Silently Screaming Into the Night

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10:22pm Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey was releaved thta she said yes but what were they going to do now? He wanted to run around or fly or do something active instead of just sitting here. He buzzed his lips together as he thought about nothing. His htoughts jumped from breakfast to Alex, to what carnivals were like then back to Alex. Now he kind of wanted the battles to start just so he could get some excersize in. He looked back to Alex who was staring at the ceiling. He bit his lip, "where shoudl we go when we get out of here?" He asked. Going back to Vages probably wouldn't be the best place to go but maybe Florida?


10:28pm Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"We should go somewhere under the radar. I'm thinking Louisiana." Alex's eyes flooded with tears. She didn't even know why she was crying. Oh yeah, she had been shoved into a room right after she'd escaped, and she was currently terrified. Everyone there was either too quiet, or tried to flirt with her. She hated it all. She wished this was a real school, and not the school.

Love is all we need~


10:38pm Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey nodded and saw Alex's eyes fill with tears. He made he sit up and wiped the tears from her face with the edge of his shirt. He huged her close to him trying to make her feel safe. He didn't like it here. It seemed to nice to be real and the sooner they got of this place the better. He wanted his life to be just a horrible nightmare that he would soon wake up from.


10:42pm Jun 21 2011

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Alex buried her face in Kasey's chest, and slowly stopped crying. Being close to him made her feel safe. She took in a shaky breath, and balled her fists up in his shirt.

Pretend that I'm dead. Alex pushed the message into Kasey's head. She had just got the best idea as to how to get out of there. The scientists will come and be all panicky. We'll escape.

Alex went limp, and she slowed her breathing down so that her chest didn't move when she pulled air in.

Love is all we need~


10:52pm Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey got her massage and did what she wanted. He slight smirk came over his face. How does she come up with theses things. He thought sad thoughts to make himself become teary eyes before he whent over to the door. He kicked it and banged on it. "Open up!" He yelled his fake tears streaming down his face. "She's...She's dead!" He yelled again. He hoped Alex's idea would work because if it didn't he had a feeling nothing good would happen.


12:57pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Scientists busted through the door. "Subject 667 is dead!" they all yelled in a blur of words. They began to move toward Alex. Just as one of them got to the bed, she jumped up, and cleared the way by pushing them aside. Her reddish brown wings extended from her back, and she winked at Kasey. In the scientists' panic, they had forgotten to close the door. She ran out of the door. The hallways were too small for them to fly. She looked back, waiting for Kasey to follow. As soon as he would come out, Alex would close the door and lock the scientists in.

Love is all we need~


2:00pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey wasted no time in following Alex. He kicked one of them in the shin though just for the sake of it. Kasey helped Alex shut the door and lock it before they began trying to find their way out of this place. The halls created a maze of some sort that was very confuzing in his rush od adrenaline and panic. To bad there weren't any glowig gree 'Exit' signs showing them where to turn next.


6:28pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex locked into one of the scientist's minds. And there was her answer as to where the exit was. She grabbed Kasey's hand, and began running through the hallways. Luckily, no alarms were blaring in their ears. She took a right, another right, and then three lefts. She came to a stop in front of a door. She pushed it open, and sunlight shone on her face. She smiled, and catapulted herself into the air. She flew into the sky, not going too fast in fear that she might leave Kasey behind.

Love is all we need~


6:33pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey followed Alex and launched himself off the ground and unfurled his wings. He flaped his wings a couple times so that he was flying right next to Alex. He looked at her a broad smile on his face, "Nice thinking." He said before looking back at the new school. No one was standing at the door yelling at them which made him feel good. The last thing they needed right now was something sent after them. He looked forward as he flaped his wings harder trying to get as far away from there as fast as possible. He knew Alex was following so he didn't bother to slow down.


6:42pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Alex caught up with Kasey and said, "We escaped. A tear of happiness dripped out of each of her eyes. "We're safe now." She smiled, and basked in the sunlight. It had been a little over a day since she had felt the sun's warmth on her skin, and she never appreciated it more than right then.

Love is all we need~


7:29pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"And I plan to keep it that way." He let the tip of his wing skim hers. He turned onto his back and and looked up into the bright blue morning sky. His hand were behind his head and he let out a content sigh. He let the sun warm his body. "We need to get new clothes these just aren't cutting it for me." He said turning back onto his stomach as he looked at her.


8:08pm Jun 22 2011

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"Yeah. Good point." Alex pulled a couple of hundred dollar bills out of her back pocket. She smirked at the sight of them. Some unlucky scientist hadn't watched his back in all of the panic, and had gotten robbed by sneaky Alex. She began counting them. Five-hundred dollars. Perfect.

Love is all we need~


8:15pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey shook his head with a smirk, "Of corse you picked their pockets on our way out. Of corse you did." He looked down to see what they were flying over. So far just miles and miles of trees but he could see some tall buildings and bright signs off in the distance. He pointed to the place where poeple obviously were, "We should stop near there." He said


8:51pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 6,409
"Yeah. With this much money, we could afford a motel. After all, it is getting kinda chilly out..." Alex rubbed her arms. "So, I'm not hungry. Are you?" She listened to the sounds of the forest below them. A wolf howling, birds chirping, and some deer running. All of it was so free, just like Alex and Kasey.

Love is all we need~


9:01pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"Sounds like a good plan." He saw she was cold and looked down again. They were close enough to the city that should drop down so that no one see's them. "Naw i'm not hungrey yet either." He began the decent making sure Alex was close behind.


9:07pm Jun 22 2011

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Alex followed Kasey, and landed beside him. "Although, I could go for some ice cream. I haven't had that stuff in ages." She licked her chapped lips just thinking about it. The last time she had ice cream was when she was... eleven years old. That stuff was like eating a chocolate cloud. Absolutely. Amazing. Alex landed before Kasey, and dusted herself off. She waited for him patiently.

Love is all we need~


9:15pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey landed after Alex, "Ice Cream sounds nice." He said closeing his eyes a smile on his face as he face upwards and let out a content sigh as he tryed to remember what ice cream tasted like. It was cold he rembered that much and he rembered that he allways got the peanutbutter ice cream. But what it tasted like. He hadn't had it for about oh...9-10 years. Oh well. He was going to remember soon.


9:20pm Jun 22 2011

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Alex noticed that her wings didn't have a place to hide. "Sh!t, Kasey." She rubbed her temples. "We don't have any jackets to hide our wings..." She then looked out into the street. An anime convention was going on. Tons of people were wearing costumes. "Perfect!" Alex grabbed his hands.

People will think that the wings are a part of our costumes. We'll just walk into a clothing store, find some clothes, and get jackets. She sent the message into Kasey's head, smiling as she did so.

She walked out into the crowded street. Luckily, people were distracted. She took Kasey along with her into the crowd. They blended in perfectly.

Love is all we need~


9:40pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Kasey followed Alex into the crowed. It was loud and crowded. He cringed. He hated croweds and loud noises but he could handle it for a few minutes while they looked for a good place to get clothes. Most of the poeple seemed to be waring the same constumes. "Must be a populare anime...thingy." He said pointing out a group all waring the same thing.


9:44pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Alex pointed to a department store. A JCPenny's. She walked towards it, making sure not to let go of Kasey's hand. She entered the store, immediately feeling better. It wasn't near as crowded in there. In fact, there were only a few people in the entire three-story store. She looked at the signs, and went up the escalator to where the juniors' clothes were. She had no clue where Kasey would have to look for clothes. She only knew that he was muscular, and tall. She looked around for a pair of denim shorts; what she usually wore.

Love is all we need~

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