Silently Screaming Into the Night

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7:32pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Sorryness. Loads of issues that will take too long to explain... Let me make a bio real quick.))


7:14pm Jun 9 2011

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8:12pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 6,409

((Dart: I replied on the first page. Go look.))

Love is all we need~


8:19pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,578


Kasey landed too jogging to a stop from the momentum. "Time for food?" he asked hopefully putting on a smile as a replacement for the puppy dog face. Truthfully it didn't work when he used he just looked like a deranged kid. He folded his wings in and put on the jacket that was tied around his waste to better hide his wings. He didn't think people would take lightly a kid with black crow wings walking down the street.


8:28pm Jun 9 2011

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Alex smiled when Kasey stopped beside her. She put her denim jacket on over her wings. "Yep. Then we'll hit the beach." She patted Kasey's shoulder, her hand lingering there for a while before she said, "C'mon. I smell burgers." She pulled her hand away from Kasey's shoulder, and began walking out of the alley, drifting towards the smell of hamburgers. She stopped at the end of the alley, her blood running cold at the sight of a familiar face. She ducked back into the alley, her eyes like a wild animal's. Erasers. Three of them. They were all around the age of nineteen, and were wearing nice clothes. Although, she could still tell that they were erasers. Their smell is what gave them off. She didn't notice it sooner due to the smell of hamburgers. "Kasey," she said, shaking.

Love is all we need~


8:35pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"What?" He asked standing in the middle of the ally, "Their just burgers, Come on you love em" he said looking at her like something was wrong. The scent of the Erasers hadn't quite come to him yet over the smell of the ham burgers. He took her hand and tried to lead her out of the alleyway. Then He smelled them. The stench of their enemy finally breaking threw. He stopped and his adrenaline began to surge through him. Come on why cant they just leave us alone long enough to grab something to eat? He asked himself. This was the part of his life that he hated the most. The running. The running and the constant battles to stay alive for one more day. He couldn't take it any more. 


8:43pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"We can't let them see us," Alex said, her voice a whisper. "If they see us, they'll catch us."

Almost as if on cue, the erasers spotted the two of them. They were fast, so they overtook Alex in a matter of seconds. It took only one of them to control her, so the other two erasers grabbed Kasey.

Alex, using her telekinetic ability, broke the glass window with her mind, and sent shards of glass flying into the eraser's arm. It only made him grab her harder, and Alex yelled. "Ouch!" The eraser took both of her hands into one of his, and grabbed her hair with the other one. He yanked her head back and whispered in her ear, "Ready to go back to school?" And then she blacked out. The eraser had powers too, and he could make someone black out.

Alex laid there, limp in the eraser's paw-like hands. "C'mon, guys. Get the boy." While Alex and Kasey were on the run, the scientists had developed a second school, and it was worse than the first one.

((Dart, let them get Kasey. I have an idea, but it's a surprise. >D))

Love is all we need~


8:48pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Kasey struggled as much as he could but one eraser had his hands in one of his hands awhile the other was pinning his against the wall at the neck. He tried to kick but the other one bit down into his arm. He tried to let out a scream of agony but he couldn't even do that. The Eraser that bit him smiled his teeth red with Kasey's blood. The other chuckled before squeasing Kasey's neck harder causing him to pass out. The last thing he heard was the Erasers chuckling as they picked up Kasey and Alex. 


9:05pm Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex woke up to a room that greatly resembled a hotel room. She was in a bed, and her clothes had been changed. She was now in a white skin-tight long sleved shirt that was thin, and let her skin breathe. She was also wearing shorts that were white, extremely short, and skin-tight. She got up, but fell to her knees. Where was she?

She walked to the only door in the room, and tried to open it. It was locked. She banged on it and yelled, "Where's Kasey?!" Her voice was hoarse, but she didn't care. She kicked the door, leaving a big dent in it. Tears were streaming down her face, and Alex wasn't one to cry, but she was worried about Kasey.

Finally, a man opened her door to find her on the floor, crying. "Um..."

"Where's Kasey?!" Alex yelled through her tears.

"Oh, the guy that the erasers brought you in with?"

"Yes, that's him."

"He's in the recovery room. The erasers were a bit... rough with him," the man said, looking down. He looked to be in his late twenties.

Alex stopped crying and said, "Why are we here?"

"When the last school was destroyed, we created a new one. Except we figured out an entertaining way to test our subjects." The man paused. "The facility that you are in is the second school. It is much, much larger than the old one. We have an arena in the center of the facility. There, we place subjects and have them fight eachother. When one is knocked out, we know that they must be improved. The champion is fine, though."

"Wait. Where are my clothes?"

"We changed you into your team's uniform. Your team's color is white. Luckily for you, you and- Oh, what was his name? - Kasey, have been placed into the same team. You two will fight alongside eachother. Each team consists of two people, and each team has a different color."

"So, is Kasey okay?" Alex said, her eyes worried.

"Yes. He's fine. He's just a bit scraped up. The team shares a room, so he should be in here soon."

That lifted a weight off of Alex's chest. Now she knew that Kasey was okay.

Love is all we need~


9:53pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Bump. It's getting interesting.))

Love is all we need~


11:43pm Jun 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Yes it is ))

Kasey woke up a groan as his head turned to the side. He opened his eyes slowly as he began to feel a pain in his head like his brain was being poked at by an intreged Five-year-old. He instinctively brought one of his hands to his temal and tried to sit up. His head was thobing which made him groan again. He reaized he was in a bed. He looked around and saw white walls. Nothing but white walls and the white hospital style bed he was in. He looked at himself now clothed in a form fitting white V-neck T-shirt, white jeans, and white nerses shoes. 

"I didn't even know jeans came in white." were the first words to come out of his mouth. Obviously he wasn't too consered at the moment about where he was. 

He heard voices and the sound of footsteps outside the single white door in the room. It opened up and a couple of Erasers came in, "Time to go kid" they said with an evil grin as each of them took an arm. One grabbed him where the previous eraser had bitten him, "Hey watch it!" He said trying to pull away from the man but he only held tighter untill the pain made Kasey scream, "Stop!" He yelled witch apparently to them was funny because it made them chuckle. The pulled his out of the room and down several hallways before they got to one that seemed like it beloned to a hotel. "Where is Alex and where are you taking me?" He asked figuring they wouldn't tell him but it was worth a shot. All they did was open a door and shove him in quickly shutting the door and locked it. He turned back towards the door and kicked it. He turned back around and ran a hand threw his hair looking at the ground trying to figure a way out. He let out a sigh and looked up to see Alex. His eyes grew big and he huged her tight.


1:08pm Jun 11 2011

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2:58pm Jun 11 2011

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Alex was suddenly hugged by Kasey, which only made her cry even more. She buried her head in his shoulder, and let it all out. She wrapped her arms around him and said through her tears, "I thought you were dead."

The man left, and locked the door. Alex sniffled, and pulled away. Her face was red.

Love is all we need~


10:31pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 5,578
He was defiantly glad that Alex wasn't hurt and was alive but now they needed to get out. "I'm Ok." He said his eyes watery but he wasn't about to cry...anymore. "We need to try to get out of here. Have any ideas?" He asked. They didn't have time to sit around and cry because they were happy to see that they were both alive although that would be great at the moment. They needed to get out. He looked arou d the room for something that might help them but of course there was nothing. No windows, outlets, nothing. He sat down on the bed and thought. He didn't come up with anything sadly. "Did that guy tell you anything?" He asked remembering that there was a man in the room whn he was shuved into the place.


10:56pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex took in a deep breath and sighed. "I've already scanned the room, and there's no way that we're getting out. The walls are concrete, and there are no windows... The only other room that there is in here, is a bathroom." She pointed to the bathroom, which was relatively large.

She took in a deep breath again and explained to Kasey what was going on. "We're stuck here, and we're on the same team. We have to fight others like us, or we'll get experimented on again. Our team color is white, and they changed our clothes." Alex suddenly felt violated when she spoke that last sentence.

Love is all we need~


11:07pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey cringed at Alex's last words obviously thinking the same thing she was. "Well at least we wont have to fight each other. How much would suck?" He said more as a statement than a question. He was definatlt angry that they were so helpless. No besides being treated like animals they were the erasers and the white coats personal entertainment. That was low even for them. Ok well maybe not them but still that brings a new meaning to the word low. He couldn't believe it. They had just escaped only to be captured again and put into the 'New and improved' school. Great. He ploped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling letting out an anoyed sigh. "I hate this place" was all he said though he didn't really need to.


11:16pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex found herself curling up into a ball, and putting her head onto her knees. She was truly sad. She had been traumatized by the scientists, and this was like reliving it. Her crimson hair was all in her face, but she didn't seem to care. Her thoughts were elsewhere. She wasn't hungry anymore, so they must've tube fed them or something. She dug her fingernails into her calves until they bled, and she groaned.

Love is all we need~


11:22pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey refused to be helpless but there wasn't much they could do about the situation. He sat up after a while and looked at Alex. She looked terrible. Not as in she didn't look good in her new clothes, she looked great in them but she looked so depressed and beaten. He got off the bed and sat down next to her. "We're going to find a way to get out of here. I promiss" He said as he put an around her and oulled her close. He hoped he could some how make her feel safe and sucure perhapse happyer even but he doubted cracking any jokes would help her out at the moment.


12:16am Jun 12 2011

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Alex found herself wrapping her arms around Kasey, too. She felt safe in his arms. He had always been there for her. Her hands shook, and her back quivered.

A man stopped at the door and said, "Your first match isn't until tomorrow at noon. Rest up." Even though he didn't open the door, his voice was clearly audible. He walked away, and the sound of his footsteps faded.

Alex said, "Thanks for the promise, but it's going to be a while before we get out of this hellhole."

Love is all we need~


4:17pm Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"Well at least this hell hole is comfy." He said for some reason feeling kind of greatful that they weren't in the old school. Be fore they were locked into cages causing them to be cramped and uncomforterble to say the least. Now they had a bed, a bathroom, and chairs. This was definatly an upgrade for the school. But being greatfull shouldn't be mistaken for wanting to stay here. He still couldn't wait to get out of here.

"When we do have to battle or whatever they call it here we're going to kick some ass right." He said. As long as they were here he wasn't going to be tested on again. He didn't feel right about hurting people like them but he wasn't here to make friends; He was here to get out with Alex.

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