Silently Screaming Into the Night

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1:35pm Jul 8 2011

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9:01pm Jul 10 2011

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12:53pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex immediately felt a sort of pressure on her chest. It was almost as if someone had punched her. She doubled over, and tried to get air into her lungs. After several failed attempts at breathing, Alex blacked out.


There was darkness everywhere. It the strangest dream Alex had ever had. She walked throughout the pitch black darkness, searching for any source of light. And suddenly, the darkness turned blindingly bright. She shielded her eyes, and focused on the figure in front of her.

"Good," the figure said, moving forward. The closer the figure got, Alex began to distinguish his appearance. He was a boy, obviously, and he had wings that spread out from his back that were as white as the space around him. His hair was a white-blonde, and he appeared to be no older than Alex, maybe even younger. His eyes were the faintest of blues, and his skin was pale.

"What's so good about this?" Alex asked, rubbing her head. She felt sick. "Were you the one who made me black out?" She got up from the floor, and clenched her fists, ready to beat the crap out of this boy.

"The good thing is that you can actually see me. And yes, I was the one who made you black out. I couldn't think of anything else to make you go unconscious." He sighed. "My name is Blake. I'm guessing that you're Alex?"

"I'm not telling you my name. How can you talk to me?" Alex was nearly yelling.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. They're coming. Please help!"


Alex's eyes fluttered open. She looked around. She was exactly where she was last; the ferris wheel.

Love is all we need~


1:03pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey noticed Alex go limp and double over. He quickly grabed her and helped her sit up, "Alex?" He said trying to wake her up, "Alex?" He was getting more conserned now. Soon her eyes fluttered open though and he alowed him self to take a deep breath, "Are you OK? You blacked out for a moment there." He said. He held onto both of her hand each one placed into one of his. He looked into her eyes, "What happened?" He could tell that she didn't just pass out. She had seen something or someone.


1:14pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex wasn't going to tell Kasey. There was so much stuff going on that this would only add to their problems. "I'm fine. I just blacked out. I... I think it had to do with the fumes of the city or something." She quickly came up with an excuse, and looked away from Kasey. She already felt bad for lying to him.

Love is all we need~


1:23pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey let go of her hands letting her turn away, "OK. Yeah they are pretty toxic." He says trying to tell himself that it really was just the fumes. Alex had lied to him before but that was for jokes and pranks. He couldn't remember one time when she had just straight up lied to him. "After this ride then we should probably get you somewhere to rest then." He said. He looked forward again and tried to find some way to make himself feel better about the situation. Maybe she hit her head on the safety bar and she forgot what she saw and she didn't want me to freak out about her getting hurt. He didn't fully believe in that theory but he tforced himself to.


1:52pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409
"Yeah. We need to head out. I'm thinking that we should go further down south." Alex sighed. The ride ended quickly, and Alex got off of it with Kasey. She led him into a wooded area, and pulled her jacket off before extending her wings, and looking at Kasey. "Ready?"

Love is all we need~


2:05pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey followed and took off his jacket tieing it around his waist. He unfurled his wings and flaped them a couple times, "Ready." He headed off into the sky through a clear spot in the tree's He looked behind him to make sure Alex was following. When she caught up he asked, "So where exactly in the south should we go?"


2:25pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"As far south as we can go. I'm thinking southern Florida." She had her jacket tied around her waist also. "How do you feel about Miami?" She didn't look at Kasey. She just looked forward, her crimson hair swirling around her face. She went through her 'dream' again to try to make sense of things. When she saw the boy- Blake, she didn't hear anything from his thoughts. It was strange, and frightening.

Love is all we need~


2:58pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"Sounds good to me." He looked over at her even though she was straing forward. He could tell she was thinking but did bother to ask what it was about. He looked forward again over the forest that would soon turn into a beach connected to the vast blue ocean with foaming waves that ungulated tirelessly. The beach was filled with crowds of people enjoying their summer to the fullest as they partied all night long.

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