Silently Screaming Into the Night

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8:40pm Jun 3 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Random ti
tle, I know. So, I would like to do some sort of 1x1.

And I will probably end up being the girl, because if I play as the boy, I go braindead easier, and the rp dies...

What I will do:

(The ones with the dash marks on each side are the ones that I would really like to do.)

- Maximum Ride -

- Vampire Knight -

Regular Vampires (Not the sparkly kind. The blue-bloods kind.)



Paranormal People School


What I will not do:


Normal People

My rules and regulations:

- No gay/bi/lesbian characters.

- Romance would be good. Yes.

- Violence and Action! >D

- No mary/gary sues.

- PG-16.

Love is all we need~


8:46pm Jun 3 2011

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Posts: 5,578

I would be willing to do a Maximum Rid rp with you



8:48pm Jun 3 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Yay~ Okay.. You want to do it on here? And I'd prefer if we used our own characters, not the ones from the book. I'll have to dig Alex up.

Love is all we need~


8:54pm Jun 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Yeah here sounds fine and should we use a bio then for our characters



9:06pm Jun 3 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Okay. Just make your own bio. You've read the books or something, so you know the regulations and stuff.

-My Bio-

Name: Alex

Age: 15

Gender: Female, obviously.

Looks: Alex is 5'5". Her skin is tan, due to the amount of time she spends outdoors, and her eyes are a bright blue. Her hair is straight, and it is bright red. She usually wears ripped jeans, and faded t-shirts along with a pullover.

Personality: Rp it out.

Powers: She is telepathic, meaning that she can read your mind, and send you messages through her mind, and telekinetic, meaning that she can move objects with her mind.

Love is all we need~


9:34pm Jun 3 2011 (last edited on 7:12pm Jul 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Sorry It took so long I went to go get food and are they starting out free or still in cages?))

Name: Kasey




about 6"3'

Personality: Kasey loves to joke around and make people smile and laugh. He can't stand it when he sees some one sad or deppressed or angry for that matter. He knows when jokeing around won't work but might try to see if it will cheer the person up anyway but wont pry. He stands up for others and doesn't take threats lightly.

Powers: Kasey has the powere to see the future but not allways when he wants to


9:39pm Jun 3 2011

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Posts: 6,409

((They're already free.))

Alex huffed as the mid-day sun bore down on her back. Even though it was only seventy degrees outside, she couldn't help but want it to cool down even more. She was in a forest, with her wings spread out. You could clearly see the colors of her feathers; red, brown, light brown, dark brown, and an occasional black feather.

Love is all we need~


9:54pm Jun 3 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey was following Alex his large black wongs tucked in and placed neatly on his back. His hands were in his pockets as his head turned to look at the forest around them. It was just like any other forest he had been in as a child when he had gone hikeing with his family but since he hadn't been outside in ages the place awed him. The cool fresh air, tall red woods, the chirping of tiny birds looking down at the. "So where do we go from here?" He asked walking up closer to Alex so he wouldn't need to yell.


1:51pm Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 5,578


9:08pm Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"I dunno," Alex said, sighing. "The erasers haven't attacked in a while, so I guess that we can take a little vacay. How about... California?" She had always wanted to go to California, along with Las Vegas. She smiled, her eyes hopeful. Although, a part of her was against having a vacation, too...

Love is all we need~


8:13pm Jun 5 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"Sounds like a great place. Maybe it could even be perminant...well as perminant as life can be for us anyway." he said a sigh escaping his mouth at the last thing he said. Life for them could never be perminant and he hated that. All he wanted was a normal life. No erasers, no scientists, just a normal teen. He let his wings unfurl a bit as they began to ach from being in a cramp position for a while. He flaped them once or twice causing leaves on the ground and branches on trees to stir.


8:31pm Jun 5 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Omg. Do you think I could join this?))


10:56pm Jun 5 2011

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Posts: 6,409

((Sure, Emmie.))

Alex smiled and said, "To Cali we go. And I think it's west of here. Due to us being somewhere north of Louisiana." She ran a hand though her crimson hair and smiled. Alex wanted life to be permanent, too. She wanted a normal life with a normal boyfriend, and to have kids some day. She sighed and flapped her wings, going about a foot off of the ground and hovering there, waiting for Kasey to follow her lead.

Love is all we need~


8:19pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey flaped his wings as well and headed off the ground and through the leaf covered branches of the trees. He emerged into the blue sky and hovered over the vegitation for a moment looking around. A smile on his face. He felt so powerful being the only thing in the sky. And then he saw a plane. His shoulders slumped a bit but he didn't lower any. The plane was heading in another direction anyway.


9:36pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex smiled. She raised herself above the trees, and watched Kasey fly, his strong, powerful wings flapping. She shook herself from staring, and began to fly north, her red-tinted wings carrying her quickly and efficiently.

Love is all we need~


9:46pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey flew up next to Alex their wing tips centimeters apart. His eyes looked a head his wings flapping when needed but other wise they glided. He looked at Alex a moment witha slight smil before looking forward again. "Where should we go in California?" He asked.


9:53pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"Somewhere with a beach," Alex said, smiling into the wind. She looked over at him. "Las Vegas isn't far from California. Maybe we could fly there later and find a casino. You know how good I am at poker," she said, gesturing to her head. When it came to poker, Alex couldn't be beat. Of course, she had an advantage, given that she could read minds. "We could pass as eighteen, couldn't we?"

Love is all we need~


10:20pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 5,578
He looked Alex up and down, "Yeah I think so" He said quite confidently. He was still looking at her but shook his head and looked forward again. Stay focused we got a long road a head of us if we're going to Vegas. He told himself trying to concentrate more on flying and less don't get off track again focus on flying. He couldn't wait to get to Vegas because truthfully he sometimes didn't like it being just him and Alex. He was a social person but it's hard to be social when it's just you and one other person.


6:12pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 5,578


7:27pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 6,409

After a few hours of flying, Alex arrived in a small ocean-side city. She landed on the outskirts, so that nobody would see them land, and take pictures. If they did that, the press would be everywhere within minutes. She brushed herself off. It was in the afternoon now; about three o 'clock. She sighed, and looked forward. "So," she said, smiling, "here we are."

Love is all we need~

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