5:20pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 5:21pm Aug 8 2010)
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Posts: 731
Name: Dakota (Dax) Chase Gender: Female Age: 347 (looks 17) Looks:  Crush: Looking ;3 Mate: N/A Human you own(Only if you're a vampire): None at the minute... History[Optional]: *Hiss* Persona[Optional]: RP it out :) Other: She's a vampire :L
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
5:38pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
((Can Taelin be taken to Aurora and Kitty's? They come from a rich family and have lots of money...;D))
5:49pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{Sure. XD}}
5:51pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
((OMG. I love your new siggy! Okay, intro is coming up, I just have to type a lot because I have five different characters.XD))
5:56pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{Lol. and Thanks, i made it myself. XD}}
6:26pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
((It is awesome! I love the writing in it.))
6:28pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,310
{{Thanks, i used Photobucket and my Paint program to make it. Uwi also made em a Creatu edit and that's hwo i got the Zennie.}}
6:45pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Well i have to go, so just post and i'll be on later, i need to go for a hike in the woods with my parents.}}
8:52pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Cool! I use Fotoflexer and sometimes Gimp for my photo editing.XD)) PJ looked down from the tree which she sat in. Her mouth curled up into a smirk as she Stared at the large rabbit below her. In one hand she held onto a branch and in the other one was a spear as she watched the rabbit. She watched as the rabbit took a step forward and knew that she would have to hurry up. Her musculs tensed as she lept into the air landing just a little bit infront of the rabbit. The rabbit froze at first surprised but as soon as it figured out what was going on it turned around and flung itself towards a bush. PJ threw the dagger watching as it pierced into the skin and as the blood spilled out of the wound and stained the bright white fur. PJ walked towards the rabbit as it fell the the forest floor limp and picked it up by its hind legs. Kitty poked Aurora. "C'mon! We need to leave. Today we are going slave shopping...Remember?" Kitty said shaking Aurora by her shoulders. She growled as her sister just sat there pretending to be asleep. She narrowed her eyes grabbing a pencil behind her and took her sisters hand. She held it tightly holding the pencil in her other hand and quickly stabbed her sister's hand with the wood.Her sister jumped up looking at her hand. "You stabbed me!" Her sister snapped grabbing the pencil from Kitty and poking her with the eraser. "You weren't getting up! If you don't get up you get stabbed." Kitty said grabbing the pencil back away from Aurora. "I was sleeping." Aurora growled. "Vampires can't sleep ,Aurora. Now hurry up! We are going to be late." Kitty said listening as Aurora grumbled something to herself before getting up. Kitty grinned grabbing her sisters hands and looked at it. "It is a clean stab, no broken bones so it will heal quickly." She said dropping the hand. "It still hurt!" Aurora said walking towards the door. She put on ehr shoes and opened the door not turning around to see if Kitty was following her. "Okay, lets get this over with." She sighed walking outside. Kitty skipped past Aurora humming a song as she went towards town. Kitty looked around as them came up to the place were people baught and traded humans. She sniffed the air trying to find the best smelling one and came to Taelin.

8:52am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 8:57am Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 632
((join? ill post my bio anyway and edit it off if i cant :) is that ok?)) Bio: Name: Eva Green Gender: Female Age:15 Looks: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out.">
Crush: none yet :P Mate: None Human you own(Only if you're a vampire): She's a wherewolf History[Optional]: She hates being a wherewolf and doesn't let anyone know that's what she is. She has a distinct hate of both vampires and wherewolves and usually helps protect humans. She has been living alone in the woods lately though. Persona[Optional]: Friendly, helping and HATES being a wherewolf. Wants to find and kill the one who turned her >.> grrr... Other: well...she's kinda bi if thats ok?
9:55am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Taelin's eyes were wild,rabid, and the color red(Due to the lighting and the color of her hair ofcourse.). She wa testing every possible angle and perfectly calculated weakness to the structure holding her behind bars, though you couldn't purchase one fo her kind right off, it was to be a bid...
11:35am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 731
Dax paced across the large room 'Com'mon Daxxy, you have to think of something...' She growled softly and contiued to pace... 'I need a plan...' Her yellow eyes scanned the area, franticly trying to find a way out. She walked around, tapping each wall individually, testing for a weak spot... Dax tapped the last wall and heard a hollow echoing sound "Ah hah!!" She yelled in triumph, slamming her fist into the concrete wall which imidiatly gave way under the force of her punch. Dax bagan to pull away the plaster, making a hole big enough for her to climb through. She stepped into the darkness inside the wall, her eyes quickly ajusting to the lack of light... She walked along the narrow pas.sage for about five minutes before coming to another wall, which she had no hesitation to to break through... She forced her way through the small gap and onto a brightly lit stage... "One minute, twenty three seconds! Wow! A new record!" Yelled one, congratulatory voice. "Dax, you have got to be the best person Ive ever seen complete this test..."Said another. Dakota bowed and grinned a the see of smiling faces...
"Thank you all, for your kind words, I could never have got such good results without my personal trainer, Axel! Com'mon up here Axel!"
She said beconing a small, brown haired boy, around 16 up onto the stage and enveloping him in a huge hug. The boy, known as Axel blushed and smiled sheepishly at the crowd. "Hello, how you all doing out there? Dax's sucess really doesnt have much to do with me... If it wer'nt for her natural talent... Well I guess, I'd be out of a job!" A ripple of laughter flooded through the crowd, causing a grin to spilt Dax's pale face.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:45am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora stood in front of the cage Taelin was in. She narrowed her eyes carefully looking over the girl before turning to her sister. "Okay...She'll work. Hm...I wonder when the bid is starting." Aurora said walking to a different cage. She growled as her sister skipped at her side still humming the song. "Please stop it." She said in an annoyed voice. She calmed down into her usually emotionless, cold self once her sister stopped bugging her.
8:33pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 11:36am Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 632
Eva looked beyond the dark shadows enveloping the woods, her woods. She refused to think of this space as theirs, they didn't deserve it. It was taken...and not freely. Sighing she slid to the ground, feeling the rough scrape of bark splinter into her back. She hated when she felt this way, like she was drowning in this new world. A world composed of death and fear. Breaking from her thoughs she froze, hearing a squeal nearby. Cocking her head in the general direction she listened. It had sounded like a rabit, someone had definately killed something small. Vampires didn't eat and Wherewolves too, usually hunted bigger prey. Which meant that this killer was human. Standing slowly and silenty she saw the small reflection of light from her eyes cast on the ground by her feet. She let out a small growel at this. There was no reprive from the curse since she had become one of them. Even on the darkest night the barest sliver of light was reflected back from the silver in her eyes; consantly reminding her of what she had become. Pushing her hair back behind her ear she staightened and moved toward the sound. It was time she met another person, this lonliness was killing her.
10:31am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 731
After a long night of celabration, Dax collapsed in a heap on her favorite, black leather arm chair. "Phew! What a night!" She said, sreatching her legs out onto the red leather poffe at the foot of her chair "Wow! I cant belive I, of all people, broke the record!" She thought, grinning... "You didnt win child... you just made others lose..." A sinister voice wihispered in the back of her mind... "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Dax screamed covering her ears. "No piont trying to hide, my dear... you cant escape that which is inside you..." The voice cackled, slowly fading from Dax's thoughts "Why wont he leave me alone?" She fretted, getting to her feet and walking slowly towards the door... As the reached it, Dax pulled out her keys and unlocked her frontdoor. Grasping the handle so tightly, her kuckles went white, she opened the door and stepped out into the early moring light. She pulled her hood up over her face and walked towards the slave market...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:34am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{I'm brain dead on what to post. XD}}
11:41am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 11:43am Aug 10 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 632
Parting the thick brush she creeped forward. There! Footprints indented the once smooth ground. She had no need of these new wolven senses, she had been an able tracker even before she had been turned. As she walked she noticed bark lightly sprinkling down from a nearby tree. Smiling dryly she felt on the branch, finding what she suspected she would. Mud. The hunter had waited here for their prey and, when spotted, and lunged and attacked with a.....With a what? This could be dangerous. If the hunter was well armed she might have to steer clear. But if they were just lightly armed say, with the tools needed to kill a smaller creature, there was no problem. Sniffing the air she located a small congealed trail of blood; still red, not dried. The hunter had come this way. Scraping dirt over the footprints and dusting the mud off the tree she folowed the trail. This hunter was hers...leaving the trail as it was was like asking to be followed.
8:04am Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 632
((bump! :3))