Silently Screaming Into the Night

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1:35pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"Yeah, you can choose which ones." He said before taking another peice of the funnel cake and putting it into his mouth. He gladly eat the rest of the deep fried master peice and wadded up the napkin it was ontop of and thew it into the nearest trash can.

((Grr sorry for the failness.))


1:46pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex smiled. "Okay. Wanna try the one where you have to throw the baseball and hit the bottles?" She knew she could win at that one. With her telekinesis, she could actually make the ball hit the bottles and break as many as possible. She looked up Kasey, waiting for his answer.

((You know that the bird-kids can develop powers, right?)) 

Love is all we need~


1:57pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578


"Sure" He walked with her over to the game where a man a was standing in khakie pants, a red and white striped shirt, and a red and yellow baseball cap. He was yelling at people that passed by his booth, "Will a giant stuffed dog for your pretty lady." or "Step right up and toss a ball at the milf bottles. Simple game and big prizes." trying to get them to waste their money trying to get the big prizes. Kasey looked at the back wall where all the diffrent prizes were. At the bottom were the small prizes which were multie colored turtels. The medium sized prizes were just above the small one's and they were cartoon ducks and the big prizes which were hanging over the milk bottels were large plush dogs each of them a diffrent color. From blue to green to pink.


2:09pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex pulled out a five dollar bill from her pocket and said, "I'll play." She handed the money to the man, and the man gave her three baseballs.

"Alright, little lady," he said, smiling mischievously. "All you gotta do is break the-"

Before the man could finish, Alex had thrown one ball, which hit the middle row of the bottles. It smashed every single one of them. Alex smirked. The man just stared, extremely confused.

Two throws later, only one bottle was standing. The man scratched the back of his head and said, "Pick your prize, little lady." Alex pointed to the lime green giant stuffed dog, the smirk still plastered on her face.

The man reluctantly handed the dog to Alex, and began to replace the bottles with new, unbroken ones. Alex turned to Kasey and said, "You wanna try?" She hugged her newly won stuffed animal.

Love is all we need~


2:22pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"Sure." He said smiling at Alex. The man didn't bother to tell Kasey the rules he just set out three balls for him to throw and just watched. Kasey took one ball and threw it aiming for the bottom left corner. He didn't hit any of the bottles but he shook theit stand making a couple of the top ones fall off. He took the second ball and aimed a bit higher and more to the righ. He hit the farthest most left bottel causing it to fall, the one next to it to fall and the bottels on top of them to fall too. He took his last ball and threw it hitting the last couple bottels down. He pointed to the big Orange dog and the man brought it down and gave it to him an anoyed look on his face. "Thank you." Kasey said with a grin taking his dog. He turned to Alex, "That was fun."


2:55pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"Wanna go crash the other games? Or do you want to go ride some rides?" She smiled, and put her hand in Kasey's. She looked up at him with her bright blue eyes, waiting for his answer.

((Grr. Fail.)) 

Love is all we need~


3:02pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"How about we ride some rides before we have to carrie around shoping carts to hold all of our stuff." He chuckled a bit. He looked around for a good ride. "How about that one." He saide pointing to a medium sized roller coaster. The cars looked like parts of a serpint with green scales outlined with shadows and lighter parts as well. He walked with her over to the ride putting his dog into the little gated off area where he saw other people putting their prizes before they got on the ride.


3:06pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex put her dog next to Kasey's, and walked in line to the ride. She waited patiently, and her and Kasey got in a cart together. The bar lowered so that it was over their lap, and Alex couldn't wait for the ride to start.

Love is all we need~


3:16pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey sat down next to Alex in the car his fingers druming excitedly in the metal restraint bar. The roller coasted started out slow and slightly jerky. It made it's way up the first hill, "Ready." Kasey asked with a mischevious girn as they started to go down. Kasey longish black hair wiped around behind him as they plumited down. It made a jerky turn to the right then a quick left right after before it started to make another climb up another hill. They went down about halfway before making a quick left and going back down again. Kasey was screaming along with the rest of the people on the ride a broad smile on his face, "This is amazing!" The ride mad a couple more twists and turns before ending up at the begining again. Kasey got out of the car when the ar lifted and held his hand out to help Alex out.


3:26pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex, instead of screaming, she held onto the bar and smiled into the wind. She felt her crimson hair streaming behind her as the ride lurched forward. And as soon as it started, the ride ended. Alex smiled when she got off. Her hair was a mess. She patted it down, and pulled back into a ponytail, her choppy bangs still hanging in her face. However, it didn't bother her. She grabbed Kasey's hand, and pulled herself off of the ride. She hugged him and said, "That was awesome! What ride next?" The sun hung in the middle of the sky. It was about noon.

Love is all we need~


3:30pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 11:21pm Jun 29 2011)

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Kasey walked down the steps to get out of the way of the people coming onto the ride, "You pick this time." He said picking up her lime green stuffed dog and handing it to her. He picked up his dog and held onto it, his free arm around her shoulders to keep her close to him. He looked down at her waiting for her answer.


11:22pm Jun 29 2011

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11:26pm Jun 29 2011

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Alex looked up at the sky, thinking about what ride to take. "What about that one," she said, pointing to a ride that looked like a giant wheel. You would be strapped in, and then it would spin you around and around. She blushed at how close her and Kasey were.

Love is all we need~


11:31pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"Looks like fun." He said with a smile as he walked with her over to the ride. Again they put their stuffed animals in little fenced off area as they got in line for the ride. Kasey sat down in one of seats with Alex right next to him. He couldn't wait for the ride to start.


11:41pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex hopped onto the ride, and they began to spin around and around after being strapped in.

((We are going nowhere, so timeskippyness to night time so that they can ride the ferris wheel~))

After riding several more rides, Alex looked up at the sky. It was a full moon, and the ferris wheel was brightly lit. The ferris wheel carts were spinning. Alex turned to Kasey, who she had hooked her arm with, and said, "Wanna ride the ferris wheel?"

Love is all we need~


11:49pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((lol OK))

 "Yeah." He said looking down at her. He walked with her to the line for the fairst wheel and got into one of the carts with her. The cart rocked back and forth as they got inside it causing creeks as metal rubed against metal.


11:58pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex held onto Kasey's hand. Normally these rides lasted for about ten or twenty minutes. She put her head on his shoulder as they were lifted slowly into the air by the ferris wheel. She liked the feeling of the wind on her face. It felt like the sky was her home. It basically was. She belonged in the sky.

Love is all we need~


12:08am Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 12:08am Jun 30 2011)

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey smiled when Alex held his hand and put her head on his shoulder. He looked up at the dark night sky. The stars were twinkling faintly around the moon which seemed to admit a glow causing a ring of light around it. He looked back at their hands and how they were intertwined.


12:28am Jun 30 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((I have to go and I wont be here tomorrow or the next day.))


4:02pm Jul 7 2011

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