5:52pm Jun 12 2011
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Alex nodded. "As long as they have objects in the battle area, I can pelt our opponents with them." She wiped the blood off of her calves, and sighed. She noticed that there were two dressers in the room. She looked into one, only to find that it held boys' clothes. And they were all white. She looked into the other one, and found out that it held girls' clothes. She pulled out some clothes, and looked at Kasey. "While I'm here, I might as well take advantage of the shower." She said, putting on a weak smile. She walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. Great. It didn't have a lock. It hit her that the scientists didn't want them hiding in the bathroom with the door locked so that they wouldn't have to battle. She sighed, and sat down on the counter where the sink was.
Love is all we need~
6:04pm Jun 12 2011
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He noded when she said she would be in the shower. He stood up and sat down in the chair on one side of the bed. He wasn't sure what to do. Sleep maybe?. But he wasn't tired. He sat their his arms placed on the arm rests and just sat. He didn't do anything except studie the room. See if he could see anything he didn't see befor in his rage. He sw up in all the corners of the room were sucurity cameras. He didn't seem suprised by this so he continued looking. Nothing out of the ordinary, Just a bed, chairs, two wardrobes, and a bathroom. He ran a hand threw his dark hair and buzzed his lips together. He thought about his impossible promis he made to Alex. His teeth clenched. No it's not impossible. We will get out of here. He said to himself though he didn't have any idea how he would do that.
6:15pm Jun 12 2011
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Alex turned the shower on full blast, let the water heat up, and took her clothes off. She got into the shower, and sat down. She let the water hit her back. Tears were streaming down her face. This wasn't home. This wasn't a good place to be. They would stick her with needles, and run tests on her. After a few minutes of sitting on the shower floor, Alex got up, and washed herself off. The water and the soap stung the cuts that her fingernails had made on her calves, but she didn't care. The pain took her mind off of other things. She washed her hair, and turned the shower off. She got out and wrapped a towel around herself. She dried off the best that she could, and put a new pair of clothes on; a pair of knee-length skin-tight shorts, and a fitted t-shirt. Both were white. Alex walked out of the bathroom, her hair still wet. Why are all of the clothes for me skin-tight? she wondered.
Love is all we need~
6:29pm Jun 12 2011
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Kasey turned his head to look at Alex as she got out of the shower. Her eyes were red and slightly puffy meaning that she had recently cried. He felt bad but figured that she needed some alone time. "I wonder who the other teams are?" He said. He doubted he would know anyone from the other teams because he didn't know anyone else besides Alex. He had even forgoten who his parents were. He was given to the school at about three and slowly his memories of them faded. His mind didn't drift to them much any more mostly because he didn't really know them any more. To him they were just the couple who gave brirth to him and gave him to the shv=cool all those years ago.
6:34pm Jun 12 2011
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Alex was in a sort of daze. She walked over to the bed, and sighed. The clock beside the bed said that it was nine o'clock at night. She wondered how long she had been knocked out. It must've been a while, because she was captured at noon. She reached her hand out, and it wrested on the chair that Kasey was sitting in. She inched her hand up to his, and twined her fingers in his. She squeezed his hand, and sighed. She had heard Kasey mention his parents before. Unlike Kasey, Alex had no clue who her parents were. She was told that they were very young and reckless, and that her mom was only fifteen when she gave birth to Alex.
Love is all we need~
6:42pm Jun 12 2011
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Kasey's hand tingled when Alex touched him.He squeezed her hand too before looking back to her. He a small smile tuged at the corners of his lips. "I wonder what the battle are gonna be like." He said the small smile fading as he thought about it. Was it going to be like that thing in rome where the gladiators fought to the death for the on lookers entertainment? Or would it be more like a maze where you put a rat in to find the cheese at the other end but with a deadly twist. As he thought about it the less he wanted to know. The thought of actually dieing scared him yet he had been in many near death experiences.
6:44pm Jun 12 2011
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Before Alex could answer, she fell asleep. Her hand was still in Kasey's, but it was limp. She just wanted to sleep. You would think that after being knocked out for over five hours that she would be well rested, but she was exhausted instead.
Love is all we need~
6:56pm Jun 12 2011
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Kasey looked at Alex as he hand fell limp and saw that she was sleeping. He smiled and bit and gently let go of her hand and placed closer next to her. He stood up and looked around for another blanket.He found a good sized one and set it down on top of her. He sat back down in the chair and looked at her for a moment ebfore falling asleep himself. ((Sould we do a time skip of do you have a dream for Alex that you want to post?))
12:50am Jun 13 2011
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((Nah. I have a timeskipness~)) Alex woke up to find the alarm clock beside her bed flashing in big red numbers that it was nine in the morning. She had slept for twelve hours. She noticed that Kasey was across from her. She smiled and sent him a message through her head. Wake up, sleepyhead, she pushed the message into Kasey's head with her telepathic powers. She stretched, and pushed the blanket off of herself.
Love is all we need~
7:20pm Jun 13 2011
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Kasey woke up the sound of Alex's voice in his head. He didn't want to wake up so he groaned and turned over in the chair to face the wall. His hair was a mess some how even though he hadn't tossed and turned all night but other than that he looked the same as yesterday. Suprisingly enough the chair was comfy. It was padded quite a bit and fit him perfectly as if it were made for him.
10:57pm Jun 13 2011
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Get up. It's nine o'clock. Alex got out of the bed, and began poking Kasey in the ribs. "Get up~" She felt much better after sleeping, but she still wasn't back to her normal self. She yawned, and stretched again. "Don't make me sit on you."
Love is all we need~
5:33pm Jun 14 2011
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Kasey made a funny face as Alex poked him in the ribs and mummbled something along the lines of, "Ok i'm up just stope pocking me in the ribs." He slowly opened his eyes his vistion a bit blury at first but after a few blinks he could clearly see his red headed companion in front of him as she yawned. He sat up and cracked his neck. "So....I wonder if they have room service?" He asked as he cracked his back by turning half way around in the chair. He stood up and walked over the closet that held the clothes that aparently were ment for him. He grabed some and walked into the bathroom to change. He put on his fresh new polo shirt, jeans, and running shoes. Much better than the nurses shoes before. He said to himself. He walked back out and un furled his aching wings. He flaped them a couple times to get them aired out. "Feels nice" He said.
6:12pm Jun 14 2011
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Alex's tawny wings were peeking over her shoulders. She shook them, and a feather fell to the ground. Just as she did that, a man came to the door and opened it. He smiled and said, "Time for breakfast. Follow me." Alex gave him a who-do-you-think-you-are? look. The man let out a growl, and Alex gave in. She turned back towards Kasey, and hooked her arm under his. Our best chance of escaping is while we're in the arena. It will make things much easier. There won't be scientists everywhere, and everyone will be distracted. She pushed that message into his head, grinning as she did so.
Love is all we need~
4:57pm Jun 15 2011
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Kasey quickly closed his wings when the man opened the door just out of panik he guessed. Yay! Food! He said to himself as he licked his lips. He hooked arms with Alex and walked with her to the....dining room I guess the word is. He got her meaasage and looked at her to tell her he got the message. His mind qickly drifted back to the thought of food. Would it be nasty goo like back at the old school or actual sausages, eggas, pancakes, and orange jucie? His stomach gurgled quite loudly.
5:25pm Jun 15 2011
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((Hey I just thought I should tell you that i'm going to be leaving in about a hour and a half and i'm going to my friends mountain house (they don't have internet) for five days. Just thought I should give you a heads up))
2:39pm Jun 20 2011
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Alex looked around at the food. Meat. Lots and lots of meat. She smiled. If Alex was an animal, she would definately be a carnivore. She grabbed a plate, and began to load sausage, bacon, eggs, and two waffles onto her plate. She sat down at a two-person table, and wated for Kasey. She shoved some eggs into her mouth, and swallowed. Although they were stuck in a school, the food wasn't bad.
Love is all we need~
9:56pm Jun 20 2011
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Kasey's eyes seemed to almost pop out of his head when he saw all the food. His mouth watered and he wasted no time taking a plate and filling his plate with waffles smothered in maple syrup and butter, random yummy looking pastries from who knows where, a multitued of sausages, and his favorite, fried chiken. He wasn't sure why they had fried chiken for breakfast but he didn't care. He shovled as much of the stuff onto his plate as he could fit. He sat down at the table Alex was ate and began to eat. The food here was like hevan although that could just be because he hadn't had a decent meal in ages but oh well. "I wonder what the battles will be like." He managed to say through a mouth full of sausage.
10:37pm Jun 20 2011
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"I don't know, Kasey. But I think they shouldn't be too hard." She looked around, her eyes resting on Kasey's. Strange things were happening to her, lately. She was beginning to think of Kasey as more than a friend. She shook her head away, and sighed. Even though she could read minds, she couldn't read his, and it bothered her day and night.
Love is all we need~
10:54pm Jun 20 2011
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He figured that would Alex's answer and it didn't bother him much. They would go into the battle and take out their oponents to live another day untested and hopefully free. He looked around the room at the other expirements. Some looked miserable and other just fine. Each pair was waring diffrent colors but every one was waring the same style clothes. That kind of bothered him a bit. It was like the color of thier aparell was the only way to tell any one apart. He tried not to think about that and looked back to Alex. He could tell she was thinking something by the way she looked at him but he didn't want to asked. She seemed a bit emotional since they got here. That didn't suprise him. They had just become free just to be put right back into another school. He looked back to his food and continued eating.
11:28pm Jun 20 2011
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Alex shoveled the rest of her food down, and drank her glass of whole milk. She wiped her mouth, and sighed. The only bad thing about having white clothes is that you stuck out like a sore thumb. There were many shades of red in the room, and also many shades of gray. However, there was only one shade of white, and one shade of black. She kind of wished that she had gotten the black uniform. It would've helped her not seem so... white.
Love is all we need~