment and walked out outside, where he figured he'd shift and enjoy some alone time. Walking into her room, she swiftly changed and crawled into bed, delighted to feel the comfort of the sheets wrap around her like her mothers arms used to. She was not sure if she slept at all, but a clap of thunder made her shoot up with a squeal of surprise and fear. Shaking her head, she flinched as the flash of lightening illuminated the room. Closing her eyes from the creatures that lurked in the shadows, she admitted only to herself that one thing she hated, she feared, was storms. She knew it sounded weak and pathetic, but after living through many of them outside and on her own, she learned to hate them.
9:44pm Jun 2 2010
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Creti jolted up when he heard a scream. He jumped out of bed and opened his door. He went straight to Faythe's room and knocked on the door " 'ey you okay?" he asked from the other side of the door.
9:50pm Jun 2 2010
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Faythe cursed herself as someone knocked on her door, almost making her jump and fall of the bed. "What!" She snapped, flinching and placing the pillow over her head as if it blocked out the sound. "I'n freakin fine!" She snapped, pinching her eyes closed as thunder crashed over head, making her squeal yet again. "Out of all the cursed things in this f***ed up world that freaks me out it has to be something as simple as a storm?" She questioned herself. "I...just hate storms." She told him in less of a 'i'm going to kill you' voice. Dimitri tried not to laugh as he walked towards his room, seeing Creti outside Faythe's. "She terrified of storms." He smirked slightly. "Just don't tease her about it, or she'll get angry...after she stops freaking out." He walked into his own room and shut the door.
9:55pm Jun 2 2010
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Creti jumped when he saw Dimitri. "Uh..well lemme' know if you need anything i guess"he said as he began back to his room. ((time skip?))
10:17am Jun 3 2010
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((Sure! I cant do much anyway.))
10:28am Jun 3 2010
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((lol yup same here)) Creti woke up the next morning and walked out of the room. He gave a gaping yawn as he sat down on the edge of the couch where Dae still lay sleeping. He hadn't really moved over the night except the fact that he was on his back with an arm hanging off the bed like a doll. Creti looked over at the sleeping Dae and gave a laugh with a shake of his head.
10:35am Jun 3 2010
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Dimitri walked past the two new comers on the couch without so much as a acknowledgment that they existed. He had more important things to worry about, AKA the police on the look out for all of them. He so did not want to move towns because they could not keep their secret a...well secret. Slinking out the door, he made his way towards the police station. Faythe sat up with a tired yawn, able to see her comrade walking away and scowled. Yeah, leave her alone with those two. Smart. She thought sarcastically. Her stomach growling forced her from the comfortable confines of her room into the kitchen. How she hated to cook. "They better not even think i'm some tame house-maid thats goin to cook." She grumbled, grabbing milk and a bowl for cereal.
11:58am Jun 3 2010
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Creti jumped up and ran into the kitchen "where is he going? does he have a job?" he asked as he watched Dimitri leave "oh uh i can cook if you want heh i had part time job as a cook at an inn" he said as he scratched the back of his head with a big smile on his face.
12:12pm Jun 3 2010
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Faythe jumped as someone spoke behind her, letting out a steady stream of curses. "Make some noise when you walk into a room." She muttered. "You can cook for yourself and grump in there if you'd like. I take care of myself." She told him, setting at the table to eat. "As for Dimitri, yeah he's probably got some sort of job, either that or he's doing something he does not want us to know about." She shrugged. "Never can tell with him."
12:18pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 880
Creti turned and studied the kitchen he turned on the stove and soon found out where everything was and began to cook eggs and bacon. He cooked a meal fit for 4 incase any of them wanted some. He fixed two plates and sat them down on the table. He walked over to Dae and shook him a bit "hey, c'mon wake up, breakfast is ready" he said as he walked back over to the table and sat down beginning to eat. Dae sat up slowly, careful not to hurt himself more than he did the day before. He softly got up and walked over to the table and sat down wraping an arm around his plate as he ate. A sign that he's been in jail more than a few times.